Winter Interest in my garden - part 4 - flowers!
By spritzhenry
Yes, flowers! I have a considerable number of winter-flowering plants and shrubs in my garden. I’ll show you!
First – the climbers.
Clematis cirrhosa ‘Lansdowne Gem’
I have three C. cirrhosas – and they are all in flower now!
‘Lansdowne Gem’ is my favourite of the three.
Clematis cirrhosa ‘Freckles’
‘Clematis cirrhosa ’Wisley Cream’
Winter jasmine is a scrambler rather than a climber, but to me, it’s a ‘must’ in the cold months.
Jasminum nudiflorum
Now you might not think of Vincas as ‘scramblers’ – well, I have one which does just that! I would go so far as to call her a bit of a ‘thug’ – but I can’t help but forgive her, when her flowers are so pretty and so welcome at this time of year! She does flower at other times, as well.
Vinca difformis ‘Jenny Pym’
Two other Vincas are also in flower at the moment – but they just travel along the ground, rather than try to climb!
Vinca minor f. ‘Alba’
Vinca major ‘Variegata’
Shrubs? Yes, I have several which are also in flower now, including my two Correas – with their pretty bells and evergreen leaves.
Correa pulchella
Correa ’Marian’s Marvel’
This next photo is of the blossom on an autumn flowering Prunus – it carries on blooming through the winter, but mine is only a small tree at the moment. I just had to have one in this garden – it was my favourite plant in our previous garden.
Prunus subhirtella autumnalis ‘Rosea’
This shrub was unfamiliar, though. I was delighted to find out what it was, with its pretty white fragrant flowers. I am lucky enough to have inherited two of them, growing at opposite sides of the garden – one tends to stay evergreen, while the other does lose some of its leaves.
Lonicera fragrantissima
I planted the next one about 3 years ago and it has become one of my favourite shrubs. It seems to flower at least twice a year – at this time, in the spring and even a third set of flowers in the summer. It hasn’t been affected by the frosts this week at all!
Coronilla valentina subs. glauca
Another shrub, an evergreen, that has an extended flowering period, making it a very useful ‘backbone’ in my garden, is Viburnum tinus. It started to flower a few weeks ago – and it will carry on, regardless of the weather until late spring/early summer. After a possible short break – (even then, a few flowers will appear) – off it will go again! It’s quite difficult to know exactly when to prune it; but it’s a good-natured shrub, and doesn’t object to a hard hair-cut.
Viburnum tinus ‘Eve Price’
Another Viburnum in my garden is deciduous, but the scent from the flowers is as welcome as the blooms!
Viburnum x bodnantense ‘Dawn’
Skimmias – oh, Skimmias! The garden in winter needs them! I know you’ll laugh – but I have a ‘thing’ about them! However, new cultivars keep appearing – and I have to resist them (if possible!) I’ll show you just some of the ones that I haven’t resisted!
Skimmia japonica ‘Rubella’
Skimmia japonica ‘Marlot’
Skimmia japonica ‘Fragrant Cloud’
Skimmia x confusa ‘Kew Green’
Any other flowering shrubs? Yes – I have two Mahonias. They are in bud at the moment, but the buds will open soon and I’ll get glorious yellow spikes at the back of the wide border, shining out.
Mahonia ‘Charity’
Mahonia japonica
How about some rather insignificant-looking flowering shrubs?
They might not look much, but their perfume is…well…amazing! They’re a little boring for the rest of the year, admittedly – they are only small – but they do pack a punch!
Sarcococca Humilis
Sarcococca confusa
For sheer flower-power I can’t miss out Hebes – I don’t know the name of the first one, as I grew it from a cutting from my daughter’s plant – but the second one is new and I didn’t lose the label for a change! They are both in flower now – as are several more around the garden – they will stop flowering soon, though.
Hebe ‘Louise’
I am going to cheat a little now – and show you the two Hamamelis I have. They are in bud, but are most certainly winter-flowering, so here they are! I can’t wait for them to open their ribbon-y flowers in a few weeks’ time.
Hamamelis ‘Rubin’
Hamamelis x intermedia ‘Arnold Promise’
There are so many winter-flowering plants – but my Hellebores are particular favourites. Some are in flower now – and some will open their buds after Christmas.
