Olivers story & toilet stop ; )
Ok so here’s the scene. I was driving back from Devon, a long drive. I was very tired but needed the toilet.
Ah I know, just hitting the M4, I’ll pop into Lulus ; )
and look who was there (with crazed looks on thier faces as they helped themselves to a couple of Morrys plants I was just showing them ; )
But LOOK Sticki made me a giant birthday shortbread biscuit (two weeks after my actual birthday). Noone has even made me a giant birthday shortbread biscuit before : ) Thank you
I have to say it beats the card my nephew sent me (2 weeks late) with a couple of free condoms from the students union!!
We’ll even light the candle for you. I made a wish (that when I offer folks to have a £1.79 clematis they obviously wont take the ones I obviously specifically want to keep ; )
and I supposes a few photos of Lulus garden, bit disheveled isnt it!
oh a wonderful clem, how boring ; )
Just chucked anywhere!
Its just chaos!
more chaos ; )
a wonderful Clematis ville de lyon, in the perfect setting, hmm how tedious
more tedium ; ) Ok lovely isn’t it all
But unfortunately Lulu has been lacking a bit of inspiration recently on the mosaic front. Luckily I was at hand to offer my expert advice. Here I am demonstrating how to capture the aesthetic of a flower perfectly….
and here we all are at the first ever inaugural meeting of the GoYers Tank Top society in our new HQ. Unfortunately I had forgotten mine but was still allowed to attend even though space was limited.
apparently some lovely aquilegia somewhere ; )
Millipus wasnt interested…no
Ok last time I forgot to take a pic or two of the lovely pond so here you are….Perry!!!
Ok ladies lets have one of yout two by the pond, Lulu ignores me whilst Sticki ruins the shot by hiding!
Slugs had a sniff though
Apparently the girls had already stuffed their faces with lunch before I arrived. I did have some of the best onion flan/tart ever made with some other lovely stuff as well. Later on I remembered that last time Stickis huge cakes
lasted about a day, so lets see whats still in the fridge to have with a bit of cheese…..oh
We then sat down and spent the next three hours trying to take a pic of the woodpecker we caught a glimpse of. heres Loos (with no shoes) adjusting the feeder (which didn’t work either)
Here it is, laughing at us!!!
Lulu stormed off and started talking to a fence! nice shot though
Ok and finally here’s Oliver the fresh water oyster, safe in his new home, just before he went down to settle on the bottom
And heres (most of) the rest of the gang before they dashed off to munch all that nice algea
and Thanks again for a lovely afternoon Lulu and Sticki : )
8 Jun, 2012
Previous post: Freds' Story
Next post: Olly n the Boys, Gnuts, Passions, Polycave, Arch, and everyone else this week
Oh no, what happened to the horse? Hope its not bad news.
Sorry to hear about the polyshed, can you fix it and maybe anchor it a bit?
Dont worry about the Bill Mac clem, I have a tray full if you want another
Once again thank you for your wonderful hospitality
8 Jun, 2012
Plants in polyshed are ok..just on the floor!
um....that other horse...came first!
8 Jun, 2012
I know ; ) even more of a kick in the guts after i lost everything on the first one!!
8 Jun, 2012
Love your blogs Stevie, did laugh at Lou's boring, chaotic and tedious garden!!! Lol. (not) Sounds like you had fun again chez Lou, you will have to make more chutney for next time!
8 Jun, 2012
Pleased you all had a lovely day, lovely pictures - although I'm not sure I agree with your adjectives Stevie :)
8 Jun, 2012
How nice to put faces to names - still being a bit of a newbie they were all new to me - and so YOUNG!! Glad you all had such a happy day.
8 Jun, 2012
And how nice to be able to put faces to names - only been on here just over a year and not seen them before - aren't you all YOUNG?? Glad you had such a grand day together.
8 Jun, 2012
Funny blog Stevie - nice friends you have there! :-))
8 Jun, 2012
Looks like a great day!
8 Jun, 2012
Have you noticed Stevie how much food is in your blog? lol
But tell us more about The Oyster please.
Lulu's Land is really lovely. And I am envious of the good time you all are having there ;-)
8 Jun, 2012
Stevie this is just brilliant. Loved every bit of the boring clems but i would spell it like this b e a u t I f u l.
