Spring has sprung in Devon?
By stickitoffee
January first, mild weather, some blue sky and the flowers are coming out! Quite a contrast from the icy winterland that was last January 1st.
Thought you might like to see a few flowers from my Mum’s garden in south east Devon and a couple from her next door neighbour’s garden.
Winter jasmine growing against the house wall:
Underneath the jasmine, the snowflakes:
Around to the front garden and a white camellia:
Along in the front hedge, Rosemary:
And nearby a little Hebe:
Next door has this bright Azalea:
And a [small] host of daffodils:
So from the Devon dawn [and me] ~ Happy New Year!!
4 Jan, 2012
Previous post: For You!
Next post: Up, up and up again
Wow Sticki, I'm so jealous!;-))
4 Jan, 2012
Great pics Sticki, lovely dawn photo..Happy new year..:o)
4 Jan, 2012
Lovely pics Sticky.......
4 Jan, 2012
Lovely pictures Sticki
4 Jan, 2012
Great to see things coming into flower. So early! Didn't expect to see daffs in bloom, even in Devon.
Happy New Year, Sticki, and may all your gardening days be happy ones!
4 Jan, 2012
some lovely pics : )
4 Jan, 2012
That is amazing!!!
4 Jan, 2012
Wow cool!
4 Jan, 2012
Lovely pics Sticki.....Happy new Year x
4 Jan, 2012
Thank you everyone, i thought they were nice and cheerful!!
4 Jan, 2012
Beautiful photographs Sticki. The Rosemary is stunning and the Hebe..but Snowdrops always steal the show, and so early.
4 Jan, 2012
I cant get that photo quite right pimpernel, its too dark, i tried editing it but not right yet. i think these are snowflakes ~ they are over a foot tall.
4 Jan, 2012
What a lovely blog, Sticki, such a lot of colour and cheer for the new year. I have a shrubby honeysuckle by my front gate and there was a bee bumbling around it the other day. I was so surprised I told the postman who happened to be in the next garden! He asked me if I'd been drinking, cheeky devil :)
4 Jan, 2012
Happy new year. I hope you're enjoying your stay in Devon
4 Jan, 2012
thanks gee ~ thats a very cheeky postman!!
thanks hywel ~ im back home now ~ got back monday, been at work today.
4 Jan, 2012
Some Postmen are Cheeky and need reporting! ;0)
4 Jan, 2012
Lovely to see all these,Sticki..so uplifting,in this horrible wet and windy weather..Happy New Year to you too.:o)
4 Jan, 2012
i think its nice they are chatty pimpernel ~ perhaps i have been lucky but we generally have very nice helpful postmen
4 Jan, 2012
I second that,Pimpernel..anyone in mind ? btw..still giggling ! :o)
4 Jan, 2012
is yorkshire safe from cheeky postmen bloomer? was your concern for lancashire?
4 Jan, 2012
4 Jan, 2012
All our postmen are great round here although I think one of them thought I was being cheeky when I asked him if he liked my new knocker :) I haven't seen him since and I am still trying to live it down!
4 Jan, 2012
Ha ha..ha I would not have been able to let that one go Gee.!
I learnt very quickly not to shout " I've got a big packet for you " at ladies !
4 Jan, 2012
probably wise pimpernel!!!
4 Jan, 2012
Is that why they all watch out for you,behind the curtains ..,hoping it's not more junk mail ? :o)
4 Jan, 2012
Lovely pictures Sticki, winter hasn't reached your garden yet, Im so envious , Ive just been to see where my garden is upto a few bulbs starting to show now but way behind yours!
4 Jan, 2012
Lovely cheery Pics Sticki. I planted these 'Snow Flake' bulbs this year - I hope mine turn out like these - winter hasn't quite taken hold yet.
Hey you lot!!!! Most Postmen and POSTWOMEN are lovely creatures :) It's the few jerks that give us a bad name!!
4 Jan, 2012
Quite happy with my postman thank you!
It's my mum's garden PP, it's much milder down there, altho they had quite a tough time last winter.
These snowflakes have been out since early December I think Scottish, quite an established clump though.
4 Jan, 2012
Wow Sticki, how beautiful to see all those little gems! Have a great new 2012.
4 Jan, 2012
Thanks GM, you too!
4 Jan, 2012
Honestly, Pimpernel, we can't let you out alone!
