Comma Butterfly on Sedum spectabile
By Janey
- 11 Sep, 2009
Comments on this photo
Stunning... so good to see... :o)
11 Sep, 2009
Beautiful Janey ...
11 Sep, 2009
Wonderful close up!
11 Sep, 2009
Have to agree with you all.
11 Sep, 2009
beautiful janey
11 Sep, 2009
Lovely to see them again Janey,hopefully we will have more if the weather improves as they say !! The one on my avatar was taken on 12th Oct last year so plenty of time yet :))
11 Sep, 2009
Gorgeous....we don't see them up here unfortunately...
11 Sep, 2009
Janey thats beautiful.......
11 Sep, 2009
beautiful butterfly
11 Sep, 2009
Lovely photo. She's gorgeous.
11 Sep, 2009
11 Sep, 2009
Fab close up.
11 Sep, 2009
11 Sep, 2009
Lovely photo.
11 Sep, 2009
Great photo...:>)
12 Sep, 2009
I agree with the others, great photo............
12 Sep, 2009
Many thanks everyone!! The Sedums are coming into their own now in the North East, and attracting these gorgeous butterflies, we've had such a wonderful golden day here, and first thing, the Tour of Britain coming through the village......can't get much better than that!.....:o)
12 Sep, 2009
fantastic photo
12 Sep, 2009
janey is that the cycle race ? bet that was a sight to see and its a lovely day here to so sunny,
12 Sep, 2009
lovely Photo Janey
12 Sep, 2009
have we any one that can tell us the name of this lovly butterfly ' it is not as common as we think have another look at it ,the coluring is common but look at the shape of the wings it is going towards a swolotail.
12 Sep, 2009
the name 'comma' is in the title Cliffo,see also next photo :)
12 Sep, 2009
yes ive looked it up not that i doubted janey :o) its a male to from what i looked up
12 Sep, 2009
Must say Jane you really been excelling yourself with these lovely wildlife photos recently ..another beauty our sedums attracting speckled wood butterflies .
12 Sep, 2009
Cliffo.....they seem to be more late summer up here..........didn't realize it was a male one San......there was another sunbathing itself, maybe they were a couple......:o) Yes the cycle race, started at Scunthorpe near us....:o)
Aw thanks Bb.....have managed to sort out the zoom and trim on the camera at long last...Lol! San had been trying to tell me how to do it on the computer, but I couldn't seem to do it somehow.......:o(
13 Sep, 2009
aww how sweet janey, out together for a little end of summer sun lol
doesnt matter about doing it on comp janey you do a good job on your camera :o))
13 Sep, 2009
He..he.....thanks San...:o) What sort of day have you in Blackpool? Cloudy and chilly this morning here, hopefully it'll warm up a bit....:o)
13 Sep, 2009
hi janey its misty, has been last couple of days, a bit damp but its turned out really sunny mid morning, so looks like another nice day, im going to go get a few winter plants as im not to bad this morning, so do it while im ok :o) what you going to do janey
13 Sep, 2009
Hi San......I must've clicked out before I got your message.....sorry.....well, I had some plans to drive over to my Mums but can't believe I've pulled my back, .....have been crawling around on my hands and knees, so shall stay put today....:o(. Are you not too well San? Hope you got your plants, its difficult to know what to buy isn't it.........I have emptied quite a few tubs the other day, but don't know what to plant apart from pansies................
13 Sep, 2009
oh poor you janey i do hope you soon get back to normal, im doing ok got to have gallbladder out so in pain most days now, so limit what i do, but i went out and got some plants to go near the deck in my bad area if you remember, its stones so got rockery plants and some sedum after seeing yours, so pretty :o) take care janey
13 Sep, 2009
Oh...I'm sorry to hear that San.....that can be very painful....:o( Ian had his out a long while ago now and our daughter had keyhole surgery when she was only about 23, has been fine on that score ever since though, hope you get it sorted soon....:o). The sedums are great for butterflies, there is a bright red one, I'm looking for, for next year. If your stoney area gets the sun, those Lampranthus would be good too, and would trail over the stones.....:o).
13 Sep, 2009
your daughter was younge to have that janey, poor thing, i got the sedum today and think its red and lots of buds to, i will look for lampranthus to, cheers :o) while i was in the nursery today was lots of red admirals fluttering about and other butterflys to, wish i had took my camera
13 Sep, 2009
Yes she was San......I wondered if it was my cooking! seriously it seems to be in the family, Ian's Mum has had the same thing too. Kat, our daughter was always such a healthy eater and would only drink water when she was small and Ian was vegetarian for 20years............. Love the Red Admirals they seem so friendly...:o)
13 Sep, 2009
yes ive read up on gallbladder and it says its normally meat eaters that have probs not vegitarians,, but even dairy products arent good either, i think im quite a healthy eater, i do eat meat but more fish and chicken, love veg and salads to, but it can be for women due to the pill or menaporsal, even having kids, so we suffer more than men with it, more pain they say :o(
13 Sep, 2009
Wow, fantastic close-up Janey :)
14 Sep, 2009
Nice! My little camera is sitting in the background sulking. {chuckle}
21 Sep, 2009
Thanks Tastey!
N2o.........oh, you!......:o)
21 Sep, 2009
Never seen one of these before - great photo
6 Nov, 2009
Wow you must have been right on top of it to get this brilliant photo Janey! Great job.
22 Jan, 2010
Pictures by Janey
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Sedum Spectabile
£8.50 at Burncoose -
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Lovely :)
There seem to be such a lot of these around lately.
11 Sep, 2009