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A Walk Between the Showers...


+Awoke to very heavy rainfall but no moaning as we really needed it, the sun did eventually make an appearance so I took the camera out.
The spring bulbs have gone over but replaced with plenty of others, by the amount of buds I think we are going to have a good show of roses this year, the first one is always keen to show its beauty to my neighbour.

The next one was in the garden when we moved in and I think its about my age as I knew the family who lived here before us, never has many flowers but the perfume is gorgeous so I haven’t the heart to replace it..

As you can see I have lots of mingles, as I tend to allow many of them free reign as regards self-seeding, this year they’ll be allowed to stay where they are, lol, good job I like the cottage style.. I’ve been working like a goodun and have finished most of my planting out, just the mangers at the front and a new planter that my sister brought round today, I’ve also emptied some of my pots into the garden to make things easier for my hubby, I figured they will do better in the garden and I know he will appreciate me doing that, also my precious plants will survive a lot better, I whispered that bit, lol….
Another trip over to clinic on Thursday and I’m off to Yorkshire on Sunday for a few days so its all go at the moment, I swear I’m in danger of meeting myself coming backwards…..

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Previous post: I Don't Believe It !!!!!!!!!!!

Next post: Roses in Bloom..



Like your style of gardening, leave well alone!

19 May, 2015


I like a mingling garden. And all looks good. I love iris and have only tried to grow them once. They didn't do very well though, possible due to the heavy clay they were in so I removed them. I may some another go now because the soil has improved. A little!

19 May, 2015


Yes, I like a mingle too. There are some good ones at Chelsea this year...that perfume garden is gorgeous..the L'Occitane one. And the Sentabale one is lovely and natural too. I don't know quite how to achieve that atmosphere yet, but I'll get there. Keep up the good work, and enjoy your Yorkshire visit. :)

19 May, 2015


I love your roses Sue, are they flowering now or is this pictures from last year ? Mine are all in bud, but no flowers yet ! I love your style of gardening ! Mine at Willow Cottage was like that , but its a bit more orderly here as it is smaller.
Good luck at the clinic ! x

19 May, 2015


Its looking lovely, I like mingling too....

are you getting these hailstorms....., bit of sunshine then here they come again ☔

19 May, 2015


Your roses are way ahead of ours - what a brilliant display - ours are just in bud - I love self seeders your garden is really colourful - Jane

19 May, 2015


Thanks all, case of having to stay indoors today as the weather is certainly unsure of what to do, no hailstones though (thank goodness) all the pics were taken yesterday early evening, best part of the day, I think we'll be taking our winter woollies next week, lol....

19 May, 2015


Yes, indeed Sue. It's bitter here again. Wind coming down from the Arctic as it has been all month. I sure would love a warm day!

19 May, 2015


Disregard the hailstone part, we just had to share and even heard some thunder, lol.....

19 May, 2015


...that hail was up here again today!

19 May, 2015


A lovely garden, very cottagey, which I like a lot. Ours is the same and we tend to allow certain plants to set seed. The forget-me-nots are getting very out of hand at the moment!
Make sure you give yourself time to relax as soon as your can!

19 May, 2015


Hi Sue, you have lots of colour in your ''mingles'' Derek.

19 May, 2015


Lovely garden mingle Lincslass! your Roses are way ahead of mine and looking really pretty I'm sure your replanted pots will do well in their new spot and as you say saves the watering chore! Once your front mangers and the new planter are sorted you can take it easier may all go well with you x

19 May, 2015


Your garden is nice and colourful Sue. I think your dry weather has done it good. We've had March here for many weeks and the garden is hopeless :(
I think the mingling cottage style is good. It looks pretty and takes less looking after.
Have a nice time in Yorkshire :) x

20 May, 2015


Thankyou Derek, Wildrose and Neellan, I must admit a good mingle also stops the weeds as well, not enough room for them to grow, I've always been the same, if I see a gap I have to fill it, I found a tub of gladioli at the back of my g'house yesterday so they'll be going in today, don't shout it about but we have sunshine here !!!!.....

20 May, 2015


Thanks Hywel, we are taking plenty of warm clothing and good shoes, nothing worse than cold wet tootsies, house sitting for my brother and sister-in-law, (about 5miles from Scarborough) so know we'll have plenty of home comforts, his daughters live in the same village so get to see them and their families as well which will be nice...

20 May, 2015


Whenever I see pics of your garden it always brings me pleasure and that red rose is wonderful, mines still in bud.
Enjoy your break it seems your well prepared and who knows you could even wish you had packed your sun tops and

20 May, 2015


My niece sent birthday greetings on my facebook page and said its been gorgeous there today, we will prepare for all, plenty of room in my daughters car.....

20 May, 2015


Hi Sue, just to wish you a very happy birthday, Derek.

21 May, 2015


Thankyou Derek, they come around very quickly now don't they....

21 May, 2015


I like mingles too, I am a firm believer that plants should cuddle up to each other! Have a happy birthday and enjoy your time in Scarborough. Your roses are much more advanced than mine - buds are only just forming. Take care and don't overdo things :)

21 May, 2015

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