Nov 1st and its sunny and warm..
By lincslass
A day for pottering in the garden whilst trying to make my mind up whether to cut off the rosehips or leave them for the birds, I have managed to keep deadheading where I could reach over the past few months but not stretch to reach the climbers, I suppose the answer really is to leave well alone for now and let the birds have a treat during the winter months..
Not sure if you remember my Passion Flower, its growing along the fence that separates the dogrun from the rest of the garden, anyway a couple of years back our boys were being a bit rough with their playtime and snapped it right down to the ground, I was angry as it had taken me years to get one started in my garden.
As you can see it actually did it a power of good as its now on the rampage, along the fence and over the pathway if I don’t fetch my pruners, it was even coming up inside the greenhouse, I discovered that when I cleared my toms out, obviously that bit has been sorted…
The Fuschias have been really slow this year, I think they missed my care and attention but as you can see I did eventually get some flowers..
I have a few already in the greenhouse for overwintering fingers xx as I don’t always manage to keep them but we live in hope.
The Dahlias never did get placed properly as my gardening came to a sudden stop but it does not seem to have harmed them, they are a bit crammed in but have provided me with many weeks of colour..
The Chrysanths are in the same bed and also never got placed properly but they also forgave me and are full of buds.
Elsewhere around the garden little dashes of colour pleasing to the eye as summer has gone and autumn continues.
Buds beginning to open on my winter flowering clematis.
Last but not least, mum and dads Prunus glowing in the sunshine..
1 Nov, 2015
Previous post: September Colour In My Garden...
Next post: Call Me Two Eyed Susie, Isn't it Grand............
Lovely! Hard to believe its November already!
Happy Birthday Linda! Xx
1 Nov, 2015
Happy Birthday Linda.
Beautiful garden colour there Lincslass, lots of colour to enjoy and those boys of yours did good with the pruning, just that you did not know it at the time. lol.
1 Nov, 2015
Good to hear you're feeling better Sue. I'm quite jealous of your dahlias and chrysanths - I seem unable to win the snail battle with either. It seems strange seeing polyanthus and nerines open at the same time!
1 Nov, 2015
Wonderful mix of bright colours from all your fuchsias, dahlias, chrysanthemums and roses. Many of our flowers were late this year but were worth the wait!
Lovely photos of your garden.
1 Nov, 2015
Happy Birthday Linda, hope you had an enjoyable day, you certainly had a beautiful one.
I forgot to post the pic but there is a lily in flower as well, I must have accidently dropped it as I refreshed them last springtime, its coming up under the apple tree, so pleased as its a pink one that I thought I'd lost last year..
I am feeling better thankyou, my getupandgo has returned...
1 Nov, 2015
Lincslass, despite your health problems this year your blooms are looking great, with wonderful colours. Please, what is the rose in your first photo?
1 Nov, 2015
What a great variety of plants and color Lincs!
1 Nov, 2015
Thanks Waddy, that rose is gorgeous isn't it, a birthday gift last year from my son and family, has flowered continuously all summer, named Golden Wedding and it smells divine, can be bought as a standard also...
1 Nov, 2015
Stera that particular bed is surrounded by stones under which live hundreds of snails, surprisingly I do not get the plants eaten, my delphiniums grow in there also and they too do well, not sure why but the snails always attack the planting in the smaller border that separates the stonewalling from the lawn, perhaps its because that bed gets most of the sunshine and is the driest part of our garden....
1 Nov, 2015
Very pretty at this time of year. Glad to hear that your "getupandgo" has returned... LOL. I love that yellow rose too.
2 Nov, 2015
Thanks I might have to find room for that one, it's just a case of where...!
2 Nov, 2015
What well trained snails you have Sue. I got rid of a lot in our last garden by waiting until they hibernated and then collecting them - I got two carrier bags full. Must try that here.
2 Nov, 2015
Still looking wonderful,Sue..and especially your Roses..It's amazing how long everything is lasting this Autumn...Tee shirt weather,and bright sunshine yesterday,and thick fog today,which still hasn't shifted,and it's 2.15pm..but at least no frost to kill off our have inspired me to take photo's of mine,while it's still glad your get up and go has come back,that's good news..take care xx
2 Nov, 2015
Lots of colour! On the birthday front. Congrats to Linda. I talked 2 lads yesterday one birthday yesterday, another today & mine tomorrow!! a 1,2,3. Got sunburnt walking the dog yesterday before lunch . A quick walk round the block was all it took.
2 Nov, 2015
Thankyou L'strife and Klahanie.....
2 Nov, 2015
Stera I dread to think how many are living amongst the stones as I have built up areas at the back of the fishpond and the raised bed at the bottom, whilst they remain under the stones I leave them be, go on the march and they do not last long, lol..
2 Nov, 2015
Hi Sandra, its the same here and no signs of the fog clearing at all, I did venture to the greenhouses but too cold to stay out, armchair gardening has begun, some of my flowers did seem to be late, except the spring ones showing now and they are very confused and haven't made up their minds as to whether they're coming or going, bit like I have been lately, some of my gladioli are just sprouting stalks and yet they all went in the same day so hoping they make it before the frost comes..
Been to eye clinic as well and due to have my left eye operated on Dec 5th, good job as well as the cataract is right over now so they cannot put it off any longer, I've been one-eyed Susie long enough....
