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Bedazzled ;o)))

Bedazzled  ;o)))

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Hi Conker, your looking great lol xx
Hasn't his fur grown in well TT, its good to see him looking so healthy. :~))))))).

15 Oct, 2010


Hi Skillen ..
Yes, thanks. Conker's fur has grown well.
Hopefully he won't need to wear one knitted coat on top of another knitted coat, like last winter ! :o)))

15 Oct, 2010


Lol Conker!! You trying to say something there???? Now which paw does he work the mouse with Tt?.....:o)

15 Oct, 2010


Hi Janey...
Conker's technological techniques are way beyond me ... ;o)

15 Oct, 2010


Conker looks 'COOL' lol :o))

15 Oct, 2010


lol. Hywel ... he's chilling out ;o)

15 Oct, 2010


Brilliant, just love Conkers new shades;0))

15 Oct, 2010


Conker says thanks, Carole ...
... he likes to be trendy.... ;o)

15 Oct, 2010


Love the shades dude.

15 Oct, 2010


great photo....

15 Oct, 2010


Thanks Elsiemay :o)))

15 Oct, 2010


Thanks for making me laugh TT

15 Oct, 2010


Brilliant TT, poor Conker hope his eyesight will be OK. Lol.

15 Oct, 2010


Lovely photo TT....You look so cute Conker, love your glasses!

15 Oct, 2010


He really is a handsome dog.

15 Oct, 2010


Ajay is just getting us all prepared for summer, guys :o)))
Conker looks like a cool dude - and the sunflower does too!

15 Oct, 2010


Hello Conker. It's lovely to see you again.

16 Oct, 2010


Hi Denise ... I'm glad this made you laugh :o)))

Hello Bob ... the truth is out now ...

... all my GoY keyboard work is done by Conker ;o)

Thanks Lyn, Skillen, Pip and Gilli ...
... Conker likes to look stylish. Lol.

16 Oct, 2010


conker is so on top of fashion Terra, looking very handsome in his shades, great pic ;o))

16 Oct, 2010


Hi Sandra ...
Conker says thanks ... he admires your fashion-sense
... so he knows that's special compliment ;o)

16 Oct, 2010


thanx conker i do try to keep up with the trends ;o)))

16 Oct, 2010


lol. :o)

16 Oct, 2010


hahaha ;o))

16 Oct, 2010


yes conker we all agree with you, blue is a no go, if you don't make Peter and Ajay change back to green after seeing what its doing to you then we GOY's do not stand a chance, nice to see you looking so well,

16 Oct, 2010


Ahhhhh conker......... love it.... you looki greatttttttttt.........

16 Oct, 2010


Hi Holly and Yorks ...
Even the flowers are wearing shades ...
... hoping for the greeeeeeeeeeeeeen ..... ;o)

16 Oct, 2010


Hey Tt could'nt read what you wrote. did you mean GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN by any chance !!

16 Oct, 2010


: O ))

16 Oct, 2010


Well hello Conker, aren`t you just the smartest, coolest fellow in town.
It`s great to see Conker looking so well Terra.
Hugs to all.

16 Oct, 2010


Hi Stroller...
Conker sends you hugs.
I'm thankful he's looking so well at the moment. xxx

16 Oct, 2010


Oh Conker..... you are brilliant - and if the Boys can't take that big hint - I doubt there is nothing else we can do!!!
It is great to see you looking so well ....such a "man about town" too...LOL

16 Oct, 2010


Hi Alz ...

Lovely to see you ....
...okay .. your GG's actually

Conker and his sunflower friend are truly bedazzled. ;o)

16 Oct, 2010


TT I just showed this to Beryl. She always asks how Conker is. She said he is lovely, and he looks really well :o)

16 Oct, 2010


Message from Conker to Beryl ..... thank you ...

woof woof... hello... <<< big hug >>> xxx :o)

16 Oct, 2010


Beryl said thank you to Conker, and gives him a big hug aswell :o) x

16 Oct, 2010


Conker says thanks ...
... and he's sure Beryl has given Blodyn a hug too. Lol. x

16 Oct, 2010


Yes Blodyn has had a hug, and is fast asleep on an armchair :o) x

16 Oct, 2010


That conjures up a lovely picture ... :o) x

16 Oct, 2010


:o) x

16 Oct, 2010


Hi Conker...Honey says the loves the shades, Man!
I told her all about them TT
Sadly there is only one GG now but she sends her woofs!!

16 Oct, 2010


So sorry, Alz...
... had not realised there's just the one GG now ...
... lots of love and <<< hugs >>> to Honey. xxx

16 Oct, 2010


Hey man! If you dig my should see my skis!!!

17 Oct, 2010


I take it Conker is on the GOY website then TT ?? LOL. Does he prefer green?

17 Oct, 2010


Hello Tetrarch ... Lol.
Conker likes the snow ... :o)

Hi Grandmage ...
Conker prefers a nice subtle shade of green ...

He does most of my keyboard work for me ...

... computers etc. ...

... and he's VERY good at playing music ...
... honestly ... has his own toy piano :o)

17 Oct, 2010


Think you are on to a winner there!! 8=))

17 Oct, 2010


Lol. :o) x

17 Oct, 2010


Hey! Mr C! Looking cool! Bless you. :o)

17 Oct, 2010


Hi Fluff.... Thanks ..
Conker's hoping for pale green panels at the sides of the screen, to help all those GoY members who suffer with poor eyesight/headaches ... :o)

17 Oct, 2010


Your right about the headaches TT I have to limit the time I spend on here now.

