SINGING lessons for ROBINS ...
By terratoonie
Lesson One … Location …
Select a peaceful garden area …
Maybe choose a favourite tree …
beyond the clematis …
Lesson Two … Territory …
Be wary of public perching places ..
Some landing sites might look ideal
but are pre-booked … already occupied …
Lesson Three … Confidence …
Please don’t be shy
there’s no need to hide …
Grip firmly … get ready with a melody …
Lesson Four … Trust …
Open your beak … and sing …
have faith in your ability …
[ spot your secret admirer ! ]
And ignore any bright sparks who
might try to steal your limelight …
Lesson Five … Rehearsals …
‘Practice makes perfect’ …
You’ll be singing all day
so try out your best tunes …
Lesson Six … Appreciation …
You’ll soon attract an enthusiastic audience …
They’ll stop and stare
and gaze in amazement …
Lesson Seven … Elevation …
Test your tweets up at the very top of the tree …
You’ve scaled the heights …
… The silver birch is yours !
Lesson Eight … Volume …
Be bold, be brave …
Embrace the high altitude …
and sing .. sing out loud !
Lesson Nine … Stamina …
Your melodies are now in full flow for hours on end …
The ♪♫♩ ‘Robin Music Diploma’ ♪♫♩ is awarded with Honours
Well done ! Every song is sure to enthral …
… Sing your heart out, little robin …
It’s pure delight to hear you …
… from dawn until dusk.
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.
RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch
Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th January 2014.
More details online.
18 Jan, 2014
Previous post: Evening TELEVISION ...
Next post: DREAM AGAIN ...
Pouring rain no birdsong today, but lovely blog Terra!
18 Jan, 2014
well i never how wondrous was my scroll down on this blog ;-) all i can manage is a tweet :-) dear robin :-)
a joy to read and see terratoonie.
18 Jan, 2014
Lovely little robin must provide music to your ears. Those gorgeous blue skies and that beautiful sunset ~ magic.
18 Jan, 2014
brilliant blog, great photos!
18 Jan, 2014
♪ ♫ ♬ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬
Sing, little birdie, sing your song
Sing, you'll help our love along
Sing, little birdie up above
Sing a song of love
(I didn't write that lol)
18 Jan, 2014
Wonderful blog Tt! Beautiful photos as usual and little Robin the star of the show......isn't the song a fantastic melody Tt! Loved it and it's brightened my day....:)) XX
18 Jan, 2014
Brilliant Terra, it must have been lovely hearing the little Robin singing his heart out and your photographs are smashing, its been a grand day here as well with lots of birds sharing the garden, I'm hoping they don't do their usual trick and go on holiday for my birdcount.......
18 Jan, 2014
Great pics Tt, just what I needed on this dreary day:-))
18 Jan, 2014
Simply beautiful blog and pictures TT your Robin is a star performer indeed :o)
18 Jan, 2014
Another welcome appearance of Terra's robin.I love him to bits. If only a lot of the people who don't sing because they haven't the confidence would just follow that advice - open your beak and sing! Beautiful pictures and great advice!
18 Jan, 2014
I could almost hear him sing!
incredibly clear photo's Terra xxx
the blackbird here is singing loud and clear at 7am when its pitch dark.....
do the birds think its spring I wonder?
Thanks for the birdwatch reminder.....the little perishers go into hiding that weekend!
19 Jan, 2014
Lovely blog as always TT.
19 Jan, 2014
What a rare and wonderful gift you have, Terra!!!
Thank you for sharing.
19 Jan, 2014
Ditto what Mouldy said!
WHERE does it say in the rules that I can't? ;-)
19 Jan, 2014
I second that man:-)
19 Jan, 2014
A very chirpey blog TT ~ and illustrated beautifully ;o)
19 Jan, 2014
Lovely blog and pics TT....
19 Jan, 2014
TT you've done it again! A fantastic blog, as always. Your pics are great as are the accompanying captions. It really put a smile on my your blogs always do. :) :)
19 Jan, 2014
I don't know how you do it, another wonderful blog , i really enjoyed it thank you :0)
19 Jan, 2014
Delightful robin and such a beautiful sunset.
19 Jan, 2014
Great blog again, love the captions, pity we couldn't press the screen and hear the Blipper, great app, tried it with Gardeners World Magazine...super pics TT because we have had so much rain here the birds have not been in the garden this winter..
19 Jan, 2014
Thanks all of you, for your lovely comments ...
I'm relieved to read that Laithe58 is in agreement with his twin, Mouldy !!
.. and, thanks to Hywel for the love poem ;o)
The songbirds were definitely the inspiration for this blog.
I'm very glad that lots of you like the robin ...
Thank you ...
20 Jan, 2014
Yeah, but that Laithe got all the looks and brains, Terra.
Even you mentioned HIM first. ;-)
20 Jan, 2014
20 Jan, 2014
Alphabetical order ... Laithe, then Mouldy ... ;o)
20 Jan, 2014
What a lovely blog!
20 Jan, 2014
Hi Digginfit ..
Thank you !
20 Jan, 2014
(Mouldy unruffles his feathers, somewhat mollified.)
20 Jan, 2014
I really loved this blog, Terra. What a talented lady you are! I am still on the look out for a robin to come into our garden. I've done everything possible to encourage it , but it just flies on ! The trouble is that all our neighbours feed the birds , so they are spoilt for choice !
