scene from holker hall in acrylic
By sanbaz
hi guys iv had a great day today painting, so relaxing and thought i would paint a scene from holker hall from last years visit, some of you that have been may remember the stone bridge/tunnel which is private and you cant actually go through.
anyway iv had a go and really enjoyed doing it, going to take it to class for carol to check and see if i need to add or change anything, but what iv done im happy.
also im a bit worried about keep posting my painting as i dont want to upset members who prefere GOY just to be a gardening site, even though my art does have a garden or plant theme,
so if anyone has any problems with this please pm me as i dont want any upset on the page itself, thankyou
sandra x
30 Jan, 2011
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thankyou cinders, i feel more confident to, once i get started, set everything up then took me a couple of hours to start lol :o)
30 Jan, 2011
That looks excellent Sanbaz - it really shouldn't upset anyone - nice to see people's work - as you say it has plants and things on anyway :)
30 Jan, 2011
aww thanx paul, i agree, i love to see what other member like to do as hobbies, especially in winter with not much gardening going on, glad you like it to :o))
30 Jan, 2011
Lovely are getting pretty good at this painting lark!!:-)
30 Jan, 2011
thats excellent San, well done again
30 Jan, 2011
Hey, this is good San! Like the way you've done the grassy bank and the bridge stonework.....smashing!!
30 Jan, 2011
Thats really lovely, well done indeed.
I worry as well about posting art but like you, it's mainly flowers or animals!! Well, it is winter, what else can we do!!
30 Jan, 2011
thankyou so much, Alice,yorkshire and janey, iv gone back and added a bit more, not touching it again now till tuesday when i talk to carol.
i like the stonework to janey :o))
30 Jan, 2011
thanx lulu i think your right, soon it will be back to gardening wont it :o))
30 Jan, 2011
Blimey, San, this is lovely! You've been painting for such a short time, yet we can see the improvement with each one. I for one have no problem with viewing them, so carry on regardless. Ooh, sounds like a film title .....
30 Jan, 2011
lol shirley and thankyou so much, i cant believe it myself sometimes, keeps me calm to :o))
30 Jan, 2011
well done Sandra!
30 Jan, 2011
Thats very nice sandra... well done, its relaxing painting isnt it....
30 Jan, 2011
Thats a good observation Hollyeves, it is relaxing.
30 Jan, 2011
thanx Arlene, holly and as you say its relaxing :o))
30 Jan, 2011
thats lovely sanbaz, i love the colours, be nice to walk through that tunnel - i like pictures that take you somewhere!
did you sit and paint it on site or come back and paint from memory?
30 Jan, 2011
Forgot to say i like to see the arts, crafts and cookery - if its clear in the title then it shouldnt be a problem cos we can choose what we look at?
30 Jan, 2011
thanx sticki, we went last year and i had a photo in my folders, must be lovely to sit in the sunshine and paint something from on the spot, glad you think its ok to do something other than our gardens to, makes me feel less guilty :o))
30 Jan, 2011
Brilliant! Well done. Keep them coming It’s lovely to see what you are doing and the progress your making. I spent the day planting bulbs and pulling weeds out.
30 Jan, 2011
thankyou so much sue for the encouragment, i love my art, enjoying every min,
your brave planting bulbs, its so cold, i cant even motivate myself to going in my garden at the moment, and pulling weeds,,, oh noo lol
30 Jan, 2011
i think its great that you enjoy painting so much! thats how its meant to be.
30 Jan, 2011
so true sticki, im one of those people if i dont like i dont do lol,baz says im painting them off to quickly hahah nowhere to put them :o))
30 Jan, 2011
yes, im like that too. i like having a go at things, especially new things but i dont seem to relax with painting - suppose i dont have such good results as you!!
30 Jan, 2011
sticki you did that lovely painting, you just have to keep at it and watch youtube painting videos like me lol, they are so usefull
30 Jan, 2011
Its lovely you are imporving each time love the tree over hanging
30 Jan, 2011
That looks really good Sandra ...I love it !:-)
30 Jan, 2011
thanx sixpence and richard glad you both like it :o))
nice to see you again to richard.
31 Jan, 2011
Another good one San, that tunnel invites you in, makes one want to investigate. As regards the garden, when are you doing a painting of yours?, I know you don`t like the cold but you have lots of photographs so you can still work indoors....
