A quick look at the new garden
By meanie
Just a few quickly taken snaps of the new garden………..
I have a bit of a challenge! Forget me nots, Euphorbia and Muscari everywhere!
Also over-run with Japanese Anenomes and Perriwinkle!
Plus that nasty weed that sticks to your clothes!
And primroses – aarrggghhhhh!!!
Still, it’s not all bad – I like this…………..
And this………..
This might stay……………..
This will!
More b. Ivy!
Hellebores. Don’t usually like them but due to the layout of the garden they’re at eye level.
Some of my precious things temporarily housed…………..
I’m gonna be busy!!
14 Apr, 2012
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oh you lucky thing ~ a walled garden and look at that fireplace ~ just lovely.
it looks as though once it was full of really interesting plants, a nice garden, just got a bit overgrown
you will no doubt transform it ~ looking forward to seeing it change.
14 Apr, 2012
Nice blog Meanie. As regards the Kerria Japonica, I've one in my garden but I keep it short and narrow. I chop it twice a year as I've seen my neighbours on both sides whose are huge and out of control. Mine's about three years old and as I've said, I just chop it and it still flowers just the same. May be worth considering!!
14 Apr, 2012
The Kerria will get a haircut in a week or two!! It doesn't sucker does it?
One of the walls is in a bad way Sticki, but they're paying for it. Only problem is that the local dry stone waller is busy up until August!!
The wood burner belts the heat out too.
14 Apr, 2012
Lots to sort out there Meanie, bet you can`t wait to get stuck in.
Like Sticki I love the fireplace.
14 Apr, 2012
Yes, the Kerria does sucker! But you have a lovely white Spiraea there, and plenty of good things :))
14 Apr, 2012
it grows a bit like bamboo, throws out runners and shoots it's a nice plant as long as you keep an eye on it...
14 Apr, 2012
Mine's never had any probs with suckers Meanie. Because of where i've planted it, I've got to keep it small otherwise it'll spoil too many other plants but it doesn't seem to have come to any harm, in fact this year, it seems to have even more flowers on than previously!!
14 Apr, 2012
busy till august? then its holidays and the olympics??
you can build walls cant you?
14 Apr, 2012
I thought the Kerria Japonica looked great. Something for the list for the garden me thinks. For a new garden it looks in great shape and well established = you will have you feet up in the sun with little to do!
14 Apr, 2012
Thanks all!
Wrong answer Sheilabub and Surreylad! You may just have signed it's death warrant!
Sheilar - it's certainly in the wrong place! I'll probably give it a season, but I don't fancy its chances.....
I probably could, but why bother when it's being paid for by someone else! I can wait for Ivor as he's both good and aware of what is around him.
Kildermorie - all the wrong things are well established though and none of the right ones!
14 Apr, 2012
Looks to be a lovely mature garden, Meanie ... just advertise the plants you don't wish to keep via Freecycle ... they'll soon be taken ... I would come and dig up those Primroses and Hellebores if I lived closer! Put the Forget-me-nots on the compost heap ... excellent material for it .......
14 Apr, 2012
I kinda like the Hellebores with them being at eye level Shirley. Great handfuls of the FMN's go on the heap every time I walk up the garden!!!
Good news! The new neighbour with the Clematis has only just moved in and is not too keen on it either! Bad news - his wife is..............
14 Apr, 2012
What a great challenge you face...you will be looking foward to it, just as we will be looking forward to seeing your progress reports Meanie.
I too can confirm that Kerria does sucker - I get it under the fence from next door....a bl***y pain in the butt!!
What a fireplace that is! I love it!!!
14 Apr, 2012
Cant wait for episode two ~ the clematis and the wife next door!!!
14 Apr, 2012
Thanks Scottish! I am so gonna love that fireplace when it's arctic outside!
Sticki - if she wins that is where the Eccromocarpus scaber goes! That will be a great battle to watch............
14 Apr, 2012
I shall have to looks that one up! Is it like a triffid?
You got a greenhouse too?
14 Apr, 2012
Yep I have the kerria too bl****y suckers everywhere, I'm trying to decide whether I like it enough to spend my time pulling it out from among other plants.
Love the hellebores :-)
Is that a daylily I spy in picture 7 :-))
14 Apr, 2012
It could be. There are lots of Iris in there too though, but I'll take a better look Monday. Tomorrow is mostly moving furniture and replacing crockery after stepsons disaster today!!
14 Apr, 2012
Oh no! Sounds expensive?
14 Apr, 2012
Wonder why you don't like hellebores? those look beautiful, and how nice to have them at eye level. That's a lovely old wall - looking forward to see what you do with it. Anyway, nobody could say you have too much bare soil!
14 Apr, 2012
My you have got your work cut out ,look forward to seeing the progress .
Love the fireplace just a pity you won't have much time to sit and toast your toes at it for a while.
The helibores are gorgeous...happy gardening:)
14 Apr, 2012
You are going to busy for a while Meanie, I wish you well in both the house and the garden, its taken me years to get Hellebores to grow in my garden, I think they are lovely, will be looking forward to seeing more as you make the garden your own....
14 Apr, 2012
Good luck with the new house and garden Meanie, looking forward to future blogs on how your new garden grows. We at GOY can sit back and give advice while you do all the hard work!
15 Apr, 2012
You ARE going to be busy!!
15 Apr, 2012
Your new garden is full isn't it ... have a wonderful time sorting it out.
That palm tree would be the first thing I'd get rid of lol.
And it's great there's a greenhouse there :o)
15 Apr, 2012
Hi Meanie, you have got some work to do, but we on here look forward to seeing your progress!! That poor Camellia needs some eric.compost and a good feed!! Why dont you like primroses? Lol
15 Apr, 2012
Looks a nice sized garden, the chalenge of a new garden is always exciting, I think the Kerria would be toast if it was mine :o) Bet you cant wait to get stuck in, enjoy!
