Sure I could manage a whole one ..
By Bonkersbon

21 Jun, 2009
Fledgling Mistle Thrush by Jane.
Comments on this photo
great photo Jane
21 Jun, 2009
Brill photo, as always.
21 Jun, 2009
Great shot
21 Jun, 2009
What a brilliant shot Jane, well captured.
21 Jun, 2009
Fantastic shot Jane well done, gone on my favourites
21 Jun, 2009
Well done Jane :o)
21 Jun, 2009
Thanks for all your kind comments.There are two babies but not managed to get photo of both being fed !
21 Jun, 2009
Oh my goodness, what a mouth! Lovely photo, BB.
21 Jun, 2009
Well caught Jane, thanks for showing this. They are so gorgeous. Are they eating chopped apple.?
21 Jun, 2009
Thanks Gee .. yes Dawn with a mouth that wide wonder why we bother .. lol
21 Jun, 2009
Ha ha, like Deida's baby robins - their mouths are like caverns arent they. I wish I could eat all day and not get fat, like them. lol. I dont know, grapes for mice, chopped apple for thrushes - can I come and live with you :-)
21 Jun, 2009
Nice shot................
21 Jun, 2009
Yes by all means Dawn,but the human cuisine on offer isnt quite up to that standard ! Lol
21 Jun, 2009
Dont believe you BB, I know you have massive joints of meat - I've seen the remains that the rooks get ;-)
21 Jun, 2009
The reason the rooks get it is because Ive cooked it and Jane wont touch it ! Lol
21 Jun, 2009
OMG Jane/Ray its a wonder Mummy Thrush didnt fall in 2 lol :) Get Shot Jane keep up the Fab work :) x
21 Jun, 2009
Oh Jacque...they are so beautiful to see....: )
21 Jun, 2009
Yes i agree on that :) iv been watching a Mumy/Daddy Blue Tit feed a very Hungry Noisy Baby this wk but sadly iv not had my camera when theyv been about :/ Also had family of Wrens like yourselfs in my garden feeding their young 2 :) So Wonderful :)
21 Jun, 2009
It is Jacque...feel priviliged and proud that they trust us.If you have time to see latest blog....even coming in porch for food !
21 Jun, 2009
Iv been getting a Checky Black Bird eatting My Cats Food in my little outter building over my back door Jane/Ray & its even been in my living room & Kitchen looking 4 more food when the Doors left open ! lol :D il pop 2 see your blog now :)x
21 Jun, 2009
The blog is Knock Knock whose there !..Blackbird coming in porch for mealworms....what a life !
21 Jun, 2009
Just Peeked & Love it :) Thanx 4 telling me :)xxx
21 Jun, 2009
Off to bed now Jacque...night night xx
21 Jun, 2009
Sleep Tight XXX
21 Jun, 2009
Brilliant photo!
22 Jun, 2009
Open wide! Cute :)
23 Jun, 2009
Thanks both............
24 Jun, 2009
Wow - super shot!
25 Jun, 2009
Well caught at the right time beautiful Photo .
25 Jun, 2009
Open wide!! Smashing picBb!!
25 Jun, 2009
Thanks everyone.....still doing well despite a foiled attack by a sparrowhawk !
The parent actually chased it off...never seen that before !
25 Jun, 2009
Wow - brave bird! I was just out in the garden and a bird flew over making the most unusual noise - obviously an alarm call - couldn't quite tell what it was - might have been a starling or a blackbird or thrush. I looked up and, sure enough, in close pursuit was a sparrowhawk. The little bird got away tho. I've never heard a bird make that noise - sounded absolutely frantic...
25 Jun, 2009
Oh Sid...the racket ! The Adult thrush was sounding like one of those old fashioned football rattles,and was so determined to lead the hawk away from her baby ! Know all have to feed but have to be rooting for parents when protecting their young and risking life and limb !
25 Jun, 2009
What a wonderful photograph.
25 Jun, 2009
That's right Mr B - that's a good description of the noise this bird was making! The birds seems much more afraid of the hawk than of the cats. Luckily, Birtie is not a hunter (or she is but she's hopeless at it lol) but the birds don't know that (?) but they don't make that much fuss when she's about....the blackbirds squark a bit, but that's all. Obviously they regard the hawk as much more of a threat to them...
26 Jun, 2009
Thanks Ginellie......
