First, the good news, and then ... more good news !
By terratoonie
Over recent weeks my internet connection had a major fault. For about 90 seconds broadband was ON, and then it would switch OFF, and then ON … so attempting to visit GoY or facebook for any length of time was impossible.
I had countless conversations with the phone engineers and then a visit from a technician who replaced a socket, but the problems returned.
Then after weeks of stress and more discussions, last Tuesday an engineer replaced the wire from the top of my house to the telegraph pole. He showed me the awful condition of the old wire … a dilapidated state …
… he said the wire should have been replaced when I first reported the fault. Good news is that my broadband connection is now excellent.
The weather has tried to be every season imaginable …
Here was a chilly robin, just before I put fresh water in the bird bath …
… and then warmer days .. the butterflies and bees were visiting the heathers …
… however, more snow was on the way ..
… so Neptune decided to test his new surprise gift …
… a snuggly dog bed …
Truffle tried on pairs of odd socks. These photos were actually for a charity competition, to commemorate World Down Syndrome Day …
But now, my gardens are showing definite signs of Springtime …
Sapphire is having fun doing things that budgies do over the Easter holidays …
… and here’s the most amazing news of all … last Thursday my neighbours, without telling anyone, suddenly sold up and disappeared up north …
I can’t get my head around it … new neighbours now in !!! … Not an April Fool joke … definitely happened !!!
A certain life-changer !!!
Over coming days, I’ll try to catch up with your March blogs …
I hope everyone has a fantastic, happy, healthy April !
x x x
1 Apr, 2018
Previous post: BRING ON THE STORMS ...
Next post: Half price plants ... and lots of jet-washing !
Thanks Hywel ...
very lovely comments...
happy days ahead I hope !
1 Apr, 2018
Hi TT , glad to have you back,and pleased you now have your internet back,even more pleased your neighbours have left.Your garden is looking lovely,and so are your beautiful pets.Many happy hours gardening.
1 Apr, 2018
Hello Callie ...
Thanks for your kind words... and, yes, looking forward to happy, safe, peaceful gardening !
1 Apr, 2018
I second all of the above . . . brilliant news all round, I’m so glad for you.
1 Apr, 2018
Oh Terra, the news on the NFH is brilliant after you have had to put up with their noise for so very long.
Here's to a carefree time in your garden from now on.
Pets are all looking well and having a happy Easter ... :o))
1 Apr, 2018
new neighbours woopee.
hope you have a lovely Easter too, you deserve it.
1 Apr, 2018
Thanks, Sheila, Shirley, Seaburngirl ...
I feel safer already, but I reckon it will take many weeks for me to completely realise that things are different.
1 Apr, 2018
It's so great to have you back with us, TT, ? I'm glad it was no more than a "rotten" cable that kept you away for so long! Some months ago we had a problem with our internet connection,like yours, the connection would break down & I had to phone several times before they sent out an engineer who found that another engineer from another company had accidentally muddled up some wires in the cabinet that serves fibre broadband to a great many homes in the area. Once he fixed it our connection was back on & has worked well ever since! ?
I was pleased to read about your fabulous piece of news regarding the sudden departure of your neighbours! ? Now life should be easier & you will be able to enjoy your garden & pets far more in the future without having to worry about them! ?
1 Apr, 2018
Best news today - your neighbours have gone!! That will make a wonderful difference to your life and I am so very pleased for you.
A lovely uplifting blog as I look out onto yet more rain coming down outside. Your garden looks so Spring like and your pets look so happy - I bet they are glad to see the back of those neighbour's too!!
1 Apr, 2018
Thanks Balcony and Wildrose ... the proximity of that family was more debilitating than I can explain ... and only gradually will I realise that the situation is now so much better. x
1 Apr, 2018
Wow! I read the title of your blog Terra and thought....I wonder if those neighbours have gone at last....and then as I read I thought...nope, its just about the garden and the assistants...but then you hit me with it right at the very end! I am absolutely made up for remember when I said to you...things can change, never give up hoping...and they have! Its taken too long...but I am so pleased for you x :)
1 Apr, 2018
Thank you Karen ... the new situation is taking time for me to realise ... but, yes .. great news ! x
1 Apr, 2018
Exactly like Karen, I read your title and hoped! Excellent news, they are gone, yay, just in time for Summer. I hope they've moved to the middle of nowhere, how many years has it been?
1 Apr, 2018
Hi Tt, so glad to hear good news, [makes a lovely change], and glad your nasty neighbours have gone.
Garden is looking good, as it always does, especially in spring, and the team are enjoying themselves, Derek.
1 Apr, 2018
Just gasped with delight Terra - wonderful way to start the new year! Its good to have you back, we missed you.
1 Apr, 2018
Wonderful news about your new neighbours. You and team Terra deserve better than those awful NFH. I hope they have moved to a remote spot where they can not bother anybody. Loved your snowy robin and I hope the snow passes you by so as not to mess with your lovely garden. Ps your smiles are infectious.
1 Apr, 2018
Loved your blog TT but I think the best part was the news of your neighbours leaving I do hope that you now get a more restful and happier life.
2 Apr, 2018
Happy Days .... so glad to see you back ....