4 Jan, 2012
Lucky Devon, we should have retired there, but got side tracked as you do!! some beautiful pictures Sticki......our Postie is a star, a smashing pair of knees he wears shorts all year round lol
5 Jan, 2012
What lovely flowers Sticki - lucky you :))))))))) would like you to add the hebe on a picture so I can put it to Goypedia - it is lovely :)))))))))))
5 Jan, 2012
Happy new year Sticki! All lovely photos and so early. I saw a tree covered in blossom yesterday and that was in Wellingborough, makes you wonder what will happen in March :o)
5 Jan, 2012
Hello Sticki, Happy New Year to you! Your pics are great, the Snowflakes are really lovely, it's odd seeing a flower that you associate with being a wee tiny flower, standing up at knee height, and it was lovely to see your Mum's wee 'hostlet' of golden daffodils! Great!
5 Jan, 2012
Hi Sticki, Glad you enjoyed your stay in Devon,Lovely photo's and a happy new year to you and your family:)
5 Jan, 2012
Many thank you's to everyone! and i really hope you have a very happy new year.
I will put the photo on paul but sorry i have no idea what its name is.
DD ~ why are postmen now wearing shorts in the coldest months of the year? I cant understand it!
5 Jan, 2012
I suppose they just get used to it, Sticki..we used to be the same in our schooldays ,didn't we? No trousers for girls, gymslips and grey knee socks,and the poor lads in short trousers ..well,in my day,anyway ! :o))
5 Jan, 2012
boys used to wear short trousers till they were 11??
5 Jan, 2012
I'm almost sure they did,Sticki..maybe only wore long trousers when they went to high school....
5 Jan, 2012
Happy new year, liked your photos
5 Jan, 2012
Lovely for your Mum in S.Devon to see you at New Year Sticki! Great pics . . . wish I could remember the "proper" name for those snowflakes - Oh well, just had to Google it . . "Leucojum" (knew it began with 'L', feel better now, lol!)
Most of our postmen wear shorts nearly all year round - I think it's a challenge to see who's toughest!
5 Jan, 2012
I wore shorts till I was 11 and went to big school. Some of them do have bets Sheilar....Then i point out that all us little kids did it. But another reason is that if the weather is really wet, it is very uncomfortable having wet trousers flapping round your ankles. it is more comfortable to wear shorts in wet weather.
5 Jan, 2012
I never thought of that,Pimernel,but very logical..and I suppose it would get far too warm and cumbersome,with waterproof ones over them,with all the walking ...
5 Jan, 2012
years ago Pimper, when I did a brief summer job as a posty there was a meeting where there was an official date were the postys were 'allowed' to wear shorts. It was said some had been abusing this rule.
I remember it was quite amusing as half of those present were already standing there is shorts with a kind of 'we're going to do it anyway so get stuffed attitude' : )
5 Jan, 2012
i reckon its the see who is toughest thing sheila!!
stevie is that when they wore those baseball caps too??
5 Jan, 2012
It wouldn't surprise me if there still was a rule somewhere Stevie...
5 Jan, 2012
I think the earliest was April something (not 1st). I remember the working atmosphere though was incredibly tense, the worst I have ever experienced. many of the full time chaps there were really very unhappy, some of them refused to even speak to anyone part-time!!!
5 Jan, 2012
dont think i could cope with that.
always thought postmen and post ladies were cheerful, post office staff not always as helpful but they seem to be improving!
5 Jan, 2012
Not sure how it is now, this was quite a few years ago now.
No word of a lie, there was only really one chap there who would talk to me. He was a lovely chap and we used to have a good chat, it was only later that I found out that he had been sectioned not long before!!
5 Jan, 2012
Some offices are quite tense places...I don't think there are any that bad now. Ours is the friendliest place to work. There may be the odd spat now and then, but it blows over quickly enough.
I think when you did your stint Stevie they all had their own "walk" and that was that. They never worked as a team, that has changed now.
5 Jan, 2012
5 Jan, 2012
Yes I think I was given someones 'Walk' on a temporary basis, and what a nightmare it was too. I had an old peoples retirement mobile home park at the end, they would break ALL the rules, ''post this for me would you?'', no madam I am not allowed to 'go on', and come out screaming 'This person is dead'' like it was me that had killed them or something and the classic ''throw all this junk in the bin at the end of the road would you'' no madam thats illegal. I remember also that someone kept posting half eaten pasties in the postbox I used to empty!!!!
5 Jan, 2012
perhaps they thought you were hungry?
