World Wide Wagging... Conker says THANK YOU...:o)
By terratoonie
I’ve just read again all your wonderful comments on my previous blog about my “Head Gardener” ~ Conker, the Shetland Sheepdog ~
Over 300 comments. Thank you for your response and support ~
Very much valued and appreciated. :o)
Conker is only just 5 years old, but through April and May, became seriously unwell with a mystery illness. I’ve explained this fully in my previous blog. For many weeks, the vets were puzzled, but a specialist vet clinic finally diagnosed cancer. At the start of June, treatment was under way. Firstly a life-saving operation at the clinic to enable Conker to eat, breathe and drink.
Then, starting on 8th June, chemotherapy, continuing weekly till November 2009. I was warned that this treatment might not help at all, but on the bright side, it could produce some positive effects, or possibly work so well that it would ease many of Conker’s symptoms. Any improvement would give Conker a better quality of life for a number of months, and I was told the treatment on a small percentage of dogs can extend good life for even longer…
..Week One, after the first chemo treatment, I watched Conker carefully, looking for even the slightest sign of better health…
Well, that’s when GoY stepped in… the World Wide Wagging began…
messages coming in for Conker from the Grows on You global family…
Amazingly, Conker started to show signs of perking up ! I couldn’t believe how soon he regained appetite and then his breathing began to be easier. I realise that his improvement might be for a limited time, but it is so good to see him looking a little better every day…
So where did the wagging start ? Clarice’s Smokey the cat did some wags in Blackpool, and in Southampton, Philc1 reported wagging from Suki, Patch and Rosie. Paulthegardener’s Paddy in Essex, Janey in Lincs with Finn, Ted, Popps, and her Jasper moulted feathers in a flurry of wags…
…Crazydi’s Scamper and Winnie were sending support, and Spritz’s Henry the Labrador down in Somerset. Brian’s Jamie, and Hywel’s beautiful Blodyn the cat in wonderful Wales :o) Amy reported wagging from Marmalade in Norfolk, and over in Italy, Terry60 said Rome was a flurry of feline TLC for Conker, from her cats, Giorgio, Lupa, Rosie and June….
… Jacque’s Summer has a huge fluffy tail and she wagged that for Conker over in Norfolk, as did Llew’s beautiful Bailey in Lincolnshire. Ginellie sent dog wags from Surrey, and Arlene’s Boxers, Harvey and Merlin wagged in unison…
…Then messages came in from Aleyna’s pets in Brazil, and from Spain, Nariz had a whole menagerie of wagging going for Conker ~ sheep, goats,and Black Redstarts on the barn roof. Sanbaz said Angelina the cat was wagging for Conker. Then over in America’s Washington State, Weeds and Catfinch got everything organised with wags from Phoebe, Sofie, horses and cats…
… and in Essex…Toto… he wagged LOTS … :o)
… Up in Yorkshire Bonkersbon and Jane reported positive wags from their three cats, and Mary the parrot’s red tail was almost spinning in an effort to get Conker better…
Over in Canada, Newfienurse sent wags from her dogs Scrunchion and Chummy. Lincslass reported amazing tail action from Malik, Morgan, Casper, Harry, Tipsy and Ollie…. Deida said Percy was wagging FAST… Wagger was wagging on behalf of Misty… and Pottygardener’s Ben wagged upside down alongside Tigger the cat !
… Bornagain sent wags from Rosie and Meg, and Keithsmum reported wagging from Scotland… and back to Canada, where in New Jersey, Poetgardener’s Odie and Popie were waving wags across the pond to Conker in the UK….
… There was even underwater encouragement…. David up in Fife, Scotland, said Lucky the Border Terrier was wagging and then James and Eilidh’s nine aquarium fish all joined in to send their best wags to Conker…
… and there were many more wonderful messages…. thank you… so many that I can’t mention every one….
This Monday 22nd June, Conker will be back to the vet clinic for his first check-up since starting the chemotherapy. That will be the beginning of Week Three, and he’ll receive more intravenous chemo. from the clinic.
There are many possible side-effects from the medications, so I keep a close eye on Conker. Lots of water through the system helps prevent certain conditions, so it is a constant process of giving Conker drinks of water, and then letting him out into the dog run…
I usually give him a drink during the night, followed by a hop into the run, just to keep the water flowing ! During his whole illness, Conker is such a clean dog, that he has never made a puddle indoors…
I have to give Conker tablets every day. Sometimes corticosteroids, sometimes chemo. All are strong drugs and I must handle them wearing disposable gloves.
As regards the garden, this is kept safe from chemo because my dogs are trained to use the dog run for puddles and poohs. You can see the dog run photo on my home page. The run gets lots of sunshine in the afternoons and the sun apparently neutralises any chemo in the urine. Also it’s not too difficult to manage the faeces, because I always clear up from the run immediately for both of my dogs. With the chemo in Conker’s system I just have to double-wrap the poohs and dispose of them extra carefully.
Week Four will probably be the most challenging, because at the clinic, Conker will have an even stronger chemo injection, followed some time afterwards by an exploratory operation and endoscopy to see if the chemo is working…
Thanks everyone for all your support. I’m finding that working in my garden is very good therapy for me….. I seem to want to prune EVERYTHING to ease my anxiety… I guess this will mean that next year I’ll either have gardens which look wonderful, benefiting from such close hair-cuts… or gardens looking very bald and sad indeed. Lol.
This is a picture of Conker back in April, just before he became unwell… puzzling over the best conditions for his new Lantana plant…
THANK YOU for each and every message ~ both on my blogs, and on my photos. When I’m a little bit down, I come back and look at your comments again, and they give me the energy and confidence to support Conker through this treatment. Without GoY, this experience would be very much more stressful… I hope it won’t be too long before my “Head Gardener” is back on duty in my gardens, and playing with Truffle the puppy….
Week 3. Monday 22nd. June. 2009 ~
Here’s an update on Conker’s veterinary clinic visit today ~
The vet, Jon, gave Conker a thorough examination and is pleased with the progress of the past fortnight. Conker’s heart and lungs are coping well with the chemo, and his breathing is much improved. Various swollen areas have subsided.
Conker had his blood test, and all was set for his next dose of intravenous chemo, but it was found that his white blood cell count was too low for the treatment. This means we’ll make the journey to the clinic again this coming Thursday, by which time, hopefully a new blood test will show the white blood cell count up, and Conker can receive the next chemo.
So please get ready to wag again on Thursday ~
Terry and Sleepy the kitten, Dr Bob and Mrs Tommy the tortoise, Poetgardener and Micky the cat…. and everyone … please get ready to wag again…
… and thanks to Neellan and all of you supporting Conker. Today’s visit is mostly good news, and Jon actually apologised for not being able to do the chemo….
….but, of course, it can’t be given till the blood count is okay…
I’ll write another report here on Thursday…
Thursday 25th June.09 ~
I’m pleased to report that all went smoothly today so I’m back home earlier than expected….
Conker’s white blood cell count was up, so the clinic vet was able to give Conker his intravenous chemo.
Conker came out of treatment sporting a bright sky blue bandage, so I’ll wait to see how David categorises that colour… judging by today’s vet bill, blue could mean “very expensive” Lol. ,but my Conker is worth every penny :o)
The next few days, the chemo will kick in, so I’ll keep a close watch on Conker. He must drink lots of water to help avoid side effects.
Thanks to everyone for wishing and wagging….
We have another clinic appointment next Thursday for a blood test and cardiac test, followed by a special chemo injection… which will be a choice between two types, depending on the cardiac results.
Thank you again for keeping me positive and optimistic during Conker’s illness. He is progressing well…
Thursday, 2nd July 2009.
Conker had his blood test at the clinic today. VERY hot over there…. no shade for the cars, so my friend draped sheets over the vehicle to keep Truffle cool…
I sat with Conker in the clinic, waiting a very long time for the results, getting more and more anxious……The news was that, once again, the white blood cell count was surprisingly low, so, once again, his next treatment has had to be postponed….
….This means that his blood test, cardiac test and special injection will now happen this coming Monday 6th July. Conker is doing well, so this is just a set back… but each time Conker has a blood test, whatever the result, it costs about £125… so it is all adding to the bill.
However, the clinic has done a great job in getting Conker so perky again, so I must have patience when treatment has to be delayed…
Feeling a bit weary with it all right now, but the main thing is that overall Conker is so much better…..
Monday 6th July. 2009 ~
An earlier start for Conker’s vet clinic visit today. For myself, it was mostly a lot of waiting around ~ about 3 to 4 hours in total, while various treatments were carried out on Conker.
It was a busy Monday morning at the clinic ~ Lots of dogs, such as Chocolate Labradors, a Bull Mastiff with a limp, and one emergency case with a poor dog on a trolley being rushed into an operating theatre…
Conker had his blood test, and ~ good news ~ the white blood cell count was up, and, later on, he was ready for his cardiac tests. The clinic is housed in several converted barn buildings around a car park and I watched Conker being carried by a nurse to the cardiography unit … At that time the sun was shining brightly, though rain clouds threatened.
Again, good news ~ Conker’s heart is coping well with the chemo, so treatment could continue… Later on I saw Conker with another vet nurse on his way to the surgery for his big chemo injection, and then, after yet more waiting I had Conker back with me again. The vet nurse said he had been very well-behaved as usual. The rain then came down heavily, and Truffle had his first experience of thunder, but he wasn’t bothered by it at all. :o)
The next stage of this long process will be on Tuesday 14th July, when Conker goes into the clinic very early, for anaesthetic, and then an exploratory operation with endoscopy to see from the inside, to what degree the cancer has reduced. Then we should have some answers, after which I presume the chemo course continues till October. Even if the chemo is successful, it might give Conker only a number of months of good quality life, but some dogs do well for quite a bit longer than that, so fingers crossed…
Sunny again for the trip back, and luckily arrived home just before a huge rainstorm. I hope my water butts have filled up ! Conker was wearing a big fluorescent lime green bandage around his shaved leg, where the treatments had taken place. I’ll await David’s analysis of what the green bandage means… my interpretation is "even more expensive than the previous vet bill " Lol.
But I’m relieved that today’s treatments are over successfully, and my thanks to the GoY members for continuing to support Conker through all these weeks of chemo. During one of the long waits at the clinic, I was walking Truffle past the tiny garden area, and I took the opportunity to ask the handyman/gardener if it would be okay for me to take cuttings next week from a couple of pretty roses. He said yes…..
…then I also spotted a clematis from which I could snip a few seed pods…. and a white carnation clump….. I could remove a little piece from that… Lol. Lol. Lol.
I’m planning to take along quite a few empty containers next Tuesday…
Let’s hope on that day I get good news about Conker’s progress…:o)
Tuesday 14th July. 2009.
We are all absolutely exhausted but I have the good news that the chemo has worked very well indeed on Conker’s cancer. So now we carry on with the weekly chemo treatments through till October, and this should give Conker some more precious months of quality life. The vets can’t predict how long before the cancer will eventually return, but we’re going to enjoy every day as much as possible…
Conker is home, still rather full of anaesthetic…. Truffle the puppy has tried offering Conker various rope toys to play, but I’ve explained it will be tomorrow before Conker is wide awake enough to enjoy games. :o)
At the clinic the gardener kindly let me take some cuttings. I have clippings from two roses and a carnation. Also seed heads and cutting from a clematis. Advice please on what to do with the clematis seed heads.. I don’t know if they are ripe enough to be of use… and should I have the clematis cutting in rain water or in compost ??? All suggestions welcome please. There were no labels on the plants, so all cuttings are without ID.
Thanks again to the global GoY family for keeping me positive during Conker’s ongoing chemo treatment. And thanks to those of you who are keeping up to date with this blog and sending me private messages. :o)
Tuesday 21st July. 2009 ~
The good news is that Conker’s blood test was okay today for the chemo to go ahead. Lots of waiting around, as usual, but he emerged from the vet clinic wearing a pretty turquoise bandage around his leg. :o)
While Conker was having treatment, I walked Truffle around by the little garden, and we met two veterinary nurses who seemed to be on their lunchbreak…. They made a fuss of Truffle, and during our chat I explained that he enjoys playing games with my other dog, Conker… The nurses’ reaction was delightful ~ Oh, are you the owner of Conker ? … we all love Conker… :o)
….. I was proud to hear that Conker makes so many friends and behaves so well when away from me in the clinic.
So next Tuesday we travel to the clinic for another blood test, and if that one is okay, when we get home I give Conker chemo tablets while wearing plastic gloves ( I’m the one wearing the gloves, not Conker. Lol )
If all goes well, these chemo treatments will continue weekly till October…
some weeks with injections or intravenously, and some weeks with tablets…
I asked the clinic vet how quickly he thought the cancer had grown in Conker this springtime… He estimated about 6 or 8 weeks, so the truth is that when the cancer does return, and the vets tell me it will come back within probably months ~ it be will evident reasonably quickly, and next time any chemo given would not be so successful… I must hope that when his treatment stops this autumn, he can enjoy a number of months of good health… every day is precious…
Thanks again to GoY members on this thread and in private messages.
The world wide wagging is working well for Conker. :o)
Tuesday 28th July, 2009 ~
We started out early for our journey to the vet clinic today, the plan being that Conker would have a blood test at 9.30 am., and provided the white blood cell was count okay, I would bring Conker home and give him chemo tablets before lunch, so that he could have lots of drinks of water before bedtime to help prevent side effects.
Conker has been very lively the past few days, and as soon as he woke up this morning his first activity was to take a rope toy to Truffle and they enjoyed a game together… So in tip top form it seemed…
I had to wait a couple of hours at the vet clinic for the blood result, and I was told finally that the count was very low indeed, and I was questioned as to whether Conker was well…. did he appear lethargic etc ? I answered no, he seems fine. Anyway, Conker has to wait a week, and goes back to the vet clinic again next Tuesday for another blood test… He seems outwardly fit, but I’ll watch him extra closely.
Tuesday 4th August. 2009.
Last week the vet clinic phoned on Wednesday to ask if they could use Conker’s blood for an extra test, where the blood would be sent away. The vets are concerned about Conker having so many results of low white blood cell counts, and think it might be due to a gene mutation sometimes found in Shelties and other Herding Group breeds such as Collies… If Conker has this mutation, it could be harmful to his brain and nervous system to proceed with the current type of chemo, so this would need to be altered. The results are not yet back.
However, today Conker had his weekly blood test at the vet clinic and the result was high enough that I was allowed to give him chemo at home. This is when I use plastic gloves to give Conker chemo tablets. So I’ll be watching to see that he is okay, and waiting for the vet’s phone call any day soon, with the result of the external blood test.
Conker has been very well outwardly these past two weeks and we’ve been on some outings at the weekends. Lets hope he stays fit enough to enjoy more fun days out over coming months…
Wednesday 5th August.2009 ~
My vet phoned me from the vet clinic yesterday evening. Wow, he works long hours ! ~
Conker does not have the gene mutation…. he is just a carrier of the mutation, which is different…
This means that the chemotherapy can continue as planned originally, with just slightly less of the drug to which he seems especially sensitive. So this is good news !
Tuesday 11th August. 2009 ~
Thanks to all those GoY members who are continuing to follow Conker’s story…
Another vet clinic visit today, with many hours of waiting around…. Conker has had so many appointments that I’m getting to know the staff, such as Wendy in charge of cleaning instruments, Kev the handyman/gardener, and vet nurses, Anya, Barbara and Angel… Everyone is very friendly and helpful.
