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SUNNY SMILES from Tulipa turkestanica and Chionodoxa, with white and purple heathers.

SUNNY SMILES from Tulipa turkestanica and Chionodoxa, with white and purple heathers.

My front garden. March. 2009.
These flowers seem so happy in the warm sunshine. :o)

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Gorgeous TT, are those the ones that open in the sunshine?

22 Mar, 2009


That's right, Dee. On a sunny day the tulips wake up and smile around lunchtime when the sun has some strength and warmth. :o)

22 Mar, 2009


Beautiful front garden display TT ....

22 Mar, 2009


Yes TT anyone would be very happy with this display. It's lovely.

22 Mar, 2009


Thanks, Toto and Janette.
The central rock feature is concealed by the tulips.
I made it by cementing 'recycled' broken concrete sections together. Lol.

22 Mar, 2009


Looks good from where I sitting TT. When the tulips finally go over all will become clear, or are you going to put something else in this area?

22 Mar, 2009


Hi Toto ~
The aubrieta and other small rockery plants take over next.
If you look at the photo of Bonsai my Welsh Terrier ~ between photo of Emergency Nurse and pics. of my dogs with their mowers ~ it shows the flowers nearby. They grow up and out, providing colour in front of the tulips.

22 Mar, 2009


stunning TT. spring has sprung

22 Mar, 2009


Thanks Sandra ~ yes, springtime is smiling for sure :o)

22 Mar, 2009


Wow!!! Fabulous display TT...I love those have a great selection of bulbs there! :o)

22 Mar, 2009


bulbs are my concern, what do you do? take them of the soil and storte them to the next season? and then plant something else there?
Lovely garden TT, I'd be happy to sit there enjoying the view :)

22 Mar, 2009


Thanks Janey and Aleyna ~
I leave these bulbs in place.
But I do understand what you mean, Aleyna about bulbs being a challenge. It is so easy to dig them up accidentally after they've died down. Because my tulips are planted around the rock feature, I remember where they are ! Lol.

22 Mar, 2009


Lovely photo, TT - watch that little Truffle doesn't dig up the bulbs - that was one of Mungo's tricks :)

22 Mar, 2009


Good thinking Gee :o)
Fortunately, these bulbs are in the front garden where Truffle isn't permitted to do his gardening unsupervised. Lol.

22 Mar, 2009


I've just taken a look at the pic of your front garden rockery plants. The aubretia is stunning and I particularly like the two tone brown plant sitting on the lawn.

23 Mar, 2009


Thank you Toto.
You made me smile.
Aubrieta is one of my favourite plants ~
and Bonsai the Welsh Terrier was definitely the best black-and-tan to grace my front garden :o)

23 Mar, 2009


I love the central rock feature idea TT , what a good idea , it all looks so pretty when put together , a lovely spring pic. :o)

23 Mar, 2009


Thanks, Amy.
This part of the garden gets a lot of sunshine. :o)

23 Mar, 2009


I love this pic TT, going straight to my favourites.

23 Mar, 2009


Hi Panther ~
How are you and Fiji ?
Glad you like this pic. :o)

23 Mar, 2009


Am good thank you TT, yes you have some beautiful flowers!!

23 Mar, 2009


Wow TT.Your front garden looks stunning.

23 Mar, 2009


Thanks Deida and Percy :o)

23 Mar, 2009


Whow! Spectacular

23 Mar, 2009


Thank you, Fourseasons :o)

23 Mar, 2009


Wow, it is truly a sprintime bouquet! Lovely!!!!!

23 Mar, 2009


TT I'm glad you also understood my bad English... I meant "store" them.... lol

24 Mar, 2009


What a lovely sight! And soo early...
How has Truffle been with plants in the backyard?

24 Mar, 2009


Wow these make me smile too!

24 Mar, 2009


Hi Poetgardener ~
Spring is here.
I hope your garden is smiling in NJ :o)

Aleyna ~
Your English is very good !
Storte is just what I would call a "typo" ~
and we all make those. Lol.

Hello NN ~
Everything goes into Truffle's mouth. Lol.........
Everything......... every twig, old leaf, blade of grass....
...he wants to eat them all.....

54321 ~ That's Bloomers looking in a mirror :o)
I'm glad my bulbs make you smile....

24 Mar, 2009


What a spectacular sight TT. They're like stars.
And I like the colour combination of the Chinodoxa and heathers aswell. :o)
( I've fallen behind with looking at the photos )

24 Mar, 2009


Thanks, Hywel.
Yes, they do look like stars.
These tulips have been in the ground for several years and have multiplied well. :o)

24 Mar, 2009


Stunning and heartwarming photo.

