Call Me Two Eyed Susie, Isn't it Grand............
By lincslass

Happy Days Ahead….
22 Nov, 2015
Previous post: Nov 1st and its sunny and warm..
Next post: Merry Christmas To All.........
Oh my word Sue..that is really fantastic! I didn't realise that your vision was so impaired either. What a result...I'm over the moon for you. Health is just so precious isn't it....marvellous news! :))
22 Nov, 2015
Brilliant news! I think the rainbow is symbolic: it always rains before the rainbow!
22 Nov, 2015
Absolutely brilliant so pleased for you, such good news :O)
22 Nov, 2015
Fab news..xx
22 Nov, 2015
Hi Sue, it's always great to hear such good news, I'm delighted for you, and glad you're feeling better, great stuff, Derek.
22 Nov, 2015
Oh Sue, what wonderful news! I don't know how you've coped so far, it must have been dreadful. I don't normally advocate revenge, but after what you've suffered due to misdiagnosis I'd seriously consider consulting a solicitor. But whatever you decide do I'm sure you're garden is going to look even more beautiful to you now you can see it clearly again.
22 Nov, 2015
Sue that's fantastic news I'm really pleased for you. As the others have said I don't know how you coped for so longer. Thinking lots of bad thoughts about the previous consultant.
22 Nov, 2015
That's thrilling - am so happy for you Lincs. I had no idea it had been as bad as that - how on earth did you manage to keep blogging? After all you've been through this year I'm sure we are all wishing you a much much happier new year.
22 Nov, 2015
Good news Lincs!
Trouble is , that specialist who hasn't had his contract renewed(NHS, I assume) could end up seeing people privately. One of our friends went privately to see a well known(locally) neurologist and basically, he kept changing his mind, anD basically messed her about and charged her for consultations but never did anything.....I can't remember all the details but , when she went back to see a NHS specialist, she was telling someone(nurse, receptionist...not sure who) and she was told "why do you think he's no longer working for the NHS ? "
So, just goes to show sometimes when we think we are doing a good thing seeing someone private,y it may not be good at all.
22 Nov, 2015
That's brilliant Ll, Made my OH read your blog, as he has a similar problem with one of his eyes, lost records, eye steadily getting worse. Be Persistant!!
23 Nov, 2015
Sue, this a wonderfully uplifting blog, so pleased for you. After two years of not seeing out of one eye, the words "She could give me my sight back" must have been fabulous to hear. Lots of good wishes sent your way. :o)
23 Nov, 2015
Oh I'm so happy for you xxx
its just wonderful ?
Here comes the sun ?
23 Nov, 2015
Thankyou all, I am still walking on air and actually although consultant warned me that my left would not be as clear as the right, as the hours have gone by its getting clearer all the time, I can even read the words I have written without my glasses, I am wearing them because don't want to put any strain on them but its amazing, I am going back on Saturday for a checkup and I feel like hugging her, in actual fact although the ops were done in different hospitals it was the same lady consultant for both ops, I will be forever grateful .....
Funny part, when I first removed my eyepatch, I had double vision in both eyes, looking across the room and down the garden I actually had four of everything, well I kid you not I nearly flipped my lid, then I remembered it had said somewhere or the nurse had told me not to panic if it happened, there is a word for it but in laymans terms it means the other eye has a reaction and comes out in sympathy, pleased to say within a few hours that had also sorted itself out..
Some of you have asked how I coped, the truth is to put it bluntly, sheer b----y mindedness, I am a Taurus and it fits my nature to a tee, some of my blogs did take me a long time and the laptop has been threatened with a launching many a time,
think I've said before I have no patience with myself, and to be honest the company of all of you on here has kept me going many a time over the years, for that I thank you all.......
23 Nov, 2015
Bless you love, its your stoic B.....mindedness that spurs me on some days.....2016 will be your year you see ?
23 Nov, 2015
That's brilliant Lincs! So happy for you :-)
23 Nov, 2015
You are welcome Sue.
