Summertime is OH SO GOOD!!!!!!.
By lincslass
There were at least eight Peacocks on one of the Buddhlia’s all at the same time and another four that I spotted on another bush in my garden this afternoon, plus loads of the cabbage whites, getting quite a lot of bees around this year as well…….
This lovely clematis succumbed to wilt a very long time ago and reappeared about 3yrs back, just shows its best to leave the plant in situ if possible as you just might be lucky…
I wasn’t busy today but the garden was, it wasn’t too hot either just perfect for the visitors……
7 Aug, 2013
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Lovely blog Lincs.... it's lovely to see so many bees and butterflys in the garden. You've got some lovely plants there :-)
7 Aug, 2013
Isn't it nice to have a summer to really enjoy., even though there is that stillness about today, that hints of autumn, not yet please!
7 Aug, 2013
I'm loving the temperature today and a little breeze to go with it, what a delight to be able to wander around our gardens and watch the creatures busy at their work. Lovely Lincs. :)
7 Aug, 2013
Lovely visitors :o)
7 Aug, 2013
It was the mist this morning that made me think of the A word.....
We have had a lovely summer though haven't we. :0)
lovely to see the butterflies and bees responding too
7 Aug, 2013
It's nice that you've seen those butterflies. We've had lots of bumble bees but not many ordinary ones. And only white butterflies.
Your garden is doing well. The weather is kinder these days, but I've noticed the days drawing in a little bit. Still, there's plenty of time left for some nice weather yet :o)
7 Aug, 2013
When I started work as an apprentice gardener, 50 years ago, 1 of my fondest memories was looking over the grassed areas of the park, and seeing the early morning mist hovering over it, and that was early august, Derek.
7 Aug, 2013
wonderful photos and lots of lovely butterflies and bees. Great blog Lincs!
7 Aug, 2013
Your garden is screaming summer Lincs!
Good to hear you have so many butterflies and other visiting you today :)
BTW - those apples look delicious!
7 Aug, 2013
Wonderful photo's good to see the butterflies & bees and the shinny green fly or beetle ? On the hydrangea.
7 Aug, 2013
I've never seen so many butterflies and bees in donkeys years, the bushes are alive with them again this morning, still no ladybirds, although the roses aren't being attacked by greenfly as yet so they are probably off feeding in someone elses garden.
My everlasting sweetpeas thinks its already autumn and has stopped producing flowers even though I have constantly deadheaded , now thats a very early finish as usually it goes on until well into September, we're also having misty starts, a favourite pastime of mine was collecting sparkly wet cobwebs on a curved piece of twig, used to be late for school because of lingering too long, how daft is that as I was and still am petrified of spiders the nights are drawing in but I do love the autumn so as long as the days are good to us we'll all be happy gardeners.......
8 Aug, 2013
I've enjoyed this summer once it started Lincs, lovely colourful flowers in your garden and yes, it's lovely to see butterfly and bee numbers increasing, but still nowhere near the numbers about 16 years ago. Lets hope for a glorious August:-))
8 Aug, 2013
buddleias have got to be one of my favourite flowers, ive got 15 in my garden!!!! i would love a white and yellow one but refuse to buy one because they are so easy to take cuttings from. I love your hollyhock, such a lovely pink colour.
9 Aug, 2013
A bee & butterfly heaven.
Superb work, photos & blog, Lincs!
9 Aug, 2013
Hi I am sat looking at my buddleia & trying to count the peacock butterflies I got to 8 & 3 cabbage white I'm so pleased I bought this shrub earlier in the year cos I love butterflies well maybe not the cabbage whites !!! lovely pics
9 Aug, 2013
Yes me too, sheila, it's like the heat wave we had that "could last to the end of august", couldn't even last to the end of july, lol, Derek.
12 Aug, 2013
It's turning out to be a great year for bees & butterflies! Down on the allotments Gerry has a Buddleia & I managed to get a few photos of some Peacock butterflies. Though most of the time the butterflies seem to know you are approaching no matter how slowly & carefully you do it when trying to get a close up shot. I find that if I use the zoom on my phone's camera the photos turn out very grainy & I usually end up deleting them.
On my way home from town the other day I passed a Butterfly bush with DOZENS of butterflies on it, especially Peacocks. It's been many years since I've seen these bushes so loaded down with butterflies!
13 Aug, 2013
Its cooled down here a lot as well and some shrubs and flowers already have an autumn look about them, everlasting sweetpeas coming back and growing rapidly where I had already cut them back so might get a few more flowers if the warmth comes back for a while, possibly wishful thinking on my part, lol....
13 Aug, 2013
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All very beautiful! Your summer colour is lush.
7 Aug, 2013