Des Res Bee Homes...
By lincslass
Had a day out today and whilst wandering in the Castle gardens in Leicester we spotted this Des Res for Bees..
Now isn’t that a good idea, I have the old conifer trunk that outgrew the garden, I use it now to grow my Boston ivy and also hang birdfeeders and hanging baskets on so I’m going to drill holes into it and see what happens….
Cannot resist saying hello to some of the locals.
Whilst there we visited the Cathedral, St Georges Chapel contains the Flags and memorials of the Royal Leicestershire Regiment in which my dad served during WW11 his name was entered in the memoriam book when he died so we went to have a look..
Shame about all the machinery, there is a lot of work going on….
The other entrance next to the Guild Hall…
My girls have found their grandads name in the book, very emotional moment as it is even open at the page, we didn’t even have to ask……..
The reason for going was to take the Richard111 trail and see the exhibition, which we did and really enjoyed it but there is so much work going on and scaffolding around the castle, church and various other places so although I have many photo’s I’m not adding them here, the new centre is s’sposed to be opening shortly so we will return and do it all again hopefully without roadworks and scaffolding….
23 Feb, 2014
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Yes Terra, we were amazed, thought we would have to ask for the case to be opened..
23 Feb, 2014
It was 'meant to be' ...
their grandfather and the page ...
... waiting for you ..
23 Feb, 2014
I hope you too have luck with your bee des res. Lovely photo s of the wild life, and interesting about Richard 111 visit. I bet he would be happy to think he was buried with all that horse power on top of him as their horse was such value in those days , just a different kind of horse power.
Lovely to see your dad is down in history for all to see.
23 Feb, 2014
What a lovely family day out Lincs. Must have been quite an emotional moment for the girls and you.
Sounds like you've got a plan for the bee house - good luck with it. I hope you keep us informed.
23 Feb, 2014
Good idea re:Bees , Lincs .
I have a large tree that was "topped" last year which would do the job fine .
We'll see what happens .
A lovely day out for you all !
23 Feb, 2014
I was given a bee house a couple of years ago.....the perishing wood pecker enlarged the holes :0 (
really enjoyed the blog , its my home town so it was lovely to see it through your eyes.
is the Leicestershire Regiment The Tigers?
theres a big campaign at the moment for a special memorial.
The Cathedral is small as cathedrals go, it was the church chosen when Leicester became a city, there are older ones St Margarets or St Mary de Castro being two not far away, I like it though, we go to a carol service there and occasionally other functions, its an open friendly place.
have you been to the Jewry wall museum?
The roman foum/baths is worth a visit
24 Feb, 2014
3d its a good job he was under a carpark, don't think they'd have given permission to tunnel under one of those tower blocks, lol....
24 Feb, 2014
What a wonderful day out and how fantastic to find the memorial book open on just the right place.
As for Richard...can we have him back where he belongs please?
24 Feb, 2014
Pam we went into the exhibition, the Guild Hall and the Cathedral, went all around the Jewry but not inside, we ran out of time, the castle and St Mary de Castro are all closed up and scaffolding right up the steeple, lots of work going on there as well....The regiment is The Tigers....
Scottish I must admit we did have a few moments..have not yet attacked the treetrunk but will keep you all up to date...
24 Feb, 2014
Waddy the guide in the cathedral said he is in an undisclosed place until the decision is made but plans have been put forward as to where he will be in the cathedral and why he should be there if they win, sure she said a meeting to be held this week but I think he should be returned home as well, bet they've already made up their minds really just haven't announced it yet....
24 Feb, 2014
St Marys spire was declared unsafe Lincs, so they are fundraising.
its a difficult one R 3 resting place......for many years he was thought to have been tossed in the Soar off the bridge.....
having been brought up with road names like King Richards Road .....supposed to be the road he took.....I feel he's ours, but all the arguments are not nice , even the creation of a tomb is causing controversy so the sooner its sorted the better!
24 Feb, 2014
R 3 , R.I.P.
He must be wondering what it is all about .
It is a conundrum .
24 Feb, 2014
That was so uncanny, finding the book open at the right page ! I enjoyed your blog . Best of luck with your bee house .
24 Feb, 2014
Oh thanks Pam for that info about the church, we did wonder, it didn't explain on the gate, the bank under that huge tree in the churchyard near the entrance to the castle was an absolute picture all smothered with snowdrops and crocus...