5 Jan, 2012
Loved your pictures Stickie,isn't she lucky living in such a lovely place.Do you visit often? Seeing the daffodils is such a cheery sight , roll on the spring!
5 Jan, 2012
I had two ladies that used to send each other cakes all tied up with string, lovely....then one sent a strawberry mouse..it was everywhere. all over my mail. I had to scrape it all together put it in a damage bag and still post it! you should have seen the poor womans face.
5 Jan, 2012
my sister sent my mum a cake ~ it did a similar thing pimpernel mum's postman said she wasnt too popular at the sorting office!!
thanks rose, i go down about every 6 weeks or so?
5 Jan, 2012
pretty pics sticki, my jasmin has flowers to :o))
5 Jan, 2012
I've had to write this again as I had caps lock on and didn't notice. I didn't need to mention that as you can't see what I originally wrote. Just forget I mentioned it. Lovely pics Sticki, after reading all the comments and getting lost in postmans legs etc, I can't quite remember them, but I know they were pretty....not the legs...Happy New Year:-))
5 Jan, 2012
Forgot to mention I still have a pelargonium in flower in the garden...well more in leaf, but one does have a flower:-)
5 Jan, 2012
Thanks sanbaz and BA, glad you enjoyed the legs bit!!
Your pelagonium is doing well!
5 Jan, 2012
I missed all the talk of the posties and their knees earlier -
The rule about the shorts was removed when they started issueing us with shorts! I think they introduced them to make sure we all looked the same. Some of the guys in my office used to wear football shorts and white trainers which was a big NO NO!!
Many many years ago, females used to have a skirt with a pleat down the middle both front and back - I and a few of my collegues used to take them to the tailors to have the pleats removed and made into a pencil skirt - this was frowned upon too!! But when you are a young teenager - you just didn't care - you wanted too look good!
There was many a time I would come straight out a nightclub and go straight to work - all dressed up and going round my delivery on a Saturday morning - my customers used to laugh their head off!!
5 Jan, 2012
Beautiful pics, Sticki ... especially like the markings on the Snowflake flowers ... :o)
5 Jan, 2012
Thanks Shirley.
When I was working with young children we used to go to the sorting office every year for the children to learn how the postmen do their job, they had a collection of old uniforms to try on.
5 Jan, 2012
Just remembered a tale from my daughter's student days ... toast was a popular item to send in the post! ... Wonder if they do that these days? ... Oh and I only ever post letters/cards in the morning ... too many incidents of pillar boxes being set alight ... :o(
5 Jan, 2012
i posted my purse once ~ had to get to the post box early in the morning to meet the postman!!!
5 Jan, 2012
true story, years ago when i was teaching TEFL, the Chinese students started to complaint none of their letters were getting home. Turned out they were posting them in the 'green' postboxes, when they showed me it was the local tall green rubbish bin with a slot
5 Jan, 2012
That's funny!
Did they get junk letters back?
5 Jan, 2012
One of my old delivery offices was directly next door to a primary school....kids were there all the time - they used to have a ball pretending to be postmen - it was funny when the really little ones used try put the posties bag over their head.
That's a funny tale Stevie - poor students!
5 Jan, 2012
We could tell some stories eh Scottish...Some days are just daft.
5 Jan, 2012
What's the best story?
5 Jan, 2012
Not telling...unprofessional, you will have to wait for our memoirs
5 Jan, 2012
You can change the names!?
5 Jan, 2012
Hi Sticki good to have a look at your mums garden, its always nice to go home to mum for a few days.
6 Jan, 2012
thanks stroller, mum usually has a list of jobs for me!! but thats fine! we also usually get to go out for lunch and maybe coffee too!!
6 Jan, 2012
Well I was just going to say that your photos look even better than your cakes Sticki, if that's possible. Your Mum is very lucky seeing you so often when you live so far away. Fancy there being two posties on here! And I always thought Pimpernel was one of the gentler sex!
6 Jan, 2012
you learn something everyday steragram!! i think the scarlet pimpernel was male??
you are very kind steragram, mum lives in a little cul de sac where she has very good friends who all help each other. also my sister goes down to visit as frequently or more so than me ~ she has an even longer journey.
its funny how we find out about each other on here isnt it!!
6 Jan, 2012
Don't know about Pimpernel but all my funny stories usually involve a customer in some sort of state of undress or something illegal going on :)))))
There are lots of us about Steragram....and we are generally a friendly bunch :)
6 Jan, 2012
I think I am of the Gentler sex Sterra!