15 Apr, 2012
Oh how we are all different.....I would certainly keep the palm looks to be in good order, and the Hellebores would stay, Kerria can be a problem if you let it!! I love the garden walls, what an exciting time for you, good luck will watch out for the next blog......
15 Apr, 2012
Wow big project but lots of promise looking forward to seeing how it evolves:)
16 Apr, 2012
Really quick reply as I'm using the 3G connection at the moment (which is painfully slow tonight).
Done four hours weeding so far (6 till 8 am and pm ) and the difference is hardly noticeable! The Ivy is stripped from the apple free, and found Wisteria in bud!
Nowt getting pulled this year on a big scale - want to check what is here first...............
17 Apr, 2012
6 till 8!!! I'm very impressed!
Be interesting to see what is there, you moved in at the right time!
17 Apr, 2012
That's morning and night!
Just added two photos...............
17 Apr, 2012
Yes most impressed with the morning shift!
Saw them, very nice surprise!
17 Apr, 2012
wow so much to do meanie, good luck im sure you will get to grips real soon.
some nice plants there to keep,
look forward to seeing it change :o)))
21 Apr, 2012
More to do than you could imagine!
I'm an early riser Sticki, and the cat is keen too!
21 Apr, 2012
are there mice in this garden for your cat?
21 Apr, 2012
Four bagfuls of weeds today.
22 Apr, 2012
you couldnt have had as much rain and hail as we had here then!!!
[but i did go to a rare plant fair as well]
22 Apr, 2012
Intermittent hard rain since lunch.
Buy anything good?
22 Apr, 2012
this is the one you will like best:
Arisaema taiwanense
[scroll down about three quarters of the way down]
also two trilliums i have been looking for.
22 Apr, 2012
Love it!!!!
22 Apr, 2012
Thought you might,
Also got tempted by the white pleione, and succumbed!
22 Apr, 2012
I got a list of the rare plants fairs if you are interested.
22 Apr, 2012
Very nice - I would be tempted too!
Our local one is in five weeks..............
22 Apr, 2012
What I thought was a real shame was such a fabulous variety of lovely plants, some expensive but not all, but so few people, I did wonder if they made enough to make it worthwhile?
They were friendly and helpful stallholders too.
22 Apr, 2012
The weather may not have helped turnout.............
23 Apr, 2012
no im sure thats right, started off cloudy and ended up with hail.
coffee shop did well!!
23 Apr, 2012
I've a few on the wish list come rain, hail or snow!
23 Apr, 2012
i was out in the rain! i could have spent a lotta lotta money but i tried to restrain myself.
23 Apr, 2012
Stuff it - it's just once a year!!!!
23 Apr, 2012
till the next one anyway!!!
spent all the cash i took and OH's as well.
23 Apr, 2012
That's the way!
23 Apr, 2012
perhaps he wont come next time!!!!
23 Apr, 2012
Your new house has a beautiful garden!
Does your new location have a milder climate than the last?
24 Apr, 2012
Sticki - men hate shopping at the best of times!!
It generally is a degree or two warmer at this end of town Delonix.
24 Apr, 2012
You sure have that right! "men hate shopping at the best of times!!"
24 Apr, 2012
you dont hate shopping for plants though!
i do not like shopping. i do like the coffee shops in between the shops.
25 Apr, 2012
If I ever have to go I end up in the pub!!
26 Apr, 2012
coffee shop or pub is fine!!! better than shops by a long long way.
if my dad ever went shopping with mum he would stand at the door waiting and eating a bag of salted peanuts!!!
26 Apr, 2012
I missed this somehow...blimey what a job you've got on your hands there!
8 Jun, 2012
A little daunting to start with Karen, but it gets easier as your progress becomes "visible".
8 Jun, 2012
good to hear! :) keep going! Let's face it, with this weather, you won't get a better opportunity to pull out weeds and not feel you're missing out on sitting and enjoying the garden!!
8 Jun, 2012
Just read this blog again - and wondered why you don't like primroses? Granted they seed everywhere but they are so lovely in the spring even if they do come up in the lawn!
8 Jun, 2012
lol steragram...our meanie has very particular tastes don't you meanie? ;D
8 Jun, 2012
Steragram - I can just think of a better use for the space! I've ordered (reserved) a load of Hermodactylus, and various other spring bulbs.
Are they that different Karen? Mind you, I do have ten Iochroma coming along from seed and intend to try some outdoors this winter, along with Amaryllis too.
8 Jun, 2012
Oh yes, and I really enjoy seeing all your treasures! :D
8 Jun, 2012
Got something rather super coming along in the greenhouse Karen - really need that sunshine for it now!!
8 Jun, 2012
My word Meanie, I've never even heard of the first two!
8 Jun, 2012
Steragram - Hermodactylus...............
...............and Iochroma................
The Iochroma photos are of I.grandiflora. I'm growing I.australis from seed, some of which I'll try outdoors as it's the hardier.
8 Jun, 2012
Those are amazing! Thank you for the link.
9 Jun, 2012
Hermodactylus is available in good GC's early autumn in the bulb section.
11 Jun, 2012
I can see by the number of responses you do not need any advice. Gardens like yours just need sorting and ruthless clearing. But what fun it will be. I will be checking up on progress so putting you a favorite. Wells
1 Aug, 2012
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beware the Kerria Japonica Meanie, i had that in the park and it went rampant and was a real pain to dig out.. looks like you'll be very busy... have fun :-)
14 Apr, 2012