Helleborus argutiflorus
Helleborus foetidus
Helleborus orientalis
…and a very appropriately named flower to finish with – a Christmas Rose. It may not open its buds exactly on Christmas Day – but here it is!
Helleborus niger
And -
21 Dec, 2009
Previous post: Potted Up!
Next post: A walk on the wild side.
What a stunning display spritz,and how uplifting in this horrid weather we are having.Your garden looks wonderful,and must give you so much pleasure.I wish I had room for all those lovely plants.
Merry christmas to you too spritz.....Sandra x
21 Dec, 2009
I think you secretly have a five acre garden hidden round the back - it's the only way you could possibly fit in all the plants you show us, lol. And a very Merry Christmas to you and yours, Spritz.
21 Dec, 2009
Another amazing blog Spritz. I agree with Wagger, at least 5 acres and possibly more! Lol
A very merry Christmas and a joyful and peaceful new year to you and yours (inc. Henry)
21 Dec, 2009
Very well done. Merry Christmas Spritz and a wish for physical, mental and spiritual good health throughout the coming year for you and yours.
21 Dec, 2009
Brilliant photos, super duper! Seasons greetings to you and your family.
21 Dec, 2009
Spritz...What gorgeous picked a beautiful selection. Merry Christmas my friend and Happy New Tear to you and all your family. x x x
21 Dec, 2009
Lovely Spritz, you have some beautiful shrubs, love the hamamelis have wanted one of those for ages, its just where to put it..............
Your hellebore argutifolius is early mines only just developing buds:-(
21 Dec, 2009
Happy Christmas Spritz. Lovely flowers ..... I think you are secretly adding every plant available to your collection, its never ending and I'm turning green :-(
21 Dec, 2009
A beautiful selection Barbara ..after seeing your Lonicera Fragrantissima -- I had to send for one ( You have a lot to answer for ) It arrived this morning , a lovely healthy little plant with some good new shoots .. I have potted it up but wasn't sure where to keep it until the spring , I didn't think the greenhouse was a good idea as it's an outdoor shrub .. i've left it near a window in the potting shed ... any advice very wecome . thank you ..
A Merry Christmas to you and your family and a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year xx
21 Dec, 2009
Wonderfull with all thise flowers. I have a few flowers in my greenhouse, but I am longing for more.
I have been looking several times in my dictionary for the words shrubs. Is it evergreen bushes or? I have also tryed to google it, but I am not sure yet. Anyone who can explain it in a easy way.
21 Dec, 2009
I always enjoy your blogs. Everyone seems to be raving about Sarcocca this year. Which do you prefer? the confusa or the humilis. And how much shade do you think I could get away with?
21 Dec, 2009
You have lovely winter flowers. I enjoyed seeing them. I hope to have lots when my garden gets more established. I have tried Viburnum tinus 3 times in this garden but each one has died :o(( I had a large one in the old garden. The next one I shall keep in a pot. Well I can't be without one can I . I like your clematis best I think. All 3 are lovely.
21 Dec, 2009
That's a shame Hywel about the Tinus you've lost, I wonder why?
21 Dec, 2009
I can't understand it. I had a huge one in the old garden and found it quite a tough plant.
21 Dec, 2009
Yes, I suppose you could call them bushes, Hanne. To try to explain it simply. they're perennials with woody stems from ground level. There are both evergreen and deciduous shrubs.
I hope that helps?
Thanks, everyone - I'd love some extra garden to plant even MORE in! :-)))
21 Dec, 2009
How frustrating Hywel as I would guess the conditions are similar to your former garden.
21 Dec, 2009
Amy - if your new shrub is in a pot, then bubble-wrap the pot for a start - and as it's likely to have been in a poly-tunnel, I think I would probably fleece it until it's safe to plant it out.
SS - the Sarcococca humilis is lovely - but the flowers don't last very long. S. confusa is later flowering, and the flowers last longer. Both will take shade happily.
21 Dec, 2009
We have Clematis 'Wisley cream' and it's lovely to see it flowering when its cold and grey.The leaves are interesting too.
