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walk along lancaster canal


By sanbaz


evening guys, this afternoon we took a drive to lancaster as the sun was out and its close enough to get a couple of hours walking before the sun goes down.
It was cold but wrapped up and walked along the canal for about 2 hours, the sun was shining on the water and looked beautifull with reflections and ripples as the ducks swan along, funny how i see things now im doing my art, i seem to look deeper into everything i look at now lol,
anyway when we got back to where we started there is a pub along the banks of the canal called the Water Witch, great in summer as you can sit outside, but today we went inside, was lovely and warm after our walk.
Sat down , i had a latte and baz a pint so knew i was driving home haha,
we both felt a little hungry so ordered a sandwich, shredded duck (oh no i hear you say) after watching lovely ducks swimming happily along the canal :o(so shredded duck with rhubarb chutney and caramilised onion on chuncky bread,, ummm it was delish but couldnt look out the window while eating it as the ducks were passing and i felt a little guilty.
so here is a few pics i took, not many but just to show you the reflections and ripples on the water which in parts was still a bit frozen.
thanx for looking
sandra x

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What delightful pics, have you a new camera by any chance? shredded duck yummy, good job the ducks outside did not know lol

9 Jan, 2011


Pretty photos, Sandra ...
Do you think your painting is helping with your photography ?

9 Jan, 2011


I feel a touch of spring in this picture - love it Sanbaz :)

9 Jan, 2011


Lovely pics S. look at the reflections on the water & I love the sound of the sarni.
We did a walk on the clifftops at Crantock, took my new camera which is a tiny camcorder but of course I cann't show any of the pics on here. :o((

9 Jan, 2011


lol dotty, no not new camera just such a sunny day think it helps :o) thankyou
you could be right there to Terra, hadnt thought of that lol :o)
cheers paul, yes felt like that to while walking :o)
thanx pam, yes sarni was so good lol, shame about your pics, was it a video you took then and not still pics, wasnt sure if you ment new camera was video only :o)

9 Jan, 2011


Lovely photos. I am a big fan of canals although I donĀ“t live near one. One of my dreams is to own a narrow boat, but it is a dream and will stay a dream I suppose...unless I have a big win in the lottery.

9 Jan, 2011


thankyou Rogi i to love narrow boats and we are lucky to have alot of canals close by and plenty of boats to see, would be great to have one i agree :o)

9 Jan, 2011


Glad you had a lovely afternoon out..lovely little ducks...San,how could you eat.....Rhubarb chutney and caramelised onion,in front of the ducks ?? Lol.I love the reflections in the water,..well taken,and thanks for sharing..:o)
Pam,do you live near Crantock? I love it there,and its years since we have been..I remember the lovely church,and how the carvings on the pews were done by a woman..we were told to look for a little carving of a mouse..I think,but not certain.That lady was years in front of her time..and it has always stayed in my memory..

9 Jan, 2011


what lovely pictures ~ especially that first one
no picture of the sandwich tho??
oh, of course ~ silly me ~ you ate it!!

9 Jan, 2011


Wonderful photos, glad you had a good day out, wasn't it wonderful to see the sun and all it's reflections. I used to look asfter a little girl called Saskia, she is 22 now!! When she was 5 I ordered crispy duck at a chinese and she said 'oh no Lulu, what the ducks who we feed every day' um yes I had to say, so sorry but they are rather yummy. She is now a vegertarian!!!

9 Jan, 2011


Superb photo's San.
Eating the ducks ? shame on you! ;0))

9 Jan, 2011


love the first & last pics, all are good shots lovely,shame on you, no wonder you didnt look out of the window, i am surprised you just didnt take one out of the water and bought a buttered balm lol :o)

9 Jan, 2011


I notice the ducks are swimming away from you in the last 2 pics ... they saw what you had in your sandwich! Lovely photos, San, looks a great place for a walk. : o )

9 Jan, 2011


thanx sandra lol ;o))
lol sticki the sandwich didnt last long enough to take a snap haha ;o)
lulu you scared her for life haha poor girl :o)
sorry val but cant promise it wont happen again :o(( lol
lol joan now im feeling really bad :o(( haha
lol shirley hey your right poor duckies hahah, yes it lovely though it seems litter louts had been throwing there rubbish in the canal today :o( i do hate that

9 Jan, 2011


picture one is lovely, and would be nice subject for a water colour - so I'm going to show it to my mum as its the sort she likes to paint (old bridges) so thanks for that.

