Enough Now!!!
By lincslass
I took a walk around outside, pruners in one hand and cuppa in the other, at least I can manage to deadhead my roses and I can do my own watering too as long as I use my hosepipe and the wand attatchment, good job I did because although warm and sunny here, its also blowing a gale and the flipping wind had fetched one of the curved pieces out of the frame in my g’house, nobody home but me, typical isn’t it.. The curved pieces are perspex and it had nearly cracked in half, I know I have a sheet of it hidden away somewhere that was bought last time this happened, its just a case of remembering where and fairly quickly before more are blown out..
Now isn’t that brilliant,you probably can’t see it but in my wisdom I’ve tucked it away behind my framework and the net for safekeeping, no chance of getting that out without removing the netting, plus the fact that I am cackhanded Susie at the moment as you all know so not allowed to lift or stretch. GRRR!!!! SPITTING FEATHERS HERE NOW….
To top it all I couldn’t find my special roll of G’house tape anywhere, its in a safe place somewhere and possibly won’t turn up until next year or after I’ve succumbed and nipped to Homebase for a new one, lol.
Yay !!!!
I refused to be beaten and knew I’d find a solution, the
perspex is temporarily fixed with magic carpet tape, its surprising how tough that stuff is and I even managed to clip it back into place with the W clips that hold them in place…
My mood has been restored and my toms and g’house are safe for the moment..
Spot the deliberate mistake growing just inside the door, I hadn’t got the heart to pull it out, lol…
21 Jul, 2015
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Take it easy!
I must get some shading/ netting for my greenhouse as its getting far too hot but, just not sure how I'll hang it.in my potting shed, I used to pin it to the wooden frame.
21 Jul, 2015
What a beautiful poppy! Clever girl on fixing the greenhouse, but don't go over doing it and throwing yourself back.
21 Jul, 2015
Pam I haven't told him, he'd go mad at me as would my girls, it took me yelling at him to stop him nagging me about if I need to take painkillers or not, lol.
21 Jul, 2015
Paul with being the curved style of house it wasn't easy to fix my net to the frame, I have a piece of strong tying wire threaded across the apex, the nets are threaded onto their own wires and I fasten them all together, when its down I tie it onto the side framework and my staging, you can get little pegs that make a very neat job in other houses but they don't work on my style of frame, in the winter it gets rolled up onto canes and I tie them to the wire, saves me having to remove them completely every year..
21 Jul, 2015
Crikey...?That sounds hard work.......yes, I have one pack slide in plastic hook things that came with the g/house.I may buy some more and see if I could use them somehow to hang shading.
21 Jul, 2015
Hiya Waddy, I am being careful really but this was a case of needs must, luckily it was the path side so I didn'have to stretch and being perspex it wasn't heavy either, I couldn't have fixed it if it had been one of the glass pieces..Don't mind admitting all this sitting about is driving me crazy, I daren't even take Brynner out for a walk yet in case he pulls me, I'm even contemplating a walk down town to wander around the shops, I hate shopping, lol...
21 Jul, 2015
You are very very very naughty. I do not approve! (i would have done the same,)
21 Jul, 2015
You can't sit still can you ... lol Neither can I.
I'm glad you were able to mend the greenhouse. It shows you are independent. That's good ! :)
21 Jul, 2015
Thanks Karen, I'm classing that one as coming under light duties...
21 Jul, 2015
Me Too Karen, you cant keep a true Gardener Down! but be careful Linda and try to take it easy;0))
22 Jul, 2015
We are all guilty of doing more than we should,at any one time,Sue..we have the aching limbs to prove it,but do we give up? no ! I can't chastise you for fixing the Greenhouse,although I guess you know your limitations..and you have the satisfaction that you were able to do it yourself...mum's the word eh? oh,if only Brynner could talk :o) x
22 Jul, 2015
Don't over do it Sue ! There's always another day tomorrow ! Be careful when pruning too ! Did you see my comment on one of your blogs about the Skin So Soft spray which does seem to be an insect repellant and I also have some brilliant tablets from my doctor incase I get bit or scratched by roses.
I'm pleased you got your green house sorted though ! I would have had to pull up that poppy though ! lol
22 Jul, 2015
Neat job Lincslass and it kept you from going stir crazy! I'm sure if it had been too big a job you would have left it for himself as your very good really, you have to shout sometimes though to keep eveyone on their toes or in their place! Take care and keep smelling the roses :o)
22 Jul, 2015
You seem to maintain your stride inspite of your current hardships - a lesson to be learned. I hope you are feeling better Lin.
22 Jul, 2015
There's so much I can't do at the moment, I honestly cannot remember the last time my garden was so lacking in flowers and colour at this time of the year, fixing my g'house instead of having to wait and ask someone to do it for me gave me a much needed boost..
22 Jul, 2015
Lovely to hear that you are back in action Sue - although you must take it easy - what is that saying something about steps forward and steps back !! - love that poppy I love self setters I have got all sorts all over the place in between the stones on the paths - enjoy your gardening weather forecast is good today I think !! - Jane
23 Jul, 2015
Isn't that always the way, something needs doing & you're the only one around!
I do so understand how you're feeling tho, I broke my wrist good & proper earlier this year & only recently able to do things without asking.
You know best your limitations so enjoy what you can do & keep the rest to yourself, lol.
Enjoy that poppy too as they don't last long.
23 Jul, 2015
Thankyou all, I am feeling a lot better and like last time the wound is healing well, the problem really is that I'm raring to go out there and get stuck in and know that I mustn't or could cause problems for myself, patience has never been my strong point, hubby is caring for the lawns and jobs in the house that I can't do but after years of often wishing he would help more, I've learnt my lesson and now want my jobs back , aren't we humans daft beggars at times....
23 Jul, 2015
glad you are up and about but do be careful. after my last surgery my oh had to be reminded that I needed the painkillers. ! But if you can manage with them less and less that is really good.
I know what you mean about the household jobs Lincs. haha.
Just be careful out there wont you?
24 Jul, 2015
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Is that a beautiful poppy?......
a happy accident then x
well done fixing and saving the greenhouse, its really blustery as you said, no rain today though
hope you don't get told off by your nearest and dearest x
21 Jul, 2015