Across the garden in morning light
By Stickitoffee

23 Apr, 2012
If you dont look too closely you cant see all the plants i have put in the wrong places.
Comments on this photo
Thats looking really good now Sticki. You must be really pleased with it.
23 Apr, 2012
Lovely picture Sticki, :^)
23 Apr, 2012
It looks very attractive Sticki, you have a smashing backdrop for your garden, do you have access to the woods or are they on private land....
23 Apr, 2012
thank you annella, its very mossy!!
i was surprised how nice it looks in the photo, thanks poppylover, i dont usually see it from that angle!!
thanks daylily ~ nice to see you!!
thanks lincslass, i can just walk into the woods, as can others ~ they are owned by the local council but very few people walk in them ~ i have only ever seen one or two through the trees ~ there is no path right next to the fence.
23 Apr, 2012
looking good to me sticki, i have plants like that which i will move one day haha
23 Apr, 2012
That's such a lovely photo, Sticki. And your Pieris didn't get the frost (mine did!). :))
23 Apr, 2012
I am always planting things in the wrong place too, but that is part of the fun of gardening, re-planting and moving them around the garden, it eventually gets to look just how it should have done in the first place. lol. Lovely picture of your garden, lovely plants and lovely backdrop, we are so lucky to have trees sticki.
23 Apr, 2012
Your garden looks lovely Sticki :)
If everything was in the right place, there wouldn't be room for any of those 'love at first sight' impulse acquisitions, would there? ;))
23 Apr, 2012
Such a beautiful space...well done Sticki...:>)
23 Apr, 2012
thank you everyone, you are very kind, i just happened to catch it looking like that and thought, better take a photo ~ it might not look like that again!!
at least half are in the wrong place i think sanbaz.
your pieris got the frost sheila? i have never known these to be bothered by it and it was very cold last year. perhaps the woods protect them?
yes very lucky olive, i dont suppose i will ever get them in the right place but i do like looking at them separately!!
ah you could have a point there karen!! good point, thanks!
thanks motinot, i didnt do it all, there were lots of nice things when we came.
23 Apr, 2012
23 Apr, 2012
aw, thats nice 7 ~ thank you [had to google it] !!
'forest land'
23 Apr, 2012
I love the backdrop of the trees, and your garden looks fabulous in the sunshine
23 Apr, 2012
I think it looks there an arch at the back there?
23 Apr, 2012
thanks cinderella, a rare moment i think
pimpernel there is not much wrong with your eyes is there!!! i didnt think anyone would spot that!! i have made it with bent young holly branches and then put my thornless blackberry one side and hoping my montana will climb the other side.
23 Apr, 2012
Looks beautiful Sticki. You caught that light just right.
23 Apr, 2012
thanks willinilli ~ guess what ~ i now have 24 morning glory seeds that have germinated!!!!! amazing arent they!
23 Apr, 2012
I got a thornless blackberry a couple of months ago..I miss nothing.
23 Apr, 2012
You've got a great garden, Sticki. I know I've said this before, but I really like that bank.
23 Apr, 2012
oh dear, pimms, well dont look at the weeds then please.
this blackberry hasnt really got going although its about 3 years old; i had one at my other house that was really good.
thanks oji, you wouldnt like it so much if you fell down it as much as i have!!!
23 Apr, 2012
Beautiful picture of your garden, so nice to see sunlight again too!
23 Apr, 2012
we havent had enough sun have we PP?? i just cant work out what sort of weather we are going to have each day! yesterday we had huge hail storms!!
23 Apr, 2012
That's lovely Sticki -BTW - I can look as close as I like coz I wouldn't know if a plant was in the right place or the wrong place :))
Your Pieris look great - I can't wait til mine get bigger and make an impact in the garden like yours. Nice wee Acer too sticki
23 Apr, 2012
oh thats good scottish but im sure its not true!
that pieris in the foreground was once about 5 foot tall and went across the window, its trunk was nearly 2" diameter and had to be sawn off ~ being the great plants that they are it is coming back ~ im really pleased.
23 Apr, 2012
Oh it's true alright Sticki - I'm for ever having to move things around - my trouble is I can't for the life of me imagine just how big things will eventually get. Still that was what inspired me to join this site and learn these things!
