By terratoonie
Hello … I’ve been working hard on my fencing …
… so, my apologies for not very much time on GoY.
… but I kept up with your blogs as often as possible.
A few years ago I replaced most of the fence panels between my back garden and my elderly neighbour’s next door.
But, this year, at the far end behind my smallest shed, the three remaining old panels and posts, had become in need of attention.
The old fencing had been fixed with large nails by persons unknown …
… and the panels were still firmly in place …
… but the posts had rotted at the base …
… a very difficult area for putting in fencing …
… a few inches below the ground is a mixture of very large tree roots and vast areas of thick concrete … perhaps an old roadway …
I discussed with my neighbour that I would be working on the fence, and she was okay about my going onto her land to do some of the painting etc. …
Over the fence, next door …
… it’s like a forgotten forest !
… miles of ivy, lots of overgrown bushes, and a huge silver birch tree …
… but pleasantly quiet ;o)
My friend Mr. Hottie kindly offered to help by prising away the old fence panels …
… very good of Mr. H. …
… he is not so well these days, and has very few fingers on each hand …
The whole area next door was greeeeeeen …
… and soon we also became greeeeeeeeeeeeen …
…. T.shirts, trousers, socks .. you name it …
I noticed an old bird’s nest, very near my fence …
… and also a robed woman … going greeeeen …
Creatures of the forest were startled by our arrival …
… a robin peeped out from the undergrowth …
… and the ladybirds were puzzled to see humans …
Unfortunately, next day, Mr. H. was suffering with flu
… so I carried on alone …
I removed buckets and buckets of ivy …
And, this past weekend I continued to crack on with the work …
… did 9 hours non-stop Saturday, and similar on Sunday …
I cleaned and repainted the β of a panel section …
… and I refurbished this 6ft panel …
… which “fell off a lorry” ;o)
I weigh just under 8 stone … I’m not very strong …
… so, faced with the challenge, on my own, of moving large 6ft panels across my lawn, I remembered my blue planter-roller which was stored in my shed …
… a Lidl special, I believe …
… perching one end of the panel onto the roller, I was able to ferry each 6ft section across my garden …
… a four-wheeled roller would have been easier … but … hey … you work with the equipment available …
I continued to scrub the old panels …
… and paint them …
I couldn’t hammer wooden wedges into that maze of tree roots and concrete, but I found some old pipes …
… and they worked well, acting like apple corers as they went through the roots … Lol.
The pipes are behind my shed, so okay here …
And … was I truthfully totally on my own … ?
… renovating and fixing up the panels ?
… no … I confess I had some helpers ;o)
… Conker was there to do the measuring …
Truffle was ready with his hammer …
and Crocus says that actually it was all done by mirrors ;o)
… and my special thanks to Mr. H O T T I E …
… Helper Of TerraToonie In Emergencies ;o)
16 Aug, 2011
Previous post: April in August ... it's SPRINGTIME ... :o)))
Next post: The QUEUE for the Loo
How industrious TT. Fabulous job!!! The robed woman was a great find and your "helpers" are precious!!! Put a huge smile on my face :)))))
16 Aug, 2011
Oh Tt you have done a grand job ..all that ivy..all that greeeeeen,well done on getting it finished by yourself i wouldnt have fancied doing it..mind you ..you did have a couple of little helpers..had a chuckle at comment made by Crocus..:o))
16 Aug, 2011
Thanks Libet and hubby ..
and Lil and Joanella ...
Crocus is offering to hire out his magic mirrors ...
...for a fee yet to be disclosed ;o)
16 Aug, 2011
TT you are a marvel and an inspiration! thats a fantastic job!!
so glad you have such willing helpers.
16 Aug, 2011
i hope he is "cheep" lol..
16 Aug, 2011
Excellent blog TT - you must be shattered!!!
16 Aug, 2011
Lol. Joanella ...
Crocus has been tweeting his prices to everyone ;o)
Thank you Sheila ...