I use most of the waiting time to walk Truffle around. I suspect Truffle is beginning to think of the clinic car park and little garden as our property. Lol.
More areas were shaved on Conker’s neck and legs, more needles in, but the end result is another successful blood test and dose of chemo given.
My brave Conker emerged from treatment with a bright red bandage on his right front leg…
There’s always someone worse off than ourselves, and I saw that today….
…the woman in the car next to me was with her Irish Wolfhound. He is only two years old. She was obviously very upset because the dog was to be left at the clinic for more surgery and tests, so the first thing I did was to give her a hug while she sobbed.
Her dog had already received about £7,000 worth of surgery and treatment from her own vet and at the vet clinic. The Wolfhound is insured for vet bills, but because his condition is a mystery, it is categorised as inconclusive, so the insurance company will not pay up…. Conker isn’t insured, but at least I know where I stand in that situation, and haven’t paid out insurance over many years, for no return…
Conker is now resting after his chemo. These days, he seems to bounce back within a day or so of treatment and is doing very well. We have another appointment next Tuesday morning…
… oh, and I have permission to take another rose cutting from the clinic garden because my first attempt hasn’t rooted… :o)
Tuesday 18th August 2009 ~
A hot morning for our journey to the vet clinic. When we arrived, the clinic was not quite so busy with patients as last week, but there was a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, which I remember from a previous occasion…. once seen never forgotten…because it makes loud singing noises all the time it is in the waiting room… quite amusing for owners and onlookers… sadly the dog is suffering from syringomyelia, but is recovering quite well from a major operation of the skull and spinal areas…
Vet nurses and receptionists were interested to see Conker’s recent charity dog show trophies, and we all laughed over the trophy, pre-engraved with the words “show those legs” Lol… and the response was the same from everyone….. it’s quality of life that counts…. Conker is achieving that and enjoying every minute….
After Conker’s blood test, it was the usual long anxious wait, and, yet again, his white blood cell count was too low to proceed with the chemotherapy. A different specialist vet who hadn’t discussed Conker with me before, called me into a consulting room with Conker, and explained that the low counts are in many ways a good thing – as long as they aren’t dangerously low – because it shows that Conker is very sensitive to the chemo and therefore it is working well on his cancer.
If Conker needed higher doses of chemo to pull his blood count down, that would mean the treatment is not so effective, so any longer term prospects of good quality life would be less likely………. I hope I’ve explained that well enough… it means that all the lovely GoY members wagging, spinning, twirling, hugging…. well, it’s working wonderfully in Conker’s favour for his chance of lasting more months into the future, so my heartfelt thanks to you all…. :o)
Many of you have asked for an update on beautiful Bracken, the Irish Wolfhound. This morning, while I was waiting at the clinic, near our car, by pure coincidence Bracken’s owners parked alongside. They were returning a large waterproof dog mattress to the clinic. Sadly, Bracken, though only two years old, had suffered a heart attack, and the owners, very distraught, had called in at the clinic on their way back from the pet crematorium..
Bracken’s “Mum” looked especially tired, sad and exhausted…. understandable… But she was feeling guilty about losing her dog at such a young age.. blaming herself… and I spent a long while talking to her, convincing her that she had done more than most owners would, to give Bracken the best chance. I even managed to make her laugh… once by showing her Conker’s trophies with the “legs” engraving, and again later, as they were leaving, when I picked up Truffle to “wave” his paw goodbye, at which point, they stopped their car, and got out to make lots of fuss of Truffle before they made their long journey home.
Returning home myself, I felt perhaps it was meant to be, that I happened to be at the clinic and able to cheer up Bracken’s owners…. We’ve exchanged phone numbers, and they will let me know if they get a new puppy some time in the future….
Wonderful dog owners such as those deserve the chance to enjoy another dog, and it will be a lucky puppy which is owned by those lovely people…
So, Conker has another appointment next Monday… but he is planning another fun charity dog show this weekend… These events are held for such wonderful causes. Last Sunday’s show was in aid of a Community Group for people with physical disabilities/impairments, which is run by people with physical disabilities/impairments…. What a great idea ! :o)
Thanks again, GoY folk, for keeping track of this blog and helping me to remain positive throughout all these weeks of chemotherapy. xxx
… oh, and I brought home some more cuttings from the little garden at the vet clinic… roses and clematis… collected with permission. Lol. :o)
Monday 24th August 2009 ~
Probably the longest day yet at the vet clinic, with lots of waiting around.
I’ve been worried about Conker over recent days because the “cheek” area below his left eye has become very swollen. This part of his face is not far from the region of his original cancer.
The vet examined Conker and is hoping that this new area is an infection and not cancer. Conker has been prescribed a 10 day course of antibiotics. Conker also had blood tests and then the extra-strong chemotherapy, so was in the clinic for a number of hours. He came home with blue bandage on his left front leg, purple bandage on his right front leg, and shaved areas of his neck where blood tests were done… As you can imagine he is very, very exhausted…. so am I….
I have to phone the vet next week and report if the swelling has subsided. If no improvement, it will mean a visit to the clinic on what should have been Conker’s rest week, and then anaesthetic to take samples of the new lump for a biopsy. Fingers crossed this is only an infection.Wednesday 9th September. 2009 ~
Thanks to all those members who are following Conker’s treatment…
I really appreciate your support and positive thinking. :o)
And I have GOOD NEWS from the clinic…
… your wagging is working well !
Thank you !
Conker’s chemo was given quite promptly, so there was less waiting around than usual, and although Conker’s face swelling has not gone down completely, the vet examined Conker’s eye and from this inspection, thinks the swollen cheek area is NOT cancer…
So I was back home in record time… and I can hardly take in the news that, despite the swelling still being slightly visible on Conker’s left cheek, this area, below the left eye, is apparently caused by infection and will hopefully subside further… :o)
Conker came home wearing a smart turquoise bandage on his left leg…. He is exhausted from this latest dose of chemo, but all being well, he will be back to the vet clinic in a week’s time for another blood test, after which I’ll give Conker chemo tablets at home…
I reckon I’ll sleep much better tonight.
Oh, and I almost forgot… I spoke to a different receptionist at the vet clinic today, and she said Conker must surely be the Sheltie she remembered winning with a tricks display at a charity dog show last year … and yes, she had recalled the venue and dog correctly…. from Spring 2008 ! o)
Wednesday 16th September, 2009 ~
A good report of Conker today :o)
Despite a VERY long wait, during which time I became more and more anxious, the white blood cell count came back as okay. This is the week when I give Conker chemotherapy tablets at home. So I completed that correctly, wearing protective plastic gloves.
The clinic vet said not to worry too much about the area below Conker’s left eye because the cheek is now only slightly swollen.
Some of you will have seen one of my comments under my St Tiggywinkles T-Shirt photo, where I tell of Truffle at a charity dog show last Sunday. When it was Truffle’s turn to be examined on the table, he was so pleased to see the judge, that he knocked her JUDGE rosette onto the grass…Lol…. and somehow still managed to win the top award of Best Puppy !
Well, this morning Truffle continued his antics… At the vet clinic I had not yet met the owner of the whole establishment, but saw him today while walking Truffle near the car park. He greeted Truffle, who leapt into his arms, which he encouraged… but then Truffle managed to dislodge the “Top Man’s” ID badge onto the ground…
Soooo… Conker wants to know why he gets all the needles…. while Truffle gets the cuddles with the top guy. Lol.
Wednesday 23rd September, 2009 ~
My grateful thanks to those of you on GoY who are keeping track of Conker’s story… your wagging, whirling and wiggling are working wonders…:o)
Not too much waiting around today, and I’m pleased to report that Conker’s blood test was okay for his chemotherapy to proceed. As usual he was a very brave boy, and afterwards he travelled home with a dark green bandage around his front leg where the chemo was injected. :o)
Conker’s bloated left cheek is puzzling the vets. Between last Sunday bedtime and waking Monday morning, the left side of Conker’s face had swollen up alarmingly….
… Fortunately, over the past two days it has subsided somewhat, with just a small swollen area remaining.
The vet has decided to do nothing about the face while the swelling is reduced, but if Conker wakes ANY morning and his left face area is bulging worryingly, I have instructions to phone the clinic immediately and to take Conker that same day to the clinic for anaesthetic to allow biopsy on the mystery swelling… As you can imagine, I’ll be anxious EVERY morning from now on, wondering if I’ll find Conker with a very swollen cheek…
I’ve said several times on this blog that there is always someone worse off than myself, and today I met one such example. Two pleasant owners were in the vet clinic waiting area, having driven all the way from Birmingham ~ about a three hour drive ~ or four hours if the traffic is busy. Their Cocker Spaniel has the same type of lymphoma as Conker, and as with Conker, has been receiving chemotherapy during 2009…. but this dog is only FOUR years old…
Waiting time passed fast as I sat chatting to these lovely people with their attractive Birmingham accents… at least my journey to the clinic is only about one hour… those Spaniel owners would not be home till this evening… a long day for them and their dog…but they had nothing but praise for the clinic and its staff… in fact we were a bit of a “fan club” for all the specialists and their work… expensive…yes…. but for the best veterinary treatment in the country…
Conker is dozing now … full of chemo…pleased to be home…
Truffle is also dozing….
..dreaming of mischievous things he’ll do when he wakes up …..Lol.
Wednesday 30th September, 2009 ~
Not too much waiting at the vet clinic today, but Conker has received LOTS of treatment….
He had the blood test which showed the white cell count was high enough for the extra strong chemo, so that was given to him…
The swelling on Conker’s cheek seemed to have gathered into one area a little way beneath his eye, so the vet decided to aspirate the swollen part. That area was shaved and then the procedure was done without anaesthetic….
…..He was a very brave boy…..
… I won’t get the results till I phone early evening, so I have an anxious wait to find out if the swelling is caused by cancer……I’ll report back as soon as I have more information…
Please keep on wagging and praying…. thank you………
………..4.30 pm ~
Luckily I was able to speak to the vet quite promptly. GOOD NEWS is that the swelling is NOT cancer and NOT infection. So the swollen cheek remains a mystery. If the area becomes more enlarged then the vet will do further tests.
Conker is very exhausted from this morning’s clinic treatments. He has ten days of rest ahead of him, and I’m sure he’ll bounce back soon. :o)
Please see my blog no 25, started on 6th Oct. 2009….
This continues Conker’s story. Thank you.
20 Jun, 2009
Previous post: Explaining my absence from GoY.... please pray for Conker...
Next post: CUTTINGS ROOTING IN RAINWATER New pictures included ~ Jan.2010. :o)
Many thanks. Kmccue :o)
20 Jun, 2009
Hi TT, I'm glad to know all the wagging is helping :o)
I wish conker well for the rest of his treatment. Give him lots of hugs from me and Blodyn. - Oh and some for yourself aswell :o)
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Hywel and Blodyn...
hugs received :o)
20 Jun, 2009
So Glad 2 hear Conker enjoyed all the Wags from all over the World TT :)Sending More Wags From Summer & Big hugs & Kisses from me 2 u both :) xxx
20 Jun, 2009
continued wags for conker from meg and tay xx
20 Jun, 2009
Oooh... more wags.. hugs and kisses...
Thanks, Summer and Jacque. xxx
20 Jun, 2009
Ooooh, lots of wagging from Ireland....
Thanks Eileen, Meg and Tay. xxx
20 Jun, 2009
More wags from Huxley for Conker! And you take care of yourself too!
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks handsome Huxley and Lilymac :o)
20 Jun, 2009
~massive wags and best wishes from Dexter too~perhaps leave the secateurs indoors and do some deadheading instead?!
love and hugs to all of you
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks Dexter and Arlene :o)
Secateurs will be attacking an overgrown clematis next... as soon as the weather improves...
Nothing is safe from my secateurs... Lol.
20 Jun, 2009
That's good TT. When I lived in the old cottage I had lots of large shrubs and I often gave them a good haircut when I felt a bit anxious. It really did help.
Beryl won't let me go down her garden with secateurs in my hand. lol. She sais nothing is safe when I have them or shears with me :o) - and she's right :o)
20 Jun, 2009
Lol. I'm going to attack some pyracantha next...
... look out... :o)
20 Jun, 2009
It's good therapy :o)
20 Jun, 2009
A lot more wags coming your way from Marmalade in Norfolk for Conker TT .. and some hugs for yourself ,truffle and crocus because they all need to keep their spirits up ..
Keep up the good work in the garden xx
20 Jun, 2009
Glad to hear.. the wagging has wags from Scotty and Ella to Conker........Ella has had a bad tummy but seems back to her old self today.....gardening is a great stress releiver........hugs to Conker and yourself... Holly Scotty and Ella......
20 Jun, 2009
Still wagging in Southampton....Keep the faith. x
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks Amy, Marmalade, Holly, Scotty, Ella, Suki, Patch, Rosie and Phil. xxx :o)
I've just trimmed Truffle's tail.
He looked a bit alarmed when he saw the scissors, having witnessed how closely I trimmed the ceanothus yesterday. Lol.
Crocus the budgie is moulting his own feathers ...
...he doesn't relish any clipping treatment from me. :o)
20 Jun, 2009
I hope every thing will go well next week for Conker and I will get Bench Cat my visitor to give lots of meows not wags as a cats tail wagging means angry and I want to sent positive vibes not negative. He looks just like the dog my mum took in when we were kids called Muffin the village where she got if from the kids use to tie fireworks to his tail very good tempremented dog he was and found a good home with us at long last. It was my dads pride and joy use to walk it all over the place and show him off. lol Territoonie I will get use to this web site eventually knowing where to go. Thank you again for letting me know of this up date.Good Luck Conker for next
20 Jun, 2009
Medical treatments may be studied and proven to be helpful, but the power of prayer and hope is something that can only be felt.
I swear Scrunchion has almost put holes in the wall here wagging for Conker. And Chummy has barked so high pitched I'm sure Conker has heard it.
You all take care!
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Morgana.
Muffin sounds like he was a lovely dog...
Message me any time if there's anything about GoY you don't understand... I'll try to help... :o)
NN ~ You're so right ~ the power of hope, prayer and positive thinking is very real.....
... Thanks Scrunchion for your wonderful wagging, and Chummy ~ we heard you :o) xxx
20 Jun, 2009
Hi Conker from Polly, sorry I m not upto wags at the moment but Ill send you a Woof, Woof, and good luck for Monday! xxx
20 Jun, 2009
Hi Polly and PP ~ Thank you.
Conker, Truffle and Crocus are all sending wags to you today and hoping you'll be a perky Polly again soon. xxx
20 Jun, 2009
Glad GoY and your garden (and of course Truffle) are helping to keep Conker and your own spiritis up. Tried to get the tortoises wagging their tails but as they are tucked up in their shells, not sure if it worked or not! Good luck for next week - we'll be thinking of you.
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Gee :o)
Sounds like the tortoises are doing some surreptitious wagging, so thanks for that...
Conker has just enjoyed a thorough grooming... also toe nails cut, feet tidied, and teeth cleaned, so he is all smart for Monday :o)
20 Jun, 2009
I saw a whitetail deer in the pasture across the road a couple of evenings ago. She was wagging away. And when she left she waved her tail in a final salute to Conker.
20 Jun, 2009
Lots of wags and miaows from Cookie, for Conker and for you, and heartfelt wishes from me.