20 Jan, 2014
Hi Rose .. Thank you ...
Robins seem to like trees which have long-limbed branches where they can sing all day ... I hope you have your own resident robin soon. x
20 Jan, 2014
If I have been good enough for the world, I hope to come back as a robin.
20 Jan, 2014
Hello W1nk ... yes ... that would be nice ...
I hope to come back as one of my budgies ..
each budgie I've owned has been so happy every day :o)
20 Jan, 2014
I want to be a tree.
20 Jan, 2014
Hi Terra ..Lovely little bird,and such a pleasure to hear in the garden,or a nearby tree..Ours doesn't seem to come very often..but it's a joy when it does :o) x
20 Jan, 2014
Why's that you can get lots of hugs? :o)
20 Jan, 2014
Thanks Sandra ...
I hope your robin visits more often this year ...
Mouldy ... you'd be a very attractive tree ...
evergreen for sure ... ;o)
21 Jan, 2014
Ah, you know me so well, Bloomer!
Why, thank you, Terra, young lady, but I'd hoped to be a silver birch. :-)
21 Jan, 2014
Swaying gently in the breeze then Mouldy? and taking a rest in winter..:o)
21 Jan, 2014
I enjoyed your blog such lovely photo s of the birds and structure of trees which winter gives us a bonus to see the birds and trees clear.
21 Jan, 2014
Thank you Thrupennybit ...
You are right about the winter trees showcasing the birds in a special way ...
... I hope you're enjoying GoY :o)
21 Jan, 2014
Lovely photos and the robin pictures are great. I love the robin and the song he sings. Haven't seen one in the garden for a while, but can hear one in the distance when he sings.
22 Jan, 2014
I've had a dream, since I was a boy, Bloomer, of sitting on on the grass on the crest of a hill, in the centre of nine silver birches.
I always awake from these dreams with a wonderful feeling of serenity.
Flying dreams on the other hand give me joy and energy.
Who muttered "The weirdo is back!"? LOL.
22 Jan, 2014
Thank you Terratoonie I am enjoying GoY
22 Jan, 2014
We'll I am new, and I have found, this community has a sense of humour. Especially those who want to be a tree ha ha ha, so funny. I have lots of robins visit me in my garden, and I live in Birmingham. They are so friendly, they come that close I am sure I can have a conversation. With them. Here you go this community has sent me nuts hahahaha
22 Jan, 2014
Those are nice dreams to have,Mouldy..and I didn't even think of you as a Wierdo..but I am wondering if Laithe58 might be,as we get to know him better :o)..I wonder what he dreams about !..or maybe I'm better off not knowing ...Lol.
22 Jan, 2014
I used to dream about flying when I was a LOT younger....I used to spread out my arms, push off from the ground with my feet and up and away I would fly.
23 Jan, 2014
That wouldn't be when Wonder Woman was on TV,would it,Linda ? Lol..x
23 Jan, 2014
Sometimes I have to run to take flight, while at others I jump.
I always worry about flying into telephone or national grid wires, though. Lol.
Stick around'll be presented with a certificate saying you're a fully-fledged loony next year! ;-)
23 Jan, 2014
Wasn't me Bloomer I didn't go to the auditions for that. LOL.
Thought! .......Gerry sometimes calls me wonder woman women are good at multi tasking.
Flying into telephone or national grid wires Mouldy.....
Never had that problem, although landings could sometimes be a bit bumpy. LOL.
I love the last photo with the colourful sky. We've had quite a few mornings and evenings where the sky has been wonderful for sunrises and sunsets. Wish the ground would dry out though, more rain expected tomorrow.
23 Jan, 2014
The temp here was down to zero, early this morning, but no frost, strangely.
Never had a problem with landings, though, Linda.
23 Jan, 2014
Ha ha you lot are nuts
23 Jan, 2014
Welcome to our town, W1nk...Goytown. Lol.
24 Jan, 2014
Your robin is very photogenic, TT, and what lovely blue skies. Only seem to get grey skies here at the moment but, as I walked down the lane this morning, I think a robin was singing in every other tree - lovely to hear. I think my garden robin is too busy eating to sing much :)
25 Jan, 2014
It's the RSPB birdwatch this weekend. I did an hour earlier of watching and recording how many birds came into our garden.
25 Jan, 2014
Me too, Linda, although I swear the birds avoid my garden as soon as I start counting!
25 Jan, 2014
I'm doing it tomorrow, so hoping it doesn't rain. Refilled the nyjer holder yesterday in preparation but it was already half empty by tea time - don't know how they do it. I think half of the seed finished up on the flooor but goldfinches don't even seem to go down there to look!
25 Jan, 2014
I bought a special nyjer feeder with the seed and nothing has fed from it yet and it's been there for a couple of months.
26 Jan, 2014
I'll do it tomorrow the sparrows are all hiding in the hawthorn hedge I can hear them chattering
26 Jan, 2014
Yet another Great blog Terra.Please tell me what keys I press to bring up musical notes? Haven't seen many robins this year, haven't had any birds feeding of my new bird table either.....:-((((((
27 Jan, 2014
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Brilliant love it TT.... Love that sunset, we've had a lovely dry day and sunshine....
18 Jan, 2014