24 Mar, 2009


Wagger ~ thank you :o)

24 Mar, 2009


Fantasic tulipa lovely the way they frame your rockery, very happy feel to this picture.

24 Mar, 2009


Thanks, Pansypotter ~
This part of the front garden gets sunshine all year. :o)

24 Mar, 2009


~very nice TT!
~glad the weather has been kind!

25 Mar, 2009


Aw, Tt, this is so cheerful and bright - fantastic!

25 Mar, 2009


Very beautiful scene ! Thanky you !!
Do you plant new bulbs of the tulipa every year ?
I planted Chionodoxa with pink and purple 6 years ago. Since then, pink didn't increase bulbs and flowers of two stems come out in every year. Purple increased and flowers of 4 stems this year. Provably This will be the results as i didn't any care.

26 Mar, 2009


Hi Arlene and David ~
These tulips like the same weather as we do...
...warm and sunny is GOOD. :o)

26 Mar, 2009


Hello Tsuyoshi ~
I planted these tulipa a few years ago and they stay in the ground, multiplying every year.
I've only ever tried the blue/purple Chionodoxa.
I haven't noticed any increase in numbers. They stay about the same.
I'm glad you like this photo !

26 Mar, 2009


What a heart-lifting spring combo. Just what I needed to see to cheer me up on a cold rainy day. Thanks!

26 Mar, 2009


Greetings Oiorpata ~
Yes, this week is turning out very cold and windy, isn't it !
I'm glad this photo had cheered you. :o)

26 Mar, 2009


Very nice corner of the garden. The tulips are stunning.

27 Mar, 2009


Thanks, Bulbaholic ~
Can you tell me please where to look at photos of the shorter, fatter tulips, with bigger petals, which open in the sun, please ?
Do you have those in your garden ?
I inherited some when I bought my house, but they didn't like being moved when I redesigned my garden. So I don't know the names ! Thanks.

27 Mar, 2009


Not quite sure what you are asking me, Terratoonie. One source of pictures of tulip bulbs could be the ilustrated on-line bulb catalogues. Try Miniature Bulbs from Yorkshire ( I bought a number from them last year. A book I could recommend is 'Tulips, Species and Hybrids, by Richard Witford. The Forum on the SRGC site has lots of pictures and discussion on the rarer species (Bulbs General/Tulipa 2009).
Hope this helps a little.
I will try and add photos of mine but I am not going out at the moment -raining, windy,cold!

27 Mar, 2009


Thank you. Weather is horrible outside right now !
I was hoping from my description you might know which tulip I was describing. Not very tall, big petals, opens out when the sun shines. I guess I should mention it under questions. Thanks for the miniature bulbs link. I've had a look at that.

27 Mar, 2009


Right, you want a name for a specific tulip - whew. OK, how does Tulipa humilis sound? This matches your description fairly well. It should be in flower now - as long as the sun is shining!

27 Mar, 2009


Well done Bulbaholic !!!
Firstly for understanding my question which I didn't word very well ( I blame my naughty puppy Lol )

....and secondly for finding the right tulipa.

Thanks. I've had a good look at these now on the internet. :o)

27 Mar, 2009


Grin, Grin
I can now feel that I've earned my G&T.

27 Mar, 2009


:o) Cheers.

27 Mar, 2009


These look beautiful TT. What a lovely sight it must be in your garden. That would make eveyone smile.

28 Mar, 2009


Thanks, Gilli.
Today my gardens had hailstones falling all over the place !
... compensated by sunny spells in between. :o)

28 Mar, 2009


those are wonderful TT, what a display!!

28 Mar, 2009


Hello Sewingkilla ~
Glad you like these :o)
Let's hope the sunshine comes back tomorrow.

28 Mar, 2009


Very effective. I like the height difference. :-)
I know I don't grow enough bulbs and I've been looking at the garden to see where I could grow more.

28 Mar, 2009


Everywhere, Spritz, everywhere.

28 Mar, 2009


I really go for perennials, and I don't like the leaves dying off in my flowerbeds - so I tend to stick to containers for bulbs!

28 Mar, 2009


We have loads of bulbs in plastic pots which we partially submerge amongst the shrubs. When they've gone over we put them out of sight to die down at their leisure!

28 Mar, 2009


Now that's a good idea - why didn't I think of that? I already do it with Lilies and I have sunk two pots of Allium christophii...thank you very much!

