Hiding in the polytunnel waiting for the rain to stop...
By sandra
I am itching to get back at it but the rain has continued here today….so not to be beaten i ventured into my tunnel today to make a start….but where do i start…the peppers and chillies are holding on and continuing to fruit…
even if they are looking a little sad…they will have to come out soon but there are still a few to harvest…
the weeds are enjoying this mild winter too..
as you can see the stingys are doing well….but with my trusty old fork …i soon got the better of that one…
Its a big tunnel and I’m not getting any younger..but i have learnt to do a little at a time. It didn’t take long to make start…
It will soon be time to sow the tomatoes. We are in discussion as to which ones we will have this year.
In the winter the tunnel holds the majority of our succulents. Its always tempting to fill it up with them but I have to leave space for the tomatoes and his marrow….
After the recent storms we are delighted to still have our tunnel intact and looking forward to the spring.
The winter here at Corseside has been very wet, but very mild too….Outside the plants have been enjoying drinking up natures gift of water.
If the frost keeps away this arum lily may give us some very early flowers…
All the newly planted trees are looking surprisingly good considering the winds.
The landscape at the bottom of the valley floods each winter which changes day by day.
Or in this case moment by moment…
Thanks for reading… the weatherman says Pembrokeshire will be fine and dandy tomorrow…still a little windy but with the right clothes on it will be lovely.
Hope the weather picks up for every one…Happy gardening..Sandra :-)
8 Jan, 2014
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its very satisfying when a big yellow root comes up Stera...i'm going to get a few more of the blighters tomorrow..:-)
8 Jan, 2014
I should tread round those shrubs too to firm up the
wet soil, they are bound to have moved a bit.
8 Jan, 2014
It changes so quickly, our yard had all dried off yesterday, no water running down the pathway and bright sunshine for a while, like you I was thinking of having a little time outdoors, also let the dogs play for a while as they are both wimps and hate being out in the wet but no, the heavens opened yet again, today its the other way around, rainy start but now the sun is out....Keep up the good work Sandra
9 Jan, 2014
You're so lucky Sandra, having a polytunnel. I've only room for a very small greenhouse and that's rather squashed in to the garden space. I can't get over the fact that you still have Peppers to harvest. I was tempted to keep mine over the winter, but decided I needed the space for my more delicate plants, to over winter. I can't believe the amount of rain we've been having. I feel so sorry for those poor folk who have been flooded out. It must be devastating. Keep up the good work, as you say a little at a time :)
9 Jan, 2014
Hi Sandra ..
the tunnel looks cosy ..
My gardens actually had sunshine today ..
looks like the rains may be easing at last :o)
9 Jan, 2014
The tunnel is my favourite place in the garden Waddy...its one of the benefits of running a nursery.
Lincs you cant blame the dogs...I have been hiding from the rain for weeks. but it was lovely here today maybe it will be nice for you tomorrow...
9 Jan, 2014
Nice to see your pollytunnel hasn't suffered any damage in the gales Sandra :o)
I love to see all your succulents ...
I hope the rest of the winter is calmer ... but still MILD :o)
10 Jan, 2014
thanks Hywel. its so nice to watch our babies all cozy in the winter..:-)
10 Jan, 2014
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Its amazing your peppers are still functioning. We are lucky to have it so mild here even though we get more than our share of rain! Your lucky your tunnel survived the gales too - looks as though there will be lots to keep you busy in the weeks to come! I quite like digging up nettles in the winter (in moderation) - their roots are such a pretty colour!
8 Jan, 2014