2 Nov, 2015
Hello Bill, nice to see you, was a grand day here yesterday as well, complete contrast to what we have now, .in fact I've already turned my heating on much to the delight of all furry friends.
Expensive month for you when they were growing up wasn't it, lol, we have two birthdays this month, hubby on 5th and oldest daughter on 26th, do you celebrate all together?
Happy Birthday for tomorrow Bill....
2 Nov, 2015
I told you ,that you inspired me to take photo's of mine,Sue..just been out,and surprisingly,it isn't really cold here..maybe you are feeling it more just lately..good luck with your eye operation..I too,am ready for my annual eye check,and I know it's got new lenses for me,I suppose..I do have cataracts too,but very slow growing..or maybe not,this year! Just posted a blog,it was something to do on a miserable afternoon :o(
2 Nov, 2015
If you remember I had one done two years ago, at the time they wouldn't do the left because of the scarring on the retina but now its a case of needs must, warned me it won't be as good as t'other but I should be able to see again, any sight is better than none isn't it, I think the therapy speeded it up cos all of a sudden I couldn't see anything, new glasses for me when I am sorted, I'll start saving now, lol....Fog getting worse here as well, not very good out of town...
2 Nov, 2015
What a blaze of colour Lincslass I especially like your roses and your japanese anemone - you mentioned a pink lily of the valley - I bought one from Malvern show last year - so I will scout round the garden to see if it is in flower - have a lovely week - Jane
2 Nov, 2015
Doesn't a bit of sunshine make one real better, and the plants are looking great.
2 Nov, 2015
Glad to hear your get & go has returned!
I'm envious of your nerines - didn't get any flowers this year - are yours in a pot?
What is the striped flower below the clematis pic, looks so pretty. Your garden is looking very colourful & bright, amazing for November.
Stera, 2 bagfuls of snails!!! Jeez no wonder they're causing you problems, will they be waking up to a strange location or not waking at all, lol.
2 Nov, 2015
My nerines were in the garden for about four years before I got any flowers G'fingers, never looked back since though and now I have quite a few clumps, the trick is to have a third of the bulb above the ground, the striped flowers are gazanias, very pretty and one gets lots of different colours so look amazing if planted in groups, unfortunately they only flower when the sun is shining..
2 Nov, 2015
My nerines were full of promise in the spring but I think it was just too wet for them here this summer, they never produced any flower stems so I have them back in the conservatory now.
Half hardy's don't usually make it thru winter here for me so I'll just admire your gazanias.
3 Nov, 2015
I doubt any will make it through winter but I do collect seedheads so hope some will be viable for next year, as I said patience was the name of the game with my nerines, I do know that once started they are the sort that will spread rapidly if left to their own devices, I have mine placed at the back of the borders...
3 Nov, 2015
Its amazing how much colour you have, very nice. Love your Nerines, something I've never grown. We gave our passion flower a cut down last year and its bigger than ever. I also have one growing on a trellis so you get flowers both sides.
3 Nov, 2015
You've some really beautiful plants, and I'd love to know the name of your winter flowering clematis. I have half an arch that is still bare! So pleased your 'get up and go' has returned. Enjoy choosing your new specs when the op is over. I take so long to choose it's nearly time for another eye test :)
3 Nov, 2015
GreenFinger i am ashamed to tell you that I put the carrier bags of snails in the dustbin on the grounds that as they were fast asleep hibernating they wouldn't know. Just tried not to think about when they woke up again! I counted two hundred. But in subsequent years the problem was much less!
3 Nov, 2015
Lots of lovely colour in your garden Lincs we have been lucky with such nice weather to extend the season.
Best wishes for your eye op in Dec. x
3 Nov, 2015
I remember your Passion flower snapping and am pleased to see it has regrown so well :o) I think the dogs knew it needed pruning and they saved you the work lol :D
Isn't the autumn a colourful season ... your garden is pretty :o)
4 Nov, 2015
Such a lot of colour in your garden Sue - it really is a strange Autumn this year isn't it? Like you, I have Polyanthus flowering alongside Nerines and today I see there is a Clematis flower on Niobe. So strange, but a welcome sight! :o)
4 Nov, 2015
Gee I purchased it as Wisley Cream but looking at the photo's online I don't think it is, it looks more like Balearica, the description matches perfectly...
4 Nov, 2015
Dawn mine has gone mad this year, its smothered in flowers still although very soggy ones today...
4 Nov, 2015
Lincs, Do your clem flowers have speckles inside as WC doesn't apart from that they are very similar.
I have 4 of the evergreen ones & wanted to plant one against my north facing shed but they all say south, east or west. My plan has been thwarted!
4 Nov, 2015
Thanks for that, Lincslass, I will look out for Balearica. I bought Wisley Cream a couple of years ago and never saw it again after one winter!
4 Nov, 2015
Yes G'fingers which is why I think it has to be Balearica, I don't mind its still pretty, although most of the time I have to admire the flowers from an upstairs window..
5 Nov, 2015
Lincslass: You have such a lot of colour in your garden it's difficult to believe that it's nearly Christmas!! :-)
Wish we could grow roses but only one seems to grow here and that was one we rescued so maybe it's just being grateful.
6 Nov, 2015
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It has been beautiful here too Linclass. It is my birthday today and it has been lovely.
1 Nov, 2015