( Clematis 'Apple blossom' is interesting as well. Nice delicate white/pink early flowers.You might already have it.)
Thanks for sharing these lovely winter flowering plants...... stunning colours and textures.
21 Dec, 2009
Hywel - I don't understand why V. tinus doesn't like your garden. Were the others very small? Maybe if you bought a bigger specimen it might 'take'?
21 Dec, 2009
Thank you, Grenville - it is a real joy to me to have flowers in the winter.... I'm glad you enjoyed seeing my plants. :-))
21 Dec, 2009
I think they might have been a bit small now that I think of it , but I have to try and economise. I can't afford big plants. So I shall keep the next one in a pot for a while. The soil is the same as the old garden, and it is facing west just the same, so there doesn't seem to be any reason why they would die
21 Dec, 2009
Thank you. That explanation maked me learn two more words. I love my on-line dictionary.
21 Dec, 2009
Another treat Spritz,every time you show us around your garden my wishlist gets bigger....
Merry Christmas Spritz to you and your family,not forgetting Henry...
21 Dec, 2009
Thank you for that advice Barbara ,I will do that in the morning .. ..... ...
21 Dec, 2009
A lovely selection for our Winter Colour Plants section in GoYpedia Spritz. Hope you and your family have a lovely Christmas and whatever you wish for yourself in 2010.
22 Dec, 2009
well - I haven't met the correa's and coronilla yet:) and the story is many of plants you grow outdoors here in my country survive only indoors:) there is so many new plants to learn - which makes me very happy - I am a kind of person who has to keep busy all the time:) just can't sit and do nothing, haha...
22 Dec, 2009
Oh what a delicious blog. Your plants are stunning, in a stunning garden, and I feel like hiding in a corner and denying that I ever thought I was a gardener!
The plants are really beautiful and it takes lots of planning and knowledge to achieve a garden like your's Spritz and you've achieved it. Wonderful.
22 Dec, 2009
Oh Mad - please don't think like that - we're ALL gardeners, aren't we? I bet you've got some plants that I'd drool over!
Thank you for the lovely compliment, though! :-))))
22 Dec, 2009
Another lovely blog Spritz, your Clematis are gorgeous :-)))
22 Dec, 2009
lovely plants........your garden looks lovely all year round........
22 Dec, 2009
A very merry christmas to you and your family and not forgetting Henry, and your garden looks really well to say it is end of december nearly.
22 Dec, 2009
Thank you Louise, Holly and Clarice. xxx
Holly, I would like to think it had something of interest for every month! :-)))
22 Dec, 2009
Youv so many Lovely Plants Spritz & your Photos r always a joy 2 see :) Thanx 4 sharing :)
22 Dec, 2009
im sure it has spritz.....
22 Dec, 2009
Another lovely blog, Spritzhenry! You have so many beautiful plants!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! :)
22 Dec, 2009
Thank you Jac and Uma. :-))
22 Dec, 2009
so where is your white stuff? :o))
Some people are very lucky :o)
Happy christmas to you and your family.
loved the blog too.
22 Dec, 2009
We haven't had any here, Sbg - and thank you. Same to you!
22 Dec, 2009
Have a lovely Christmas Spritz, your collection of flowers as usual is amazing, they look so healthy, all the best to you and your family, will look forward to more great blogs and pictures next
23 Dec, 2009
I still have a few up my sleeve, Dd!!! So you can bet on it.
Thank you - and the same to you, too. xxx
23 Dec, 2009
I am still finding my way around goy , I think it will take a long time but enjoyable ,your flowers are fab and you have gave me lots of info on winter plants, you have lots of nice flowers.
19 Jun, 2010
Thanks, Khayla. That's lovely! I am pleased. :-))
19 Jun, 2010
Just been reading this old blog of yours.......those were the days! my friend!
10 Mar, 2017
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there are few plants new to me - some names are better 'attached' to the plants I have seen and took pictures of - you are my favourite teacher here at GOY:-) I have been very surprised my first winter here three years ago - winter time and every day I discovered something flowering! and still am looking with a surprise at some of them:)
and - Merry Christmas to you:)
21 Dec, 2009