I have a few naked stories and loads of dodgey stuff going on...
But it the plain silly things that keep me laughing. One Postie delivered two packets to a house...as it came closer to 1pm he thought he had not got a signature for a registered packet. Went back to the house...no answer..Ok...just down the road lived the parents...Postie , parent with key go back to the house. The Alarm goes off..Parent forgets the code and can not find the packet...Police turn up! Parent gets marched back down the road to pick up OH..The alarm gets switched off. They phone the Daughters mobile no and ask where the packets are..." here" she says "both of them the normal one and the one I signed for."
6 Jan, 2012
That's another book for you to write pimpernel! No wonder you can write, you have a wealth of observations and stories on your walks every day!
6 Jan, 2012
you can't beat working with the public for humour at its funniest,..supermarkets,hotels and restaurants being my recollections, where I have worked over the years...all life is out there :o)
7 Jan, 2012
Working with young children can bring some funny moments too!
7 Jan, 2012
Oh yes,Sticki..forgot about those..priceless..although can be embarassing at times :o).I remember being on the bus with mine,and she was staring at a very elderly lady on the seat behind,who was smiling back at her...My daughter said to her''you are going to die soon,aren't you ? '..I wanted to crawl under the seat..!
7 Jan, 2012
I'm very sorry but that makes me laugh! See, I haven't grown up either?! Even though some small child will say that to me one day soon.
7 Jan, 2012
My big embarrassing moment was many years ago, when daughter was about three, and we were at the hairdressers. A lady was just having her crowning glory sprayed, when D leant across and asked her kindly "Have you got greenfly?" Not so much embarrassment at her question as at the way I descended into helpless, hiccupping hilarity. Luckily, so did everyone else.
7 Jan, 2012
That's even funnier! Shows she was used to a mother who gardened and not one who spent her time at the dressing table!!
7 Jan, 2012
Still does! These days D classes us, somewhat scathingly as "Peasants."
Don't care! I can scrub up quite nicely when the call arises. Who needs makeup and designer jeans when digging potatoes?
7 Jan, 2012
I'm not into designer jeans or any other designer, don't have that sort of money and If I did I wouldn't spend it on clothes and definitely not make up. Wish I could say that I scrub up alright but that never works either. Quite happy in tracksuit or jogging trousers, trainers and a jumper or hoodie!!
7 Jan, 2012
Kids ! so funny aren't they ? and the cringeworthy ones,always stick in your mind ! As for designer clothes etc,and make up..thay would go bankrupt if they depended on me ..Good old 'Mat***n.etc..many other shops are available ! :o))
7 Jan, 2012
ah yes i have some long trouser things that look like a skirt from there ~ i have had more compliments from those than anything else!!!
7 Jan, 2012
Nice smug feeling when you get a good bargain,isn't it ?
7 Jan, 2012
always good, doesnt happen often!!!
7 Jan, 2012
Yes the Pimernel was male, but I didn't connect it with him, was thinking of the tiny red flower, all wrong for a big male postie! Yes we do find out things - I recall being very surprised to find out Bamboo is female.
Gattina your story has made my day!
7 Jan, 2012
love all the comments on this blog, gave me a laugh,
7 Jan, 2012
good fun eh yorkshire ~ i like blogs that go off into all sorts of chats, you never know where they will end up!
7 Jan, 2012
true, our postman invited us to his wedding, did I tell you before, and the home delivery man knocked on the door with all the christmas presents we had ordered online, and asked us what was in them, like the silly buggers we are, we told him.
7 Jan, 2012
oh i forgot you were friendly with the postmen!!! my postman played guitar in the same band as my son.
7 Jan, 2012
well my postman had two kids before he got married, beat that,
7 Jan, 2012
i think lots do it that way round these days!!
7 Jan, 2012
Our new postie is a rather dishy young lady called "Imma". It's quite astonishing how quickly my OH is off the starting blocks when we see her little white van start coming down our drive.
7 Jan, 2012
funny that!!!
we had a good looking postman, only a youngster where we lived before, he was nice, everyone liked him.
7 Jan, 2012
stop objectifying your Posties please! I am damned handsome but..really
7 Jan, 2012
I can vouch for that......(Was that supposed to be our secret, P?)
7 Jan, 2012
Lol...lovely lady.
7 Jan, 2012
I think it's the uniform that does it :))))
A fireman's uniform does it for me everytime :))
7 Jan, 2012
See that big cat she has on her Knee...It is always stuck up a tree..!!
