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Keep on digging ...

Keep on digging  ...

... somewhere underneath, there's a garden !

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Has he lost his ball do you think?.....
thanks Terra, when did you get the snow, its been just flurries here....thankfully!

4 Feb, 2015


Hi Pam ... thanks .. snow fell Monday evening !

4 Feb, 2015


Hi Tt. to me it looks as though he's thinking to himself, I think I'm going to need a bigger spade, lol, Derek.

4 Feb, 2015


Lol. thank you Derek ... at least he wasn't using the pink coloured spade .. I gave that one to Truffle !

4 Feb, 2015


Oh dear :o( I hope it thaws away soon !
The like is obviously for Conker ... :o)
Keep safe and warm xxx

4 Feb, 2015


We had some on the car tuesday morning but thankfully it wasn't frozen to the windscreen....
Keep snug ?

4 Feb, 2015


Conker is so cute and a very scenic picture.

4 Feb, 2015


Thanks Hywel and Paul ...
Conker likes the snow !

4 Feb, 2015


Conker needs a snow plough TT ;)

4 Feb, 2015


Lol. Angie ... don't give Conker ideas ;o)

4 Feb, 2015


You would think it would give him very cold feet. Well done Conker.

4 Feb, 2015


That's a lovely Photo of Conker,Terra..good job his spade isn't a white one,so he can see where he's digging :o)
Only a very slight flurry last night,but still lots on the hills from last week..Same below freezing temperature though,so very chilly ..take care x

4 Feb, 2015


Another great Christmas card for 2015! Conker is such a fab-u-lous model...!;o)

4 Feb, 2015


Hi Linda ... Truffle doesn't like getting his feet cold in the snow... Conker doesn't seem to mind !

Thanks, Sandra ..
Yes, white spades would be bad news ..Lol...
Mostly we are keeping cosy indoors :o) x

Thank you Tracey ..
Conker loves our photo-shoots ... even in the snow ! :o)

4 Feb, 2015


Lovely photo TT, Conker doing a sterling job as ever! so you have snow too be sure to keep snug :o)

4 Feb, 2015


Terra, by the look of it you have had a lot of snow falling on you!

Chilly paws I bet!

4 Feb, 2015


Wow, Millie is very impressed at Conker's bravery going out in the snow. She is very much a fine weather dog :)

4 Feb, 2015


Conker seems like a dedicated helper Terra. If only i could get Rocky to do the same. Nice photo, Thankyou Tony

4 Feb, 2015


At least he has his magnificent coat to keep him warm, hasn't he got any wellies? Your garden looks beautiful:-)

4 Feb, 2015


looks like fun..:-)

4 Feb, 2015


WOW! That's a lot of snow! I can't imagine was another 80ºF (27ºC) day here...and it'll be this warm here for a least a week.

5 Feb, 2015


ohh, so cold, what a job Conker !lol!

5 Feb, 2015


Thats a good idea...doggy wellies then Truffle could play out too.....maybe knitted bootees for when they come inside ?

5 Feb, 2015


Thanks Neena, Chris, Gee, Tony, Ba, Sandra, Delonix, Junna and Pam ...
Sleety snow falling again this morning, so we must get ready with our wellies ;o)

5 Feb, 2015


Drizzle here but very cold. Some snow still lying around.
Is Conker trying to earn some extra treats?

5 Feb, 2015


Conker looks well chilled !

great photo

5 Feb, 2015


I'm lucky, Linda, that Conker does gardening just for the enjoyment of it :o)

Thanks Gnarly gnome ... Conker was really happy, working out there in the chilly snow !

5 Feb, 2015


He's such a help though , Tt . Love him !

5 Feb, 2015


Thank you Driad ... yes Conker is always ready to join in and help out with any tasks, indoors or outside :o)

5 Feb, 2015


Conker very busy with snow shovelling. A slight sprinkle about Tuesday is all that has fallen here.

8 Feb, 2015


Please send Conker and his little spade over here, would you, Terra? We have 3' of snow and getting out of the house and up the garden path has been a tad difficult. Shovelling keeps you warm, though. Buildings and power lines have been damaged by falling trees with the weight of snow on them, and the council snowplough has done its usual trick of piling up a 4' wall of compacted snow across our driveway. Virtually the whole Bologna area has been blacked out for between 10 and 60 hours. We have been fortunate in that ours only lasted for 17 hours. Let's hope all the violets, hellebores and primroses that were out last week are safe under this tremendous weight of snow. Roll on Spring!

8 Feb, 2015


Conker certainly looks happy enough digging his way through all that snow! Can't blame Truffles for staying inside though - I would as well!

Here we had about an inch of snow that only lasted one day - for that I'm truly thankful! I think the snow should stay on the mountains & the poles & not come down anywhere near our towns & cities! LOL! (I'm a bit like Hywel!)

9 Feb, 2015


Thanks everyone .. Keep safe in this cold weather.

I would agree with you, Balcony ... stay indoors till the weather warms up !

10 Feb, 2015


That's a lovely photo TT, we had about the same here in Northants. Looks pretty when your inside but I'm glad it's gone now xx

10 Feb, 2015


Hi Annie ...
Thank you ... yes, just enough white stuff for my dogs to enjoy in the garden ... and now the snow has gone ... but not forgotten ;o) .. x x x

10 Feb, 2015


Riley loved it too x

10 Feb, 2015


... but not ideal for junior learner drivers .. Riley's wheels would need snow-chains ... ;o)

10 Feb, 2015


In the same position since autumn, lol.

26 Feb, 2015


That is a lot of snow TT. We have not had anything like that this year. Conkers furry coat is good protection from the cold.

26 Feb, 2015


Luckily this snow didn't last too long ...

Lol. Kat... Conker was in that same position in the autumn .. but with his rake ... collecting up leaves... :o)

26 Feb, 2015


Lovely photo I think he s looking for the snowman to play with.

27 Feb, 2015


Missed these, you did get some snow TT......and quite a bit by the look of it.

12 Apr, 2015


Thanks 3d, Homebird and Dotty ..
Conker is happy in the snow, but Truffle soon feels cold.
The snow was quite deep, but didn't last too long.

12 Apr, 2015

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