28 Mar, 2009


Good thinking to sink the tubs of bulbs amongst other plants.
What treatment do you give the tubs when the bulbs have finished flowering ?
Do you store the bulbs in the tubs ?
Do you put the tubs in the shade ?
Do you let the compost dry out in those tubs which contain bulbs ?
So many questions......

Hello Spritz ~
The height difference does help make the effect here.
I have aubrieta and other rockery plants just outside the tulips, and as the tulips die down, the aubrieta colour gets taller which means the tulip leaves are not really visible.

28 Mar, 2009


Your concrete planter is awesome! You have a real knack for arrangiing colors and plants. Nice photo.

29 Mar, 2009


Hello Weeds ~ How are you ?
I'm pleased you like this planting arrangement.
I try to include blue and white flowers wherever possible.
A lot of sunshine in this part of the garden. :o)

29 Mar, 2009


Very nice! You are gifted, you match flowers ad colours so well. I'm still under feet an feet of snow.

29 Mar, 2009


stunning display TT, they look like they have been here for a while, well established and exactly how they should look. great combo. - i also love blue and white, i planted up a whole bed last year with blue and cream/white spring flowers, it is taking shape nicely, needs to establish and mingle in a bit more - just like yours has. a real inspartion TT.

30 Mar, 2009


Hi Tammielee ~
Sorry my GoY Canada map photo of hot sunshines hasn't worked to plan !
I do hope you get a thaw in Manitoba soon, and a chance to do some gardening...

Hello Maj ~ do you have photos of your bed of blue/white spring flowers? That sounds wonderful. Good scent too ? It's always exciting seeing which bulbs have multiplied from the previous year. Glad you like this...

30 Mar, 2009


TT - we treat the bulbs in pots as though they were in the ground - we feed and water them and let them die down in an out-of-the-way part of the garden. Some bulbs fair better than others in coming back the next year - the tete a tete daffodils are great. Next year we bring them out again and give them a feed.

30 Mar, 2009


Thanks for the explanation :o)

30 Mar, 2009


Lots of beautiful stars dancing around the centre stage, lovely flowers

30 Mar, 2009


Lynne ~
that's such a poetic and beautiful way to describe my photo !
Thank you !

31 Mar, 2009


how did i miss this photo, thanks Toto for telling me about it.
beautiful TT

31 Mar, 2009


Thank you, Toto, and hello Eileen ~
I know you grow these tulips, too.
They really show off in the sunshine, don't they. :o)

31 Mar, 2009


Lovely and cheery :-)

31 Mar, 2009


Hello Sid ~
A bit of a custard colour there ~
discuss. Lol.

31 Mar, 2009



31 Mar, 2009


:o) Lol.....

31 Mar, 2009


Oh so pretty TT! I'll have to put these tulips on my list for autumn planting!

4 Apr, 2009


Hello Madmum ~
These grow easily in any soil it seems.
Choose a sunny spot in your garden :o)

4 Apr, 2009


I have just the place :o)

4 Apr, 2009


That's good. :o)
I often see shrubs etc.which I like a lot.....
.....and then I hesitate .....
where can I plant them ??? Lol.

4 Apr, 2009


I'm having that problem now, I want so many different flowers but they need the right home. On top of that I've got cosmos and poppy seedlings.... and gladioli bulbs... and sunflower seeds..... that will all eventually need to be planted out! My garden will be full to bursting in a few months LOL

4 Apr, 2009


This is how sometimes lawns get smaller... and smaller.... and smaller...Lol.

4 Apr, 2009


Who needs grass? lol

4 Apr, 2009


Conker my Sheltie needs grass to practise with his toy John Deere.
Mageth needs grass for her 'baby lawnmowers' ~
see her guinea pig photo just uploaded onto GoY. Lol. :o)

4 Apr, 2009


Of course, but for two-legged mammals I don't think it's necessary ;o)

4 Apr, 2009


Hi terratoonie, The scientific name, 'Tulipa' comes from tulipan in Persian archaic words. Tulipan means turban.
I think 'Tulipa' you say, is best fit for the pretty tulip to give us a joyful feeling in spring.
Your naming, to use scientific name, is fantastic.

5 Apr, 2009


Hi Tsuyoshi ~
Thanks for explaining about tulipan meaning turban.
Word derivations are fascinating.
I learn so much on GoY !
Yes, spring is such a joyful season with the tulips, bulbs and beautiful rockery flowers. :o)

5 Apr, 2009


Yes, you're right, TT. I learn new things from GoY too, Thanks to all of you!

5 Apr, 2009


I find as I'm getting into the busy gardening season here, I'm really benefiting from all the garden knowledge gained on GoY :o)

5 Apr, 2009

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