Best Place in the Country....
By lincslass
According to the Sunday Times I live in the best place in Britain, I am biased of course but I already knew that.
They also say we are snobbish, I prefer to think of it as being proud, lol…………
19 Mar, 2013
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Exactly Louisa, lots of us are lucky enough to think where we live is the best place and rightly so, I do love my town but have seen places just as lovely.......
19 Mar, 2013
Well, it is a beautiful place!
19 Mar, 2013
Looks very nice.I shall have to venture up that way sometime.Only ever been to Lincs to visit Skegness........not so nice, in my opinion.But would like to stop in Spalding some time too!!!! only ever passed through!!
20 Mar, 2013
I think the Rutland and Stamford Mercury is the best newspaper in the country !
20 Mar, 2013
I love Stamford. I still have a few "old" mates living there.....the lads from the 60´s pop group "Cupids Inspiration" were all mates of mine...happy memories.
20 Mar, 2013
oh to live in Stamford, that is such a pretty place. Home sweet Home. Good that Lincolnshire got some good press at last. :O)
20 Mar, 2013
You'd be at home in Lincs, Snoopdog! they grows lot of cabbages there, like you!!!!
20 Mar, 2013
I've been to and through Stamford a few times Lincs, it is a lovely place :o))
20 Mar, 2013
Paul our son lives in Boston,so get to go that way quite a lot but with the bypass we haven't stopped off there for years,never have seen the Flower Parade and cannot remember ever visiting Springfields, although we did used to tour the Tulip Fields many moons ago...
Snoop the worst ones are over near Crowland, now those roads really give me the creeps, too near that darn river for my liking as well...
Diane thats the only paper we buy now, "Britains Oldest Newspaper" was very disappointed when they altered the size and made it the same as the others, it was always the done thing to lay the paper out on the floor to read it, lol....
Rogi I went last summer to see "Cupids Inspiration " they were on at the Corn Exchange in Broad Street played to a packed house so still have lots of fans, even if we are all old codgers now.........
20 Mar, 2013
When the girls were swimming we used to go to the Tulip Open Meet at the Spalding Pool, we always tried to get away from the pool to see the tulip parade go by. Great memories.
20 Mar, 2013
Hi Sue ..
Looks a lovely place to live :o)
20 Mar, 2013
Yorkshire, North Staffordshire, Derbyshire, Pembrokeshire - what great places I've lived in. How to choose? They are all different and all fantastic. But I do prefer somewhere with some hills! Tend to panic a bit when everywhere is flat and even welcome the sight a hump backed bridge!
20 Mar, 2013
Hiya Terra, home is where the heart is, lol......
Stera I do know what you mean but we are where the four counties meet so not completely flat here, lol.....
20 Mar, 2013
Yes, LincsL, I've seen lots of pictures of the flower parade in Spalding....I must go one day !
20 Mar, 2013
What a lovely place. Where is it ? I love that river, and the cathedral looks interesting. You're lucky to live there :o)
20 Mar, 2013
I didn't realise you lived in this part of Lincolnshire , Sue! I have only ever lived here on the east coast, and our town Grimsby was a lovely town once, but not anymore I'm sorry to say! Still its home and we love our home!
I've only ever driven past Stamford, now I'm curious and will have to visit it! It sounds lovely.
20 Mar, 2013
Very picturesque, Lincs.
You can have a few of our hills, if you'd like. Lol.
Can I assume you've an image of Scotland, when you mention 'God's country'. Bilbo? Lol.
No place like home...
20 Mar, 2013
Hywel its right on the borders of Lincolnshire, Rutland, Cambridshire and Northamptonshire, we are the first town in England and Wales to be given conservation status, our welcome sign says "Stay Awhile Amidst its Ancient Charms" we do have youngsters as well though,
The first pic is All Saint`s Church, its in the town square, I think it was growing up here gave me my love of history, even as a kid I was always curious about all the old buildings and traditions, also the famous people connected to the town, even as a kid I liked to do my research.....
20 Mar, 2013
A swot, eh, Lincs, ;-)
20 Mar, 2013
Lol, only on the things I was interested in Mouldy, I still watch repeats of Time Team on Sky....
21 Mar, 2013
Your photos do look lovely, a bit like Lichfield near to where i live. I think we should all be proud of where we live and if it was in the paper.. well be VERY proud!!!:-)
21 Mar, 2013
You certainly do live in a pretty place Lincs. We usually stop off here on our way up to Scarborough, and have a cuppa and a break :) Love your photos.