20 Jun, 2009
Wow, Weeds. The deer wagging now ? Wonderful. :o)
Hi Bbumble ~
Thanks to cute Cookie for the wags and miaows and to you for your good wishes. xxx
20 Jun, 2009
Glad Conker is better, good thoughts from us here to him & you.
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Doon.
Conker is doing very well so far.... :o)
20 Jun, 2009
Tails still flicking backwards and forwards here in Yorkshire too.Mary just moulted so new bright red feathers spinning ! x
20 Jun, 2009
That's great to know BB & Jane ~
Good that tails are in action up in Yorkshire.
Many thanks. xxx
20 Jun, 2009
if all these good wishes turn into healing darling Conker bring them on. My fish are spinning round their pond in their effort to join in Much love Sue x
20 Jun, 2009
And Cassie in Geordieland is sending lots of wags to Conker and A huge Hug to you TT from me
20 Jun, 2009
Thanks Sue and the spinning fish :o)
Let's hope Conker can heal... xxx
Dee and Cassie ~ thank you for your wags and hugs. xxx
20 Jun, 2009
I'm sure our lovely greyhound Jasper is wagging and smiling in doggy heaven :) He never could stop wagging lol.Otherwise our two little fish in the barrel pond are doing their very best TT
Lots of love to little Conker XXX
20 Jun, 2009
Hi Aster ~
I bet lovely Jasper is wagging away up there in Doggie Heaven with Bonsai my Welsh Terrier. :o)
Thanks to the two fish in the barrel pond.... every fin and tail helps with the world wide wag :o) xxx
20 Jun, 2009
Aw...TT...I was so choked reading this, all the lovely animals routing for Conker to get better, the power of prayer and positive thinking can work wonders. I checked Jaspers tail and the new feathers are growing now, so she's hoping to send you a sweep of her new tail in a few days.....:o)
20 Jun, 2009
Hello, Janey.
Have we had a photo of Jasper on GoY lately...?
must be looking smart with the new feathers...
Conker says thank you. He's drinking lots of water this evening, but otherwise seems okay. I tell him my water is paid for on a meter, but he doesn't seem to bother... just keeps on drinking, drinking, drinking. Lol. :o)
If that would make him better, I'd buy him a whole
20 Jun, 2009
It must be doing him good TT, flushing out his system, water is the best thing ever....what we are mainly made of....:o) You take care and look after yourself too XX
20 Jun, 2009
So sorry to hear about Conker, he looks beautiful in you pictoures. I hope the chemo helps, and he is soon well and back on gardening duty
20 Jun, 2009
I'm still here in Essex and still wagging TT. An extra big hug for Conker and you from me to help you through the day on Monday.
20 Jun, 2009
I'm going to sprinkle more fish food into the aquarium now. Those tail fins wag and swish even harder when there's a feeding frenzy. Hope the energy current created reaches you. We'll be rooting for Conker on Monday! :-)
21 Jun, 2009
Now all the fledgeling Redstarts are wagging madly and yesterday we had a small snake in the garden who wagged a lot - or was it wiggling? Anyway, glad to hear Conker's beginning to enjoy life again. Many good wishes to you and "the boys."
21 Jun, 2009
late starter in the good wishes department from me and mine! but all the best for the treatment!.\keep strong!
21 Jun, 2009
Hope everything continues to go well for you both - best wishes from downunder.
21 Jun, 2009
Henry and I are both thinking of you and he sends a lick and a wag. I don't!
I don't know how to wag my tail and I'm certainly not sending licks - maybe a hug would be more approprate? lol. xxx
21 Jun, 2009
It's easy Spritz - remember an advert for a certain french car 'shaking that ass'. That's what I'm doing though it's not a pretty sight!
21 Jun, 2009
Lol. Wagger :o)
Thanks everyone for your wags, hugs and support for Conker... from London, Essex, Scotland, Spain, back up to Scotland, down to Australia, over to Somerset and across to Buckinghamshire... Phew ! :o)
I'll add a report in the blog body tomorrow about Conker's trip to the clinic. He seems quite perky today. However, I guess another dose of chemo treatment at the clinic will slow him again. But he's making definite progress. :o)
21 Jun, 2009
That is so good to read. Looking lovely outside - think I'll join it.
21 Jun, 2009
Yes, Iawn-mowing time for me..... :o)
21 Jun, 2009
Hi TT and Conker, as with everyone tails are still wagging up here for both of you, thinking of both lots of hugs from Smokey & myself.
21 Jun, 2009
Wishing Conker well for tomorrow...:o)
21 Jun, 2009
Absolutely! Hope it all goes well. :-)
21 Jun, 2009
Loves and hugs for tomorrow TT....we'll be thinking of you and wishing you all well....:o) XX
21 Jun, 2009
Kipper the 12 weekold kitten is wagging like crazy for Conker So are Meg and Max the labs :0) x
21 Jun, 2009
Thanks for all the good wishes for Conker.
He's been very thirsty this weekend, but otherwise okay.
His chemo and check up will be tomorrow afternoon.
Smokey and Kipper...
Meg and Max...
Please keep on wagging.... :o)
I'll add more news to the body of the blog tomorrow evening.
21 Jun, 2009
Yes please, Tt. xxxx
21 Jun, 2009
Good luck to beautiful Conker for tomorrow...wag...wag....from Jodi...:>)
21 Jun, 2009
Thanks for the wagging, Jodi ...
Conker will probably emerge from his chemo like last time... wearing a smart purple bandage :o)
21 Jun, 2009
Winnie and Scamper are wagging in Cheshire....and are joined by Alfie, my son's enormous "Hooch dog".They are wagging so hard they've just started a tidal wave up the
Good luck for tomorrow Conker....we are all behind you xx
21 Jun, 2009
Wow, thank you, Alfie....
We're feeling extra strong wagging vibes...
the Hooch Dog must be the reason...
Thanks to Winnie and Scamper too. :o) xxx
21 Jun, 2009
Marys tail feathers bright red and spinning tonight ! As are the cats,but it may be that theyve spotted the mouse through the window !
Thinking of you
21 Jun, 2009
Afraid I have only just read about poor Conker. I really feel for you both. In 2006 when I was diagnosed with Mesothelioma I was offered chemo , not as a cure, just to help with the symptoms, but the oncologist said he really didn't recommend it as he thought it would be a shame to spoil my quality of life. I agreed. At best it might extend my life by 3-5 weeks the Macmillan nurse said. Well, I am still battling on and astounding the medics. Shall see the oncologist for a check up next month after a 4 month break.
I do hope Conker gets a good report on Monday. You sound very capable and brave. It must be very heartwarming to get so many reports of all the wagging going on from all quarters.
Maybe that's what I was doing this afternoon when I tried to have a rest but my legs started shooting out and I had to get up and walk around. I had put it down to the dreaded Restless Leg Syndrome. Can a pair of shaking legs count as wagging please?
Shall look out for further news of Conker.
Love Simplylyn
21 Jun, 2009
BB / Jane ~
Thank you to Mary and the cats... xxx
Simplylyn ~
Sounds like you are a walking miracle ! No wonder the medics are amazed ! Your leg shaking very much counts as wagging. Conker sends special thanks to you. xxx
An update about Conker will be at the base of the blog above this evening.
Thanks to everyone for the wags and good wishes.
These are helping so much. :o)
22 Jun, 2009
Sparrows on the fence outside are wagging their tails now, Tt. Best Wishes for this afternoon, will check back here later this evening. - XX
22 Jun, 2009
Thanks, David..
This will be the first time the clinic vet will have seen Conker since the chemo started so I'm anxious for a good report... :o) xxx
22 Jun, 2009
we will all be waiting to hear how Conker gets on TT xx
22 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Eileen xxx
22 Jun, 2009
Lots and lots and lots of kitten tail wagging from Sleepy too - in between naps that is !!
22 Jun, 2009
TT, If I had a tail I would be wagging it all day. Mrs. Tommy (don't ask) the tortoise is wagging hers in support for Conker.
Love to you all,
22 Jun, 2009
Keep up the good spirits TT...and make sure you get lots of rest and sunshine TOO. Micky the cat is purring as I tell him this story about all the worldwide wagging. But he had a CAT-astrophic fit when he found out I didn't mention his tail wagging!!! :-)
So happy things are feeling better for all of you.
Fingers crossed today and special prayers your way. xoxo
22 Jun, 2009
Well, DoctorBob, I am going to ask? Have you a confused tortoise?
22 Jun, 2009
wishing conker well very soon
no tail to wag in support here for 3 years now but from the heart best wishes to you and conker
regards neellan
22 Jun, 2009
Ah! well Gee, you asked for it.
Years ago when my children were small I bought them a Tortoise, they wanted a rabbit but that's another story. They loved him and named him Tommy, (it took them at least 00.001 of a second to think that one up.) Some months later my sister-in-law wanted to part with her tortoise Alan!!! we said we would have him but were worried they might fight, however my sister-in-law informed me that our tortoise was a female, something to do with the shape of their shells. We told the children they had to think up a girls name, but children being what they are just said Oh! well we'll just call her Mrs. Tommy, and that's what she has been ever since, poor thing, she doesn't seem to mind, has been with us for over 40 years and is still very active.
Hope that clears that up.
22 Jun, 2009
Wow, I'm only gone for a few hours, and find I've missed all the action on sleepy cats, ancient tortoises, CAT-astrophic cats, and who knows what else. Lol. :o)
Thanks everyone for your good wishes.
I've written a report in my blog on today's visit...
22 Jun, 2009
Thanks for the update TT, will keep everything crossed etc. for thursday hope you can progress with the next lot of chemo.
Hugs and kisses to all,
Bob and Sylvia.
22 Jun, 2009
Great to hear the swollen areas have subsided....and that his heart and lungs are coping well.....Suki, Patch and Rosie are glad they can rest for a while, but assure me they'll be wagging again Thursday. All the best.
22 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Bob, Sylvia, Phil, Suki, Patch and Rosie...
Let's hope, with lots of wagging, I'll have a good report on Conker by Thursday evening... :o)
22 Jun, 2009
Good to hear Conker is coping well with the treatment TT and that his swellings are down now, now hopefully his white cells will come back up to normal, they can fluctuate can't they,......I had this problem a couple of months ago but on the next blood test they were back to normal.........:o) All set here for the great Wag on Thursday!! XX
22 Jun, 2009
Thank you Janey ~
I must say that outwardly Conker looked in better condition than other poor dogs at the clinic today, which were suffering with various ailments. Hard to believe that Conker underwent life-saving surgery only 3 weeks ago...
....yes, all set for Thursday. :o) xxx
22 Jun, 2009
All the love and care you're giving him TT....:o)
22 Jun, 2009
:o) xxx
22 Jun, 2009
Glad to hear that Conker is making good progress, TT. The mother of the last of our dogs died of cancer some 13 or 14 years ago. :(
Our last dog, (we brought 5 with us from Spain when we moved back to the UK 8 years ago), Boli, was operated on about 7 years ago - life or death - after she was found to have an infection in her womb. She is over 15 years old now &, apart from some arthritis in her left back leg, is OK. Her hearing & sight & bark seem to be as good now as they were 10 years ago! She has been under veterinary care for a heart condition for about 5 years but she's stable.
So we know how you feel about Conker! Wishing you all the best with Conker's next chemo injection on Thursday. Will keep up with your news. Wags coming your way from Boli & best wishes from me to you both.
22 Jun, 2009
I wish Conker and you all the very best for Thursday TT. You won't hear from me for few days. Please don't think that is because I've lost interest, nothing could be further from the truth, it is because I'm going to a little place called Hopslade at Eastham for a few days with a friend and will have no access to a computer. Eastham is just a few miles out side Tenbury Wells in Worcestershire.
22 Jun, 2009
The weather forecast is good for this week, Alan, so I hope you have a lovely time at Hopslade.... don't drink too many hops...Lol.
Conker says thanks for your Thursday wishes. xxx
22 Jun, 2009
Thanks Balcony ~
You are obviously looking after Boli very well...
15 years plus..
such a good age with a heart condition !
Wags from Boli very much valued for
22 Jun, 2009
Pleased to see you had some good news today about Conker. Will be thinking of you again on Thursday.
22 Jun, 2009
Thanks Pottygardener...
It is on the whole very good news so far.
An exploratory operation, probably on Week 5, will tell us if the chemo really is working well...
22 Jun, 2009
Great news that Conker is responding to the treatment, hopefully his blood count will be up on Thursday and he can continue with the chemo injections, its good that his breathing is easier and the swellings have reduced, so wishing you all the best for Thursday, luv from Polly and P.P. XXX
22 Jun, 2009
Thank you, Polly and PP.
It's encouraging that Jon the vet is being so very careful to make sure Conker's condition is okay to accept more chemo... xxx
22 Jun, 2009
Excellent news about Conker's swellings, TT. He is a little fighter, bless him. Will be thinking of you on Thursday with fingers crossed and everything else wagging!
Thanks, DocBob, for the story of your tortoise. Lovely to hear of another elderly tortoise on GoY :)
22 Jun, 2009
So glad to hear Conker is responding to treatment. Rosie and Meg have both been in season (I'm too scared to have them spayed) and both said they wanted to have puppies, just to get more tails to wag of course. I'm afraid I had to veto the idea! If only we still had the tadpoles......
22 Jun, 2009
That's good news - I know you have to go again, Tt - but at least you can smile in between, knowing that Conker is better. Well done to you for all the hard work. It's paying off, isn't it! :-)
22 Jun, 2009
Some more tail wags from Gizzy and Wobble in the North West of England
22 Jun, 2009
Hi Tt
Couldn't go to bed until I had another look at your latest blog. So many good wishes from people and all that wagging must get a good result for Thursday's treatment. Give Conker a big hug from me, if he can stand it.I was in the hands of my lovely Osteopath today as she helped sooth all my aches and pains. Amazing girl. She won her first Dressage competition yesterday on 'her' horse which she doesn't own but is allowed full use of. She also treats horses with her great skills and knowledge of Osteopathy. Roy and I used to have a McTimoney Chiropractor before moving here and he also specialized in horses! We reasoned that if they can help dumb animals, and it has been proven that they really do get successful results, then they must be good for us, who can explain all the problems to them verbally (including moans and groans!).
Have a good night's rest both of you. xx
22 Jun, 2009
This is the kind of subsidence story which is good to hear about. Beneath that lovely coat and cute face lurks a very strong fighter, indeed. Many Thanks for your update, same love and best wishes for Thursday! - XXX
Now, Doctorbob. The Mrs Tommy Tortoise makes sense, but what about a tortoise called Alan????
22 Jun, 2009
The shot they gave my late husband so he could get his white cell count up was very expensive..$4000.00 a shot..he had to have 3 of these shots over the time he was taking is not unusual for this to is expected and it is so good that they are on top of it this way.
Everything is such good news..his body is putting up a good fight..good for are doing a great job TT...
many big hugs and xxx's...and lots of, well, if you were to count them, I would suppose it would be millions of wags going on here...
23 Jun, 2009
Lots of wags coming from Kamloops from Susie and Molly and some extra loud purrs from Chevy and Inky too.
23 Jun, 2009
To increase the effects of positive affectionate vibes for Conker, Sleepy has added a lot of ear twitching while she sleeps .... every little prayer and action helps for our loved furry friends
23 Jun, 2009
Your comments are keeping me positive :o)
Thanks Gee, Rosie, Meg, Spritz, Gizzy, Wobble, Lyn, David, Cat, Gilli, Susie, Molly, Chevy and Inky.