... yes ... cream-crackered here ...
Thanks Sticki ...
I could not have done the work without my wonderful helpers... :o)
16 Aug, 2011
And well done from me too. Where did you get all that energy from cos I'd like some at the moment! You have done a wonderful job.
16 Aug, 2011
Hi Cinders ... thanks ...
running on empty at the moment ...
... recharging with lots of Cadburys chocolate,
and Co-op Malted Milk biscuits :o)
16 Aug, 2011
Oh, TT, that's a great job! Nice to have such helpers - great job, Mr. Hottie, Conker, Truffle and Crocus! But...wish my ugly fence became so green and bright as yours. :)
16 Aug, 2011
Hi Uma ...
Mr. H, C T and C all say thank you :o)))
... glad you like the greeeeeeeeeeeeeeen ;o)
16 Aug, 2011
Oh wasnt it green!! That job would've daunted both OH and me together! Pity the jungle not over the other side so you could slip in a fox or two!
Well done you, and a fantastic blog..Conker is certainly handy holding the other end of the measure and OH could do with Truffle cos he is ALWAYS losing his tools when working!
16 Aug, 2011
Wow, where do you get the stamina from Tt, I know what a horrible and messy job moving Ivy is! Great job between the 5 of you and a weight lifted from your mind i bet..
16 Aug, 2011
Hi Dee ...
You're right ... I was worrying about getting that fencing sorted ... The panels were nailed in very firmly, and the ivy has huge leaves ...!
16 Aug, 2011
that's excellent Terra, blimey you were busy, and glad you got that sorted out.. :-))
16 Aug, 2011
Hi Surreylad ...
I'm really pleased to have sorted this out ..
Almost finished ... just a bit more crazy paving to re-lay when my back-ache eases off ! Lol.
Thanks Tetrarch ...
Sorry... answering out of sequence here ...
Truffle volunteers to collect up all the tools for your OH, and he'll even chew up the handles a bit if you wish ;o)
Conker will measure in inches and/or metres ...
very flexible Sheltie .....
Yes... maybe a few foxes will have escaped from the "jungle" to explore "pastures new" ... ;o)
16 Aug, 2011
Absolutely brilliant blog, TT. I was chuckling to myself as I read it and I just love the photos of Conker and Truffle. The look on their faces is just priceless! You've done a cracking job and would put my hubby to shame. I have to nag at him to even help me water the plants!
16 Aug, 2011
Thank you, Sgbabe ...
I'm rather exhausted, but happy to have done the work ...
Maybe you could show your hubby Conker and Truffle's watering can blog ...
Lol... ;o)
16 Aug, 2011
Enjoyed reading that Terra, love your doggies :^))
16 Aug, 2011
Hi Terratoonie, That looked like a lot of very very hard work. well done of cause you did have your little helpers:)
16 Aug, 2011
Crikey I'm impressed what a busy bee you have been love your little helpers:)
16 Aug, 2011
I can't believe what you have done there,Terra..even with helpers..:o).It is brilliant..you should be well chuffed..and I award you the GoY employee of the year trophy..and rosettes for your helpers..:o)))
17 Aug, 2011
An enjoyable read TT! I watched a favourite film "The Secret Garden" recently - looks like you've got access to your own there! Couldn't you make a door in one of the fence panels and creep in there for some well-deserved peace and quiet? I'm sure the 'robed lady' would keep schtum? ;o)
17 Aug, 2011
Thanks everyone ...
Lol. Nariz ... working near the Forgotten Garden I realised it is certainly the least noisy corner of my garden ... and that robed lady is very patient ... stands there in all weathers, day and night, carrying her pot... ;o)
17 Aug, 2011
Great job there TT, clever girl and what would you have done without Mr H!!!! Bless him. Your panels look fab. and should serve you for a good few years to come. Love the Robin in the shrubs they are so loyal to us gardeners. Of course your four legged friends did the most work, posing for the camera Lol. Brill. :~)
17 Aug, 2011
Hi Grandmage ... Thanks.