7 Jan, 2012
and scottish is stuck there too??
7 Jan, 2012
Lol P :)
The local toerags went through an arson phase on the waste ground over from our house and there was a weekly visit from the fire brigade....couldn't get anything done for watching :)
7 Jan, 2012
Hadn't thought to get myself stuck up a tree Sticki...thanks for the tip :)
7 Jan, 2012
I hope you hid the box of matches well, Scottish.
8 Jan, 2012
Isn´t the last photo from Africa? Lol.
8 Jan, 2012
Not quite katarina! I see what you mean but I think their sky would be redder!? And only squirrels in the trees, no lions!
8 Jan, 2012
you lot are sex mad!!!!!!
8 Jan, 2012
Yeah, well January's boring!
8 Jan, 2012
WHAT yorkshire?? not me.
8 Jan, 2012
lol..You post a perfectly innocent Blog and.......
8 Jan, 2012
exactly pimpernel, what shall i do with them?
8 Jan, 2012
what is the world coming to,Sticki .. :o) too much time on their hands,..that's their trouble..
8 Jan, 2012
shall we give them a job to do?
8 Jan, 2012
Good idea..we need some inspiration .....cogs now turning,albeit very slowly ..
8 Jan, 2012
some very hard work i think, maybe mending all those fences that the wind blew down??
8 Jan, 2012
That should keep them occupied for a while..:o)
8 Jan, 2012
im not sure they will accept.
8 Jan, 2012
Neither am I,Sticki..maybe they will decide to treat it with contempt ? I can feel it in my bones,somehow ...
8 Jan, 2012
yorkshire's computer is broken.
8 Jan, 2012
Oh dear...do you mean since she left her last comment ?
8 Jan, 2012
it is possible, she borrowed her OH's computer yesterday afternoon.
8 Jan, 2012
Hope it isn't serious...
8 Jan, 2012
dont know, dont think she said??
8 Jan, 2012
I've got lots of fencing to mend and only managed to get the shed moved back into my garden today - so been a very busy girl. Have to measure up tomorrow and order the timber.....that will keep me busy for the next week or so :))))
9 Jan, 2012
Oh no Scottish, I forgot you had to mend your own fence. That's not good at all is it. Not sure which does most damage, high winds or high water, both devastating.
9 Jan, 2012
It's Yorkshire's punishment for call you sex mad....that'll teach her:-)
9 Jan, 2012
oh dear!!! poor yorkshire!
9 Jan, 2012
I'm sure someone mentioned administering Bromide to Gattina......
9 Jan, 2012
really?? not me.
was it someone with medical qualifications?
9 Jan, 2012
I doubt it... but if they are reaching for Bromide, I bet they could administer a paultice.
9 Jan, 2012
Is this first aid training for the delivery services?
9 Jan, 2012
Good gracious, P., NOBODY except you has mentioned giving me bromide!!! And where exactly do you suggest the poultice should be applied? The mind is busy boggling. Are you plotting behind my back?
9 Jan, 2012
No..it is your sedate walk in Devonshire..
9 Jan, 2012
I have done the Identity parade Gattina...I know who it was..but I am BLOOMer ing stumped if can think of the name.
9 Jan, 2012
Are you casting aspersions on my good character,Pimpernel? Me? What? Where? could have been ? Probably ? Thanks for dobbing me in.."friend" :o))
9 Jan, 2012
Well she needs damping down with somthing..A clammy cloth a the very least.
9 Jan, 2012
Think if it was dunked in Italian wine ,she would enjoy it !
9 Jan, 2012
oooh i like italian wine, can i have some please?
i like marsala, is that italian??
9 Jan, 2012
Don't tell me that you fancy a good rub down too,Sticki ? well,really ! or am I missing something here ? Methinks you mean just drinking it..:o) ..not sure about where Marsala comes from....
9 Jan, 2012
We used to call it embirication...Smother the most ailing with Vicks and let the rest sniff...........Ahh
9 Jan, 2012
NO i dont want a rub down but i would like a glass!!
why dont we all have one? ~ i have a bottle ~ pass your glasses!!
9 Jan, 2012
At least its a better than Goose grease,Pimpernel..I love the smell of Vick..:o)...go on then,Sticki..just a tiny one for me..just to be sociable.:o)
9 Jan, 2012
It is Italian I just checked!! but i also have limoncello i think???? might have finished it.