Yes Sid when a sparrowhawk has been in our garden,all goes deathly silent for about 20 minutes except the odd alarm call from the blackbirds. Then slowly they seem to get the confidence to show their faces again.Thats nature for you .........
26 Jun, 2009
That's gorgeous. I never see any Thrushes in my garden now sadly. The occasional Blackbird, but we have suddenly become over-run with Crows, Magpies and Jackdaws, there is hardly any chance for the old fashioned birds to survive with that lot all around. Never seen so many Crows before, wish they would go away again somewhere else, Magpies too :o(
27 Jun, 2009've captured this well you think it's a snail out of it's shell?......will slip down easy then...:o(
27 Jun, 2009
Thank you Pamazon.We live next door to a rookery but they dont bother us.Have a few jackdaws and the birds in general chase them away.Welcome to to look at your photos shortly.
Janey...its a chunk of apple ! The thrushes and blackbirds are going mad for apples at the moment !
27 Jun, 2009
What a wonderful photo. I haven't seen a mistle thrush in years. The last time was in winter in Newport, South Wales, snow on the ground, and it's territory was being invaded by field fares. I was in an upstairs flat with a good view. The thrush was perched at the top of a holly tree which was covered in masses of berries. Just half a dozen field fares came at first and the thrush noisily chased them off. I was so pleased for it but soon the field fares were back, this time about thirty. Once more they were chased off but came back with reinforcements - I'm sure there must then have been about one hundred birds. The thrush gave up and flew off and the field fares proceeded to strip the tree completely of the berries. Those that had fallen to the ground were cleared up too and then the show was over - away they flew. A few moments later a lady emerged from her back door and emptied rubbish into her dustbin, totally oblivious to the spectacle that had taken place in her back garden. I felt priviledged to have seen it.
27 Jun, 2009
Thankyou Notepad.Must have been wonderful to see that flock of fieldfares !
27 Jun, 2009
Great photo. So cute.
28 Jun, 2009
Brillant photo BB...
28 Jun, 2009
Thanks Sue and Aleyna...........
28 Jun, 2009
Great shot! What kind of camera was it taken with?
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks N2...taken with a Panasonic Lumix 10 X optical zoom !
29 Jun, 2009
Excellent shot Jane ! Reminds me of dinner time round here when both my men (husband and son) are starving
30 Jun, 2009
LOL their mouths and shovel it in !!
30 Jun, 2009
lovely pic BB
4 Jul, 2009
Thanks Bonkers. A lovely pic. The way you welcome the wildlife to your garden is an inspiration to me and I hope to many others.
5 Jul, 2009
Thanks Toto and yes even you Sanbaz - nice of you to help Clarice - anyway I digress re far too modest Toto your photos have been great and despite being stung so many times by them ,allowed me to see wasps in a different light .. quite an achievement.
5 Jul, 2009
a compliment BB ooow thanx lol
5 Jul, 2009
Your going to regret your last comment Bonkers as it reminded me that I have dozens of pics of my queen and her nest right up to the time whe left. I'm thinking of putting together the most tedious and boring blog you've ever seen. I hope the other GOY members remember that it was you who reminded me so you can take at least half the blame.
6 Jul, 2009
Tedious and boring ? Never ! Just look at the comments you always get for your smashing pics Toto.
On a lighter note...only 50% of the blame ? I know we are in a recession,but Im used to getting it all !!!
6 Jul, 2009
Believe me Bonkers. It can be arranged. I'll let Milky know and she can spread the word. By the way, I'm a bit worried about Milky, she seems to have gone very quiet lately. I've had no abuse or threats at all since she came back from her holiday. Do you think she has been on the road to Damascas?
6 Jul, 2009
Aye Toto..met the Good Samaritan and even he wanted to give her a slap ! Lol
6 Jul, 2009
Do you think he kidnapped her? No stupid thought. He would have given her straight back to SP.
7 Jul, 2009
Lovely to see the thrushes. Don't see many of them around these days. Perhaps if more people stopped using slug pellets nature would return things to normal.
8 Jul, 2009
Agree pellets in this garden,but find lots of empty shells !
8 Jul, 2009
Just had a thought, crush them down to put around plants to stop the slugs.
9 Jul, 2009
that is just fantastic!
2 Jan, 2011
I've only just seen this photo Jane .. Fabulous, well done.
14 Aug, 2014
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That's a great photo. Well captured.
21 Jun, 2009