Mr. H. worked very hard on removing the old panels ...
Yes, the robin was a welcome onlooker ... and my pets were well-behaved while I had to work away from them down the end of the garden.. :o)
17 Aug, 2011
Just found your blog terra,what a worker you are and still keeping a sense of humour.I can't believe you did all this on your own.I agree with Nariz, you should have your own little haven there away from all that noise you have to put up with.Well done.
17 Aug, 2011
Thanks Rose..
I keep trying so hard to make the garden into my piece of paradise ... peace and tranquility would be nice ...
17 Aug, 2011
Well, the blog title was intriguing, Tt, so I'm looking at blogs out of sequence now! ... Genius idea to use the three-wheeler doo-dah ... like everyone else I have to admire your stamina scrubbing and painting those panels ... get yourself a couple of those big rubber trugs instead of all those buckets ... they really are great for just about any chore in the garden ... I've even collected rainwater in them in times of drought ... lol! Good to see the boys are helpful as ever ... does Conker do metric? ... :o)))
17 Aug, 2011
Terra you put me to shame, I can remember you working on fencing before Conker became ill I`m sure, so that is a couple of years back, I remember saying I needed to paint mine at the time, well the paint is still in the shed waiting and here you are doing more to the other side, I `m pleased you`ve found a peaceful area to work in for a while though.
I need a Truffle here as I`m always losing my handtools and Conker would be a great help to hubby as he`s incapable of measuring anything unless someone holds his tape, lol.
Brynner is no help at all in the garden apart from pruning and Morgan is typical lab and only interested in food...
Well done Terra and hope your friend is better soon, lovely pics as usual..
17 Aug, 2011
Lovely Terra - working hard again and all paying off for you - nice to see the birds nest :)))) Hope things are okay for you :))))
18 Aug, 2011
Hi Paul ...
Thank you ... :o)))
I'm trying to make plans ;o)
I'm relieved to have done this work ..
... another task ticked off the list to get completed before the winter...
I wondered if the bird's nest belonged to the robin ... it is about a metre off the ground in a dense bush ...
Thanks, Lincs ...
Nice of Brynner to prune the plants for you ;o)
Mr. H. is better now thank you ...
Conker is willing to help your hubby, and Truffle could show Morgan how to fetch the tools... Lol.
Hello Shirley ...
Yes, Conker does metric ...
lengthways and widthways... ;o)
I find lots of uses for those orange buckets... not too heavy when filled, and they all stack neatly inside each other.. and, yes, I'm still trying to recover from the heavy lifting ! Lol.
18 Aug, 2011
Hi TT and Mr Hottie lol,
What a well done job,it looks fantastic.
But i did notice your helpers conker and truffle,they seem to be doing a lot of posing and not work lol,great pictures of them both.
Im so happy that you had a helping hand in this project,and that Mr Hottie is getting well.
The robed lady looks fine with the green on her shows ageing and its company for your gnomes lol.
I wish you all the best for your future projects.xxMark
18 Aug, 2011
Lol. Mark ...
As soon as Conker and Truffle see me with the camera, they start posing ...
Fence all completed ... the robed lady, the robin and the ladybird all have their privacy restored ;o)
Thanks for your good wishes for future projects. xxx
18 Aug, 2011
Lot's of hard work there Terratoonie, but you had two lovely helper's, hope your ache,s and pains have eased :-)
18 Aug, 2011
You did a tremendous amount of hard work to get those panels spruced up & looking like new!
I really love the way your dogs pose so well for the photos! They always look so good! :-))
Now you take a week's rest & recover your strength before you do yourself a "mischief"!
18 Aug, 2011
Hi Mavis and Balcony ...
Conker and Truffle say thank you ;o)
My aches and pains are easing now...
... no time to rest, though ...