9 Jan, 2012
Ah,Limoncello..I remember that well.We bought some in Sorrento in 1999,in a lovely glass bottle,engraved for the Millenium,and opened it at midnight..so yes please,if you have any left ! :o)
9 Jan, 2012
you will have to be quick there is/was only a glassful
9 Jan, 2012
Thats ok,Sticki..a coffee will be fine..you must have it :o)
9 Jan, 2012
Ooh put your slippers on girls...Pimpernel has a bottle of Baileys! Snuggle up.
9 Jan, 2012
always happy to have baileys, thanks pimpernel, yes please, slippers are on.
9 Jan, 2012
Now you're talking ! just scrubbing slippers(gardening gear sometimes) ..and neat please,no ice ! :o)
9 Jan, 2012
ice or not, whisky neat but baileys on rocks or not, best slippers on.
9 Jan, 2012
Haa! Relax ladies...I got me Fav socks on and the gas fire on full throttle.
9 Jan, 2012
come on yorkshire the drinks are poured.
9 Jan, 2012
Yes, Marsala is Italian. What the H**l is the rest of it all about? - you've lost me. I've got my slippers on and I'm not sure what we're all supposed to be waiting for......
9 Jan, 2012
Bailey's gattina ~ whiskey based cream liqueur.
9 Jan, 2012
Could I have the latest Hazelnut Baileys, please? Don't much care for whiskey.
9 Jan, 2012
Large dark rum n black pls, and dont talk while the teles on
9 Jan, 2012
ooooops what are you doing on here stevie ~ thought you were in competition.
9 Jan, 2012
I wandered over here when I heard there were free drinks : )
9 Jan, 2012
help yourself!!!
9 Jan, 2012
;o))))) Hic!
10 Jan, 2012
Coffee anyone?
10 Jan, 2012
Probably a good idea.
10 Jan, 2012
and im sitting here making a list of whats to be done, the list is getting longer!!
would rather be on here
10 Jan, 2012
How wonderful Spring certainly has sprung for you ST ,yesterday it looked and felt like spring .
No blooms out yet just have to look at yours .
10 Jan, 2012
i have a few here scotkat, but these are from devon where my mum lives.
found a rhododendron out today!!
10 Jan, 2012
Lavetera is blooming here now..I thought the plants would have sorted themselves out by now.
10 Jan, 2012
what??? thats incredible! i found a rhodedendhron out today and bergeria??
very confusing for plants never mind me!!
when i drove down to my mums in early december there were quite a lot of lambs in the fields!! somewhere in the somerset area i think.
10 Jan, 2012
Marigolds going mad in a neighbours garden! What happened to the offer of a drink? Soon as I come on here everyone goes quiet and talks innocently of plants. I wasn't born yesterday you know (said in an eeyoreish kind of way)...wish I was though:-)
10 Jan, 2012
What would you like BA? Think it was about same time last night the bottles were opened!
10 Jan, 2012
Coustomary to bring one with you as well ;0)
10 Jan, 2012
Ah, glad you called in pimpernel, any baileys left? I have a little sloe gin and some very nice whisky.
10 Jan, 2012
I have taken the pledge ..Again Sticki, one of each please...Port anyone? With Stilton and the Chutney STT Home made.
10 Jan, 2012
Exactly which pledge did you take pimpernel?
And yes please I would love port Stilton and stevie tt's chutney,
I don't think meanie will have any pears with the stilton!
10 Jan, 2012
I wonder if Meanie would have Green Fruit soup ? A Pru Leith concoction that I do now and again.
10 Jan, 2012
perhaps if its all green and not variegated??? what is in it?
10 Jan, 2012
Well..from memory Any green fruit! Kiwi, Grape, Apple, Suttana( just a few) Lots of root Ginger and Honey to sweeten..I will sort out the proper one. It is like a punch!
Green Tea is the liquid...I forgot.
10 Jan, 2012
doesnt it look more like fruit salad?
i like punch very much.
10 Jan, 2012
We must be running out of booze now though.. I have got a little something in my sock for later!
10 Jan, 2012
in your sock???
where has BA gone? out to fetch some booze?
10 Jan, 2012
I think she is smootchin..Is STT still washing up?
10 Jan, 2012
I dont know ~ is that what he was doing??
10 Jan, 2012
I would think STT was Smoozing..but if BA was Smootching and....they met? Another Gin Stick ?
10 Jan, 2012
how many have you had???
