By Terratoonie

12 Jul, 2010
... a mix of colours and shapes ...
Comments on this photo
I bought a lacecap for £1 a couple of years ago and its flowered for the first time and is a lovely mauve--- its in a pot do you think it would go bluer if I gave it an ericaceous feed?, the Heucheras are nice i'm thinking of getting some more they are such lovely colours these days
12 Jul, 2010
Thanks Yorkshire..
Yes Pam, I think an ericaceous feed would be likely to encourage your pink hydrangea to produce flowers with a bluer hue...
12 Jul, 2010
Lovely ..
12 Jul, 2010
Pretty mix:-)
12 Jul, 2010
Beautiful combination Terra;0)
12 Jul, 2010
lovely together terra ;o))
12 Jul, 2010
Good combination, TT. I am still waiting (not very patiently!) for my hydrangea flowers to open - I don't think they are going to be blue this year, they look white! I love heucheras too and they seem to like my back garden.
12 Jul, 2010
Good luck with your hydrangeas, Gee...
I've been battling for weeks, to keep mine watered !
12 Jul, 2010
Thanks Clarice, Bornagain, Pansypotter and Sandra. :o)
12 Jul, 2010
Stunning TT. As you said, lovely shapes and beautiful colours. :o))
12 Jul, 2010
Hi Linda... pleased you like this :o)
12 Jul, 2010
nice combination TT :-)
13 Jul, 2010
What a wonderful marriage they look lovely together.
13 Jul, 2010
Agree 6d definately a marriage made in heaven they look wonderful. By the way TT erigeron in full flower hope it will seed itself, thanks again.
13 Jul, 2010
These look excellent together, Tt! :-)))
13 Jul, 2010
Thank you Grindle....
Hi Sixpence.... marriage.... that's a good word...Lol.
Hello Stroller.... yes those erigeron seeds will germinate all over the place :o)
Thanks David... :o)))
13 Jul, 2010
Lovely combo :-)))
13 Jul, 2010
fantastic complementary colouring~
13 Jul, 2010
Thank you Arlene...
13 Jul, 2010
I accidentaly snapped a few branches off our hydrangea about 6 weeks ago Terra. I popped them in water and they are still looking OK but no roots have formed from them yet. I am still waiting......and hoping any advice my friend? :-)
15 Jul, 2010
Hi Richard...
Can you put the branches into damp compost ?
Take off a lot of the leaves....
I've grown hydrangea cuttings in compost in the past...
not tried in water ...
15 Jul, 2010
I will try that Terra it sounds a good method especially as you have had success with it - thanks alot :-)
15 Jul, 2010
Good luck with your cuttings Richard :o)
16 Jul, 2010
That's beautiful TT, as you say a great combination.
16 Jul, 2010
Thanks Bob :o)
16 Jul, 2010
Love this combination colourwise...i agree, about the watering Tt, the
Hydrangea`s do like plenty of it, as well as lots of feed....: ~ )))
16 Jul, 2010
Lovely TT. Is that a hebe in the background? Love the combination of colours.
16 Jul, 2010
Hi Freesia... Thank you...
yes ... I give my hydrangeas lots of water... thirsty plants !
Thanks Macpat.... Yes a hebe in the background... Bought it in aid of charity, as a very tiny plant... Now it has lots of leaves, but it hasn't yet flowered... so no identification at this stage ...
16 Jul, 2010
i love Hydrangeas ,
16 Jul, 2010
Hi Detectorist...
I'm pleased to have photographed a flower you like so much :o)
16 Jul, 2010
beautiful! I have had one now for 5 years and has NEVER bloomed :( any suggestions??
17 Jul, 2010
Hi Heartnsol57 ... Thanks ..
Hydrangeas do seem to like plenty of water....
.. and Freesiaperson mentions in a comment above about giving lots of feed too.. I hope your hydrangea flowers for you soon....
17 Jul, 2010
A great combo TT....
17 Jul, 2010
Looking good TT
18 Jul, 2010
thanks Terratoonie, I will try that!
18 Jul, 2010
Thanks Dotty and Pip....
and good luck Heartsnsol with your Hydrangeas :o)
1 Aug, 2010
Do you know what variety that is? I really like the lacecap hydrangeas but there are only a few varieties that do well where I live.
11 Dec, 2010
Hello Rk...
The hydrangea above is a mystery plant I purchased from a stall at a dog show.... so unfortunately I don't have the name ..
... but there are more hydrangeas on my blogs:
21st July, 2010 "Welcome Rain.. Yes and No"
29th July, 2010 "Garden Guests".
I'll try to name some of those if you wish... one already on there is identified... Hydrangea serrata Blue Bird...
I hope this helps.
11 Dec, 2010
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