... lots more garden tasks waiting to be done ... :o)
19 Aug, 2011
Who mentioned Cadbury's chocolate? Naughty but nice, and I'm sure you needed to wash it all down with something even naughtier!! Well done for all that work--I think you've put us ALL to shame!! It must have taken ages writing that blog Terra, but it took as long to read it all and have a good giggle at all the comments!! LOL!! Annie--excellent pics too.
19 Aug, 2011
Hi Annie...
I'm pleased you enjoyed my blog and the comments ...
Cadburys chocolate bars are gradually restoring my energy ...Lol...
... washed down with countless cups of tea. :o)
19 Aug, 2011
Hi TT, you could say great minds think alike then, as both you and I have been exercising our muscles (I shall reveal all later as its taking me longer to finish my project than I expected).
They say that necessity is the mother of invention so a brilliant idea to use your three wheeled doo-dah to move those heavy fence panels.
You`ve done a great job, just image what it would have cost to get tradesmen in.
If Conker, Truffle and Crocus haven`t any modelling jobs booked for next week I could do with a little help, if the`re too busy give them hugs from me.
19 Aug, 2011
Hi Stroller ... Thanks..
I've jumped straight out of one project on to the next ... This week I am tidying a very old shed ...
Yes... professional fence-builders would have charged a fortune for that job... taking down the old fence was not easy, and working with that ground of concrete and tree-roots made a difficult task much harder ...
Thank goodness I had Conker, Truffle and Crocus to help.. They send you hugs and say they'll pop over to the West Midlands to give you a hand with your latest project ;o)
19 Aug, 2011
Brilliant job Mr Hottie, yourself, Conker, Truffles and Crocus has done even though Crocus cheated with magic mirrors lol, in future when needing some thing to move large objects try old or new cans of paint underneath laying them on their side, on each side lift and push they act as wheels you just need to re position them when you get to the end and re push a trick my grandson used
20 Aug, 2011
:o)) Big smiles.
20 Aug, 2011
Well done, Terra! :o)
20 Aug, 2011
Hi Sixpence ... Thank you ...
Interesting idea about the paint tins... make sure the lids are fixed on tightly ! ... even the magic mirrors couldn't clear up spilled paint ;o). Lol.
Thanks Pip.. I hope all is well in Southern Sydney.. :o)
21 Aug, 2011
Your welcome Terratoonie yes he checked the lids were on securely, lol about the clearing up the spills of paint perhaps Crocus should invest in a pressure washer.
21 Aug, 2011
Lol... Sixpence...
In his bath, Crocus can create quite a "Splish Splash" with his wings ... ;o)
21 Aug, 2011
He he he ll have to splish splash over them paint drippings then :o))
21 Aug, 2011
Great blog TT!
Well done to yourself and Mr H :) and to all your other little helpers. I wish I had helpers like that in my garden....I only have hinders!!
I would not have had the patience to wash down all those panels. Nice little surprises in the undergrowth.
I have 25m of fencing to replace this year - have done half already. I was all fenced out come the 1st week in June! So the rest will get done when I can be bothered. It doesn't bother the neighbour as the fact that most of it was horizontal by April and he didn't even bat an eye!!
I got my own back though....I left all the wood for him to take to the tip!
So if the gang is free sometime in September, there is a garden here awaiting their skills:)
21 Aug, 2011
Hi Scottish ... Thanks ..
Scrubbing those panels was quite fun really.. Lol.
I have one unrepairable panel here, still waiting to go to the tip ... hopefully tomorrow ...
Good luck with the rest of your fencing ... My gang are ready to help you ... hammering ... measuring ... and mirrors ;o)
22 Aug, 2011
Well done Terra and helpers I'm, glad you finally solved the fence problem. It sounds like very hard work and explains why we haven't seen much of you on GoY lately. Your ingenuity just goes to prove that if you really want to do something then you'll find a way! :o))
22 Aug, 2011
my hats off to you Terra, im not sure i could have got this all done on my own, your true inspiration to women, great job my friend. lovely pics to:o)) x
23 Aug, 2011
Thanks Lily ...