10 Jan, 2012
Nothing at all..I'm handing out nibbles and collecting glasses.
10 Jan, 2012
Just had a nap, back now, had a dream I was Smoozing
10 Jan, 2012
Sorry Stevie BA..Has legged it with at least half a bottle of Tia Maria
10 Jan, 2012
and washing up with that pristine tea towel from your photo pimpernel?
BA can keep the Tia Maria, what else is there to drink? or maybe something to eat now?
10 Jan, 2012
Is it time for a curry yet? or kebabs?
10 Jan, 2012
A kebab for me please...
10 Jan, 2012
Started Spring-cleaning the drinks cupboard today - what's that 10 year old pineapple syrup (for making pina coladas) doing in there with the coca cola and cooking wine? I haven't actually made it to the back of the cupboard yet, and it's only the first of two (plus the cellar)!
10 Jan, 2012
Oh..Thank you Gattina..The Bar is Open Sticki
10 Jan, 2012
Hi gattina, glad you could come! I have sorting out cupboards on my list but got distracted, (as usual) and did front garden instead.
Double please pimpernel.
10 Jan, 2012
Eggnog anyone..........? Three snowballs and a Baby Cham?.. I am off clearing Glasses in the Cider Tent...
10 Jan, 2012
Snowball or cherryB or cider thanks!
10 Jan, 2012
Well,Pimpernel..you have managed to post the 200th comment on Sticki's blog..most of them about the devil's liquid ...I worry about you ! Congrats,Sticki..I award you a GoYer trophy....a cup ,filled with whatever drink you fancy ! :o))
11 Jan, 2012
Ha, I'm back from smootching???? whatever that is! Nigella said she has tonic with a dash of angustura? bitters so I bought some. Haven't tried it yet. A sophisticated smootching type woman like me is not the sort to be offered Tia Maria...thanks whoever suggested it harrumphhh. Can I have an award too Bloomer $:-] and I've cut my hair, do you like it? $:-)
11 Jan, 2012
thanks bloomer, right now its coffee [just got back from work] can i keep my option open for the evening please?
angustura bitters BA? i put that in my xmas cake, it was a nice cake. not keen on nigella im afraid although she does make some nice things.
11 Jan, 2012
Wow, lovely sticki, Happy New Year, albeit a little late :^))
11 Jan, 2012
hi daylily, happy new year to you too!!
11 Jan, 2012
Wish I was there. Thanks for sharing. :)
12 Jan, 2012
you're welcome!
12 Jan, 2012
I used to like Nigella very much Sticki, but she seems to have turned into an embarassing caricature now:-(
12 Jan, 2012
i rather think the camera man liked her too!! sophie dahl seemed to be in the same mould.
i like lorraine paschal though.
12 Jan, 2012
OH is nutty about Lorraine P. I can understand why - she's lovely. Absolutely spot-on with your summing up of Nigella, BA. I can't watch her any more. I have a feeling that the tv production company told her to play up the "ravenous slut" image as it got her a lot of publicity. (Am I allowed to use the "s" word on here?) Can't see Delia doing that. Or Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall.
13 Jan, 2012
james martin is rather easier on the eyes i think!!
13 Jan, 2012
Oh, I agree, Sticki, but I somehow can't see him fannying around the kitchen, putting out culinary soft porn. For me, the food is quite enough to cope with! One thing at a time.
13 Jan, 2012
james can be very naughty. i went to see one of his shows, hairy bikers were there too ~ well i have no idea what he cooked, we laughed until we cried.
13 Jan, 2012
OOohhh. Tell me more......
13 Jan, 2012
well i cant mention all the things that the BBC [cos it was a BBC Good Food Show] had to put up signs repeatedly saying "BBC does not approve"
......and then there was the pink rolling pin............
a little later, and not connected
was finding out where exactly the various cuts of meat are on a cow [ i think???]
have to leave the rest to your imagination.
13 Jan, 2012
Oh For Goodness sake, Sticki, don't let my imagination loose here - we'll never hear the end of it.
13 Jan, 2012
i sent you a pm
13 Jan, 2012
Too much oestrogen floating around here!! girls...remember you're gardeners....think of Bob Flowerdew and calm down:-( Anyway, they can't have been worse than Gino at Malvern:-)
13 Jan, 2012
Isn't Lorraine Paschal the girl who doesn't actually bake? More of a buy the bits and stick 'em together in the program I saw:-)
13 Jan, 2012
Well, the Lorraine Pascal I've watched certainly seems to know her stuff, but she doesn't make quite such a song and dance about baking as some of the TV cooks. She DOES seem to stay remarkably calm and clean, though, something that never happens in MY kitchen. I think her programmes are very heavily and cleverly edited.
