By Terratoonie

15 Jun, 2011
Which one isn't a statue ? ;o)
... more pics on my Garden Centre blog ...
Comments on this photo
Brilliant photo,
15 Jun, 2011
Agree fab photo and Conkers even smiling for the camera :-)
15 Jun, 2011
I agree with all, and I too was about to make the comment about Conker smiling. lol. :o))
15 Jun, 2011
Thank you ...
Conker was trying to look fierce like the lions ...
... but he smiled instead ...Lol. :o)))
15 Jun, 2011
15 Jun, 2011
Such a gorgeous dog Terratoonie - very well looked after :):):):):)
15 Jun, 2011
A very cute pic. He looks so proud.
15 Jun, 2011
Thanks Paul... Conker enjoyed a very good grooming before he went out for the day. He loves being brushed and combed.... :o)))
Thank you Adoons...
15 Jun, 2011
15 Jun, 2011
lovely pic Terra :o))
15 Jun, 2011
Thanks Sandra... :o)))
15 Jun, 2011
:o)) YW
15 Jun, 2011
15 Jun, 2011
Wooow !! he's as handsome as ever. please give him a cuddle for me :)
15 Jun, 2011
Thanks Milky and Sue ...
...hugs sent back from Conker ...
... and from the lions ... Lol. ;o)
15 Jun, 2011
great photo terra
15 Jun, 2011
Typical top film star...he never produces poor work!
15 Jun, 2011
Conker is a superstar
who likes his pussycats
He likes to sit beside the beasts
three great aristocrats.
16 Jun, 2011
Conker is a champion TT . He looks absolutely Fantastic how nice to see him looking so Handsome :o))
16 Jun, 2011
think this ones my favorite.....
16 Jun, 2011
This will have to go in the faves Terra. How did you get Conkers 'bib' to be all aglow? Lots of brushing/talc? Or is he just sooooo dapper?
16 Jun, 2011
Thanks Surreylad, Tet, Linda, Amy, Pam and Dorjac ...
Conker's hair always looks clean ..
...he has never needed a bath !
I brush his coat thoroughly about once a week ..
He loves being groomed... :o)
16 Jun, 2011
Definately an unusual pleasing photograph. Conker takes the show very pleasent. Favorite for sure.
16 Jun, 2011
When I first saw the small photo it looked as though COnker had angels wings.
17 Jun, 2011
So pleased you like this 230338 ... :o)
17 Jun, 2011
oooo fantastic picture TT :)
Conker is a Lord!
18 Jun, 2011
Lol. Aleyna... Thanks :o)
18 Jun, 2011
great pic of conker......he looks very Royal...
18 Jun, 2011
Thank you Holly ... Conker fitted neatly into the gap between the two lions ...Lol.
18 Jun, 2011
Conker your looking as handsome as ever, truly a king among kings. Hope all is well with you TT.
Sue x
18 Jun, 2011
Hi Sue... Conker sends hugs ..
I'm bouncing back now thanks. xxx
18 Jun, 2011
Conker is King ! :o)
20 Jun, 2011
Theres only one I`d have guarding my castle, happy posing Conker.
21 Jun, 2011
Wow! What a fab picture of Conker! He does you proud, TT! Glad to see him looking so well! :-)) This is going into my favorties
22 Jun, 2011
Thank you Hywel, Stroller and Balcony ...
Conker loved posing with the lions ;o)
25 Jun, 2011
Er, not sure TT - I'll guess at the one in the middle!! Isn't he lovely, such a poser.
25 Jun, 2011
wow ................... on gaurd lol ............... great puic
25 Jun, 2011
Thank you Cristina ..
Conker really likes posing for photos...:o)
Lol Sheilar ... Thanks ..
yes, the one in the middle ...
the one with the most fur ... ;o)
25 Jun, 2011
Aw that's a great pic! great name too Conker!
26 Jun, 2011
Conker says thank you :o)
26 Jun, 2011
Very good pose. Looks she/he is friendly and happy with anybody...LOL.
1 Jul, 2011
Hi Katarina ...
Conker says hello and thanks to you ... :o)
1 Jul, 2011
my choice is the one in the middle. lol
7 Jul, 2011
Hi Pondlady... well spotted.... Lol.
7 Jul, 2011
love it a rose between 2 thorns :)) stunning
7 Jul, 2011
Thanks Mark... Conker says "hi" :o)
7 Jul, 2011
conker is as gorgeous as ever!!!
16 Jul, 2011
Thanks NN...
Conker was trying to look FIERCE ...
... but he just smiled and looked cute instead ... Lol.
16 Jul, 2011
yeah, he looks right fierce with that big grin on his face :D !!!!!!
16 Jul, 2011
16 Jul, 2011
Lovely picture, Conker is looking so well, bless him xx
17 Jul, 2011
Thanks Clarice..
Conker really enjoyed looking around the garden centre. :o) xxx
18 Jul, 2011
So proud conker is very good to pose like that. Thankyou.
7 Aug, 2011
Hi Tony...
Conker says thanks :o)
8 Aug, 2011
15 Oct, 2011
Hi David...
I like your photos ...
Lions and Conker all send best wishes to you :o)
15 Oct, 2011
ha ha ha.....
13 Nov, 2011
ha ha ha :o)))
13 Nov, 2011
Love this picture, & I love the dog's name as well.
2 Jul, 2012
Conkers a Star Shirl.......
2 Jul, 2012
Thank you, Shirl and Pam :o)
2 Jul, 2012
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Great picture of a very happy looking Conker with his two body guards;0))
15 Jun, 2011