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Little Elsie selling perennials in aid of dog rescue :o)

Little Elsie selling perennials in aid of dog rescue :o)

At a recent charity dog show, Elsie's mother and grandmother kindly gave permission for this photo to be taken for uploading onto GoY.

The family members were selling perennials in aid of dog rescue, and raised about £200. The signs on the containers to the left are WINDFALLS FOR ANIMALS and ORGANIC FRUIT. :o)

The venue was unmown, as you can see...
Conker performed his Supernanny routine, and he won the first prize trophy for Best Tricks, despite having great difficulty in pushing his toy pram across the long grass, Lol.

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Arent they lovely at this age and all children seem to have an inherant love of and for animals - heres hoping she will hold onto it through her life.

Poor Conker had you known would probably have taken the lawnmower but well done for gaining yet another prize - trophy cabinet must be heaving.

17 Sep, 2009


Elsie is sooooo cute, and has a younger sibling equally lovely :o).
The family have three rescued dogs, so it seems the children will grow up with a love of animals...

Yes, Conker would have been better with his mower...Lol. The judge was a dog trainer from BBC3 TV's Dog Borstal.... I've not watched the show... Maybe TV's Supernanny would have been more appropriate to judge Conker as nanny. Lol.

The trophy is an engraved glass goblet... placed way up high at home.. out of Truffle's reach. Lol.

17 Sep, 2009


With a saleslady like that no wonder they did well - and well done, Conker again. The talents of your dog are endless, lol.

17 Sep, 2009


Elsie has a lovely personality. She is waving to the camera... yes ~ who could refuse to buy plants from such a cutie ~ and for such a good cause...

The grass was so long that Conker even had trouble playing his toy piano, but managed a tune or two...Lol.

17 Sep, 2009


A lovely pic TT. Such a pretty little girl doing something very worthwhile.

17 Sep, 2009


Thanks, Toto.
Elsie is only a toddler but very well behaved :o)

17 Sep, 2009


Just like Conker!

17 Sep, 2009


I notice you didn't put "Just like Truffle" Lol.

17 Sep, 2009


I've heard about him.

17 Sep, 2009


aww lovely photo TT

17 Sep, 2009


Thanks Eileen :o)

17 Sep, 2009


awww what a lovely pic Terra, she looks so sweet, and a great fund raiser to,good ol conker did it again, well done, he must feel good or he wouldnt want to do it Terra, well done to you to for being a good mum x

17 Sep, 2009


Thank you, Sandra ~
This turned out to be a very sunny, happy day. Conker also enjoyed walking around the stalls with me. :o)

17 Sep, 2009


did you buy anything Terra ?

17 Sep, 2009


~glad you had all such a good time!

17 Sep, 2009


Thanks, Arlene :o)

Sandra ~ The stall was selling the little wooden items as well as the plants...

Elsie's bench and a chair were already labelled as "SOLD" but I bought the two circular "milking stools" between Elsie and the basket of organic fruit. Then my friend bought me the tiny low table just behind the stool near the tent peg...

17 Sep, 2009


Hi terra, lovely photo, isn't she gorgeous? I think i would have bought loads of plants as I can't resist them. Can you remember the name of the 'dog borstal' judge I used to love that program(anything with dogs) if not, was it a man or a woman? So glad you all had such a great day:-)

17 Sep, 2009


She is gorgeous TT........and well done Conker....

17 Sep, 2009


well done will they go in the garden or indoors Terra

17 Sep, 2009


Hi Bornagain ~
It was a woman judge... she worked hard ...lots of dogs there...
her name is Lynne Davies...

Yes, Elsie is gorgeous... I tried to resist buying too much because my friend's car was already full with dog show gear...
I just about managed to fit the wooden items in (mentioned above) .Lol

I travelled home as the front seat passenger with a giant sack of dog food between my legs, Lol...which was another item Conker had won for Best Trick. Lol.

17 Sep, 2009


Thank you Milky ... Elsie is gorgeous :o)
... and Conker says thanks also....

Hi again Sandra ~
My original idea was that the mini furniture items might be useful for Conker's trick routines, but if not they'll be in the garden. They cost only a few £, and for a good cause......:o)

17 Sep, 2009


great :o)

17 Sep, 2009


Lovely photo TT looks like they had a lot of lovely plants for sale...well done Conker....

17 Sep, 2009


Thanks, Janette...
Yes, the plants were ones they had grown themselves, or donated by friends...
Conker says thank you Auntie Janette xxx :o)

17 Sep, 2009


Who could possibly resist when the seller is as cute as that, well done to Conker,he knows his vet bills are expensive Terra so he`s helping towards food bills bless him..........

17 Sep, 2009


Congrats to Clever end to his talent, and a big well done to Elsie too.

17 Sep, 2009


I remember days like that Terra struggling back to the car with dogs and new dogstuff and plant pots only to realise we couldn't remember where we'd left the car 8~/ :-)) Thanks for the judge name, yes she was very good on 'dog borstal' and seemed a very nice woman too:-)

17 Sep, 2009


I can see why you raised so much with such a little cutie she is georgous so pretty too. A seed planted for life. Well done Conker a wag and a kiss from me and Bench cat for achieving a hard goal and a well earned prize.

