Finishing Touches...
By spritzhenry
Remember the ‘Great Wall of Somerset’? We had a niche built into it, and there’s a seating area there with a rose arch over it.
Well, last autumn, I entered a short story competition – and I was lucky enough to win! I decided I wanted to buy something special for the garden with the money, and I’ve been looking out for two matching pots as a ‘finishing touch’ for the seating area.
Today I found them – and had great fun choosing plants to go in them.
I chose colours that would ‘go’ together, including what are called ‘Primlets’; (I call them Primroses, don’t you?)
The two pots have similar plants in them – but aren’t identical.
When I’d planted them up, my husband moved them in the wheelbarrow one-by-one up into position on the niche platform; they were too heavy for me to lift.
I’m happy with the finishing touch to the area. I’ll replant the pots for the summer when I redo the others in the garden.
It was lovely spending money and not feeling even a little bit guilty!
8 Feb, 2013
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Excellent pots as usual B! Lovely 'primlets' lol!
8 Feb, 2013
That is great Spritz. The pots look beautiful. I was given a gift token for a great garden centre near me. My chums in the book club gave me £100.00 to spend on plants for my birthday. It is the only time my husband has offered to come too without a look of fear in his eyes. I can spend it bit by bit as I like. :0)
8 Feb, 2013
Well done you, I love this area and wont you enjoy watching it weather etc.
8 Feb, 2013
I like that shape of pot. Even if the compost freezes it won't burst the pot. Your pretty planting is very pleasing and will have some scent. Great place to sit and ponder. Roll on the better weather.
9 Feb, 2013
Thanks for sharing. It all helps to cheer us up at this difficult time of year.
9 Feb, 2013
It certainly cheered me up, Diane! Linda, what a great present. My sister gave me some vouchers for Christmas, to spend on replacement plants if the poor drowned ones don't recover. I thought that was a lovely thing to do. We'll both have guilt-free fun spending them, won't we!
Maybe I can sit on my seat and make lists! ;-D)
Hmmm...if another story competion comes along, I might just sit there...good thinking, Sticki!
9 Feb, 2013
Was it a story about a garden?
9 Feb, 2013
Lovely area and love the finishing touches, especially the dark magentery pink primlets? never heard of them, they'll look beautiful with the jonquils. I find primroses often reflower on a regular basis, what will you do with them when you put in your summer stuff? Now I want to know all about the short story, congratulations on your win\0/ you kept that quiet didn't you lol:-)
9 Feb, 2013
That is all looking lovelySpritz you weill enjoy relaxing there when the weather improves, love the new pots and planting too;0)
9 Feb, 2013
Congratulations on winning a competition, love the pots, perfect plants in a perfect pot, all looks really lovely B.
9 Feb, 2013
they look great.
9 Feb, 2013
Thanks, all. :-)
It was a competition in our Parish Magazine - they gave a story start, and you had to finish the story in less than 600 words (I think!). They had an 'outside' judge, and I got the prize - a cheque for £50!
It was wonderful - they brought the cheque a couple of days after our flood happened, and I actually smiled for the first time - standing in the chaos in my wellies. :-D)
9 Feb, 2013
sounds like the start of another story ~ 'Standing in the chaos in my wellies..........'
i dont suppose you could put the story on here could you please spritz? i think its brilliant that you won!
9 Feb, 2013
Well done! You've chosen well - I like the colours you picked, those pots will serve you well I'm sure and yes, please share you story :)
9 Feb, 2013
Brilliant news...many congratulations Spritz.....fully deserved after all you have been through....x
9 Feb, 2013
I couldnt be happier for you Spritz. What a lovely niche and the pots do go so well with it. I love the colour palette you have chosen, some gorgeous colours there.
Yets hope the summer gives you plenty of opportunities to sit and think of plots for new stories.
9 Feb, 2013
How fantastic Barbara! Well done, those are lovely presents for the garden too. Those dark polished pots are the opposite of your stone wall and don't they go well together.......the planting is beautiful like all your garden....:))
9 Feb, 2013
Thank you all - and hallo Bb! :-)
How embarrassing - no, I won't post the story! :-O
10 Feb, 2013
Love the primlets and such a pretty colour too :o)))
11 Feb, 2013
You kept the story writing a secret Spritz!!!....well done you xx
12 Feb, 2013
I read it and was shocked ;-)))))))
12 Feb, 2013
51 shades of grey?
12 Feb, 2013
A little more colourful:-)
12 Feb, 2013
Hi Spritz 10 out of 10 for endurance..;)
12 Feb, 2013
Barbara, I don't suppose you need any more C.Lucifers? I'm inundated:-)
12 Feb, 2013
I love Primula. They always make me smile.
Nice one Spritz. And well done for the win!
13 Feb, 2013
Thank you all - and yes, Ba, I'd love some! :-))
I think we both deserve a medal this year, Bb. Is there one for not swearing under all this stress? lol.
I'm still not posting my story, folks, whaterever you say! ;-)
13 Feb, 2013
Goodo, I just dug some out at the end of last year not thinking .....then, when deciding to remove more when borders not so sodden (when will that be) I thought I'd better see if you wanted more as it seems so wasteful just dumping them:-)
13 Feb, 2013
That wall is fantastic.I've always dreamed of a large garden with natural stone wall..dripping with Wisteria and or Clematis!
And what a good idea to have the seating area sunk into the wall for protection!
lovely colour in your pots!!
13 Feb, 2013
Hi Spritz - agree with Paul, the wall is fabulous and the niche for the seat is just so neat! Your new pots are a lovely finishing touch! I think a nice strong rose colour will also look fab in the summer against the pale stone of the wall - post pics later in the year please!
13 Feb, 2013
I will indeed. I'm hoping that the climbers I planted in the autumn will at least make some growth! Yes, there are clems, an Aktinidia kolomikta and also roses - pink roses, naturally! :-) I think I posted photos of them in the wall blog...
Thanks, Ba. Any time will do. Shall I send you my address?
14 Feb, 2013
Yes please, I've lost it:-)
14 Feb, 2013
Its all going to look fabulous again, and you really deserved something nice to happen. The pots look so pretty, and the colours go together beautifully.
14 Feb, 2013
Thank you very much. :-)
14 Feb, 2013
Congratulations on the story Comp Barbara .
And well done on your choice of pots and plants.
14 Feb, 2013
Thanks, Kath. :-)
14 Feb, 2013
so glad you won the competition - you needed some compensation after previous events! I look forward to further reports of how this area is getting on x
14 Mar, 2013
I'll post photos later on. :-))
15 Mar, 2013
Recent posts by spritzhenry
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- Oh dear!
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I have seen those pots in the GC, i think they are lovely! fantastic to win a story competition! thats a great idea to buy the pots to celebrate ~ so now is this the story telling bench?
8 Feb, 2013