17 Oct, 2010


Hi Denise...
Sorry to read you are still having the headaches... My eyes are not all that strong, so I'm also suffering with the bright blue ..
Conker is doing his best to ask Peter and Ajay to bring back the pale green ... :o)

17 Oct, 2010


I'm sure they will ... :o)

17 Oct, 2010


:o))) Denise works so hard on the GoYpedia....
... not fair if she ends up with a headache !

17 Oct, 2010


I think there will be a lot of extra pain-killers consumed if we don't go back to the less harsh "rural green" !
Seriously though it DOES actually cause one to scowl at the screen....which is not at all restful.

17 Oct, 2010


I must admit it is really affecting my eyes. Its four days on and I think its about time the boys called it quits on the blue and white!

17 Oct, 2010


Agree... When I've been on GoY a while, I'm now getting that "flickery eye lid" problem... haven't had that for some years ...

please bring back a subtle shade of green for the side panels ...

17 Oct, 2010


Please just bring back a whole green screen like before TT. If you have green sides TT you will still have the glaring white! I give up, I am off to my daughters now so speak Wednesday! At least I have three days, eye rest from here!

17 Oct, 2010


I agree - green screens pleeeeese! We can adjust to the other changes - nobody is complaining now that they are used to them but the colour-scheme IS very uncomfortable and as I am sure the boys want happy bunnies for members - so I am sure they will listen to what the majority feel is NEEDED - not just wanted!

17 Oct, 2010


That's one cool dude there TT....

17 Oct, 2010


Doesn't he look well!! must be very pleased with Conker's progress TT.....You have all been through such a lot together.......

18 Oct, 2010


Hi Alice and Milky ... Thanks ...
Yes, I'm so pleased with how well Conker is looking, now 17 months on from when his chemotherapy started ...
fingers crossed he'll have a good winter... he loves dressing up ... specs, hats ..Lol. ...

18 Oct, 2010


Wow he looks so well, so pleased for him xx

18 Oct, 2010


Hi Clarice... Conker says thanks and hello xxx

18 Oct, 2010


Hi Conker xx

18 Oct, 2010


Love it - does he have a guide dog too?!!!

18 Oct, 2010


Lol. Sheilar ..
If Conker used my Terrier, Truffle, as a Guide Dog, he would definitely be led well astray .... :o)))

18 Oct, 2010


Its smashing to see Conker looking so handsome and healthy, his coat has recovered well, anyone meeting him now would never know he had suffered so much, I`m over the moon for you Terra.
Well done Conker for helping us all get our greenery back.........

18 Oct, 2010


Hi Lincslass... Conker says thanks ...

...and he says he hopes your eyes will feel better. now that we have the lovely green GoY colours :o) x

18 Oct, 2010


Hi Conker....Green is cool, Man!! I think you can remove the shades now, Dude!
Mind you - you look such a toff in them....I like you the way you are....LOL

18 Oct, 2010


That's one cute dog T/T

18 Oct, 2010


Thanks Alz and Bellflower :o)))

19 Oct, 2010


Think Conker will have to keep his glasses on, what have they done to our website???????????? Where is our green screen, not sides, screen, Oh Help. I hate it even more now. :0((

19 Oct, 2010


Oh dear GMage, I know its not such a pretty green but it is an improvement on the blue! Still would have preferred the old one back.

19 Oct, 2010


I think that this site is more difficult to get about on that the other way we had.......progress?

20 Oct, 2010


Hi Conker, I reckon it's because of your pic that the awful blue has gone, and the glare has been toned down a little. Is there possibly some way you could get the screen back to all green again I wonder? It's possibly asking too much, but If anyone can do it, you can. You are looking soooo handsome lately:-)))))

20 Oct, 2010


Born.a. is right, c'mon TT, get your lovely Conker to pose again on a pc. with his sunglasses on, it might just do the trick, one more try to get our green back! please. x

20 Oct, 2010


I am with you all on wishing for a paler shade of white ...oops sorry - you know what i mean!!!!
I love the mossy green - sides but do agree that the white is TOO white still...and the glare hasn't been reduced enough yet really. Aren't we a fussy bunch....don't mean to be .....just want to stop scowling at the screen....LOL I was SO pleased to see the cold icy blue disappear...and only now when I logged back in did I realise...just how stark the WHITE it is still.
Never mind - if Conker poses again - perhaps all will return to "our normal" ;>>))

20 Oct, 2010


what a character! love it!

20 Oct, 2010


Hi Marydoll ...
Conker says thanks :o) x

20 Oct, 2010


oh lovely photo, conker looks shinny :)

21 Oct, 2010


Gorgeous photo of conker,Tt.I'm still having a big problem with the white too,so can see why he is wearing his shades...sensible boy..!!

22 Oct, 2010


~ looking good!~

27 Oct, 2010


Thanks Aleyna, Bloomer and Arlene ...
Conker is always doing his best to help ... x

29 Oct, 2010


he really looks grand, I can see you really have spent time grooming him

31 Oct, 2010


Hello Islander...

This time last year Conker was losing the majority of his hair, following months of chemotherapy... so it is lovely to see him looking well .... and having lots of re-grown hair to groom ! :o)))

31 Oct, 2010


Conker you are looking absolutely wonderful so handsome , a credit to your hard working mum getting you into tip top condition ... :o))

31 Oct, 2010


Thanks, Amy...
... Conker enjoys being brushed and combed :o)))

31 Oct, 2010


Cool......Is he acting with Lassie??? :0)

26 Nov, 2010


Dont know about that Louis, but if thats you in your avatar, you should apply for the Coca Cola advert...fantastic!!

27 Nov, 2010


At this time of year, Louis is always a very handsome Santa ... :o)

27 Nov, 2010


way too cool

7 Jul, 2011


Hi Pondlady... Conker says hello :o)

7 Jul, 2011

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