Yes, treatment is expensive, but the clinic is excellent and Conker is worth every penny... Cat you certainly to spent a lot. These medications are pricey but effective...
Lyn, I hope your aches and pains are eased. Some years ago I watched a talk and demonstration by a McTimoney chiropractor who specialised in dogs. He wanted a volunteer, so my Welsh Terrier, Bonsai, stood on the table while various techniques were demonstrated. Bonsai thought it was fun... :o)
Yes, David. This kind of subsidence is the sort we like.
Good that the GoY tortoises are coming out of their shells to support Conker, and, Bornagain, what a good idea to have the GoY tadpoles wagging in ponds around the world.. Lol.
And Tonyb158 ~ such wonderful names ~ Gizzy and Wobble ! :o)
23 Jun, 2009
Hi Terry ~
Sounds like Sleepy is fitting in very well with your friends and family in Italy. Ear twitchings are definitely positive vibes... thank you. :o)
23 Jun, 2009
Keep feeling positive, Terra - Thursday will be here in a flash and hopefully, the white cells will be abounding by then. Cuddles for Conker and Truffle too!
23 Jun, 2009
She sure has won our hearts TT - I was reluctant to have another after Giove left us - I mean we already had another 4 - yet I simply couldn't resist her !! .....
I shall be taking some of that tonic we talked about last year for the ailing strays - also some good news is that we now have a new Mayor in the little town, who has promised that he will set up a "sterilisation programme" .... at least this way, we only have to feed and look after the newly abandoned cats and dogs .....
A big hug to you all
23 Jun, 2009
I am sure that Casper is wagging for Conker and I have all my fingers and toes crossed.
23 Jun, 2009
I've just had a chat to Bailey, and he's ready to wag on Thursday (although, he tells me to tell you and Conker, that he's never actually stopped wagging since I first asked him, lol).
He's doing a lot of licking too. Arrggghhhh!!! I asked him why and he said.."because I CAN!". tsk, tsk, tsk.
23 Jun, 2009
Although Toffee isn't keen on dogs (never having met one ) his tail this morning is high and waving! Positive healing thoughts being sent by me and Toffee, oh and a virtual hug for you TT
23 Jun, 2009
Thanks for keeping me positive, Wagger.
Appreciated more than you know...
Terry, I think Giove sent you Sleepy as a special gift.
Glad to know you have the tonic medicine for the cats.
I'm giving Conker a spoonful each day to top up his vitamins and minerals...
Hi Bobg ~ Yes, I'm sure lovely Casper is wagging very hard, don't you... What wonderful memories we have from our pets..
Hi Llew ~ Bailey's wagging (and licking) is much appreciated Lol. :o)
23 Jun, 2009
Hello Skilla ~
Conker is a very gentle dog, so I think he and Toffee would be good friends. Sounds like Toffee is doing some wondering waving over there in Lincs. Lol.
... and thanks for the virtual hug.... very much helping me. :o)
23 Jun, 2009
Conker is beautiful.
Daisy and I have only just come to this story but we both have our fingers and legs crossed for you this week. Daisy is also wagging her tail, even though she is a cat she wags it a lot even when she's happy so she is an expert 'wagger'! Thinking of you both. Good luck
23 Jun, 2009
Thankfully TT..we had insurance at the time...and most of the cost was covered..I just thought it was an awful lot for that one shot....I know your sweet Conker is worth every cent..and am so glad he is doing so well...
More tail wags today here again....mine too! The neighbors are really beginning to wonder about me!
(((hugs))) and xxx...~Cat
23 Jun, 2009
Still all on the ball here Terra,in fact I,m going dizzy watching them all,pleased Conker is perking up and hope all is fine on Thurs.big hug for Conker and belly tickle for Truffle(bet he likes that)hope your ok as well.xx Sue......
23 Jun, 2009
Hello Lily2 ~
Sounds like Daisy is really experienced at tail wags, so thanks to both of you. Please wag extra hard on Thursday. :o)
Hi Cat..... thank you for the wags and hugs..
Conker has enjoyed a lovely sunny day in the garden, hopefully generating lots of white blood cells. :o)
Hello Sue.... It's great to know the Lincspets are still wagging away. Truffle sends a grin :o) xxx
23 Jun, 2009
I've shown Sophie the lovely picture of Conker and she thinks he is a very handsome and well groomed chap. However, as she has been rolling in not very pleasant things in the park I have told her he simply wouldn't want to know her. Nevertheless she sends much love and best wishes for Thursday, and so do I.
23 Jun, 2009
My pooch Rexi doesn't have hardly any tail at all, but she's wagging it like crazy in hopes that the white blood cell count is up for Thursdays visit. She's got all of her toes crossed too :) We wish you both well.
23 Jun, 2009
Sorry I've been so long answering that one re Tortoise called Alan, my internet connection disappeared completely for 24 hours. My sister -in-law named him, she's weird I know, she also had a tiny one called Hiawatha.
Still giving lots of love to Conker, TT and all. Hope improvement continues. Hated being off GOY for even one day.
24 Jun, 2009
Conker thanks Sophie for the good wishes, even if she isn't smelling of sweet perfume today. Lol.
Well done, Rexi, on wagging that little bitty tail, and for crossing all those toes. :o)
..and, Bob ~ you're keeping me amused with your list of tortoise names... Haiwatha sounds a good one..Lol.
My computer wouldn't switch on the other day. I managed to mend it somehow ! The thought of being long without GoY was unbearable....
that awful condition has a name... W I N G...
Without Internet... Need GoY :o)
Conker is planning to enjoy the sunny garden today and build up his white blood cells ready for tomorrow.
24 Jun, 2009
Bench cat gave a big meow this morning for Conker wishing him luck for tomorrow.
24 Jun, 2009
Morgana... that's wonderful. Thank you.
Well done Bench Cat :o) xxx
24 Jun, 2009
I know we are newbies here, but Todd wants to send huge wags of his tail for Conker and I send T and P over for you all and especially Conker that his treatment may continue to improve his health. He is just beautiful. Hugs Pam and Todd
24 Jun, 2009
Thank you, Pam and Todd.
Tomorrow will be a demanding day for Conker, but today we all played in the garden and enjoyed the sunshine....
... every day so precious.
24 Jun, 2009
Just catching up after 2 days off site Terra...glad all well on Monday and all tails still spinning for tomorrow.Hoping that the bloods are ok for next round....Mary says excuse the pun but keep your pecker up ! xx
24 Jun, 2009
Crocus the budgie has received Mary's message, parrot fashion, and passed it on to Conker. Many thanks.
Conker has enjoyed a relaxing day in the garden, which I hope has prepared him for his chemo treatment
24 Jun, 2009
Will be sure to tune in ...all very best luck.xx
24 Jun, 2009
Conker you are in my heart and prayers, Hopefully you will be all better soon
24 Jun, 2009
Thanks, BB and Pondlady...
I'm starting to get a bit edgy about tomorrow's clinic session. I'll add to my blog tomorrow evening to report how it all goes... ...
24 Jun, 2009
Hi TT & Conker, hope all goes well tomorrow,
24 Jun, 2009
Thinking of you
24 Jun, 2009
Thank you Clarice, Jane and BB xxx
24 Jun, 2009
Many Thanks, Doctorbob, for the further info on the tortoises' names. Lol, if Alan had been John, and Hiawatha were Pocahontas.......... :-)
Our Dear Tt. Will be at work tomorrow until 9pm, but will check up on your visit tomorrow. The mention of Conker's purple bandage is interesting, as the colour is linked to cytotoxic drugs. Hope this soon becomes a yellow bandage. :-) xxx Good Luck!
24 Jun, 2009
Best of luck Conker, we're sure you'll be fine as there's a bit of a breeze all over from all that wagging.
Love from Rosie & Meg X X
25 Jun, 2009
Hope today goes well..thinking of you...~Cat
25 Jun, 2009
Yes David, it would have been good, but Alan only had eyes for Mrs. Tommy. They lived together for many years although she resisted all his romantic advances, we watched with great amusement every day whilst Mrs. T raced around the garden with Alan in hot pursuit, he never caught her, this went on for years until the poor old boy died, (probably from exhaustion). Mrs. T has been a merry widow for about 25years.
Good luck Conker, still keeping everything crossed. xx
25 Jun, 2009
Thinking of you on this special day!
Shall check blog tonight before I zonk out. Herbal knockouts, of course. I've had too much trouble with the other kind.
25 Jun, 2009
Thanks to David, and Rosie and Meg, and Cat, and Doctor Bob and a whole host of tortoises, and Simplylyn ...
The positive wishes and wags of everyone on this blog have produced good results and Conker was able to have treatment today. Please see blog above for details...
I really appreciate the support from so many GoY members, making this difficult and lengthy course of treatments easier to undergo... xxx
25 Jun, 2009
Thanks for the update TT. So glad to hear Conker's treatment went well. As you say he is worth all the expense. Hope he won't have bad effects from the chemo, keep drinking the water Conker.
Love to all,
Bob and Sylvia. xxxx
25 Jun, 2009
Good job getting his white cell count up..I am sure having Truffle there is good for Conker keeps him in an active mode even more than if he were alone..Hope the tests all come back good...chemo does affect so many functions in the glad he has such a good vet to take care of him and you for a nurse is so good too...He is in such good and loving care...
Lots of good energies heading to all of you and especially to Conker for his comfort and strength dealing with this round of has his balance been TT...the chemo tends to affect the feet is a very normal reaction to chemo...and it should get better over his treatments lighten up if you are noticing any wavering and such.
xxxx's ~Cat
25 Jun, 2009
Thank you Bob and Sylvia ~
I give Conker lots of water drinks, day and night...
... also, Conker and Truffle enjoy many drinks of water with skimmed milk.. they get that drink every time I have a cup of tea... which is VERY often. Lol. xxx
25 Jun, 2009
You're right, Cat. Some treatments such as the corticosteroids are reduced each week...
Conker is still able to balance in a "beg" for his dish, so seems okay there... xxx
25 Jun, 2009
That is super good news TT..he is doing so good! If he does lose balance a bit though don't be surprised, it would be pretty normal. You are in my heart..all of you. xxx ~Cat
25 Jun, 2009
Brilliant news, TT, so glad that everything went well today and Conker was able to have the treatment. That must be such a relief after the wait. Just spotted your great new picture of Truffle and Conker together (I'm having trouble keeping up with everyone's photos and blogs) but that one leapt out at me! Take care of yourself as well as Conker, Truffle and Crocus.
25 Jun, 2009
Hi Gee :o)
On my latest pic. Truffle wants to be sure that Chloe knows he will protect her from all kinds of beetle...
little or large... Lol.
It's a relief to have the latest session of chemo completed. We're all exhausted right now, but will bounce back soon. Yes, not easy to keep up with all the photos and blogs...
25 Jun, 2009
Thanks for the advice, Cat.
I know you have lots of experience in this... xxx
25 Jun, 2009
Paddy's very pleased that things seem to be going well. He will keep his paws crossed. and wag his tail but then Paddy never stops wagging his tail (except bath time of course)
25 Jun, 2009
Thank you, Paddy...
your wags and those of all the GoY pets and wildlife are much appreciated :o)
25 Jun, 2009
good news on the white blood cell count TT, more healing thoughts being sent with all these wags and hugs and good thoughts he must get better :o)
25 Jun, 2009
Thank you, Skilla, for the wags and hugs :o)
Conker and I are rather exhausted this evening, but it is good to know this week's chemo is now completed.
25 Jun, 2009
Glad to hear the good news! Tail spins from Mary and the cats ! xx
25 Jun, 2009
Great to hear all went well today.....keep looking after each other.....the trio here will be wagging again next Thursday.
25 Jun, 2009
Thank you Phil & BB ~
Wags and spins will be appreciated again next Thursday :o)
25 Jun, 2009
wags hugs and kisses from my big Boxer"Balboa"an little pom "Peppi"we are all thinking of you.great to hear u got good news today TT.Tails Up Conker :~)
25 Jun, 2009
Lovely to hear from Balboa, Peppi and you, Mobee....
Those wags, hugs and kisses are all giving Conker the enthusiasm to keep going with his treatment. :o) xxx
25 Jun, 2009
One more step along this difficult journey, one step closer to a happy life for Conker, along with you and Truffle. I'm sure he looks very smart with his new blue bandage to show off to you both. Keep taking as much strength as you can from all your GOY friends.
Beautiful photo of your boys with their beetles. xxx
25 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Wagger.
Your comments always make me smile and feel stronger and more positive. Conker is cream-crackered this evening, but that's not surprising after his big dose of chemo on a hot afternoon. I've kept him out of the sunshine today.
In my photo, I was so surprised at how well Truffle held the stick with the giant beetle. Lol. He had learnt "hold" only a couple of days previously. :o)
25 Jun, 2009
Give Conker an extra cuddle from me TT :)) I'm sure he realises you are doing all you can for him. Oh - better cuddle Truffle too-don't want to upset him lol :))
25 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Aster... I'll make it a hat-trick and cuddle the budgie too. Lol. Conker is so much better than he was a few weeks ago, so that must be a good sign... :o)
25 Jun, 2009
I am so pleased for you both that the white cell blood count had risen so he could have his chemo session today. Boli would probably sends lots of wags as well but she asleep at the present. Being an old dog she spends much of the day sleeping.
I send best wishes for a speedy recovery for Conker in her place as I have no tail to wag.
25 Jun, 2009
Hello Balcony and Boli ~
I reckon dogs of all ages sleep more in this warm weather..... Even young Truffle has been lazing about a lot ! Thanks for the wags relayed on from beautiful Boli. xxx
25 Jun, 2009
Just got in. Many Thanks for the upbeat update, Tt!
Conker's wcc on the up is gr8! Also the change of bandage colour from purple to blue! Cytotoxic waste - drugs, syringes, etc. are disposed of in sharps bins with purple lids, btw. Blue lids mean far less dangerous waste (the colour-coding helps ensure that the contents are incinerated at the correct temps). But, blue is my fave colour in any case, lol! I wonder if they do green bandages meaning "All Clear - Free to Go" ? That would be wonderful, and the news thus far is so heartening. Will continue to encourage as much wagging as poss, here, for next week. :-)
Drbob, would have thought that Hiawatha/Pocahontas/whoever would have been an easy catch, but seems not, in the tortoise world :-)
25 Jun, 2009
pleased to hear that the chemo was able to be administered, and that conker has coped well with it. I keep checking the blogs to hear how he is doing. I have no tail, but am shaking my a**!. lol.
25 Jun, 2009
Pleased all went well today Terra,I,ve just seen your latest photo,s of your boys and will admit it brought a tear,they look so handsome posing for their mum,Truffle has grown so much and its lovely to see Conker sitting so proud he,s definitely a fighter and God willing we,ll see many more photo,s of them together..........
25 Jun, 2009
So glad to hear all went well today TT. Lovely to hear Conkers white count was up. Don't be surprised if it dips down again after each chemo. That's why Brad had to have shots for 5 days after every treatment.
Give him a big cuddle from me and don't forget to include Truffle and Crocus too. Then give yourself a big hug from me too.
26 Jun, 2009
Sorry missed the news last night. Had to write before I start my shower to say how pleased I am about dear Conker. I do so hope all goes well for him now. To you both I send hugs and all best wishes and any one else who needs them.
26 Jun, 2009
Hi Lincslass ~
I read your message last night before going to bed and it really helped because I was feeling low for some reason..