31 Jan, 2011
thankyou sue glad you like it to, baz asked if i was going to do the garden, i have a lovely photo of the near the pond with so much colour last summer, im not sure if im ready for it though, so much in the photo, its scarey lol
31 Jan, 2011
Thats great Sanbaz. Your work is getting better and better. I quite enjoy seeing your paintings so please don't worry about showing them to us. I for one look forward to seeing them.
31 Jan, 2011
thankyou so much for your encouraging comments Rohima :o)
31 Jan, 2011
Thats great Sandra the grass and trees look really lush and you have captured the stone work very realistically
31 Jan, 2011
Sandra - Please don't worry about the narrow minded few who want nothing but horticultural facts.
All they have to do is ignore what they don't want to see (the sad lot)
They have probably filtered things out anyway (so they are missing out on such a lot of interesting stuff, but that's their own fault and it serves them right !)
WE want to see your paintings, and WE are just as much members of GoY as they are.
So don't be intimidated by these stiff boring people.
Continue ...... please :o)
Thank you x
End of sermon lol
I love the way you've done the stone wall - so realistic :o)
Show us more ! ... show us more ! ... lol x
And you could do the same as me - I just ignore enyone who ignores me. I give them a taste of their own medicine lol
1 Feb, 2011
thats wicked Sandra....well done you.....:-)
1 Feb, 2011
thankyou so much carole :o))
thanx hywel for your sermon lol and surport, you have really cheered me up today as a bad start to it so far, but art class soon and looking forward to that,
i will continue to post my art as you enjoy it so much haha, cant stop giggling here thanx hywel xxx
cheers sandra glad you like it to :o))
1 Feb, 2011
If anyone tells you off send them to me lol and they'll be sorry they opened their mouth. After a lifetime of being bullied the worm has finally turned ! I take no nonsense any more - wish I had been like this in my youth lol
I'm pleased I've cheered you up and glad you have a class soon. That will cheer you even more :o) x
1 Feb, 2011
having just rejoined after 7 months I am trying to catch up with you all. I love to see your delight and enthusiam for painting, Sanbaz. You take me right back to when I first started just over 20 years ago. Like you I had to wait until the child rearing was over but it was worth the wait. I have yet to write my first blog but I can see from this that it is a way of finding out who else shares your interests. Hint! I now display my reference photo on an old laptop, too old and heavy for my son to use for work now. You can enlarge areas too, for seeing detail when required. All the photos of the canal would make super paintings but especially the first two, (2nd with a bit of cropping) so please give them a try. I think it is great that we have an artistic following as well as recipes etc, especially in these lean gardening months when we can be occupied elsewhere.
1 Feb, 2011
wow hywel the worm has turned and its great to see, im pleased you have put the past behind and found a new you, thats what i could do with, one day ok the next,,, well you know what i mean, class was good and we have placed all our paintings on the wall for all members to view, so thats exciting.have a good evening hywel and thanx again :o) x
hi Droopy, thankyou so much for your comments and welcome back to GOY, also nice to know yet another artistic member with us again, hope you post a few of your paintings, would love to see, i will re look at the canal pics and maybe chose one for next tuesdays class, not found anything yet, cheers x
1 Feb, 2011
Sanbaz this debate on whether things were appropriate or not was hammered out and the boys put in choices for people who only want to see gardening material. There was such a hoo hah about it that quite a few of us left some never to return. I missed it and did return but I was so shocked at the inappropriate behaviour that I feel scarred for life by it. I was not involved but if you go back to profile you will see that there are choices to be made on what one sees. I had inadvertantly chosen only to see gardening items. It is pouring with rain and we have a howling gale so i am spending some time investigating what is available and how to use the facilities. I changed my choice to 'See all' and bingo I struck gold with your lovely photo. The boys sorted out the rancour over a year ago and I would not like to see it raise its ugly head again. If it does I suggest it is flagged as inappropriate and let the boys advise the culprit to change their choice of viewing.
2 Feb, 2011
hi scotsgran nice to see you and glad you have things sorted out on what you want from the site, i do remember what went on and like you keep it in the past, so we wont say anything more on that hey.
thankyou so much for your lovely comments on my art and glad you enjoyed seeing it,
take care x
2 Feb, 2011
These are great- love them! You obviously have the creative skill required! :-)
2 Feb, 2011
thankyou red aly, kind comment, i just enjoy painting and wish i had started years ago :o)
2 Feb, 2011
Love the painting. The stone work is so realistic. I'm not an artist but I know what I like and this is my sort of painting. I've had a look at your previous blogs and can see an improvement. Keep it up, you're obviously a natural.