Its very sad really, all the fuss after all the good feeling when he was found and then it was announced that it was the lost king but lets face it we all expected it, my daughter thinks he should stay in Leicester as well, when we were chatting with the guide who was very good and obviously enjoys her job, she said she found it very hard to not sound as though she favoured Leicester, I said " He'd turn in his grave if he knew" then it hit me what I'd said and I burst out laughing, wasn't trying to be funny or disrespectful its just a saying and it came out automatically, mind you I felt awful afterwards.......
24 Feb, 2014
Lets hope the bee,s find the holes in the tree. and it must have been very emotional for you all to find his name :0)
24 Feb, 2014
that bee house looks so simple, and so effective! I've seen "bee hotels" for sale, all sorts, bamboo tubes etc. That single trunk looks elegant, and natural. Please let us know how you get on with your own! I suppose the holes would have to be drilled slightly upwards, to keep rain etc out, but how far apart, how deep and how big??
25 Feb, 2014
I love your comment Lincs :0)
There was a radio serial recently, fiction, but a man in hospital was investigating Richard from contemporary literature of his time and came to the conclusion that he wasn't the hunchback murdering bully that Shakespeare portrayed him but a kind and generous man.....interesting.
25 Feb, 2014
Sue... glad you enjoyed your day out in Leicester.I spent many happy days out with my Gran to Castle gardens, and last summer "lunched out" and relived many happy memories.You were so lucky to have the page opened in the right place.... bit spooky tho' I'd say.The barracks for the Leicester Tigers Regiment used to be where the University Buildings are, opposite Newark House museum, and the the Magazine building(which was opened for a day last summer, sadly couldn't get) if you revisit go in the Museum, it's brill! and perhaps we could meet for coffee, and Pamg as well.I agree with most Leicester people, leave R3 here, in Peace!.I also heard that radio program that pam mentioned.Good luck with the "des res" I saw one in old GW mag. but using an alpine planter, with bamboo canes, think I might have go at that one!
St Maryde Castro church is lovely inside, they regularly have flower festivals in there.Hope you come back...don't forget Newarke House's a must!
25 Feb, 2014
And the New Walk museum where you can meet the 'Barrow kipper"a pleiosaur dinosaur dug up locally...oh and the rock with the fossil that started Attenboroughs interests as a boy.
25 Feb, 2014
Is there anything else of interest she'd like Pam?
25 Feb, 2014
LOL, we'll definitely need another trip as you've all added the various places.
Fran I've looked at loads but now I've seen this I'm definitely giving it a go, I have 3 old trunks, one has a bird house on the top and the old plum tree is my planter with the railway carriage wheel on the top so it has to be the one with the Ivy for a start..........
25 Feb, 2014
I remember as a child at school being taken with my classmates to a cellar in a house or shop in Leicester and we saw the roman pavement that had been found, I think thats in the Jewry Wall museum.
if you want to go further out then the Great Central Railway is good fun, especially on the themed weekends like wartime or seaside specials....
New walk has an art gallery too and some egyptiam mummies.....I like the geology room and the dinosaurs though
I just thought Lincs have you been to the Newarke Houses Museum?
it has the museum of the Leicestershire Regiment I just googled it
I havent been for donkeys years.....
25 Feb, 2014
Last Saturday was the first time to actually visit properly Gralew, its daft isn't it when its so close, only took us 50mins, my oldest girl and I did know where to find the Jewry Wall as we had stopped off a few years ago on one of our tours elsewhere and always said we'd return..
I know that if I lived there I too would want Richards remains to stay but I think his descendants want him returned to York so thats partly why I feel the way I do...At the end of the day as long as he's reburied properly as soon as possible thats all that really matters, Pam is so right all the argybargy is horrible...........
25 Feb, 2014
I agree with you on that one.....RIP R3, wherever they put you!
27 Feb, 2014
Great bee home. Haven't been to the Castle Gardens for a while - too many marauding squirrels.
27 Feb, 2014
Its years since I've been too Urban
28 Feb, 2014
Please remember to take plenty of pics of the work in progress, Lincs, and do a blog for us!
28 Feb, 2014
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Amazing .. the book being open at the right page ...
lovely blog, Sue ...
good luck with the bee des res :o)
23 Feb, 2014