st chads in spring painting
By sanbaz
Hi guys iv finished my painting of st chads church in spring, i may have to add a few touches but im pretty pleased with how its turned out to date.
its taken a good few sessions but iv enjoyed the challenge,
i was hoping to have it on the wall at art class next week as its our turn to display our work in feb, but no frame and it takes at least a week to get it done, cant get a standard frame in A3 size that i like anyway.
will be looking for my next challenge at weekend so i have something to start at class next tuesday,
hope you like it,
thanx for looking
26 Jan, 2011
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that was quick yorkshire lol, thankyou so much, its great to get some nice input, as you never see it the same as others, maybe because you have seen it every day and worked on it, glad you like it :o))
26 Jan, 2011
well done you! its really come alive ~ you are certainly good with colour and shadow.
wouldnt be surprised if the church would like to display it ~ never mind the art class!
would you be able to put one of those card frames round it ~ would that be acceptable?
26 Jan, 2011
thankyou sticki glad you like it to, i never thought about that, will see what i have cheers :o)) just looking and forgot my cross at the top of the round bit of church lol, will sort that out later lol
26 Jan, 2011
Well done looks brilliant to me.....
26 Jan, 2011
aww thanx maureen its given me a boost reading these comments, was a bit gloomy today :o)) ok now
26 Jan, 2011
Oh wow, it's very striking, well done you!
26 Jan, 2011
cheers lulu glad you think so :o))
26 Jan, 2011
Lovely, San, you are progressing so well with your paintings. : o )
26 Jan, 2011
Love it,San,you have captured it so well, proud of what you have achieved,in such a short time..:o)
26 Jan, 2011
another lovely picture sandra... well done....
26 Jan, 2011
thankyou so much shirley, sandra and holly, glad you all like it,i do feel proud of myself :o)
26 Jan, 2011
and so you should... : O ))
26 Jan, 2011
my halo is glowing here hahaah
26 Jan, 2011
I really like that San, well done you are a clever girl....
26 Jan, 2011
: O ))
26 Jan, 2011
really got hang of it Sanbaz - looks great - :):):)
26 Jan, 2011
Wow San! That looks great! I love the colours that you have used and you have done a really good job on the perspective, as that really isn't the easiest angle that you have tackled it from. Congrats my friend, you have every right to be very proud of this.....I know that I would be...Brilliant! \0/xxxx
26 Jan, 2011
some cracking clouds in there San! I like the boldness of your painting, and the colours too. xx
26 Jan, 2011
thankyou so much sue :o))
cheers paul, learning all the time :o))
flori the perspectives are hard, funny how the eye sees one thing but its not always as you see it when drawing,it is the hardest angle of the church but the most interseting, glad you like it :o))
thanx again for such lovely comments everyone x
26 Jan, 2011
karen glad you like it to and yes im finally happy with my clouds lol, i love bright colours to , thankyou :o)) x
26 Jan, 2011
I love the way you've done the crocuses. I remember when you showed photos of them (last year ?). I love the way you've done the texture of the walls aswell. It's a pitty you can't get it framed. It would add to the display.
26 Jan, 2011
thankyou so much hywel and glad you like it, i wasnt sure about the crocus and being so many you cant do them individually lol would take forever and impossible, so giving the impression of a mass was the only way, im happy with the stone work to, i love churches lol
it is a shame about the frame but there you go :o) x
26 Jan, 2011
wow wow wow in the words of kylie............... love it . very impresive
26 Jan, 2011
its lovely must get it framed though. well done you..;-)
26 Jan, 2011
thankyou so much cristina and sandra, i will be getting it framed, its going on my wall to show it off lol :o))
26 Jan, 2011
Oh well done Sandra, I really like it. :o)
26 Jan, 2011
thanx sandra :o))
26 Jan, 2011
Well done San , it's really good , you have come on so much since you started , you obviously have a natural talent ... :o))
26 Jan, 2011
Its really lovely San, you must be so pleased with it! The colours are great, I love the crocuses and your stone and tile work....well done you! Yes if you got a mount, you could have whatever frame size you want.....:o))
26 Jan, 2011
Blimey this is darned good Sanbaz, I just love the stonework on the church..
26 Jan, 2011
Really good Sanbaz - the brickwork and the roof are marvellous!
26 Jan, 2011
That shows real talent, Sanbaz, I wouldn't know where to begin. All that brickwork must have taken ages. Well done :)
26 Jan, 2011
Great work Sanbaz you must be very pleased :o))
27 Jan, 2011
nice one..well done
27 Jan, 2011
thankyou so much amy, janey,Tetra, sheila,Gee, mushy and guy, im made up with all these lovely comments,the stone work i found quite easy, square small brush and small stroke, just changing colours as you go along, at first didnt seem right just strokes of colour for crocus but when you look at a photo thats how it apears, just a mass of colour,thankyou all again :o)) x
27 Jan, 2011
Wow Sandra that looks great you have certainly done a lovely job, proud of you! the crocus are anice contrast to the stone work of the church, keep up the good work!