2 Apr, 2018
Well,that was a turn up for the book,Terra !! so glad the NFH have finally gone forever..I can't tell you how happy I am for you,to be able to be in your garden and home without wondering what they would do Easter gift ever ! :o) and your garden is looking lovely as always,and so are Truffle,Neptune and Sapphire..onwards and upwards from now on .. Wheeeeee ! xxx
2 Apr, 2018
So Glad to hear you have new neighbours, life just got so much better for you xx
2 Apr, 2018
Oh Terra, I am over the moon for you. What a relief for you (once it sinks in) with your neighbours. We unfortunately are still having problems with ours but have got our fingers crossed that they will be doing the same soon as well.
What a pain about your internet. We had the same couple of years ago. No internet and one phone line (work phone line) for a month. 4 no shows with booked engineers but finally found out part of it was due to our line being disconnected at junction box instead of the line they ment to. Glad it is sorted. If you have anymore problems, I was given this email address by one of our customers. It's for the CEO of BT but it gets the executive level complains team working on it but hopefully you will not need it.
Love the photos of your lovely "family". Enjoy a peaceful future gardening. ?
2 Apr, 2018
Oh that is good news TT. I do hope your new neighbours turn out to be really nice.
The flowering heather in the garden looks lovely.
Happy Easter to you and all your family.
2 Apr, 2018
Our wires go back to the Ark, according to the telephone engineers. We were promised fibre by Christmas ; then by the end of March, and now it's the end of June! We are a third rate country where Internet connection/speed is concerned.
It's lovely to see your garden and pet images once again and the news regarding your neighbours is a real Easter treat! Do hope you have nice neighbours: you certainly deserve some.
2 Apr, 2018
Welcome back, Tt. Neighbours can make such a difference to one's life. I expect they will moan wherever they go! Loved your nice cheerful blog, how Neptune has grown & Sapphire is still looking chirpy. Your garden is looking nice too. I hope you have a nice peaceful year ahead, with neighbours that you can really get on well with.
2 Apr, 2018
Hello Terra, firstly I must say how pleased I am about the neighbours moving on ! I know how awful its been for you and hope your new ones are much better !
Neptune is a lovely looking dog!
Its nice to see you back on here ! Even though I can't manage to be on here as much as I would like ( migraines ) its not the same without you !
Belated Happy Easter to you! xx
3 Apr, 2018
Thanks for more encouraging comments ..
Dawn, Derek, Stera, Scotsgran, Stroller, Gnarly, Bloomer, Drc, Meadowland, Jen, Waddy, Eirlys, Feverfew, and Rose ...
I've read all the comments on this blog several times ... interesting, useful, friendly ... very much GoY style .. each of them .. thank you !!
For the remainder of this year, I'm certainly looking forward to enjoying my garden more than I had expected ... gardens are great fun, but they are so very much better when they are places where we feel safe. x x x
4 Apr, 2018
Onwards and upwards TT :-)
4 Apr, 2018
Hi Dawn ... Yay !!
4 Apr, 2018
Wow Terra I am dancing with joy for you, gosh you must be ecstatic, after all these years your NFH have gone, I know its not a good way of looking at things but I really hope they have moved right into a hornets nest, surrounded by likeminded people with the same attitude they live by, failing that in the middle of a field, nobody nice deserves them for neighbours...Finally your Internet is sorted as well, your life is definitely going to be better this year, sorry I cannot send any sunshine for you, I think its also gone away for the foreseeable but life in your garden is still looking grand..
Neptune looks so snuggly in his new bed so I guess he doesn't mind being indoors for a while, lol, Truffle looks lovely in his socks and is supporting a very good cause, Sapphire is as always gorgeous, a tad blue I have to say but hers is for a very good reason, unlike our blue days.
.Lovely blog Terra and as already said I am so pleased for you on so many levels......
4 Apr, 2018
I am so happy for your Terratoonie those neighbours have gone a big weight off your shoulders . Great your internet has now been fixed good to see you all back lovely photos especially the sock with Truffles very colourful. I hope your new neighbours are nice ones.
5 Apr, 2018
Oh! What a Tah! Too! You’ve had, glad All is sorted & you’re back posting on here :o)) & I hope your new neighbours are nice, funny how you’re old neighbours up & left, maybe you were planting plants they didn’t like LOL.
6 Apr, 2018
Thank you Lincslass, Thrupennybit and Ladyessex1 ...
The atmosphere in the whole road here seems more content... happy days !
7 Apr, 2018
Thats nice to hear Terratoonie.
7 Apr, 2018
I,m thrilled for you TT that's the best news ever ..x
8 Apr, 2018
Thanks Amy ..
I hope 2018 improves for you too x x x
8 Apr, 2018
Always late to the table, me.......we did have visitors before and all over Easter, so thats my excuse.....
Soooooooo happy for you! they have gone at long last, brilliant news!! and a decent broadband what more could you wish for, well I am sure there are many other things , but for now that will do
8 Apr, 2018
Hi Dotty... thanks ...
yes, very good news... x x x
8 Apr, 2018
I was thinking exactly the same as Lincslass ... they should arrive wherever they've gone with a Health Warning!
What a difference it will make for you & your wellbeing, I am so pleased for you now you can feel safe & I do hope the new neighbours are nice people - they might even be gardeners!
Neptune, Truffle & Sapphire are all looking full of beans - Truffle looks pretty pleased in the colourful socks, lol.
5 May, 2018
Hi Green finger .. yes all going well here.
New neighbours seem very nice !
13 May, 2018
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Hi TT, it's good to hear good news, and then more good news.
I'm glad your internet problems are solved at last.
I hope you will now be able to enjoy many summer days in your gardens.
Your pets are beautiful ! :o)
1 Apr, 2018