Summer came to visit.
By lincslass
Up today to a beautiful sunny morning so gardening was my priority, I`ve mowed the lawns, cut two hedges and let myself loose with the pruning shears, in fact I stayed out until my evening meal was ready which my daughter prepared for us..
The Ceanotus is now cut back and down before it escaped over the fence into my neighbours..
My Berberis showing a bit of colour, I was a bit concerned when it all turned green…
The Hydrangea is doing a bit better this year and the Fuschias are now perking up as well…
Flowers appearing on the beans at long last…
Not many apples again this year but the plum tree is loaded, my cucumbers and tomato`s are doing well in the g`houses and I have two buckets of carrots that appear to be doing well, only time will tell..
Morgan and Brynner also enjoyed themselves today and for once Brynner did not try and help with the pruning…
However both boys were very disappointed when I went in for my dinner and did not invite them..
21 Jul, 2012
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Great blog Lincslass, we had sun today and I gardened too.
21 Jul, 2012
Looks lovely, so nice in fact that tomorrow you can just enjoy the sunshine [hopefully!]and admire all your hard work!
21 Jul, 2012
Paul it was brilliant being able to stay outside all day, I really enjoyed myself, I`m always pulling those daisies out as they would soon take over, they are allowed in certain places though, always leave a terrible smell on ones hands..
21 Jul, 2012
We have to make the most of our sunny days Drc, might not get another one for a while, I haven`t seen the forecast but hoping it stays good..
Wildrose I really hope you are right, although I am s`posed to be stripping wallpaper tomorrow, no chance of that if the sun is out again, lol....
21 Jul, 2012
Lovley blog..things are looking great in your garden ..the dogs too :)))) and well done!
21 Jul, 2012
Lovely blog. It's great to get out in the sunshine and get the jobs done in the garden instead of just looking through the window at the rain!!
21 Jul, 2012
Is Brynner lifting the latch there ? Lol
21 Jul, 2012
Pimpernel he hasn`t yet worked it out which is amazing as he opens all the doors inside, we lock the kitchen door sometimes just to make him stay outside for a while, he seems to be under the impression that a dog should only be outside if the mistress is with him, lol....
21 Jul, 2012
Some lovely flowers there. The hydrangea is a pretty shade and I like the berberis - haven't seen that one before. What a lot of hard work - great that your daughter made the meal - you must have been ready for it!
21 Jul, 2012
Thanks Stera, I`m afraid I forget to eat when I`m gardening, lol, hubby comes and says what times dinner on many occasion...
21 Jul, 2012
Lovely blog...look at those two could you :)
21 Jul, 2012
Isn't it nice to have some warmth ! and the sunshine is wonderful too.
I'm glad you were able to make the most of it, and nice to have your meal made for you.
The two boys look well and seem to be enjoying the summer weather too :o)
22 Jul, 2012
Nice to see everything doing so well,Sue..your Fuchsias are further on than mine..The Hypericums have gone mad this year,haven't they? ..A lovely day here yesterday too..but it is quite windy today,taking the edge of the warmth ..hope it gets better as the day progresses ..
22 Jul, 2012
AHHHH! you are awfull sue lol
glad you got things done today, we went out for a walk to enjoy the sun, now im hoping its going to stay as i need to cut my grass tomoz if poss, great pics and the Lads look great to :o))
22 Jul, 2012
Brilliant pictures - two lovely dogs, mine would bark like crazy until I gave in and let him in. lol. Must be well behaved doggies. Loved the blog :o)
22 Jul, 2012
You have worked hard but you obviously love it and it looks great. I'm the same when I'm in the garden; eating gets forgotten. Your two boys are absolutely gorgeous.
2 Aug, 2012
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lovely Lincslass - we had some of that daisy stuff - it really spreads!!! your garden has lovely bright flowers ! bless your dogs :)))))))))) great when summer does actually get us :)))
21 Jul, 2012