I am also a Taurus. That's our nature :)
23 Nov, 2015
What brilliant news Lincs, like so many others I had no idea you had such a problem with your sight, such a relief for you and sad you had to wait so long to have your vision restored due to the consultant's misdiagnosis.
Best Wishes to you :o)
23 Nov, 2015
well done old girl and best wishes to seeing out over the rainbow.
23 Nov, 2015
Awww bless you. How Amazing! Delighted for you x
23 Nov, 2015
How uplifting to read this and I am so happy for you and so very pleased.
Your delight and pleasure just jumps off the screen and cheers up a rather grey day.
24 Nov, 2015
Grey day!....its the sort of afternoon I'm glad we live on a hill!
24 Nov, 2015
Yes Pam, its been right miserable and since about 3pm I have gained two extra ponds, wellies needed to wade down the yard, needless to say I haven't been anywhere, lol.....
24 Nov, 2015
Misread that for a sec there Lincs - two extra pounds...
24 Nov, 2015
LOL, I had to go and check in case I had put that by mistake Stera, it must be all the sitting about I have done in the past few months but I have actually put on over a stone in weight, admittedly I needed it so don't mind, nothing fitted me, except my winter shoes and they were too big, now how does that work out....I hate shopping as well so that was a chore I could have done without.....
24 Nov, 2015
Absolutely delighted for you Sue.,and your latest comment,shows just how much your eyesight has improved since your must be on cloud nine..:o) I will find out soon,if my cataracts have grown,since my last Annual eye check..very slowly up to now..I'm so glad you finally got a Consultant who knew what they were talking about..that really was a bad diagnosis the first time round..onwards and upwards now,and you can look forward (no pun intended ) ,to the future,after the year you have
25 Nov, 2015
It was a real cloud burst wasn't it....overflowed the guttering by sheer volume of water......hope your ponts have retreated!
The optician says the same for me Bloomer, slow growing....probably with modern equipment they see them earlier these days
25 Nov, 2015
Probably,Pam..must be at least 6 years since he saw mine..not much change ..yet !
25 Nov, 2015
Fingers crossed!
are you looking forward to a fun christmas this year....Thomas will be able to 'help' open all the presents ?
25 Nov, 2015
We sure are,Pam..We are going to their house this year,and I think Thomas will be 'helping' Alfie to open his presents as well as his own.:o) We are allowed to open our own now ! Lol x
25 Nov, 2015
I prefer large print Lincs. Might be worth thinking about.
I certainly rests my eyes. On my computer I press Control and '+'.
25 Nov, 2015
I've only just seen your blog & read your wonderful news. I am so happy for you - what a miserable time of it you've had over the last 2 years all due to that ****** (bad word) optician! ...odd how the records have disappeared!
Thank goodness for the lady consultant, now you can look forward to seeing all sorts of things anew.
26 Nov, 2015
I too have just come across this blog. I am so happy for you and like others on here didn't realise how much of a struggle life had become for you. What a way to see out this old year in welcome in the new one around the corner. You will certainly enjoy the garden again in all its glory.
26 Nov, 2015
Today is our Thanksgiving Day and I will give thanks that your health has improved as well as your eyesight.
26 Nov, 2015
Brilliant news, Lincsclass, I am so pleased to read this blog. Grey drizzly day here but your rainbow and your news have cheered me up :)
27 Nov, 2015
Thankyou everyone, my eye has healed well, I haven't had any signs of an ulcer forming which is a relief to me, my specs spend most of the time laying on the little table as I don't need them for reading or watching tv, due to the grey miserable days we've had this week I don't know how the sun is going to affect me yet, lost my excuse to send hubby shopping as I went yesterday and could read the signs myself, lol......
27 Nov, 2015
Fantastic news, Lincslass! :-)) My mother & sister-in-law in Spain had cataracts removed years ago. My mother-in-law has to wear thick glasses but her daughter doesn't need them.
27 Nov, 2015
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That's wonderful Sue ! :o) I didn't realise you had such difficulties seeing. It must be a relief for you.
22 Nov, 2015