27 Jan, 2011
hi carole and thankyou so much for a lovely responce,its strange but i keep looking and i can just see a couple of,, not mistakes but bits missing haha so im sorting it out tonight lolbut overall im very happy :o))
27 Jan, 2011
Well done its brill you are really doing well.
27 Jan, 2011
hi carol thankyou so much, iv now touched it up, flag pole, cross and a few adjustments to back ground buildings lol, not alot of difference but things i noticed, :o)) x
27 Jan, 2011
just caught up with this San, you are so good at perspective I'm envious \0/\0/\0/
28 Jan, 2011
Well done San it'a lovely. You must be very proud :0) I have put a photo of my boat in my photos for you it's not finished yet but you can see what I'm up to.
28 Jan, 2011
been to my group today, its getting very popular 29 people todayall doing different things the lady who runs it does very well to see everyone in the time-- I did charcoal rabbits today-- didn't quite finish so i've got homework and she suggests a paper with more 'tooth', i'm using cartridge paper so I'm going into town tomorrow tosee what I can find, I've been there just a year now and someone who went to the old class if a bit disgruntled as it all about 'abstract negative spaces' not her thing at all -- or mine!!
28 Jan, 2011
hi Pam lol thankyou and i did cheat for the perspectives by drawing a graph/grid on my photo then the same on my art paper, that way its easier by following the grid as you draw :o) just something they showed me at class :o))
hi sue thankyou and will go and look at your painting, cant wait :o))
glad your doing ok pam with charcoals and im with you i hate abstracts, especially trying to do them lol
28 Jan, 2011
Wow Sandra, what lovely colours! You really are coming on in leaps and bounds. I don't think it's cheating, I think a lot of famous artists used graphs. Have you been able to find a mount you like? I remember the lovely pics you put on of St Chads, you've caught it beautifully. Soon be spring and until then, you can look at this:-)
29 Jan, 2011
well done honey its lovely keep it up and looking forward to the next master piece :)
29 Jan, 2011
hi bornagain and thankyou, iv chose my frame and mount, keeping it low lol as can be expensive, so should get it done soon, taking it into show carol at art class just to make sure its as finished as it can be :o))
thankyou so much jewells glad you like it to :o))
29 Jan, 2011
it can be sooo expensive this froming buisness....
we pick up frames for my mother at the charity shops and car boot sales.
29 Jan, 2011
my goodness, what a leap SB, it's quite a privelage for us to be able to watch your progress. Thanks so much & what an inspiration to others. Beautiful blue sky & honey coloured stonework.
30 Jan, 2011
yes i have done that sandra but this isnt a standard size, so makes it harder.
thankyou Bampy, i feel im learning so much going to art society and also watch alot on youtube to, just done a painting today from a photo i took at holker hall gardens, but im not sure if i should keep posting them, dont want to upset anyone as its a garden site, glad you enjoy keeping up with them :o))
30 Jan, 2011
please keep posting SB, it's not a pedantic forum & variety is what we need especially in the cold indoors season.
Just look at the daft blog I just popped up, could'nt be more remote from gardening, unless wibbling has a botanical connection ;-))
30 Jan, 2011
lol Bampy i just caught up with yours, so funny hahah
30 Jan, 2011
Looks great Sandra I love the detail in this one too..great work..........:-)
30 Jan, 2011
thankyou so much richard, glad you like it, im very pleased with it to :o)))
31 Jan, 2011
That is really lovely San lots of detail in the brickwork as well you are very tallented, didnt you think of a mount to frame it.? nearlly all the paintings my O.H. has done he uses a mount and then a frame I think it makes the painting stand out better.
31 Jan, 2011
thanks for your nice comment homebird ;o)
thankyou maggy iv just finished it here and taking it to art class today for carol to check and if nothing else to do with it then i will get it mounted and framed tomorrow ;o)
nice to know your hubby paints, what does he use as medium and what type of painting does he enjoy doing?
1 Feb, 2011
Wow Sanbaz. I thought I was looking at a photograph when i opened the blog. Its beautiful. You have done a really good job on the stonework. I think it is very appropriate for this site because you are showing crocus at their best. The stark outline of the tree in the forefront also shows skill in planting trees in appropriate places. I look forward to seeing more. It is not cheating to use a grid. I used that when i had to draw cattle and sheep for a nativity backdrop. They turned out very well. Many famous artists used that or similar to help them.