23 Apr, 2012
snap scottish!!! im learning a bit at a time but mostly i am in awe of others who seem to have the knack and lay out their gardens like a painting!!!
23 Apr, 2012
haha! Me too!
Trouble is...a) I can't afford to buy all the plants at once
b) I don't have the patience to wait
c) I can't blooming find them anywhere when I've decided that there's something in particular that I want
d) My knowledge is not that extensive...and I like being 'seduced' by something beautiful just waiting for me to buy it (resulting in lots of other plants having to be moved - yet, again!lol!)
Long live haphazard gardening! (and besides, if you just laid it all out you'd have nothing much more to do except weeding and pruning! lol!! ;))))
23 Apr, 2012
Here, Here Karen!!!!
Although I have (e) to add - a mother who brings home plants that are never going to survive in my garden!!! Neighbours green house has 2 very large pots with a Oleander and Pittosporum in them for winter. The other week she brought home a very mature Cordyline - where on earth I'm going to keep that for winter is boggling my mind already!!
23 Apr, 2012
lots of the bigger things were already in the garden when we came, after that i probably put most in the wrong place. i could do with a garden all in pots i think so i could move them round all the time!!
i dont want to just weed and prune!!! i like the setting up the new bit best but im worst at that!!!
23 Apr, 2012
Your garden is lovely,Sticki..and the backdrop of the trees just frames the picture..I agree about the problem cutting them back..I remember you asking a question about that,ages ago..glad to hear it worked :o)
As long as you are happy with your layout..and it's not always the case..that's the main thing..but it's satisfying when you poor Zebrina Miscanthus had about five homes,before I was content ! Lol...
23 Apr, 2012
That is the advantage of container gardening Sticki..When something is looking can bring it forward things that are past their best you tuck away..I hated it at first, not being able to plant things in the ground, but we have to make do with what we have.
At least I can look at all of your gardens here..:)
23 Apr, 2012
thanks bloomer, well done that zebrina!! its a lovely grass, no wonder you wanted it in the garden.
23 Apr, 2012
I love that grass too,Sticki..I split it this year,and have half in a big pot now..It's shooting up with all the rain..must like it! :o)
23 Apr, 2012
grasses look really good in a pot i think.
23 Apr, 2012
Me too,Sticki..that was my intention when it got the chance to get big will help to hide some of the fence,along with a bamboo,as I have a path there,so can't plant anything,except in pots...
23 Apr, 2012
pots are good!!! i vote for pots!
23 Apr, 2012
Voted already ! :o))))))))
23 Apr, 2012
23 Apr, 2012
lovely photo Sticki. It looks much further on than mine. I still have loads and loads of bark chippings visible!
23 Apr, 2012
Seconded....or is it thirded!!! (apart from the watering chore, that is...) :)))
lol, Scottish - I know just what you mean...doesn't matter how hard you try...your conscience is going to take a hammering, anyway!...(brings back memories of my Gran's Begonia Rex- urgh! I thought I'd left that one behind! lol... :/)
23 Apr, 2012
thanks karensusan, i expect i have loads too many in there ~ you cant see close enough otherwise you would see bark chippings ~ remember this has been a garden for years, the house is about 90 years old.
i agree karenfrance ~ that is the problem
23 Apr, 2012
Lovely and restfull Sticki.
23 Apr, 2012
23 Apr, 2012
thanks sue, it is quite but there is a busy road at the front unfortunately.
your garden is neat and pretty pixi ~ i have seen it!! they arent ALL in the wrong place but there are quite a lot that are going to be too tall or too wide for where they are and they dont mix so well with whats next to them.
23 Apr, 2012
A most delightful view across your garden, a very pretty setting.
23 Apr, 2012
thank you! you are kind, for some reason this one worked!! maybe the light being in stripes helps??
23 Apr, 2012
Well I think it looks fantastic! :)
24 Apr, 2012
It never looks as good later in the year, always best in spring before the oaks get their leaves.