I've moved straight from fencing on to other garden tasks I'm trying to get completed before winter, so I'm only on GoY in short bursts at the moment .. Lol.
Hi Sandra ...
Thank you. Glad you like the pics ... It isn't always easy working by myself ... I have to find unusual ways to get work done ... or ask Conker, Truffle and Crocus to lend a paw or claw ...Lol... :o))) x
23 Aug, 2011
lol Terra, i understand that because at times you really need someone to steady something or help in some way, i use to do it all myself before baz came along and he took over which isnt always a good thing no matter how helpfull, because now i feel dependent in some ways on him.
keep up the good work, hope all is ok with NFH to at the moment :o) x
23 Aug, 2011
Great blog! Loved the green lady! :)
23 Aug, 2011
Thanks Sandra ...
trying to carrying on despite the NFH ...
Glad you have Baz around these days .. :o) x
Hi Pixi ... Green Lady says thanks ;o)
24 Aug, 2011
24 Aug, 2011
Great blog you have been busy ! love the pics of your dogs helping bet you couldnt have done it without there experteeeezeeeee ! :)
30 Aug, 2011
Great blog you have been busy ! love the pics of your dogs helping bet you couldnt have done it without there experteeeezeeeee ! :)
30 Aug, 2011
Hi Whdebor ...
thanks, and, yes, you're right ...
My boys were a big help ;o)
31 Aug, 2011
What a huge job! I thought I was working hard doing my scarifying and mowing, but goodness, I don't think I would be able to tackle all that fencing. Excellent use of the pot mover TT! Well done....I quite fancy a malted milk myself now! :)) oh, forgot to say.....conker and Truffle are stars again...I think Conker is probably better at measuring than my OH!
31 Aug, 2011
Here I am, late again...you put us all to shame Tt...well me anyway. I bet you feel so satisfied when you look at your handywork though so it's worth the aches and pains. Are you sure Mr Hottie really had flu? I think the job would have daunted the most enthusiastic helper lol. Lovely to see how helpful the boys were...and you don't have to keep making them cups of tea like I had to with my workers:-))
4 Sep, 2011
Thank you Karen ..
.. and I'm still eating Malted Milk biscuits !
Hi Bornagain ...
Mr. Hottie really did have flu ...
... and, actually, yes, I do keep making cups of tea and milky drinks ... for myself and for my dogs... :o)
4 Sep, 2011
Hi Terra, I'm soooooo impressed. Such a lot of verrrrrrry hard work but well worth it I'm sure. Hope the windy bits don't reach you....
12 Sep, 2011
Hi Breda ...
Thanks. When the winds got going today, I went down my garden and checked the refurbished fence panels and, thankfully, the whole area was firm as a rock... :o)
12 Sep, 2011
You did an "Exceedingly" good job then! Our daughter had the fence panels on one side of their garden blown down the other day! I'll have to call on you & your "Team" to come along & help them get them up again! LOL!
15 Sep, 2011
Hi Balcony ...
It was very windy, wasn't it. I hope your daughter can get the fence panels fixed okay... Conker and Truffle are ready to help ;o)
16 Sep, 2011
Thank you very much for your offer & for Conker and Truffle's help as well but it won't be necessary as it has now been fixed. :-)) We had lunch with our daughter & they had fixed the fence. It will now take a hurricane to knock it over again - at least the couple of panels that were blown over!
18 Sep, 2011
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Good grief! Terra! Are you a hard worker or what!! That is such a fab job you're doing, my goodness.. you're going to have arms like Popeye! I suppose the fences are the colour of spinach, so that's ok then! Good of mr Hottie to give you a hand for a while, luckily you had two 'hotties' of your own to fall back on...and no builder's botties on your hotties !! Fantastic job TT, well done you!x
Lovely hubby says to tell you you've done a heck of a job, he would have been daunted to do it himself, and sends you a 'well done girl!', slap on the back!
16 Aug, 2011