2 Feb, 2011
thankyou scotsgran im made up you like the church and crocus its my first painting and im so pleased with it, at art society class its our classes month to display and carol has put both my painting on and also painting of my cat casper, gives you a good feeling,looks like you also enjoy art doing the backdrops for nativity, thats a big subject to tackle,do you paint for yourself to? ;o)
2 Feb, 2011
I did attend a class for a short time and I did show a picture on here in my previous existance. I painted it after a visit to Kuekenhof gardens in Holland. The class folded when the teacher got a better offer so I have not tried again. If I find a daytime class I might go back as I did not enjoy going out on my own down dark country lanes. I have been too busy this year to even think about painting. I am concentrating on the garden for this season and also going to be away from home baby sitting for my daughter who has gone back to uni to do a post graduate qualification. Who says once the children leave home you have time on your hands Lol. I am busier now than ever. I do like to see the enjoyment others get from what I found to be an absorbing hobby. The backdrop was way before I became interested in art as a personal hobby. I only went along to take a non driving friend to the class and she dropped out after a couple of weeks but I was hooked.
2 Feb, 2011
if you ever decide to take it up again scotgran you should look up your local art society, thats what i did, £5 membership then £20 a year, all open painting classes are then free, so i dont pay tuesdays, great really and they also have trips you can go on to art avents and also stately homes and gardens for inspiration i guess lol
sounds like you have a busy year ahead though and lovely of you to go help your daughter so she can get her post graduate, seems it gets busier when retired and the kids have children, iv got that to come yet :o))
2 Feb, 2011
San the tallent is wasted on my hubby as he hasnt painted anything for a couple of years now ! I think the last were in water colour, little minitures of fusias for my bedroom wall, he likes Acrilics rather than oils they dry quicker.
My Son has a B.A in fine Art and has been teaching Art for about 11 years but has given up as he is suffering with stress, I just hope that when he can he can get back into something less stressfull, he has just written and illustrated a childrens book it would be good if he could get it published it is lovely and so are the illustrations.
4 Feb, 2011
just been to my art group San and she brought some books from ' the works' ( paper & paints are not very good) but the art books are good she said everything was 50% off and one of the books was about pastels-- what i'm doin at the moment-- it cost 50p-- I'm going myself tomorrow to see what else they have!
4 Feb, 2011
hi maggy sory to hear about your son, lets hope when he feels less stressed and decides what he is doing he may just do the art for himself, teaching is so stressfull, iv heard this many times, sounds like he is so talented to, he should get the book published, shame for it to be sat doing nothing, hope all comes together for you all :o)
hi Pam hope you enjoyed your class today and great deals on the books, i think books are a great help, stepson bourght me a small bag sized one called the oil painters bible, so helpfull even though i do acrylics now it does still help with colour mixes etc, hope you manage to get something else you need :o)
4 Feb, 2011
Only just now seen this blog of yours, San! You did a very good job on painting the church there! I cant draw or paint anything! Our granddaughter was doing some painting a few weeks ago & kept telling me to do some. Eventually I picked up a brush & painted a flower! Although she is only 3 years old she was laughing at it! Some of her painting look better than anything I can produce!
I'm only good at growing flowers! LOL!
8 Feb, 2011
lol balcony, seems your grandaughter may be arty to, hope she continues with her art, maybe she can teach you to lol
and you are right about growing flowers, you do a great job on that score :o))
9 Feb, 2011
Thanks, San, for that compliment! :-))
She's certainly picked up the musical ear from my wife's side of the family! The Spanish genes are quite strong in her! LOL! She just loves it when my wife sings to her Spanish songs & does some dance movements! She loves to copy her movements & she picks up music & songs very quickly. :-)) I'm afraid the British part of her family are all duds when it comes to music! :-(( I can't think of one single person in my family who is good at music.
On my wife's side of the family her gran was a music teacher at a very important academy in Spain & she played the piano marvellously well! It was a joy to listen to her playing even when she was well into her 80s. My wife learned to play the piano at a very young age when her gran taught her. My father-in-law apparently had a very good voice for singing though he never developed it. I never heard him sing though.
9 Feb, 2011
music is a wonderful thing balcony and i enjoy that to though i cant play an instrument, my mum plays piano and my uncle sings and very well, i love to sing and enjoy karioki on holidays and use to be in the choir at school, my dad hopless at most things haha,
i hope your grandaughter continues to enjoy the spanish part of her life, so easy to lose your roots so to speak,i think we all have talents within but dont always use them.
and sometimes when we do find we have a talent its either to late or we just have it as a hobby in older age,
i just think we should do things we enjoy because life is so short and at least we then have no regrets.
9 Feb, 2011
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well San, you have done a great work of art there, love it, and well done, I must say you have done the church beautifuly.
26 Jan, 2011