Look who came to visit
By Stickitoffee

21 Oct, 2012
posing for a photo, a bit high up in the tree, the camera zoom was working hard
Comments on this photo
this one is often around the front garden, sometimes even when its dark [street lights wake it up] but he doesnt come that near.
21 Oct, 2012
A Christmas card shot lovely :o)
21 Oct, 2012
thank you, no snow though neellan!
21 Oct, 2012
Is that a holly tree ? He is just so adorable. I gave him a name: "Brighteye"
22 Oct, 2012
It is Holly, yes klahanie, thanks, it's nice to give him a name! He has a lovely song.
22 Oct, 2012
my favourite birds;-)
22 Oct, 2012
and mine too Kasy they are such cheeky chappies. Lovely picture Sticki. :O)
22 Oct, 2012
My fav little bird Sticki....Beautiful clear shot...:>)
22 Oct, 2012
A brilliant picture, I will just get out my paint brush lol
22 Oct, 2012
Perfect pic Sticki......they're really busy now in the garden aren't they, lovely tinkling song....:))
22 Oct, 2012
Its a beautiful bird:-)))
22 Oct, 2012
What is she doing? says his/her expression and tilted head :))
22 Oct, 2012
Lovely to have the robins in our gardens again and to hear their song. You have done well to get this shot. Very Good.
22 Oct, 2012
You captured that so well, Stickie. I love robins!
22 Oct, 2012
Yes i agree christmas card stuff :0)
22 Oct, 2012
Beautiful picture and Robin, Stickie.
22 Oct, 2012
Oh! So many comments!! Thank you!!
PP I love your paintings, if you do another picture please will you show us all?
Janey I really love their song, its so clear, you can't help looking up and smiling when you hear them.
Katarina, I took several photos (some were rather a blur?) but the one I liked best was this with his head tilting, as though he is listening? But there is a bit of a sad look in his eye as well?
23 Oct, 2012
It's a smashing photo Sticki ,perhaps he's looking out for a mate !
23 Oct, 2012
thats a thought amy! i didnt think of that.
23 Oct, 2012
Lovely shot Sticki.................
23 Oct, 2012
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magic shot ! the robin seems comfortable ST ! is it sociable ? ours are very aloof untill the really cold weather.
21 Oct, 2012