Trees in my garden
By sandra
With a gap in the rain yesterday I got to take our new granddaughter Myla for a walk around the garden. Not sure I like the pushchair mind. it was not the best for off roading but she survived…
My mam used to plant tree seeds she would collect from holidays or funerals!! really she always came home with a pine cone or a conker whenever she found them. It was a bit hit or miss, but over the years her tree seedling have made three figures. We have planted many of them here at Corseside and its fab to watch them grow. Mams been gone nearly 3 years now but I still have many of her trees to plant and find time I spend tending them are special times.
So today I introduced Myla to the trees…
This one is a redwood my OH grew from seed by her OH.
These were all planted one birthday party when my children were younger all grown by mam.
Mylas mam and dad planted this one for her when they found out she was coming.
I hope one day Myla will be climbing these trees and we have already decided which one will be perfect for a swing.
This weekend we are planning a planting afternoon …weather permitting…Hopefully we will get a few more of mams trees planted.
I did this last pic to help us remember who planted what where, because i don’t think Myla was paying attention…lol
Thanks for reading..:-)
29 Jan, 2016
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It's such a great way to mark an arrival or a departure Pam... I bet you get great pleasure from your memory trees too..x
29 Jan, 2016
Lovely blog Sandra and I am sure Myla was paying attention ! - a memory tree is a really nice way to remember loved ones - we do a similar thing with shrubs and plants - Jane
29 Jan, 2016
lovely idea to plant trees in memory of your family and loved ones - Myla will love them as she grows up and gets outside playing along with them. Our little granddaughter loves the holly bushes she passes along the pathside and stops every time she walks down the path to touch them. She looks lovely and cosy in her pushchair you did good getting her to sleep there. :O)
29 Jan, 2016
We have memory trees and shrubs here as well representing births, special occasions, passing on of pets and of course my Prunus planted when we lost mum, its a lovely thing to do, Myla will take notice one day, I bet you loved taking her for a breath of air even if she did fall asleep on you, take that as a compliment, lol.....
29 Jan, 2016
A great idea to plant a tree, its having the space to do it though, might have to be dwarf fruiting lol Myla looks a happy contented baby, enjoying the fresh country air...
29 Jan, 2016
Splendid wonderful to have the space to accommodate all these special trees. My boys' Conker tree is still in a pot approx 20 years on from being grown from seed. I don't know if either of them will ever have somewhere to plant it. I did wonder about the Farm where Graeme(my eldest) is based for work but he said that they are reluctant to plant anymore fruit/nut trees as people get daft these days with wanting to sue etc when a Conker falls on someone's head! Also, of course, they make a mess in areas where they need to be cleared up and there are some animals who could eat them and shouldn't. It's a shame as it would be the ideal place as both our boys visited the farm as kids and now one works there.So, he'd see it every day. And, we could take our grandchildren, if lucky enough to have some in future, to see it.
It just seems a shame to restrict it in the pot although it still looks great, particulalry in spring with the fresh new leaves.
I'm sure Myla will grow to love all the trees in your garden.
And, maybe one day, she'll carve someone's name on one...ha ha!
29 Jan, 2016
Reading the other comments regarding planting trees in people's memory etc reminds me of a lovely thing that happened to me. About 10 years ago, I was working in a new customer's garden and came across some plaques with names on them and, reading them, realised that the lady's late husband had planted the shrubs/trees to commemorate the birth of their grand children. I read the name and date of birth of one of the boys and realised he was a lad who my wife, Julie, had taught at infant school. (I knew of him as he lived fairly local to where we had lived when Julie was teaching him)
I told the lady and she was really chuffed to realise that I recognised his name (it was a different surname to her's as it was her married daughter's son). In latter years I saw the boy's mum and dad at her house a few times and they remembered Julie being Daniel's first teacher!!
29 Jan, 2016
what a lovely blog. and a stunning little girl.
29 Jan, 2016
Fab tale's great finding things when you clear a garden.
Glad so many others have memory plants too. I am lucky to have the space to plant I know..but we have also planted a few in the village park and being a small nursery some of our seedlings have made it to other peoples gardens. Maybe you will find a place to plant yours one day Paul.
I drive the long way around sometimes to see how the hedges I sell are doing!! It's great to see them growing big...
29 Jan, 2016
thanks Timmyh I did enjoy our stroll...hope your new arrival has settled in.
30 Jan, 2016
Such a lovely blog Sandra, and you really are giving your family roots...:)). Baby Myla is so pretty.....can't wait for my one to arrive in March......
30 Jan, 2016
Very nice blog. I was there with you. Great idea with the memorial trees.
Something for Myla to be proud of in the future.
30 Jan, 2016
Exciting times Janey...
thanks Stjohnt.
31 Jan, 2016
Your grand daughter is beautiful Sandra and having those special trees grown by you Mum is priceless.
31 Jan, 2016
That's wonderful Sandra !
1 Feb, 2016
She s lovely Sandra I am sure she ll enjoy the tree thats been planted for her. Great idea planting trees for the kids.
1 Feb, 2016
thank you for all these lovely comments...i will be printing this out and adding it to Mylas memory box.
Timmyh 9 months is a lovely age..enjoy,,x
2 Feb, 2016
What a lovely idea Sandra I would love to see her little face when she s of age to be able to read it.
4 Feb, 2016
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How lovely xxx
Some treeswe planted here are planted for special reasons
Dad planted Populus candicans Aurora for his Mum when she passed away, its a big glorious tree now
I planted Prunus kanzan for him and Mum..
Myla taking a nap under the trees is lovey xxx
29 Jan, 2016