9 Jan, 2011


Yes Sanbaz, do try painting picture 1..lovely subject..wish I could do it.

9 Jan, 2011


A nice place for a stroll. I love that bridge. It would be nice to draw it or paint it.

10 Jan, 2011


Kfunsters glad you like the first pictures its one of my favs to, i may let you borrow it lol, your welcome really :o))
Tetra i will have to get it put on a disc then get it developed first, looks a bit tricky lol, but maybe one day i may do something like that :o))
it is lovely hywel and was so peacefull being winter,dont think the art world is ready for my interpritation of this yet haha :o))

10 Jan, 2011


Go for it Sanbaz...they didnt like the Impressionists at first either!

10 Jan, 2011


thanx for you encouragement Tetra, iv just printed a couple of pics out on printer with normal paper and not to bad, im going to take them with me to art society tomorrow and see what carol thinks, thats if she is back and better,

10 Jan, 2011


impressionists are fab! I think it's much more creative and sometimes a little easier?

10 Jan, 2011


i agree lulu, i like them to, detailed art is so hard and need so much patients, which i lack lol, strange how looking at some art work like monet, looks nothing close up , but stand back and it comes to life :o)

10 Jan, 2011


Reflections, great pictures Sanbaz.

10 Jan, 2011


Yes must admit they are favourites with me to, I have a huge reproduction of Turners Fighting Temeraire in my bedroom, but I tell you what I really envy is how Rembrant could possible paint such a delicate thing as a pleated ruff!
Still it doesnt matter that we cant..its the pleasure we get and give..I have an oil by my bro in law in the sitting room and my best friend has two of my horse drawings in her keep at it Sanbaz, practice is for us lesser mortals. I have another friend who started when he was 40..never picked up a paintbrush in his life before...and ended up making a part time living out of it.

10 Jan, 2011


Sounds as though you had realy enjoyable walk, I just love canals so interesting and your pictures are lovely, number one would make a great painting wouldnt mind having a go at that myself;0)

10 Jan, 2011


thanx littlelegs :o))
Tetra iv read a few things on peeps who started late and now selling, wouldnt that be great, but im happy if my family hang them in their homes lol ;o)
carole i would have thought you have been here on one of your days out and walks,your welcome to use the picture if you want to paint it as long as you show me the finished result my friend :o)) x

10 Jan, 2011


I started at 40!!!!

10 Jan, 2011


thats great lulu and im 50 but never had time before bringing kids up and working full time.

10 Jan, 2011


Thanks for the offer Sandra, I may just take you up on it, just need to motivate myself as its well over three years since I last painted;0)

10 Jan, 2011


well now is the time to start again carole, sit in your lovely garden room and relax painting :o))

10 Jan, 2011


Fabulous pics the first one especially! Isn't it good to get out after these last few weeks? You can tell the ducks are really enjoying themselves in the sun it.....Sans got her eye on you!....:o))

10 Jan, 2011


lol janey, poor ducks, i do feel bad about that haha, really, was lovely to get out and enjoy the sun and fresh air, and food quack quack lol :o)

11 Jan, 2011


glad you had a nice walk.... lovely pics..

11 Jan, 2011


cheers holly :o)

11 Jan, 2011


Lovely photos love the last one

14 Jan, 2011


thanx Donnah, yes the ripples and reflexion is great isnt it, glad you like it :o))

14 Jan, 2011


:o)) X

14 Jan, 2011


Cracking photos Sandra, those last two look rather like impressionist pics. You could have cheated and told us you had painted them!lol. Love the first pic too..well enjoyed them all actually:-))

15 Jan, 2011


thanx bornagain, they do look like paintings, great effect to, i was pleased with how they came out, i would be made up if i could paint like that lol :o))

15 Jan, 2011


One day Sandra, keep practising :-)

15 Jan, 2011


will do bornagain :o))

15 Jan, 2011

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