Thank you.
I'm glad you like the latest picture of my dogs.
They like having their photos taken ~ if pick up my camera to transfer some photos to the laptop, Conker and Truffle get very excited, thinking it's their turn to pose for a picture. Lol.
Conker is being brave... he doesn't like being with strangers at the best of times...
26 Jun, 2009
Hi David ~
Yes, blue is my favourite colour, too.
Amongst flowers there are some lovely blue ones.
Are you able to include blue colours in your chocolate garden or would they clash ? Lol.
Hello Jean ~
Your special kind of shaking is sending the right vibes.
Conker is looking perky today... many thanks. :o)
Thank you Gilli. I'm glad to know Brad's treatment has had such a positive outcome. You've been through months of this, coping so strongly. Thanks for the hugs. xxx
Morning Simplylyn ~
Your special hugs have been passed on to Conker, Truffle, Crocus and me. Crocus the budgie was given a very gentle hug so as not to ruffle his feathers. Lol.
26 Jun, 2009
Im going to add some extra wags to help Conker along - so beware of incoming from Muffin, Ginger, All the ducks (Catalina, TaDuck, DuckTurpin, Midge and Beaky), the chickens (George, Peppa, Penny and Dotty)
26 Jun, 2009
Wow, thanks, Ducky !
Conker sat up, really alert, as those wags arrived from Muffin, Ginger and so many ducks and chickens :o)
26 Jun, 2009
What wonderful, wonderful news ....
26 Jun, 2009
Hi Terry ~
Yes, treatments are progressing :o)
26 Jun, 2009
We're all really happy here about the positive news TT! I keep looking at Conker's pictures and his cute little face and doing his tricks and he's truly a special pup. We have a new baby kitten here in our house by the name of Roo...he's got a big-boy MEOW and he's sending it over the pond to you and yours with wishes of a speedy recovery!!
26 Jun, 2009
I sent this twice...hmm..not sure how to fix this one! Must be twice the wagging! xo
26 Jun, 2009
Hello Poetgardener ~
Yes, must be twice the wagging... xxx
Roo sounds very cute. Conker says thanks for those New Jersey meows :o)
26 Jun, 2009
Good to hear that things are going good for your little canine son. Look forward to more positive news in the weeks to come!
26 Jun, 2009
Thanks, NN :o)
Conker is keen to get back to his gardening tasks as soon as he is fit....
26 Jun, 2009
Just catching up TT, pleased to hear Conker's treatment went OK yesterday. Off to check your photo's now.
It's understandable that you had a 'low moment', to help you both feel better, take a look at my blog "A walk around Llanymynech Lime Works Heritage Area". I think you'll enjoy the walk, it's a great doggy place, so many sniffs!
26 Jun, 2009
Oh, that's great news TT.....good boy Conker!!, you give those white cells what for and keep them coming!! Well, I do declare I think Finn is smiling, he has two rows of pearly whites looking at me as I'm typing this.....he knows Conker is on the mend......Take care and enjoy a relaxing weekend...XX
26 Jun, 2009
Thanks, Pottygardener. I'll take a look at your blog.
Yes, I do get "low moments" and I find GoY helps a lot. xxx
Hi Janey ~
Thanks to darling Finn for all his support... and for yours.
We've been lazy today. Trying to get some energy together. Spent a lot of time on GoY. You'll find my comments on everything. Lol. xxx
26 Jun, 2009
I'm so glad that today went well for Conker and for you. Todd is sending endless wags for him, and I send love and T and P for him and for you. It is so hard when we have one of our babies ill. My Amazon Parrot, Big Poll who we know is over 50, is fading away. She cannot eat any seeds, her digestive system is closing down and I have to try and tempt her with other things, but she is now sleeping 99.9% of the day and not eating enough to keep a sparrow alive. The Vet says we can't do anything, it is just age, but it is tearing me to bits. I have had her for 15 years now. I just have to watch and will know when it is time to let her go.
26 Jun, 2009
Hello Pamazon ~
Conker is very tired, but okay thanks...
Wags and hugs sent for Big Poll....
Looking after birds which are unwell ~
that's a hard task ~
I admire your work...
I've cared for sick budgies in the past...
Sounds like Poll is very peaceful and she knows you are there, looking after her....
26 Jun, 2009
Glad to hear Conker was able to have his treatment today TT. xx
Marley (my brother's terrier cross) is turning into a real superstar - thanks for your advice re his training! He still chews things and destroys them lol but he is such a good boy in all other respects. We took him for his first outing in a car and he just lay down in the back and we didn't hear a squeak out of him all the way! Since then he's even been on a train. He is a very friendly boy and very sociable - tail never stops wagging - never stops saying hello to complete strangers lol and everyone loves him coz he's so cute!
Anyway, Marley sends licks and wriggly-bum wags to your little family :-)
26 Jun, 2009
Hi TT glad everythings going well for Conker, he's always in my thoughts.
26 Jun, 2009
Oooooeeerrr!!!!! Bailey's tail's fallen off!!!! :o)
26 Jun, 2009
Hi Sid ~
Conker is coping well with the latest dose of chemo. xxx
I'm pleased to know my training tips helped Marley. :o)
Terriers are usually very lively and friendly..... they calm down by the time they are about ten years old. Lol.
Hello Clarice ~
Thank you for your positive thinking for Conker, and love to
Hi Llew ~ Bailey is a superstar ! Lol. :o)
27 Jun, 2009
Glad to hear Conker having a good weekend Terra....hope you can get out in the garden a bit.Pouring down all day here !
27 Jun, 2009
No rain here, BB and Jane
.... my water butts are very thirsty....
Conker also frequently thirsty, but doing well....
.. thanks for asking :o)
27 Jun, 2009
No rain here today, cloudy but fine and very humid, yes TT my water butts are nearly empty, had hosepipe on this afternoon, give a hug to Conker & Truffles, (keep leaving him out)from Smokey & myself, xx.
27 Jun, 2009
Hi Clarice ~
I started using one of my "emergency" rainwater butts yesterday afternoon. My plants don't do well with tap water, and I don't like using the mains water because I pay on a meter !
I hope Smokey and you are coping okay in the hot weather.
Conker takes corticosteroid tablets each morning, which I have to give wearing plastic gloves because they are strong drugs. He started three weeks ago on 3 per day, but next week, we are down to one tablet a day.... hooray :o)
Thanks for the hugs for Conker and Truffle. xxx
28 Jun, 2009
Yay !
This week Conker's corticosteroid tablet dose is reduced to my giving him only ONE with plastic gloves each morning... :o)
This morning Conker tried to join in a rope toy game with Truffle. Early days yet... but all good signs....
29 Jun, 2009
Fantastic news. Glad to hear things are a little better today
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks Jean...
Yes, very hot for Conker and everyone today, but my dogs have access to the cool kitchen from the long dog run, so all's well here. They've been relaxing while I've been climbing ladders to trim my ceanothus :o)
Do you get any sunshine in your north facing garden ?
From your photos it looks like there are some sunny areas...
29 Jun, 2009
Smokey at the moment is not coping very well at all with the hot weather, i love it but its to hot for him, with his kidney's not working right, most of the time he as to lay where its cool, but there's not many places at the moment that are cool, he keeps going in next doors overgrown grass in the shade at the moment, he drinks water for fun as done for last 13-14mths, when its hot like this he does'nt eat, normaly it would'nt worry me to much, but he needs to eat as if not his weight drops down quickly, and he can't afford to keep lossing it.
29 Jun, 2009
Hi Clarice...
As with you, I like these warm days and I've been working in the garden.
But this weather is very hot for our pets, even those who are not old or ill...
When Conker was extremely unwell a few weeks ago, and would hardly eat, I found he was able to lick food from my fingers, such as honey and custard. Do you think you could put nutrients into Smokey by tempting him to lick foods from your fingers ?
Also there's a vitamin/mineral supplement which you can buy from your vet called Vi-Sorbin. It is a green liquid. You put a teaspoon of it on the animal's food. Bonsai the Welsh Terrier had it last year and it gave him strength, and now Conker is also taking it.
I hope this helps. Smokey is such a cutey. xxx
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks TT i'll pop into vets and see if they have some tomorrow.
29 Jun, 2009
Vets might need to order the Vi-Sorbin. If you phoned vet today, they might have it in stock for you by tomorrow. It is often used for young horses, but also very good for dogs and cats...
29 Jun, 2009
Thanks will do.
29 Jun, 2009
Let me know how you get on, please, Clarice :o)
29 Jun, 2009
Ok will do.x
29 Jun, 2009
hi TT
Yes it gets sun one side very early morning, and the other late afternoon, so nearly all garden does get some sun. Will post some new pictures soon, everything is growing amazingly quickly, just watching some morning glory which have just started climbing, and they seem to be growing about 4 inches a day!
29 Jun, 2009
Hi TT, just caught up with all your blogs and comments, its a long read! Happy to hear Conker is progressing in the right direction. You have had some really lovely messages and good wishes, isn't it wonderful.
I don't have any pets, but I will wiggle my rather large Yorkshire bum for you and the boys! Or is that too much information? Love Marge.
29 Jun, 2009
Hello Marge ~
for some reason I was feeling a bit low tonight and your comments have cheered me up, so thank you :o)
Glad to know you are wiggling up in West Yorks....not too much information. Lol.
I've put a recent photo of Truffle and Conker on my photos... you can see how much Truffle has grown, and that Conker is starting to look a bit better.
Fingers crossed for Thursday when Conker has more chemo.
love, TT xxx
29 Jun, 2009
Good luck for Conkers next lot of treatment tomorrow....all wagging and spinning again ! x
1 Jul, 2009
Good luck Conker for tomorrow from both of us, TT i did'nt get that vi-sorbin, but i did get some rock sulfur its like a peace of yellow rock that you just brake a bit of and put it in their drinking water, and it keeps their body temp down, you can get it from most pet shops, it is for dogs, but told it wont do smokey any harm at all, even today as hot & humid as its been he was'nt as restless as the last few days, so it must be cooling him down abit.
1 Jul, 2009
~lots of good wishes for tomorrow!xxx
1 Jul, 2009
Thanks Arlene, BB/Jane and Clarice..
Please keep on wagging and spinning :o)
I'll put a report on GoY later tomorrow about Conker's cardiac tests and chemo injection
Clarice ~ I'm pleased you found something to help Smokey.
It's been very hot for our furry friends !
1 Jul, 2009
Good luck for tomorrows treatment xxx
1 Jul, 2009
OK. I had Bailey fitted with a new tail today and it's in overdrive, lol. Wagging away again furiously for Conkers next lot of treatment.
A hug coming to you too, T.T. 'cause I reckon you deserve one, hun.
1 Jul, 2009
Thanks Janette... It gets harder for me each time I have to hand Conker over for treatment, but the improvements in his health show it will all be worth while. He's going to be a brave boy. xxx
Thanks for the hug, Llew...
and wow, Bailey will be able to wag at top speed now. Lol.
Thanks for the good wishes. xxx
1 Jul, 2009
Hi TT, hope all goes well for Conker tomorrow. Will be thinking of you (and mentally wagging if not physically!) Take care.
1 Jul, 2009
Thank you Gee...
This next fortnight is the climax of the first five weeks of treatment, with stronger chemo and probably an exploratory operation next week, so wagging mentally is much appreciated. :o)
1 Jul, 2009
i am sure everyone on GOY will be thinking about you and Conker tomorrow. x
1 Jul, 2009
Good luck tomorrow TT......all jigging round here...tails a spinning for Conker.....:o)
1 Jul, 2009
Good luck for tomorrow TT and Conker, upside down Ben is wagging and I have been spinning round...on top of my vine weevils!!
1 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Jean, Janey, Pg and Ben...
It's very hot today but your wagging and spinning is sending a breeze our way, and keeping Conker cool and ready for his treatment...
What's that Pg ? surely not wagging vine weevils? Lol.
2 Jul, 2009
Thinking of you and Conker today, hope all goes well. How is Conker coping with the heat? I'm afraid Daisy is lolling around on the bed all day at the moment so is not doing her share of wagging. Never mind, I'll do it for her!
2 Jul, 2009
5 of the VW's are not doing anything any more TT!
2 Jul, 2009
Thinking of you today. hope all goes well x
2 Jul, 2009
All the best for today TT. More signs of improvement hopefully. Suki, Patch and Rosie are wagging. It's creating a cooling breeze. 84 degrees here at noon.
2 Jul, 2009
Good luck today TT. Susie and Molly are wagging their tails and Chevy and Inky are purring extra loudly. Thinking of you.
Hugs ~ Gilli x
2 Jul, 2009
Big wags and hugs coming from us here, praying that the results are good and more improvement has been found. The Guinea Pigs would wag but they have no tails so they are nose twitching as well. Big big good vibes (((((((((((((((Conker))))))))))))) :o)
2 Jul, 2009
Thanks everyone for your good wishes, and the wonderful wagging, twitching, hugging and purring :o)
Conker is doing well, but, my report above explains that once again the blood test did not show the results expected, so we have to make the journey to the clinic again next Monday 6th. for his next treatments...
2 Jul, 2009
~sorry to hear this TT but hopefully Monday will bring much better news!
2 Jul, 2009
You must feel so frustrated sometimes on top of all the worry you have to cope with. I do hope things go better on Monday - at least it's getting cooler over the weekend which will be easier for him, you - all of us. Have a restful weekend. xxx
2 Jul, 2009
Sorry today did not give you the news you wanted TT. Fingers crossed for Monday. Wags and spins from Ben & Tigger.
2 Jul, 2009
Obviously not what you wanted to hear, but not bad news. that's good. Hope the count will be ok for Monday. I'll stop the trio wagging for a couple of days, if you don't mind. Exhausted them today in the heat! Try to have a relaxing, long weekend.
2 Jul, 2009
Thanks.... Your messages have put me in a more positive frame of mind. :o)
Yes, probably cooler for the dogs by Monday.
We'll all enjoy the weekend and then get wagging and spinning and purring again on Monday :o) xxx
2 Jul, 2009
Try to keep positive even though you've had such a hot stressful day. All our thoughts are with you.
2 Jul, 2009
Can I echo everyones thoughts, that you can get some rest and relaxation over the weekend, and that you get the results you want on Monday.
Thinking about you all.
2 Jul, 2009
Sorry today did not go as you hoped, but sounds as though Conker is doing well, so keep strong and positive. All your friends on GOY are thinking of you
2 Jul, 2009
it is much cooler today which will be less stressful on your lovely boy~give him an extra hug from me and one for Truffle too!
2 Jul, 2009
Sorry today didn't go as expected, TT. As everyone else has said, try and relax and have a good weekend (hopefully it will be cooler). So glad Conker is perkier and hopefully he will get the next lot of treatment on Monday. Take care, God bless.
2 Jul, 2009
It must be hard Terra especially having travelled and then not being able to have his treatment,also this heat is enough to affect all our pets and they are not going through what Conker is bless him,keep your spirits up and hopefully all will be ok on Mon...........
2 Jul, 2009
So sorry Conker missed his treatment. Trying desperately to find a magicn edible ingredient to raise that WCC. for Monday!
With the heat, waving fans, everyone, might help us all ,and Conker, meantime ?
- X
3 Jul, 2009
What a shame about the treatment TT. Good luck to Conker for next Monday. But it's nice to hear he's doing well anyway.
