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I have dug up loads of Colchicum
3 replies
2 May, 2016 Squigle
On a side wall I have some yews growing but on one of the brick pillars was also...
12 replies
2 May, 2016 Borodin
My twisted willow is being eaten by insects
2 May, 2016 Sylviagiles
I don't know what to do about the insects eating my twisted willow tree
4 replies
Hello everyone
6 replies
2 May, 2016 Callie1914
Can you recommend a fertiliser that will do for roses and all other flowering plants...
9 replies
2 May, 2016 Rosie46
Anybody know what this is ?
2 May, 2016 Jethro
Do olianders like ericatious soil or what sort of soil do they prefer
2 May, 2016 Dianedave
I sowed a new lawn last October
1 reply
2 May, 2016 Glennt1
How do you know when to harvest your Black Walnuts
2 May, 2016 Sweetpaw
I have 2 tumbler tomato plants
8 replies
1 May, 2016 Daff
last year i bought 2 large fushia hanging baskets
2 replies
1 May, 2016 Odaatpat
A couple of years ago I bought a Rheum because I thought the leaves looked stunning
1 May, 2016 Ginellie
Friend or foe?
1 May, 2016 Amsterdam
Phormiums, can they be divided to re-invigorate as the one
1 May, 2016 Kev_rowley
Non floweing Camellia
15 replies
1 May, 2016 Scotsmanvic
Hi, can I put my acre tree in the ground ?
1 May, 2016 Sureshsl
Hi all, Propagation of pelargoniums not sure if I
I have an evergreen shrub in the garden with clumps oh white flowers in the summer
1 May, 2016 Afril
What are white
5 replies
1 May, 2016 Davidbush
I have got a vegetable plot about 120sq m
1 May, 2016 Brucesymons
How do bluebells and daffodils spread?
21 replies
1 May, 2016 Richierich123