21 Mar, 2013
I'm slowly going chartreuse with envy at seeing how the other half lives ... such a lovelly place, don't blame you for being proud of it.
21 Mar, 2013
I could not afford some of the places in the town centre Fran, nor some of the posh ones on the outskirts, I am definitely not one of the other half, lol, mind you I wouldn't want one in towncentre as they have no gardens and most have issues with the parking, it happens everywhere, lots of new buildings popped up in recent years, all down in the town have to conform and blend in, got to be made to look old even when brand new....
21 Mar, 2013
Same as me Lincs, but I found it also depended on the teacher.
If they're enthusiastic weans (kids) pick up the bug, too. Love Time-team as well.
Nostalgia, it's not what it used to be, is it? Lol.
21 Mar, 2013
lol LIncs, anywhere out of inner London is "the other half", or nine-tenths. I'm bidding for housing in five counties, but no luck so far - mind you, I'm aiming high but then, I've got one-bed ground floor with private garden, so I'm pretty high up the tree already.
I could have moved months ago were I to bid for an upper-storey flat with no garden. But I want to have my cake AND eat it! even a communal garden is no garden to me: if you can't dig in it and get your hands dirty and make your back ache then it's not a proper garden. Winchester is a lovely city, but - no garden on city-centre properties.
21 Mar, 2013
Fran you must absolutely wait for one with a garden - you would be unhappy without! Hang on in there.
21 Mar, 2013
Sorry Fran I never thought, I agree with Stera you stay put unless one comes up with a garden, you do achieve a lot considering how limited you are with space, I also cannot see you enjoying anywhere without the area to grow your plants, did you ever enquire about the green patch over the fence that you mentioned....
21 Mar, 2013
Thanks, Stereagram. I'm determined not to settle for half a loaf. only prob is, I have no priority (being double disabled doesn't seem to count for anything) so even if I'm first to bid for a property, which I often am (stay up till one minute after midnight, when the lists open) I can end up 173rd in the queue. so I'm only likely to be offered places that no one else wants, and if no one else wants them, there's probably a good reason for it!
Someone suggested I take any place, and, once I'm in, THEN apply for another property; at least I'll be living in the county at the time and that should give me some priority. But I'm 60, getting old, lol - I don't want to keep packing and unpacking: once will be exciting enough!
still, fingers crossed; something will turn up eventually. or not, of course!
22 Mar, 2013
60 isn't old Fran. I'm over 70 and only just beginning to admit that maybe old is just round the corner. Make the most of what strength you have now. Ten out of Ten for all your efforts.
Snoop, loved your comment - only just seen it.Lol.
22 Mar, 2013
He's taking the Mick Stera, lol....
22 Mar, 2013
lol Steragram - someone once said that old age is ten years older than he is, however old he is!
22 Mar, 2013
Hi Lincs it does look a nice and lovely pictures, I can understand why you are proud to live there! Im a Lancashire Lass born and bred, give me the rugged scenery and the Pennies, and small mill towns oozing character and warmth i cant imagine living anywhere else ;0)
23 Mar, 2013
I am the same Pansy, I love to visit other places obviously but home is my town and always will be.......
24 Mar, 2013
Looks like a nice place to live in. :-))
I'm curious as to the house in your 4th photo, the one between the church behind it & the very thin "spire" in front of it. There is a very similar building here, a pub called the Barley Mow. I have no idea if it was once a house & then later converted into a pub as it has always been a pub since we moved here in the mid 60s.
25 Mar, 2013
We often spend a weekend in Lincoln and never miss the chance to visit Stamford we love it especially on the market day it,s brilliant so much lovely fresh food :o)
25 Mar, 2013
It is a pub Balcony, The Golden Fleece, would you believe that thin spire is someones idea of a modern day Queen Eleanour's Cross and the steeple behind it is the church in the first pic All Saints......
26 Mar, 2013
Just been trying to work out where you were, when you said you were only about 5 miles from Rutland water, and then I read your next blog!! Been to Stamford many a time. :-)))
26 Mar, 2013
What a coincidence that both building are pubs!
26 Mar, 2013
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It does look a very attractive place, but of course I'd have to say Cheshire is even nicer!;)
19 Mar, 2013