3 Jul, 2009
Oh dear - no wonder you're a bit weary, Tt! All that worry and travelling in the heat - then no treatment.
But - it is getting cooler and it will be easier for you all on Monday. We'll all be waiting for news! xx
Keep your chin up!
3 Jul, 2009
Thank you everyone... I've read all your messages several times and I'm feeling more positive today. Conker gets exhausted after each clinic visit, regardless of treatment, so he's taking it easy today. In fact I was at my own doctor's surgery this morning...... and lately I'm so used to sitting in vet's waiting rooms, that it felt quite odd waiting there without a dog. Lol.
3 Jul, 2009
I hope YOU are OK, Tt!
3 Jul, 2009
Yes thanks, Spritz ... I sent you a copy of that private message you missed giving a progress report on the plants ... not sure if it got through... :o)
3 Jul, 2009
??? When??? How strange - I wonder who's getting my messages, Tt!!! lol.
3 Jul, 2009
I've just sent it again.. Lol.
3 Jul, 2009
Got it...thanks...xx... I've replied, as well! :-)
3 Jul, 2009
Sorry to hear your news Tt, but he's only a little chap and perhaps it takes him a bit longer to get his count up again. That little longer rest between treatments is obviously what he needs at the moment. As long as he's happy...... Best of luck for Monday. Rosie and Meg are still wagging.
3 Jul, 2009
Thanks Bornagain..
Love the photo of Rosie and your grandson on your pics :o)
Yes, you're right. Little Conker just needs a bit more time... we'll be back at the clinic on Monday....
Thanks for all the wagging... It's helping to get Conker through all this. xxx
3 Jul, 2009
So sorry TT about the news, but we are all there for Conker & you, hope things go better on monday, Smokey & myself send our love, & give him a hug from us.
3 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Clarice.
I've passed on the hugs to Conker.
Fingers crossed for
3 Jul, 2009
All these ups and downs...but please try to stay positive.Again,the cats are flicking their tails and Mary has been spinning hers so much she is moulting !! x
3 Jul, 2009
I'm so sorry things didn't go to plan, T.T. but hopefully, come Monday, Conker will be up for his treatment.
3 Jul, 2009
Thank you BB/Jane/cats/Mary... sensible to have a few less feathers in this hot weather. Lol.
Hi Llew ... Yes, thinking forward to Monday now...
The forecast is rain, so should be cooler parked at the clinic.
4 Jul, 2009
Will the special injection help to boost his count..sometimes that is the only way to get it high enough soon enough..I sure will be keeping all of you , especially Sweet Conker in my thoughts & heart...
5 Jul, 2009
Hi Cat...
It seems that the chemo treatment is done differently in dogs to in humans. Conker has to wait for his white blood cells to recover naturally.
Tomorrow, presuming his blood test is okay, he then has a cardiac test, because the vets follow this with a strong chemo injection. They choose between two types of chemo injection, depending on the cardiac results.
Thanks for your kind wishes for us all and especially for Conker xxx
5 Jul, 2009
Sorry to hear of the drop in wbcs. Hope all goes well for tomorrow, and that your own health is going to be ok.
Fingers and paws crossed here for all of you!
5 Jul, 2009
Best wishes for tomorrow, will be thinking of you TT and Conker. Hope all goes well. x
5 Jul, 2009
NN ~ Thanks.
In England, the very hot weather has cooled a little, so that will be better for the dogs... xxx
5 Jul, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~
Thank you. I'll be relieved to be back home later tomorrow, after Conker's treatment. xxx
5 Jul, 2009
Good luck Conker for tomorrow, form me & Smokey.
5 Jul, 2009
Thanks Clarice and Smokey ~
Rain showers forecast for most of the day tomorrow, so that will make the journeys cooler :o)
5 Jul, 2009
Wishing you the very best for tomorrow.Will be thinking of you.x Marys red tail feathers are now a stump !
5 Jul, 2009
Thanks BB and Jane...
In these times of recession, I hope Jane is making use of those lovely red feathers and creating a cottage industry making red feather dusters.Lol.
Please thank Mary for wagging and whirling so well :o) x
Conker's treatment starts a bit earlier tomorrow... the first tests will be at 10.30 am....
5 Jul, 2009
Best wishes for tomorrow, Conker, and TT. Hope everything goes well.
5 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Gee.
Conker has been perky over the weekend... just a bit thirsty as a result of the medication he's taken.....
5 Jul, 2009
Boli & I also wish you & Conker all the best for tomorrow. Boli's a bit too tired to wag her tail but I'll send send them in her place!
5 Jul, 2009
Thank you Balcony and Boli...
Your "Mixed doubles" wagging is much appreciated. Lol.
Conker says thanks to you both. x
5 Jul, 2009
Hope all goes well for Conker tomorrow Terra,hopefully it will be a bit cooler for you and Truffle so you can have your walk around the garden whilst waiting,still no rain here though.All my pals are on red alert for tail wagging though Malik does most of it as Morgan doesn,t like the heat and cats are sleepy............
5 Jul, 2009
Hi Lincslass and pals ~
Yes, the weather is windier and fresher today.
Thanks for your support.
I'll report back later...
6 Jul, 2009
Hope all goes as you hope today TT, will be thinking of you. Have just read your blog when Conker was diagnosed (it was before I joined), it made me feel so sad, such a dreadful thing to go through for both you and Conker. Keep positive whichever way it goes today.
6 Jul, 2009
Thank you Lily2...
Yes, the weeks when Conker became more and more ill were the most stressful of all because the vets couldn't work out what was wrong. I was nursing him 24/7 and watching him fade away. At least we now have a diagnosis and treatment is under way to extend his life for months or maybe even longer...
6 Jul, 2009
Are they able to give you a prognosis, Tt, or is it a wait for you to see how he get on?
6 Jul, 2009
Lots of positive thoughts winging your way for this morning. I hope the cell count is high enough for treatment to continue so that improvement too can continue.
6 Jul, 2009
Hi TT. Just adding a comment to make sure I get the update later. Need to do this as I must of stopped following your blog by mistake and wasn't getting the latest news.
6 Jul, 2009
Thanks Spritz, Wagger and Toto ~
Conker's visit to the vet clinic today was lengthy but successful. I've put a full report above, which I think answers your question, Spritz, in that it's difficult for the vets to predict on Conker's health for the long term, but he is doing well so far...:o)
6 Jul, 2009
Delighted to hear you have made another positive step forward in Conker's treatment. What a relief it must be to feel that things are at last progressing. Great news..
6 Jul, 2009
Thanks for the update TT. I'm so glad that Conker is responding well to his treatment and that Truffle is not going into hiding each time there is a storm. Also great to know that your gardeners natural instinct for getting free plants is alive and kicking.
Love to you all.
6 Jul, 2009
Thanks for the good news, TT. So glad all went well today and that you are all back home safely. I'm glad Truffle isn't upset by storms, makes life a lot easier! I expect you will all be tired tonight, after a week of waiting and a long day. Glad you found a friendly gardener; sounds a good source of new plants :)
6 Jul, 2009
Thank you Lily2 , Toto and Gee19 ....
Conker and Truffle have been fast asleep since I got home.... It's a relief to have today's treatment over successfully. I reckon I'll sleep better tonight... xxx
6 Jul, 2009
You must be worn out TT,good to hear all went ok today.We had a couple of storms today , nicely filling up the water butts :) Don't forget to take a pen and labels for all your cuttings and seeds lol ! It will keep you occupied whilst you wait for Conker,how nice of the gardener :))
6 Jul, 2009
Well done, Tt! Collecting cuttings etc will keep you occupied while dear Conker has his treatment. He's a very good boy to handle all this so well. You must be proud of him - and relieved today as well. :-)
Well done little Truffle, too - you are brave as well - Henry is a wimp when it thunders! lol.
6 Jul, 2009
Merlin is having an op to remove a lump in his paw next Tuesday and it will be sent off for a biopsy so any wags left over will be gratefully received!
~lots of love and hugs to Conker and Truffle and most of all to yourself for coping with all this when it can't be easy!
6 Jul, 2009
Arlene, I'm sorry to hear about Merlin - he can have a new set of wags all of his own! Let us know how it goes, and love and hugs to you. XXX
6 Jul, 2009
Good news then TT..the endoscopy should take no time at all..choose cuttings fast! I suppose you will have to wait for Conker to go to sleep and wake up..but if memory serves me they do not take too long.
So glad he wa able to get back on his schedule and is progressing so well! and that Truffle,,not even thunder can frighten him...not big red and purple beetles either! My Phoebe is scared to shreds of thunder and fireworks. What a good brave dog..and Conker too..he is so to you ~Cat
6 Jul, 2009
Hi Aster, Spritz and Arlene...
The clinic garden is very tiny and I couldn't see any labels, so
if any of the cuttings grow well, I guess I'll be putting photos on GoY for identification ! Lol.
Next week Conker's surgery will take a while so I might have to go away from the clinic and collect Conker in the evening....
Conker and Truffle say hi to Henry and they both promise to wag lots for Merlin. :o)
6 Jul, 2009
Hello Cat ~
Sorry, answers getting out of synch here..Lol.
There is a lot of waiting at the clinic and they've already told me to expect that Conker will need to be there for quite a number of hours... but I trust the clinic vet to do his best for Conker...
r 4t5bw smn7r4 sorry about that...
... Truffle has a new game of jumping and putting his paws on the keys... Lol.
I think it's a coded message from Truffle to Phoebe.
6 Jul, 2009
They are actually doing surgery then with the endoscopy TT?...I thought they were just looking at it...goodness...I suppose it could take a bit..It will be hard for you to leave him there for the day I suppose..hope you make plans to keep you and Truffle busy so you won't fret too much.
Lots of good wishes and tail wags here too..
6 Jul, 2009
`Hi Barbara~ many thanks~we are hoping that it is nothing nasty~fingers crossed!
6 Jul, 2009
Let's hope next Tuesday evening, there's good news to report of Conker and of Merlin .....
Cat ~ it's probable that the endoscopy will be a case of merely looking, but I trust the clinic vet to do whatever is necessary... Because of the anaesthetic, it would be normal for the clinic to monitor Conker for the whole day....
Yes, Truffle will keep my occupied...
Thanks for the wishes and wags all the way from Washington
6 Jul, 2009
It's a bit like the weather, isn't it Terra - a thunderstorm, some sunshine, a huge black cloud and some more sun - we'll get to the rainbow eventually, maybe next Tuesday. Just don't forget the secateurs! Misty empathises with Conker - she gets sick and tired of tablets every morning and evening but is glad she only needs blood tests six monthly and no endoscopies at all.
6 Jul, 2009
Hi Wagger ~
We have a storm outside right now... My plants and my water butts are saying thank you very much :o)
But yes, the rainbows are out there....
Misty is a very brave cat, taking all her tablets.. Do all her blood tests come back with good results ?
Conker doesn't need any chemo for a couple of weeks now because today's injection was extra strong ~ pulls the white blood cell count down very low, so he needs two weeks to recover...
.... and yes I must remember my secateurs to get those free cuttings.....Lol.
6 Jul, 2009
Just settling in for the evening after a days work, so pleased to hear you have had a positive day today TT. Good news all around. I'm sure you will sleep all better for it.
Arlene ~ about 3 years ago my lurcher Ben had a lump removed from his paw, it was a kind that can re-grow but is 'local' ~ it doesn't travel around the body. Paws are a common place for them apparently. It did re-grow and we had it removed along with the toe it was attached to. It never returned and he has always coped with just 3 toes on that foot, despite having narrow feet! So fingers crossed (and toes!) that Merlins is the same type.
6 Jul, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~
Yes, thanks. It was a positive day but I do need to catch up with sleep.....I've been worrying...
Let's hope your stories of Ben's paw will be encouraging for Arlene and Merlin...
6 Jul, 2009
Just read your update,and pleased to hear all going so well !
Typical Goy member taking cuttings from the garden Lol.At least you asked first ! Lol xx
6 Jul, 2009
I have PM'd her too in case she doesn't see this!
6 Jul, 2009
Very pleased you had good news to put in your update Tt. I have a photo of my old Staffy 'Buster' in here, and each time I see it I think of you and Conker. There is something about the companionship of a dog, that surpasses everything else. My continued thoughts and good wishes go to you, Conker and Truffle.
6 Jul, 2009
Misty's blood tests along with a weight check are just to see whether her medication level is ok or needs to be reduced or increased. Like Conker her little bald patch soon grows back and she is so fluffy it barely shows.
6 Jul, 2009
Hi Bb/Jane... I must fly the flag for GoY by selecting some good cuttings... and yes, I did ask first. Lol.
Pg ~ Good idea to PM Arlene... It's so easy to miss comments, photos, blogs. Lol.
BBumble ~ Is your photo of Buster on GoY ? Strange you mention your Staffie today. When I first went into the vet clinic this morning to wait with Conker, the next dog along was a lovely Staffie.... he was wagging, wagging, wagging... :o)
Yes, the companionship of a dog is something very special indeed....
6 Jul, 2009
Hi Wagger...
That's good to know Misty copes so well with her tests.
Conker has new shaved patches today, but, as with Misty, has lots of hair elsewhere....:o)
6 Jul, 2009
So pleased to hear today went well, you must be so tired! Will keep following Conker's progress. Get a good night's sleep all of you!
6 Jul, 2009
Hello Jean...
Thanks for following Conker's progress...
Yes I am tired. During each stage of Conker's treatment at the clinic, I'm worrying that the vets might come back with bad news... blood test, heart test etc.
Also I get up every night to give Conker a drink and let him into the dog run, as this helps reduce side effects to the medications....
But nevertheless...we'll all sleep well tonight... good advice :o)
6 Jul, 2009
Hi TT. So glad to hear everything went well today. Take it easy and try to relax as much as possible. The trio will be wagging again next Tuesday.
6 Jul, 2009
Hello Phil...
Yes, a relief that all went well at the vet clinic...
My thanks to your trio. Their wagging efforts are incredible...:o)
6 Jul, 2009
Aw....thats good news TT, so pleased that Conker is able to have his tests and comes through everything very bravely.....will be thinking of you next Tuesday and we all will be wagging here..X
6 Jul, 2009
Thank you, Janey...
The wagging is working... definitely...
9.10 pm here ~
Conker and Truffle are both curled up in their beds and Crocus is curled up on his perch.... Lol...
so I'm going up to bed to get some much needed
6 Jul, 2009
Nite nite TT.......enjoy a good rest....:o)
6 Jul, 2009
Yes, Tt, Staffies are very waggy dogs. Afraid Buster passed away at the ripe old age of 15 and a half, two years ago today. All my photos are pre-digital camera so not on GoY.
Enjoy your well earned rest, and love to your animal family.
6 Jul, 2009
Glad to hear the today went well for little Conker. Hoping for further good news to come. Take care! xoxox
6 Jul, 2009
HIP,HIP.HOORAY! Conker got treated today! Oh, am so relieved!
Lime green is definitely heading towards my mental vision of a yellow bandage. Yellow disposal sharps bins/bags means just normal clinical waste - i.e. having been in contact with another person/doggy. You should ask, out of interest, if they do likewise? I'd love to see a yellow bandage!
Glad to read that you got some gardening time, too, lol!
We had a sudden, tremendous, thunderstorm here today. Was in the park with the kids and the adults had to carry their kids to the csrpark - the rainwater was knee-deep within minutes! I got mine and some more to their cars safely - what an adventure, "The Perfect Storm", lol!
