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Can anyone help identify this plant please it's almost taken over the garden...
1 reply
15 May, 2016 Chrisdagg
I cannot seem to grow beetroot properly 7 weeks ago I prepared an area in my raised...
8 replies
15 May, 2016 Hank
Does anyone have the Syringa Microphylla Superba lilac bush?
4 replies
15 May, 2016 Raglanv
Hello, I like to grow flowers from seed
14 May, 2016 Newdawn
Can indoor plants grow outside in the garden?
2 replies
14 May, 2016 Daveplace
I have just had gardeners put new top soil and plant my flower beds and now it is...
9 replies
14 May, 2016 Kaztastic
Hi Could anyone identify this daisy like plant for me that my neighbour gave me three...
14 May, 2016 Pathumwan
Could some please tell me if this Acer will recover
14 May, 2016 Mehasnoclue
ID please. This is popping up all over Any help please
14 May, 2016 Lynneg
I need something that will grow in a very shady place but will climb up a trellis...
14 May, 2016 Alanscriver
Have large lilac tree stump to be cut down
14 May, 2016 Magsturt
I have read everyone's answers to my question about not bringing Lilac into the...
22 replies
14 May, 2016 Lilac_wine42
Thanks for your answer
14 May, 2016 Sanantone
I am trying to identify this beauty fellow diggers
14 May, 2016 Marinerancien
i have a plant growing and I would like to identifying it if possible
6 replies
13 May, 2016 Janettemw
I had a large beech hedge over 100yrs old and 7ft high bushy but it was trimmed every...
13 May, 2016 Panda2
Hi, I've tried lots of plant identifiers and can't find anything that matches...
10 replies
13 May, 2016 Anfieldjet
I have a snowberry bush in my garden
13 May, 2016 Sanantone
Hi I'm in Leicester UK - go the Foxes
13 May, 2016 Lcfcfan
hello .has the spray for killing lilly beetle been taken off the market i can
19 replies
13 May, 2016 Snoopdog
Ants in a pot
5 replies
13 May, 2016 Pennyfarthing
I have an oak tree in a pot and there are two galls on one of the branches
3 replies
12 May, 2016 Hywel
Hello, I'm in Manchester UK and I planted a 6' Silver Birch
12 May, 2016 Mancjoe
Sorry me again
12 May, 2016 Bevchris
Does anyone recognise this plant it from small white bulbs
12 May, 2016 Johng
Can anyone please help identify this it has popped up in border
Azaleas in zone 7a
12 May, 2016 Littlefeat
My Eucryphia Nymansay is growing on in a sbstantial pot on our terrace
12 May, 2016 Jbarrymac
I would love some red perennial cranesbill
7 replies
12 May, 2016 Lynneg
Can anyone I'D this please got it today and no tag small plant about 4inch
12 May, 2016 Scotsmanvic
Some help with ID of conifers?
12 May, 2016 Littlenic999
Who knows what this is?
12 May, 2016 Adam2112
Hi, Buy bedding Salvia
12 May, 2016 Beaconwolf
What to plant?
12 replies
12 May, 2016 Dandanspond..
I have a Clematis Montana Rubens Marjorie which we have had for about 9 years it...
12 May, 2016 Mazmow
Hi I have no choice but to move my 4 year old lilac which has just come into flower
12 May, 2016 Carrieok
Why did my camelias only have one flower each
12 May, 2016 Valerieann
Can I grow a magnolia where I have dug up an old rose?
I planted rowan trees in march most of the leaves have turned brown it might have...
12 May, 2016 Gibsonsg30
I have a fence line border north facing that is either bog or concrete and not kind...
12 May, 2016 Dorisyellow
Is it Ok to cut away foliage from crocus and iris now
11 May, 2016 Barbarak
Can anyone identify this plant please ?
11 May, 2016 Amy
Hi - I have a young wisteria that is now 4 years old
11 May, 2016 Scoobygt4uk
Please can anyone ID this shrub
11 May, 2016 Andrea
Does anyone know what this is
11 May, 2016 Penfold
Is this Mare's tail or a rock plant?
11 May, 2016 Arbuthnot
Tulip bulb rotten?
11 May, 2016 Martingreen..
I have just bought a T & M mini cucumber grafted plant
11 May, 2016 Tintin
Hello , please could you tell what this plant is called
11 May, 2016 Fusspot
Hi I recently got a bid bath but the bowl is a little shaky can I use cement to stabilise...
11 May, 2016 Scotsmanvic