Reaching for the Sky!
By stroller
The oldies are doing their stuff again this year plenty of berries for the birds and lovely colour to lift our spirits now the days are drawing in.
Orange Pyracantha:
Red Pyracantha together with Mahonia `Charity`.
They may be the old stalwards of the garden but they never fail to give me pleasure, and as there are new gardeners joining us every year I just thought it might be helpful to show how the not so piopular plants have their part to play.
Hope you agree.
17 Oct, 2011
Previous post: Home and Garden,
I have neither of these but my neighbours opposite have the orange Pyracantha and I stand at my sink admiring it, its absolutely loaded this year and looks a picture.....
17 Oct, 2011
They certainly make a handsome couple, stroller.
Without a doubt, Mahonia is a striking plant but I prefer to admire from a distance ..... many years ago a neighbour grew one which overhung one of my borders and regularly littered it with prickly leaves. Weeding that border was often a rather painful experience.
17 Oct, 2011
Stunning colours of the pyracanthas ...
wonderful :o)
17 Oct, 2011
I love Pyracanthas, Stroller ... as do the Blackbirds now! ... You have a huge amount of berries on the Orange one ... love it ... :o)
17 Oct, 2011
I love the pyracanthas! We have Mahonia , not as tall as yours
17 Oct, 2011
Amazing colours ..:)))))))))))
17 Oct, 2011
Smashing blog your Pyracantha and Mahonia. My pyracantha has orange berries and is quite small at the moment and I have just bought a Mahonia 2 weeks ago - thank you for showing me what's to come :)
17 Oct, 2011
I think Mahonia smells marvelous. Am longing to have one. Both looking really good Stroller.
17 Oct, 2011
I love the red berried Pyracantha, much more than the orange berried, but they never seem to be quite so prolific in their berry production.
17 Oct, 2011
Lovely blog Stroller, plenty of food there for the birds over winter and lots of colour!
17 Oct, 2011
I love all the pyracanthas,I have a few now as I did quite a lot of cuttings many years ago. They root really well. I also have Mahonia charity but it is not doing anything at the moment.I'm pleased you put this on as not everyone sees the potential of these.
17 Oct, 2011
bought both last year to put on my new bank !! they are comeing on , but carnt wait till there bigger lol ............ lovely pics by the way !!
17 Oct, 2011
I`m glad so many are growing both of these plants and like them as I do. Xela I agree that weeding can be a bit of a pain but I find that if wear gloves and use a dustpan and brush to sweep them up it isn`t too bad.
Bloomer I do agree the red pyracantha never has as many berries as the orange one, and like you its the red one that I like best.
17 Oct, 2011
I would not be without these two shrubs, what with the flowers and the berries, you cant go wrong.
17 Oct, 2011
I think you meant Bamboo and not Bloomer in the second part of your response, Stroller... not that it matters, really.
18 Oct, 2011
Agree with you Dd they are invaluable. Sorry Bamboo another senior moment.
18 Oct, 2011
I know those moments, but in my house, I refer to them as CRAFT moments...
18 Oct, 2011
I have quite alot of red berries but no orange ones on my other one.
18 Oct, 2011
lovely berries stroller and i love the mahonia to, i keep wanting one, but where to put it :o))
18 Oct, 2011
Thats the only downfall with this site Sandra you see so many plants and shrubs you would love to have but sadly we have`nt all got large
18 Oct, 2011
very true stroller :o))
19 Oct, 2011
Thanks for showing these wonderful shrubs. I keep meaning to get one. I'll have to do it for next year
20 Oct, 2011
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I have only just bought myself a Mahonia this year - yours is a beauty and also bought myself a Pyracanthia, both doing well - thanks for the pictures.
17 Oct, 2011