17 Sep, 2009


No better way to sell than have a little charmer like Elsie on staff! lol..
She is cute.
Great photo.

18 Sep, 2009


Thanks Lincslass and DD2 ~
That's true about Conker helping with finances by winning dog food...
...If funds get really low, Conker will be hired out to cut lawns with his toy

Hello Bornagain ~
Yes, when we arrive at a dog show, I usually draw a plan of how I've fitted the equipment into the car, so that I can repack it quickly for the journey home. :o)
What did Lynne do on Dog Borstal ?

Morgana ~
Conker sends you a kiss, and NN Conker has kisses for you, Chummy and Scrunchion too. xxxx

18 Sep, 2009


Oh! lovely photo TT, doesn't she look beautiful amongst all that colour. I'm putting in a claim for Conker to give me a hand with all the mowing, I spend hours every week doing it in various places, I am sure he would do as good a job as some of my lads and might be a bit cheaper EH!! Lol. That grass is painful to look at though.

18 Sep, 2009


Aww what a lovely story :) Well done to Elsie and co. for raising so much money. And not forgetting Conker of course, you must be very proud of him Terra.

18 Sep, 2009


Thanks Emma :o)

Hi Doctorbob ~
Conker is keen to come over to your gardens with his toy John Deere American lawn mower..specially imported from the USA...

The mower makes "real chugging sounds" and when Conker has finished cutting the grass, a recording inside the mower says, with an American accent ~

... "Great Job !.... The lawn looks GREAT ! " :o)

18 Sep, 2009


Sounds perfect TT. must go back to work now after my lunch break. It's a hard life. LOL.

18 Sep, 2009


Shetland Sheepdogs enjoy long lunch-breaks and lengthy tea-breaks in between their gardening tasks....
.... it's written into their contracts...LOL.

18 Sep, 2009


Hi Elsie, she did well did'nt she, and Conker there both lovely.

18 Sep, 2009


Thanks, Clarice....
Elsie is so sweet,
and Conker sends kisses to Smokey xxx

18 Sep, 2009


TT Smokey sends one back xx and one for Truffles xx

18 Sep, 2009


Thank Conker for me and you too:o)))

18 Sep, 2009


Hi Terra, Lyn was one of three trainers. each week they each took on a problem dog and trained it or rather trained it's owners in a few days. For some reason the owners had to stay in rather primitive tents and the dogs were in kennels on the same site, quite regimented. I found it informative and entertaining and most dogs left in better health(you'd be surprised at the rubbish some people fed their dogs and were then surprised when they behaved badly and were hyperactive) and better behaved. Each trainer used their own training methods, Lyns seemed very sensible to me:-)

18 Sep, 2009


Great idea TT, and the little one is a doll. Great on Conker.

19 Sep, 2009


Oh bless her, you could not resist stopping and buying something could you? Please tell Conker, Todd says very well done, he couldn't even push a ball through grass like that let alone a pram, but he would be quite willing to be the 'baby' in the pram.............:o)

19 Sep, 2009


A lovely picture Terra and such a sweet little girl , like Pam says you just couldnt resist buying from her, Sounds as though you had a great day and Conker did so well to win another trophy for you, give both Conker and Truffle a big hug from me.

19 Sep, 2009


Hi Bornagain ~
Interesting info.thanks.... odd about the staying in tents..Lol.

Thanks, Doon, Pamazon and Pansypotter. :o)

19 Sep, 2009


Flower among the flowers !

20 Sep, 2009


Good caption, Shapla... thanks :o)

20 Sep, 2009


Elsie is so cute TT .. she is a winner Just like Conker , well done again Conker :o)

21 Sep, 2009


Hi Amy ~
Thank you. Yes, Elsie was so lovely sitting there...
.. and Conker says thanks. x :o)

21 Sep, 2009


Hey TT,
I'm happy to hear from Conker...
well done conker!!!

23 Sep, 2009


Hi Aleyna ~
Conker says hello.
Glad you like the photo :o)

24 Sep, 2009


Well done with the fund raising and what a gorgeous little helper too.

25 Sep, 2009


Thanks Linda ~
The little helper looks just the right age to enjoy your dragon story... how is it shaping up ?

25 Sep, 2009


I haven't done much the last few days have been hectic. I will probably start again in a couple of weeks time when I have a bit more free time. I've got the winter and bad weather to write. I've been pulling out stuff in the garden and replanting and today did the hanging basket again using the old basket as it was perfectly o.k. to reuse. Dug out the little bush that I had in last years hanging basket with the orange balls on and put violas around it.

25 Sep, 2009


Yes, I'm doing similar...saving certain tasks for winter time and making the most of these sunny days to enjoy my gardens, and working with my dogs... There will be plenty of colder days when we can tackle indoor jobs ! :o)

25 Sep, 2009


I have sold 55 of the other Twinkle story booklets so far so at least the money's coming in to the Dalbery Lees Cats P.L. I hope they've sold some at the centre too.

26 Sep, 2009


Linda.... Well done ! :o)

26 Sep, 2009


At least my writing isn't just sitting in a cupboard not getting used Terratoonie and the children enjoy the stories. On the rare occasion I visit the local school and tell them a story and some of my poetry then do a workshop with the children. It's really lovely.

27 Sep, 2009

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