Sunny Day and Good Time Was Had By All........
By lincslass
Spring sunshine and the garden was beckoning this morning so we made the most of it, I tackled the bottom lawn with my trusty rake, it was covered in twiggy branches from the willow tree but surprisingly not as much moss as I’d expected considering all the rain we’ve had……
As you can see the clump of Iris removed from the pond in January is still sitting on the edge, I have replaced a small piece back into the pond but no room in my garden bin for whats left over as its full of rose prunings,( they only empty once a month during the winter), however the Iris is quite happy to grow where its sat, they sure are tough cookies…..
I also had a tidy up around the top pond as I can now see where to put my tootsies without crushing the new shoots…
Flowers are coming out all over even at the bottom of the garden, it only has a couple of hours in the sun down here and even less once the leaves come out so I’ve gradually worked out what does best down here..
Violets peeping through, I never did plant them, I think they were a gift from the birds but I do like them so they are allowed to stay…
Mum and Dads tree will be out soon, the flowering cherry which is just over the fence has already flowered so although I didn’t realise when I put the Prunus in my garden that works out well…..
The first of my double hellebores to flower, it obviously likes its position, the ones in the little round bed up near the top g’house are not even showing any buds yet even though they all went in on the same day last year..
Aconites are also a favourite of mine, they’ve been flowering for weeks and also beginning to spread..
I wasn’t the only one enjoying the garden today, he thinks I can’t see him..
Caspar thought it was a good idea to investigate the g’house, I know something is getting in there as my apples have been nibbled so now are only being fed to the birds.
Morgan was quite content enjoying the sunshine and also a bit of peace whereas Brynner had other ideas as you will see by the following pics…
Now Brynner is the most frustrating and comical character you could meet, he can open all the doors no problems whatsoever, so we have to make sure both front and side doors are kept locked, sits very good at the kerbs when out for a walk and always gives his paws when he is asking for food, now what you’d think he would have learnt easily is how to play drop and fetch, after spending hours since he was a pup encouraging and even trying to bribe him, today we reached a milestone in his life, Brynner fetched his ball and dropped it at my feet, excuse the rudeness but I WAS GOBSMACKED..
That stopped the gardening for a while as I was so pleased with him and continued to play for a while to see if it was a just a fluke but nope Brynner has learnt how to play properly and I now do not have to chase him to get the ball, its only taken 4yrs 6mths to achieve this skill, which according to the manual would be natural in a Flatcoat/retriever, LOL.
Bless him he’s now in need of a rest and I need a cuppa…….
26 Feb, 2014
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Well done Brynner better late than never! everything looking good in the sunshine, I hope you manage to retrieve your pruners - better them than your mobile though :o)
26 Feb, 2014
Awe bless he rewarded you for your clearing the garden of twigs so he could have his sun bathing spot nice and soft.
26 Feb, 2014
all looks so much fun and garden looks grand!
26 Feb, 2014
Scottish I think he'd worked out that shock tactics were the best way to get my attention away from the garden, it certainly worked..
Neellan the only good thing is the fact that I am neglecful of my tools in the autumn so they hadn't been sprayed with anything, it was really warm outside but not in that water, lol..
26 Feb, 2014
3d he's usually a beggar for helping with the pruning of the buddhlia and does scatter chewed up pieces over my lawns on a regular basis, then rolls on them, gets bits tangled in his coat and brings them indoors, however he couldn't be blamed this time, lol....
26 Feb, 2014
Oh what a lovely walk around your garden L/lass, and it is so good to see dear Brynner again. Our Raff will chase a ball but once he has it he doesn't see why he should bring it back, after all I would just throw it away again! lol..Dogs aren't daft are they? lol \0/x
26 Feb, 2014
Lovely blog Lincs, thanks for the walk round the garden, and lovely pics of your pets.
27 Feb, 2014
Lovely spring garden Lincs and your pal has finally got the message ♡
27 Feb, 2014
Really enjoyed your blog Lincs, lovely garden and nice to have the pets helping out too lol.
We've had a lovely few days in Lincolnshire haven't we, I even fed the fish in the pond yesterday have you? they were circling looking hungry, it was nice to see them as last year they spent most of the summer at the bottom after several visits from a heron which luckily seems to have realised he's not getting any food at this restaurant!!!!
27 Feb, 2014
Brilliant I will keep up the good work with the ball and my dog then, time for him to learn yet, only three more years, lol. Great blog, lovely garden and coming back to life again, great!!!
27 Feb, 2014
Ah! The penny dropped at last! :)) we've never had to teach Molly that one. She knew from birth that you had to bring the ball back if you wanted the game to continue. It's been the bane of my life for eight years! We are soon getting a Labrador puppy, so hopefully it will learn from Molly....or better still, it will nick the ball and spend a happy ten minutes destroying it while I get on with my gardening in peace! Lol! Anyway, enough of that....your garden looks much colour. I've just been out there planting myself. It's a lovely sunny day and at last I am beginning to learn about the benefits of a south facing plot! In fact I'm back out there in a minute with my lunch! :))
27 Feb, 2014
Its lovely to see the colour coming back into the gardens and your top pond looks so lovely and natural as does the rest of your garden. Brynner has given us hope, my sons dog lulu is about 7yrs old and we still have to chase her to get the ball back but we shall keep on
27 Feb, 2014
Who could resist that Brynner face when he's holding the ball, fantastic pic. Your garden's looking great Lincs, I still haven't been out in mine and it looks such a mess. I'll make a start tomorrow:-))
27 Feb, 2014
I loved your blog Lincs and you have so much colour in your garden :0)
27 Feb, 2014
well done Brynner..he looks so pleased with himself. i have so enjoyed being outside over the last few days too Lincs..its so exciting watching it all wake up..
28 Feb, 2014
oh, lovely. It might not be a riot of colour yet, but it's cretainly what hte police would call "a minor disturbance".
28 Feb, 2014
I'm sure Brynner will be relieved to find he's not the only dog who has taken a long time to play this game, I have to tell you that ball is the only toy that has survived, he chews them all within minutes of being left alone with them but for some weird reason he likes that one, lol....
28 Feb, 2014
My two have never been interested in balls and toys. When I first had them, I bought all sorts and the dogs home give you some too. Not a flicker of interest from either of them:-(
28 Feb, 2014
I love your garden Sue ! I didn't realise it was so big ! You are lucky having your bin collected once a month ! We don't have it collected at all through the winter ( this is the brown bin with garden rubbish ) and it now is full to bursting and so heavy that I think there may be comments from the bin men when they do finally come !
I hope you find your pruners ! I am always doing daft things like this and one of them is always losing my pruners ! lol
I bet you were so proud when Brynner fetched the ball !
28 Feb, 2014
Enjoyed your blog Lincslass. Lots of colour in your garden for this time of the year.
1 Mar, 2014
Your garden looks so fresh and inviting. The pond looks so pretty and there are so many lovely plants. It all holds so much promise for the springtime ahead.
1 Mar, 2014
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He obviously hasn't read that manual Lincs. :)
Looks very sunny down there. You garden is looking wonderful.
26 Feb, 2014