Hate to tell you but skye is stunning with brilliant blue sky. Sorry can't post photos though.
Can't tell you how good it was to.meet up again.
Somehow stevie you have managed with your pictures and humour
To recreate a fabulous time.
You should be a professional blog writer.
8 Jun, 2012
Glad the sky is blue Sticks xx
Garden may be flattened but the rainbows wow!
8 Jun, 2012
Very entertaining blog Stevie, had me chuckling with all your comments, you do make a point of living up to your name, lol.
It great to see you all having a fun day and the pics are great...
8 Jun, 2012
Great blog Stevie, really made me chuckle. Lulu I love your boring, tedious garden. No idea why Stevies got such a downer on it :P must be jelous lol.
Looks like the 3 of you had a brilliant time together again. Very glad you enjoyed yourselves. Sorry to hear about the HQ though, hope its fixable Lu.
9 Jun, 2012
K, not sure I can say anything else about Olly the oyster, only that Lulu doesnt have one ; )
thanks folks
9 Jun, 2012
I will get you one lulu!
9 Jun, 2012
Can you get me another Sticki, would just like to have one more than Lulu ; )
9 Jun, 2012
Hmmmm, I could get you one more stevie, then lulu would want the same!
Where would it all end?
The oyster ponds of gloucestershire and Monmouthshire!?
Roll up roll up, seevthe plague of oysters!?
9 Jun, 2012
ah 2012, the plague of oysters, revelations!
9 Jun, 2012
I keep imagining those little oysters with nemo!
What was it 'the world is your oyster' ??? ......and now the world is to be taken over by oysters?
Stevie i know you call lulu, Lou, but toilet stop?!
10 Jun, 2012
Ok, so apparently we need a natural pond with at least 5" of mud...for swan mussles...sorry oysters!!get digging folks!
Are you having a good time Sticki?
10 Jun, 2012
5" ???? Maybe they could have a holiday break and go to the natural pond for a rest?
Bit cloudier and cooler today, but there is a band of blue above the horizon, so I'm hopeful?
Lots of shells, any good for a mosaic?
There was a sheep all tangled up in the wire fence yesterday but we found someone who knew the farmer so Shaggy Shawn is now fine!
Beach is so beautiful, wish you were both here!
10 Jun, 2012
Wish we were there too + 3 puppies!
Shells always good sticki!!
Glad shaggy shawn is ok and hope you are getting some fine photos for that mega blog next week!!
10 Jun, 2012
It is unbelievably quiet here, you can only hear wind, waves, birds and sheep!
Lots of photos, not sure any do it justice though!
Cold wind yesterday had butternut squash and toasted sweetcorn soup for dinner, superb!
Puppies would love it all!
10 Jun, 2012
just hang on a minute...food....
10 Jun, 2012
I'm still dreaming about spring onion tart...so is Sluggy, the pastry thief!
10 Jun, 2012
Brilliant as usual Stevie..made me laugh all that 'chaos'! :D
20 Jun, 2012
That's completely bonkers, Stevie! I love it.
22 Jun, 2012
: ) lol
23 Jun, 2012
Thanks for the giggles Stevie ,great blog.Poison his flan Lulu(lovely garden by the way) lol
25 Jun, 2012
Thanks Susiesp....just blogged it in fact!
Can you imagine the GoY investigation.........oh I didn't know it was fools parsley your honour!
25 Jun, 2012
''Innocent gardener mugged for clematis then poisoned''
25 Jun, 2012
It was the dog me Lord!
25 Jun, 2012
nonsense 20yrs each, but I have looked at the blogs in question and ok I'll let you off 10. Thats 10 yrs hard chutney!!
25 Jun, 2012
Sluggy has sloped off, she doesn't do chutney..
26 Jun, 2012
What a slugger chutter!
26 Jun, 2012
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Well...HQ has blown apart, the plants are flattened and clems a bit broken. The tart all gone but still got chutney and two lovely new clems to boot...Thankyou Stevie.
Pity about the horse....did you hear about the other one?
So good to see you both..we were quite well behaved...even Sluggy!
8 Jun, 2012