24 Apr, 2012
Agree with Pixi! :))
24 Apr, 2012
:)))))) See? (sticks tongue out at Sticki!) ;)
24 Apr, 2012
lol! such a naughty pixie!
24 Apr, 2012
24 Apr, 2012
That is a beautiful garden, I would love to see that every day!
25 Apr, 2012
Beautiful garden and a glimpse of sunshine too. Lovely photograph.
25 Apr, 2012
Sticki when the plants are all over the place its much more fun searching out the the little surprises among the bigger plants. you know the ones you forgot you planted and suddenly there they are in full bloom. what a joy. I loved this pic spring has sprung :))
25 Apr, 2012
thanks naughty pixi
thank you karen
thats really nice, thank you Rk
you are kind Gee
yes there is something in that G s, i still havent got the little paths right either ~ there are bluebells all over them!!!
25 Apr, 2012
26 Apr, 2012
26 Apr, 2012
hello stickitoffee.your garden is a m a z i n g ! I have to start again with my new garden. Hope it turns out half as good as yours......I am not worthy!!!!
26 Apr, 2012
Hello Maggie,
I haven't shown you a close up so you can't see how I have put things in the wrong places or all the weeds.
Also I have been here 7 years but a lot of things were here already so it is definitely not down to me!
I bet your garden will be lovely, but what really counts is that you like being in your garden!
27 Apr, 2012
Pixi bows down to ST ...we are not worthy we are not worthy!
27 Apr, 2012
stop it pixi! you silly billy!
27 Apr, 2012
Love your garden Sticki....and it has a great backdrop of trees there, that's the one thing I miss with my garden.
28 Apr, 2012
i do love trees janey, thank you but they have their downside too!!
i really love the hebrides but there are no trees there at all! i would miss them if i lived there but in other ways i would love to live there
28 Apr, 2012
.my garden rises like yours sticki with a couple of trees at the back Your garden is a total inspiration.That acer seems to planted in the perfect position.There is a lot of woodland around where I live now and its taken a while to get used to it ,Quite like it ,,,, soon be hugging all my trees;))
28 Apr, 2012
its nice that we can find similar gardens on GoY i think ~ get ideas from each other.
that little red acer is a new one ~ last year i think. not sure how big it will get???
is your garden shady too??
28 Apr, 2012
yes Sticki. Its very similar in that it rises to a lawn and trees but there is fencing all round which I inherited when I bought the house recently and it desperately needs some vertical planting and some good backdrop plants. Am coping with dry shade at the bottom and full sun looking out from kitchen. Its going to be a long job! Could you tell me what cooking blog youre on. Love your chutney cheese and wholewheat bread and butter pic. Thats my language :))))
3 May, 2012
glad you like food too maggie ~ cant think why they accuse me of always talking food!!!
have you seen the other chutney blogs? have a look at stevietheterrible's blogs ~ there is an epic on chutney.
i have some honeysuckle doing quite well here and this year i have got lots of those cheap clematis from M------s to see if they will do ok???
i see you are not so far from worcestershire ~ have you ever been to John Massey's Garden ~ it is an inspiration!!
Im sending you a pm
3 May, 2012
hehehe Aye that I am!
3 May, 2012
especially when you are teasing me!!
3 May, 2012
Aw lol jsut havin fun hen\" :)
3 May, 2012
i know pixi, you are fun.
i like fun.
3 May, 2012
3 May, 2012
3 May, 2012
I was given a coriander leaf chutney the other day! Not really a chutney to my mind though..just a nice side dish.
3 May, 2012
mmmm nice and fresh?? maybe more of a pickle???
be good with some nice naan bread and that lovely yoghurt thing they do.
3 May, 2012
You have very nice garden. And what is bonus, it is close to the wood/park, isnĀ“t it?
11 May, 2012
thank you katarina, my garden is next to a small wooded area which is open to the public, but the paths dont come too near the fence so i rarely see anyone there.
11 May, 2012
I love your garden sticki, I can see where the inspiration for your mosaic came from.
15 May, 2012
oh thats nice ~ thanks stroller, on the right hand side at the back its really shady so i have quite a few ferns there.
15 May, 2012
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That looks lush and lovely Sticki
23 Apr, 2012