OK - time now to concentrate on the 14th! :-)
Lots of Love and Hugs from us here XXX
6 Jul, 2009
I'm glad to hear yesterday's vet visit brought some good news TT. I hope it continues to improve for Conker.
Many many hugs from me and many many loud purrs from Blodyn :o) xxx
7 Jul, 2009
Hi. Bbumble ~
Old photos come out very well on GoY if they are scanned.
Please take a look at my photo of butterflies on Sedum spectabile. That is a scan of a 20 year old photo, and looks very clear. Maybe you could have a try with a pic of beautiful Buster...
Thanks NN. Yes, treatment going well, thanks.
Conkers is very sleepy today, but okay. :o)
7 Jul, 2009
Hi David ~
Yes, I saw on the news of a severe storm warning in the Fife area... Did you have Lucky with you ? Did he have to swim to safety ?
Conker's bandage is definitely lime green, not yellow...
... maybe green for "Go ahead and get better" Lol. xxx
Hello Hywel ~
It's a relief for me that Conker now has a week off ~ a break away from the clinic, after his big chemo injection... Thanks to Blodyn for the purrs... Does she purr in Welsh ? Lol. xxx
7 Jul, 2009
Yes. lol :o)
7 Jul, 2009
TT. Im so pleased for Conker, hugs and lots of love from Smokey, he says to tell Conker to keep going like he is.You know its 14mths since smokey was diagnosed with kidney failure, this time last year i did'nt think he would have been with me last xmas, looks like he is on his way to seeing next xmas aswell, but you know TT like you i look after him really well, and i think they know sometimes that we are there for them, and it must help them, its like us if we are ill its nice and comforting to know someone is there for us.
7 Jul, 2009
Hi Clarice ~
Smokey is doing so well 14 months on from his kidney failure diagnosis ! A real inspiration ! Yes, you are right that knowing someone is there for us spurs us on to get better. The lovely messages, both on this blog, and privately, are giving me the strength to keep going through Conker's treatment. :o)
7 Jul, 2009
Terra, I am so very glad that Conker was able to have his next chemo, another step in the right direction for him and for you. Truffle is a good lad, taking the thunder in his stride. I know how worn out you must feel with worry and caring for him, bless you all, loads of love and hugs coming for you, from me, Todd and the Zoo xxxxxxx. Big hugs for Arlene and Merlin too and all poorly animals and their Moms and Dads....... xxxx
7 Jul, 2009
Hi Pam ~
I'm going to try hard to get my strength and my sleep back to normal this week, so that I'm fit for next Tuesday. Hoping to catch up with some garden tasks .... I've been moving rain water from my water butts to other storage... just in case we have another long dry spell...
Yes, good wishes, going to Arlene and Merlin and all the GoY pets. We try to do our very best for
7 Jul, 2009
~thanks everyone for all your kind wishes~heres's hoping that
Merl will be okay and that his lump is not nasty!
7 Jul, 2009
No. Lucky wasn't with us this time, Thank Goodness (we wanted to ride a pedalo on the boating pond and play Crazy Golf, so there wouldn't have been any hands free to watch him then. On the drive home, there were manholes being lifted skywards with the force of the water exploding out of the drains. Haven't seen that since I was a kid. Treated them as surprise water features, lol! £ towns shere I know of were completely blocked off, like islands.
Green for Go - the way to go!
Here, Here! Arlene.
7 Jul, 2009
So pleased Conker is back on track, I don't know what I've done but I keep having to log on to goy and don't get updates or anything. I blame my daughter who was trying to speed up my machine by getting rid of stuff on here and I think my history's been messed with so I have no memory....a little like myself :-( I'll have a go at restoring it. ;-/ We're still wagging in the midlands.
8 Jul, 2009
Hi Bornagain ~
Thanks for keeping up the wagging in the Midlands...
Conker is resting this week after his huge chemo injection...
If you're not sure that your GoY home pages are working correctly, you can send a message to Peter and Ajay by clicking on the Contact Us words at the bottom of the page.
I hope this helps. Or message me privately if you need help with your GoY pages. We don't want to lose you ! :o)
8 Jul, 2009
TT, so glad that things are looking up for all of you. Good news is good news, and just take it for what it is. You must be SO relieved. Popie is sitting next to me waiting patiently to have some of my dinner, and I think she's saying that she needs a break from wagging so she can have that last bite of my cheeseburger! I think she's right...but then, right back to wagging. It really is working!
Love from my house of pets, to yours!
9 Jul, 2009
Hi PG ~
Yes, the wagging is working. Thank you ! We're enjoying the week off before going back to the clinic. Conker is very exhausted from the big chemo injection, so I'm letting him enjoy a lot of rest. xxx
9 Jul, 2009
Thanks for letting us know TT.
9 Jul, 2009
Hi Toto...
Thanks. Conker is taking it easy this week after his huge dose of chemo....
9 Jul, 2009
I kow you still need to look after him and Truffle and Crocus but take the oportunity to take as much rest as you can for yourself.
9 Jul, 2009
Wise advice... :o)
9 Jul, 2009
I hope that conker will soon be well so that he always going to the vets having needles. Its such a sin and they cant even tell us what they are feeling. Well my fingers are crossed that you will hear nothing but good news about conker
9 Jul, 2009
Thank you, Pondlady..
Conker is already so much better than he was a few weeks ago, that I know I've done the right thing in following this course of treatment..
Fingers crossed for next Tuesday evening when I'll get more information on Conker's progress from the clinic's vet.
9 Jul, 2009
Don't worry TT, the way things are going it's got to be good news.
10 Jul, 2009
Hi Toto ~
Today Conker has been playing tug toy games with Truffle, so he must be feeling well. :o)
10 Jul, 2009
That's great news TT.
10 Jul, 2009
Thats got to be a plus sign Terra, bless him he`s obviously got a bit more energy I,m so pleased............
10 Jul, 2009
Good to hear Conker is playing tug games. Have a good weekend and REST!!!!!
11 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Toto, Lincslass and Sueb ~
Conker is enjoying lots of rest this weekend... and he's even more playful....
I walked in the kitchen mid-morning to find Conker and Truffle in the midst of another rope toy tug game....
Yes, the energy and enthusiasm is returning :o)
11 Jul, 2009
That's great. Things are definitely looking good.
11 Jul, 2009
You must be thrilled to see Conker getting back to his old self. He is obviously feeling much better so hopefully you won't feel so stressed on your next vet trip on Tuesday. Good luck, will be thinking of you and watching for an update.
11 Jul, 2009
Thanks Lily2 ~
Conker has just enjoyed a thorough grooming...
There's another big bald area on his side I don't need to brush because of shaving for last week's cardio test, but, hair can re-grow... main thing is... he's enjoying life again...
Tuesday will be a long day. I'll probably return home after leaving him at the clinic early morning. Then, all being well, I can collect Conker in the late afternoon...
11 Jul, 2009
LOL...oh this is great news to hear that he is playing like this TT..LOL..must do your heart good..makes mine smile for sure..! Precious fur kids..! Good for Truffle being there too..he is helping Conker so much..!
11 Jul, 2009
Hi Cat ~
Yes, I'm seeing more of Conker's true personality shine through now. He's finished the four weeks of corticosteroid tablets which means his increased thirst has diminished, so he feels more like playing and joining in the fun :o)
11 Jul, 2009
So pleased Conker is feeling a bit better and more playful, i think Truffle's being there is helping Conker aswell.
11 Jul, 2009
Hi Clarice...
I hope Smokey is well...
You're right... even as I was reading your comment the dogs found another old string toy and they are now playing games together. Truffle seems to understand he can't be too rough with Conker... It's back to how they were playing a few months ago. Let's hope the improvement
11 Jul, 2009
Fingers crossed aswell as tails wagging.
11 Jul, 2009
So glad Conker is getting his zest for life back and has enough energy to play with Truffle. Get that camera out, TT, so we can all see!
Fingers already crossed for Tuesday and Chloe and Co are ready for the big WAG :)
11 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Clarice .:o)
Wonderful to know that you and Smokey, are ready for Tuesday with Gee & Co for the big WAG. :o)
Hi Gee ~
Your plants are all happy thanks.
Can I take the seeds off the Sisyrinchium now, and plant them ?
I had my camera out today. Couldn't get a photo of Truffle and Conker playing together ~ they were moving too fast... my camera has a delay on it... just got tails....Lol.
but I took a pic of Conker, which I'll put on GoY this evening..
... It's a relief to see him looking more healthy... xxx
11 Jul, 2009
Not sure about the seeds on the Sisyringchium, TT! I usually just leave them to do their own thing :)
Isn't it frustrating when you can't get a shot you want? I will keep a look out for your new photo of Conker this evening. Just off for my tea now - a bit late but I forgot to turn the oven on for my jacket potato :(
11 Jul, 2009
You'll be really hungry by the time you eat that jacket potato, Gee. Enjoy !
I'll let you know progress on the Sisyrinchium seeds. :o)
11 Jul, 2009
So glad that Conker is feeling so much better he now has the enthusiasm to play games with Truffles. It's so good to see an animal you love come back from an illness & play once again! :)
Lots of tail wagging from Boli. Best wishes for next week from me.
11 Jul, 2009
Hi Balcony ~
It seems amazing that only a few short weeks ago Conker was so near to death.... Every day with him is even more special now. Let's hope Tuesday brings good results.
Boli is helping with all his wagging. xxx
11 Jul, 2009
I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday, hun.
11 Jul, 2009
Puccini and I are sending prayers, wags and good thoughts for continued progress in Conker's treatments.
We hope soon Conker will be completely well again...and
this would all have just seemed like a bad dream!
Take care!
12 Jul, 2009
Hi Llew ~
Thanks for your wishes for Tuesday....
I'm anxious already...
Hello Puccini and Delonix ~
Yes, Conker's illness does seem like a bad dream... such a young dog... thanks for your prayers, wags and good thoughts.
12 Jul, 2009
Been away this weekend so just read Conker is getting back to his old self. I'm so pleased, you must be feeling a bit happier now. I hope Tuesday goes well
12 Jul, 2009
Hi Jean ~
I hope you had a good weekend away.
Conker seems to be doing fine, thanks.
Yes, Tuesday will give me the answers as to just how effectively the treatment is working on Conker.
12 Jul, 2009
All the very best to both you and Conker for Tuesday. All my hopes and prays go with you.
12 Jul, 2009
Toto.... thank you :o)
12 Jul, 2009
Terra, I am so thrilled to hear that Conker has regained some of his energy, it must lighten your heart so much. All thoughts, prayers, tail wags and parrot screeches coming for Tuesday. You will be in our thoughts.......hugs xxx :o)
13 Jul, 2009
Hope all goes well tomorrow Conker & yourself aswell TT.
13 Jul, 2009
Will be thinking of you both tomorrow, good luck.
13 Jul, 2009
Thank you Pam, Clarice, Lily ~
My dogs had lots of fun today playing toys. Then Conker enjoyed a thorough grooming and had his teeth brushed with doggie tooth paste. He likes that too, so he is now all ready for his big day tomorrow.
We had one worry this morning in that my friend who does the driving heard that his mother who lives a couple of hundred miles away is in hospital after a fall, but turns out he doesn't need to visit her yet, so our plans tomorrow for the journeys to the vet clinic are not altered..
13 Jul, 2009
Will be thinking of Conker and you all day.
14 Jul, 2009
All the best TT - thinking of you today
14 Jul, 2009
Wishing you all the Best of Luck for today! :-)
14 Jul, 2009
Hope you and Conker did get good news today Tt. I twasn't great news for Roxy(my neighbour's dog who I told you about) as last week they discovered more tumors and weren't very hopeful but after another operation, they think they've gott them all and are very upbeat on her progress(fingers crossed).
14 Jul, 2009
Good luck for today TT and Conker. x
14 Jul, 2009
Thank you Wagger, Terry, David, Paul and PG ~
The report of Conker's vet clinic visit is above :o) :o) :o)
Paul ~
That's such good news that next door's Roxy is recovering well. Let's hope she continues to make good progress.
14 Jul, 2009
Tt and Conker, what wonderful news. You can't imagine how happy I am for you. XX for Conker.
14 Jul, 2009
Hi Silverbelle.... Thanks.
Great news isn't it. xxx from Conker :o)
14 Jul, 2009
Great news TT. I'm so pleased for you and Conker.
14 Jul, 2009
Encouraging news Tt.
Three cheers for Conker
That's one each from me , Julie and Paddy!
14 Jul, 2009
Thanks Phil and Paul, Julie and Paddy :o)
I didn't sleep at all last night, but I'm sure going to sleep well tonight :o)
14 Jul, 2009
OMG what Fantastic News TT :) Lots Of Licks & Wags 4 Conker from Summer when hes bright enough 2 receive them TT & Lots Of Big Cuddles & Kisses From Me 2 u all XXXXX
14 Jul, 2009
Whoopee....good news TT and Conker. :o))))
So pleased you have encouraging news.
Can't help with the cuttings I'm afraid.....but we know there will be those coming here who can :o))
14 Jul, 2009
Wonderful news, Terra, big grins all round. We're all in it for the long haul now.
Geoff Hamilton on clematis cuttings - internodal, in compost, wrap pot in thin polythene with it touching the foliage. There's a good description on the BBC page:
14 Jul, 2009
Brilliant news~nobody deserves it more than you and Conker!
love and hugsxxx
14 Jul, 2009
So glad to hear your good news on Conker TT. Good luck with your seeds and cuttings they will always remind you of your special love for Conker. Truffle is a big help trying to get him back to 'normal' as quickly as possible :)
14 Jul, 2009
Oh Terra, Todd, the birds and I have just done a little dance over your good news. I am so very thrilled for you, Conker and Truffles. What wonderful news, now you can have a good night's sleep. Please give him a little hug from us and one for you. It is just brilliant, we'll all keep the wagging etc., going. Take care.
Love and hugs xxx
14 Jul, 2009
Fantastic must be exhausted after today ! Mary hanging upside down in her favourite pose,whistling her delight ! xx
14 Jul, 2009
Brilliant result, now you can relax a bit and get back to enjoying life with Conker and Truffle. Sleep well tonight!!
14 Jul, 2009
Thank you Jacque, PG, Wagger, Arlene, Aster, Pam, BB, Mary, Lily ~ xxx
Conker's examinations have brought such positive news.
We're both exhausted now....
I've sorted out all the cuttings while half asleep, so let's hope they take. We'll be back at the vet clinic almost every week till October, so I guess if any fail, I might get a second chance at cuttings.... Thanks Wagger for your clematis advice...
14 Jul, 2009
So glad for you both! :) I hope you will be able to get in a little well earned rest now & that tomorrow the dogs will be happily playing with their rope toys in the garden!
14 Jul, 2009
I am so pleased for Conker. give him loads of hugs from me & Smokey. xx
14 Jul, 2009
Hi Clarice, Smokey and Balcony, Boli ~
Hugs received with thanks, and rope toys at the ready for tomorrow. :o) xxx
14 Jul, 2009
Great xx.
14 Jul, 2009
I'm so glad to hear the good news TT. I hope Conker continues to improve.
We'll all keep on wagging then shall we ?
Have a good night's rest now.
Hugs hugs hugs
From Hywel Beryl and Blodyn :o)
14 Jul, 2009
Yes, please, Hywel, Beryl, Blodyn...
keep on wagging....