3 Feb, 2011
thankyou so much for your comments Digginfit, i to can see how iv improved since going to class and getting advice, just deciding whats next lol, have an idea so looking forward to painting it :o)
3 Feb, 2011
A really nice picture Sandbaz, what a joy it must be to paint lovely pictures, i carn't paint to save my life, yet my parents and brothers and sisters are brilliant artists, the picture you have done is one that you could look at for long periods and imagine yourself walking to the bridge and actually being there.
4 Feb, 2011
thankyou julien glad you like my painting, i was told anyone can paint its just a matter of learning as we did with reading and writing, but i do think we have to have a certain eye for it, i read alot online about art and also watch youtube on artists demo`s and find it has helped, also even though you think you cant paint dont forget even the famous artists arent always everyones taste lol, it all depends what each person sees and enjoys,
thanx for looking :o)
5 Feb, 2011
My my have you come on or what.........that is so good, I am amazed well done.
5 Feb, 2011
hi dotty and thanx for looking and glad you can see im improving to, will see what comments i get when i go to art tuesday as its on the wall there being our classes turn to hang paintings in feb,i dont mind critisium as long as people arent awfull with it , which apparently some of the friday members can be, i just think we all have to learn so why be nasty, but wont let it get me down , i enjoy it to much :o))
6 Feb, 2011
You are doing very well, San! I like your painting & even I can see you have made some very good progress! For my part you can continue to paint & post to your heart's content! :-)) I love to see them! This painting is very realistic & if I ever saw the place you've painted I'd recognize it at once from your painting! Please keep them coming!
8 Feb, 2011
I really like this one San :o)))
9 Feb, 2011
thanx balcony, how kind and glad you like this painting, im very pleased with how things are going and enjoying my next painting to, cant wait to see how it turns out :o))
glad you like it to anne, thankyou :o))
9 Feb, 2011
Fancy doing it as a mural on my garage wall? It would look good in that corner :o))))))
9 Feb, 2011
lol anne can you give me a bit longer to practise first haha,
i must say it would look great wouldnt it :o))
9 Feb, 2011
That looks really good Sanbaz. Better than I can do in Acrylics or oils. I have been giving myself art therapy in watercolour recently. Having a go at Peonia Bowl of Beauty. Your picture has definately improved all round since the last one I saw. As for the occasional bit of art on GoY. I think it gives variety. Gardens are only just waking up from a severe winter, and only the most upbeat Goyers can woo us out of our end of January torpor with inspiring words on gardens!
10 Feb, 2011
thankyou Dojac for your nice comments and glad to hear you enjoy art to, watercolours are so soft on the eye i think, lovely and your painting sounds very nice, any chance of a viewing when finished :o)
10 Feb, 2011
I put it in my latest blog Sanbaz as a 'work in progress' along with the latest Mistle thrush news. If the weather goes better it might not get finished! It has been horrible drizzle here in Essex all day long. I pop back and do another flower or a few leaves every so often. I feel a Fuchsia picture comming on next.
10 Feb, 2011
will check out your blog Dorjac thanx, i dont blame you for taking advantage of some nice weather also its good to leave the painting as you see things when you go back to it, fuchsia sounds lovely to :o))
10 Feb, 2011
Hi Sanbaz, you say about painting 'on the spot'. I was doing just that in Majorca once, in a field full of flowers and something bit me, the picture deteriorated after that. It hurt and raised a big bump. For at least 12 years I carried some S1 size ring back Daler sketchbooks on all hols. Everyone tolerant enough would wait while I used thin black pen to record the scene. As they are in diary form, they are so interesting now. the digital camera put paid to that! It's a very good hobby....but you have to 'feel like doing it'
11 Feb, 2011
poor you Dorjac getting bitten like that and also putting you right of your painting, even worse,i cant wait to go to spain in may and get plenty of pics, will be different this time cause im taking them to paint, wonderfull, your right you do need to be in the mood or its not worth doing.
11 Feb, 2011
What can I say San? This is brilliant work! You have such a natural talent for Art, that I am so glad that you have taken this up....Goy a lot richer through you sharing it with us... I love your work my friend, well done!\0/xxx
18 Mar, 2011
your so kind flori, thankyou, its lovely to get such nice comments from friends :o)) xx
18 Mar, 2011
You are more than welcome San! \0/xxx
18 Mar, 2011
;o)) x
18 Mar, 2011
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Thats very good Sandra, I can see an improvement with every one that you do.
30 Jan, 2011