13 Jan, 2012
that never occurred to me, lorraine does buy some things but she also makes things that you really want to try making and even more look delicious!!
bob flowerdew BA?? not my favourite im afraid.
why was gino worse than james and the bikers?
13 Jan, 2012
He was so macho and seemed to enjoy putting people down and putting his hands and mouth on women and telling their husband or partner "I do it because I can". It's one thing to make a woman feel good about herself, but not at the expense of humiliating someone else for a laugh. I told you to think of Bob Flowerdew to calm you down Sticki! Could have said Alan Titchmarsh, but I'm amazed to see lots on here fancy him so it wouldn't have worked lol:-) Gattina, maybe I should have given Lorraine more of a chance:-) Has anyone been watching sports relief bake off? I haven't, only noticed the word sport and missed the bake off bit:-)
14 Jan, 2012
i watched it,Ba,and enjoyed it..nice to see they aren't perfect,but good efforts.,and good humoured..Arlene Philips was the worst,I think..and should stick to dancing ! :o)
14 Jan, 2012
i see your point BA i wouldnt have liked that at all.
yes sport bake off warmed up, the last one was good.
14 Jan, 2012
I can't STAND Gino - yeughhh! He'd have got a darned good slap if he'd done that to me - not that he'd ever be tempted, of course, but that's beside the point. As far as I'm concerned, the word "Macho" and the word "A***hole" are synonymous. There's no bigger turn-off than a man who thinks he's sexy.
Phew! Good to get that aired!
14 Jan, 2012
Sticki would it be ok to click 'stop following' this blog, I know its only 226 comments!
14 Jan, 2012
you dont need my permission stevie!!
14 Jan, 2012
Just didnt want to seem hasty ; )
14 Jan, 2012
Well you could always hang around...
14 Jan, 2012
......until 250???
14 Jan, 2012
We have covered a few topics Sticki..as always on long blogs ..( speaking from experience ) Lol..so we could easily get to 250..what tangent shall we go off on next ? I'm sure we can find something with a link.(or not).we usually do ! :o))
14 Jan, 2012
Lol Gattina...don't hold back, you're among friends here;-)
14 Jan, 2012
Hello Bloomer\0/ we could talk about food, who our favourite chefs are?? personally I love a lot of Jamie's recipes, but I'll read any cook book. I'm still trying to make the perfect pastry and experimented with several for mince pies over Christmas. Unfortunately, my favourite had loads of butter in, in fact it was rather like shortbread.
If anyone has a healthier, but gorgeous pastry recipe I'd like to see it, but without lard please:-)
14 Jan, 2012
Yes, BA, (and everyone else) so sorry about that outburst; I don't know what came over me.....Feeling better and calmer now, and breathing normally.
14 Jan, 2012
Gino had that effect on me too lol:-)
14 Jan, 2012
i make pastry with white flora ~ is that any better BA??
15 Jan, 2012
Yes Sticki, do you just use I/2 fat to flour or do you have any special tip? egg? milk? Somehow I can't remember how I used to make pastry years ago...it was so lovely you could eat it on its own. I tried Nigellas tip of putting stuff in the freezer and using orange juice....it was ok but not heaven...am I asking too much lol:-)
16 Jan, 2012
no i use half fat to flour, but that white flora makes lovely crumbly pastry. no egg and milk just to paint over to make it brown in the oven. i do use brown or wholemeal flour sometimes for a quiche base, its nice and nutty
16 Jan, 2012
Aren't you supposed to make it with iced water, and then, when it's made, leave it to rest for at least 30 minutes in the fridge before rolling it out?
16 Jan, 2012
Oooh never seen white Flora, I'll give it a go, thanks:-) I watched Lorraine Paschal tonight and really enjoyed it...also watched A Question Of Taste, enjoyed that too:-)
16 Jan, 2012
that was hard! i cant answer many of those questions and i thought i knew a little bit about food ~ obviously not ~ i know nothing!!
16 Jan, 2012
A bit like Manuel, then
17 Jan, 2012
17 Jan, 2012
17 Jan, 2012
17 Jan, 2012
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Lovely pictures Sticki! Happy New Year to you too:)
4 Jan, 2012