... it has worked brilliantly so far :o)
thank you. xxxxx
14 Jul, 2009
Fantastic news TT. I can't say how plesaed I am that the news was so positive.
Lots of love to you, Conker, Truffle and Crocus.
14 Jul, 2009
Hi Toto....
Crocus is ringing his bells in celebration...
Truffle is dragging his bedding all around the floor. :o(...Lol.
Thanks so much for your support.... from us all here. xxx
14 Jul, 2009
Great news, am so pleased for you and Conker
14 Jul, 2009
OH! Fabulous news Extra big HUG XX :0)
14 Jul, 2009
Rainwater, compost, viability - who gives a fig right now?
I have everyone here leaping in the air, rather than wagging right now (or even swishing, coz I just fed the fish) :-)
Love and Hugs to you all - from us all! X
14 Jul, 2009
What great news this is!!!!!
We're doing a little dance here for you and little Conker.
14 Jul, 2009
Conker is my hero!
15 Jul, 2009
Oh what good news!!! all this positive thinking good wishes and wagging is obviously working!! Am great believer in positive thinking....keep it up Conker!!! and TT put your feet up for a bit!
15 Jul, 2009
Thank you Jean, Sue, David, NN, Weeds and Skilla ~
I was surprised to find how exhausted I am today... and Conker, too... I guess it is just the stresses of yesterday catching up with us, and we'll bounce back as the week progresses and enjoy some gardening. :o)
15 Jul, 2009
I'm not at all surprised that you are exhausted! All that stress... I'm so pleased for you. Try to get some sleep...I keep telling you that you should take care of yourself, as well! :-) xxx
15 Jul, 2009
What brilliant news, TT. I have just caught up with the news and it is wonderful to hear that the treatment has been so successful. Hopefully now you can relax a little and enjoy your garden with lovely Conker and Truffle. Three cheers for your very talented vets :)
15 Jul, 2009
Hi Spritz and Gee ~
Yes, the clinic vets are excellent... It's good news...
Conker is taking quite a while to get over Tuesday's anaesthetic and endoscopy... He had been so bouncy last weekend, but he's still very lethargic...
I guess each day he'll perk up a bit more...
His next chemo is due on Tuesday 21st July.
.. and I've found myself exhausted and not sleeping well at all !
I'm surprised... I thought I would sleep and sleep, but I guess this must be a reaction to the build-up of so many stressful months. We just need a couple more days and we'll be fine again :o) xxx
16 Jul, 2009
Great news!!:-))) I think you are very brave to keep so strong. Still wagging in the Midlands and hoping Conker feels more himself soon.
16 Jul, 2009
Thank you Rosie and Meg for the Midlands wagging :o)
It's working.... definitely...Lol.
Conker just needs a little more time to recover from Tuesday.
16 Jul, 2009
TT i,m so pleased to hear your good news , you,ve been such a good nurse lots of hugs and tail wagging all round xx
16 Jul, 2009
Thank you Amy :o) xxx
16 Jul, 2009
I hope tomorrow brings renewed energy and good gardening for all three of glad to hear the good news..glad that Truffle is still full of his bedding all round showing kid and crocus and her bells..good job both of them are working at keeping you and Conker entertained..Love that Sweet Conker..I am sure he will be picking out a new bonnet to wear again :) ~Cat
17 Jul, 2009
Hi Cat ~
We're starting to catch up with sleep, so as soon as this rainy weather has gone we'll be out enjoying the garden again. :o)
I hope all is going well with your plans. xxx
17 Jul, 2009
Lovely to hear that dear Conker is doing well, TT. Just look at all those people who 'Like' this blog!! S.
17 Jul, 2009
Thanks Sid ~
Conker is playing more toy games with Truffle each day now, so building up his strength for the next chemo session on Tuesday...
.. The other day, while you were at work, Conker received a private message from Birtie that she was doing a lot of purring and wagging..
... Did you notice the pussy paw prints on your keyboard ? Lol.
17 Jul, 2009
Only just catching up again Terra,been away for a few days so pleased all went well with Conker. He`s a tough cookie right enough ,got extra wagging power to send for the next weeks chemo as doggy sitting for son so O`Malley and Lady add their support to the Lincs team..........
17 Jul, 2009
Hi Lincslass ~
I hope you enjoyed your time away...
That's great to know O'Malley and Lady are joining the Lincs pets with their wagging support. :o)
Today Conker has more energy, so will hopefully be ready to face Tuesday's chemo.....
18 Jul, 2009
Again I will be thinking of you both on Tuesday I can only repeat what I have said previously that I hope all goes well.
My thoughts and prayers go with you.
19 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Toto :o)
Conker is doing very well in general, playing games with Truffle, eating and drinking...
He gets tired very quickly but I guess the chemo stays in his body for quite a long while...
Fingers crossed the blood test is okay on Tuesday and treatment can continue... xxx
19 Jul, 2009
I've got everything crossed for you TT.
19 Jul, 2009
:o) xxx
19 Jul, 2009
Me too!!
20 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Lily....
...chemo day seems to come around very fast...
20 Jul, 2009
Good luck Conker for tomorrow, from myself, Smokey & Flip & flop.
20 Jul, 2009
Thank you Clarice, Smokey, Flip and Flop...
Fingers crossed Conker's blood test goes well...
I've put another suggestion on your photo suggesting names for your new fish... :o)
... oh, that's great..
I've just noticed you like my idea of Ebb and Flo..Lol.
20 Jul, 2009
Best Wishes and Good Luck for tomorrow.x
20 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Pottygardener...
We're signing off now for an early night, to be ready for the journey to the vet clinic tomorrow. xxx
20 Jul, 2009
Hope everything goes well today,Terra. Hugs all round.
21 Jul, 2009
Thinking of you and Conker today..sending good energies and ...and lots of tail wags here...~Caroline
21 Jul, 2009
Thank you, Wagger and Caroline ~
I've put an update on my blog above....
Conker was able to have more chemo at the vet clinic today, so the treatment is progressing according to plan :o)
21 Jul, 2009
Just off to bowls but I couldn't wait until I got home to see how Conker had got on at the Clinic today. So glad to read your progress report and to know that Conker is stealing hearts in the Vets too, bless him. Hope things continue to go well and that you can enjoy more precious time together.
21 Jul, 2009
So pleased things are progressing TT. Hope you rest well tonight, and Conker too. x
21 Jul, 2009
Thanks Gee ~
I hope you enjoy your bowls evening :o)
Conker is very sleepy now and so am I.
Hi Pg ~
Thank you. I've been awake since 4 a.m. so I hope to catch up on sleep soon.. :o) xxx
21 Jul, 2009
Glad he was able to have his certainly seems to be doing a good job on making him feel better..and we will all keep good thoughts and hopes for a very long remission after October...
I am so jealous of those nurses who get to care for Conker....he is such a charmer.. :) ..I would love to pet and cuddle him and Truffle too of course...Hope you get a good rest..
love hugs and tail wags..~Cat
21 Jul, 2009
Hi Cat...
Thank you for your kind words...
You have much experience of what it is like to worry about a loved one with cancer....
Yes, let's hope Conker's remission lasts a long while...
It perked me up so much to hear the nurses enthusing about Conker. Before he goes for treatment, I clean his teeth, cut his toe nails and give him a thorough grooming... so he's clean and fresh and cuddly.:o)
Young Truffle is 7 months old now and quite a handful..
Lol. love & hugs. xxx
21 Jul, 2009
Pleased alls going well TT.....dear Conker, such a good boy coping with his treatment........much love to you all XX
21 Jul, 2009
I,m so pleased that you had another good day at the treatment centre TT , I,m not surprised that everybody has fallen in love with Conker , who could possibly fail to fall for him , and truffle has been so good and patient in all of this , 7 months already , gosh that has gone quickly .
You all get some much needed rest and sleep tonight ..
Love and hugs xx
21 Jul, 2009
Hi Janey and Amy ~
Yes, it's good to know that the vet clinic staff love Conker so much... He is being a very brave boy... he doesn't really like strangers, so it is all quite a challenge for him...
Truffle likes every thing and everybody... Lol....
I really hope for some good sleep.
Love & hugs. xxx
21 Jul, 2009
Glad to hear that all went well todayxx
21 Jul, 2009
I can only second what Amy has said and wish you a happy and peaceful week.
love Wagger
21 Jul, 2009
~ love to Conker and Truffle and most of all yourself for keeping going and holding everything together! Give your boys an extra cuddle from me!
21 Jul, 2009
TT ~So pleased it's good news ~well done Conker ! xx
21 Jul, 2009
Great it's all going to plan TT.
22 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Jean, Wagger, Arlene, Sue and Toto ~
This whole experience of Conker's treatment is proving less difficult to cope with because of the wonderful support from you, and everyone on this blog....
Thank you so much. xxx
22 Jul, 2009
Lovely little Conker, A long and happy remission is wished here for him. My daughter is looking to adopt a rescue dog as soon as we come back from our weeks holiday in Tenby (from 27th.) AN EXTRA TAIL TO WAG FOR CONKER!!!!. Her cat Sally has already started, but it's more of a wave so possibly not quite as powerful. :-) Rosie and Meg are staying at home with my husband. Perhaps it's the thought of 8 people in a caravan (3of them children) that made him volunteer lol. The way the forecasts are looking it will be a week for wellies and macs, not sand castles. :-(((
22 Jul, 2009
Hello TT. Glad to hear all went well and you had good news for another week. My three will keep wagging to help and support Conker.
22 Jul, 2009
Hi Bornagain ~
Oh, good luck in getting the rescued dog for your daughter.......
As you say, an extra tail wagging for Conker !
And thanks to Sally, Rosie and Meg... I hope your caravan holiday is blessed with good weather and lots of sand castles... :o)
22 Jul, 2009
Well done, Conker, I'm not surprised to hear that you are a good boy having your treatment! Henry sends you a lick this time. XX
22 Jul, 2009
Hello Phil, Suki, Patch and Rosie ...
Thanks for the perpetual wagging which is working wonders for Conker's well-being !!!
22 Jul, 2009
Hi Spritz ...
Licks from Henry very well received here thank you.
Conker is taking it easy today... rather full of chemo after yesterday's treatments... xxx
22 Jul, 2009
~great news~ the lump in Merlins paw is not cancerous but if left unchecked will spread causing problems so removal is recommended He will need chest xrays to ascertain whether he can stand the anaethestic but at least he is basically okay.Whew~ what a relief!.
would have wished this as well for Conker but will keep the tails wagging for his continued well being!
love to all of you ~
22 Jul, 2009
That's wonderful, Arlene... pleased that Merlin's paw lump is benign..
I had been wondering whether you would get the result today...
What a worry off your mind...
love &
22 Jul, 2009
thanks TT
~when I rang about lunchtime the vet answered and he said ~'oh yes I have seen that this morning' and then deafening silence for about five minutes or so at which point my nerves were twanging and I was bracing myself for the worst.When he came back eventually he said it's a so and so and I had to ask 'what is that exactly! 'and he then explained that these things can spread locally so that it is still best to have it removed but Harv can be sorted out first~
the best news possible! ..
22 Jul, 2009
So glad Conker is still responding well. I hope the worry of it all each week is not spoiling your precious time with him too much.
22 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Lily ~
I'm always anxious the day before Conker's vet clinic treatment and exhausted the day after... but we are enjoying lots of special times together... Conker has learnt many tricks and most days he entertains me with a short 'performance' of his routines, such as gardening, shopping or cleaning... he spends more time pushing his little vacuum cleaner than I do pushing mine... Lol. But Conker walks less miles with his lawn mower than I do with mine, so that makes us about even. Lol.
... Truffle gets puzzled that one day Conker has lots of energy and can play toys, and then another day Conker is too sleepy to enjoy the games.. My explanation to Truffle is "Conker is full of chemo" which doesn't mean a lot to a 7 month old puppy... Lol
Arlene, that's good the vets can investigate Harvey's limp, before Merlin needs his treatment. You must be so pleased.:o)
22 Jul, 2009
Just read you bit about Merlin, Arlene. Great news that his lump is only local and benign.
22 Jul, 2009
Pleased Conkers chemo, went alright & pleased for Merlin aswell, Smokey sends all his best to both of you, supprising how these animals keep going, took Smokey for another injection today for his kidneys the vet is so pleased with him, that he as renamed him his little fighter, because instead of Smokey going down hill, although they can't do anything for his kidneys, but he seems to keep going up the ladder not down it, mind you when he as the injection he does sleep alday, but tomorrow, he'll be like a young kitten full of the joys of spring,eating like no tomorrow.This time he as gone 6wks in between his injection, usually its about a month, but odd times he can only go 2-3wks. but the main thing is he his still with us.
22 Jul, 2009
Hi Clarice....
Smokey is truly remarkable.... no wonder your vets are so impressed with him ! His is an amazing story.. I hope he stays fit for a long time to come. xxx
22 Jul, 2009
So do i & the same goes for Conker, all these tails wagging from Smokey fingers crossed as sent his luck to Conker. xx
22 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Clarice and Smokey.
Let's hope Conker is lucky like Smokey. xxx
22 Jul, 2009
Glad to hear everything went well for Conker. :) I wish him the very best. Hope you get some rest as well.
22 Jul, 2009
I think you ought to try the gloves on conker. They might suit you. They may go very well with the bonnet you modelled the other week!
Let's hope you stay well and we keep seeing lots more photos of you Conker!
23 Jul, 2009
Glad all went well and that Conker is making friends at the clinic ! He is certainly a battler ! xx
23 Jul, 2009
Hi Balcony and Boli ~
Trying to get some rest thanks. The vet clinic visits take 3 days out of the week... I'm worried on the day before, then anxious on the actual visit, and then exhausted the day after !!!
Hello Paul ~ Message from Conker ~
I'll wear gloves, hats ~ anything..... I love dressing up..Lol.
Thanks BB & Jane ~
Conker is still battling away. :o) xxx
24 Jul, 2009
Just wanted to say, good luck for tomorrow to you and Conker.
27 Jul, 2009
Thanks Toto ~
Vet clinic day comes around very quickly....
Conker is doing very well.... really enjoying life now...
friends look at him and can't believe the vets predict he'll only be around for a number of months...
I'm treasuring every day with Conker :o)
27 Jul, 2009
Hope all goes well again tomorrow. How right you are to enjoy what you have, it's so precious.
27 Jul, 2009
Hello Lily ~
Thank you... I'm doing my best to give Conker lots of fun and quality time :o)
27 Jul, 2009
~thanks everyone for all the good wishes for Merlin~he is ten past February so is doing quite well for a big dog~best wishes to Conker for the chemo treatment!
27 Jul, 2009
Time must be going fast for you Terra especially as you say 3days are taken up with Conkers treatment but he is battling his way through it and that is down to you as well as the treatment.Your love and attention is what counts with Conker and thats the best medicine there is,Stil praying and wagging here in lincs.........
27 Jul, 2009
Thanks for the kind words and good wishes from Wales and Lincs...
I'm lucky that Conker is responding so positively to the treatment, so he will have the best chance of a good number of months in remission. :o)
27 Jul, 2009
Best Wishes for tomorrow's visit, Tt and Conker. - X
27 Jul, 2009
Thank you David...
...early appointment today.... x
28 Jul, 2009
Then hope when you see this that the clinic visit went well.
Hugs to the three of you - oops, mustn't forget Crocus, a stroke for him
28 Jul, 2009
I'm taking a lunch break, so popped on to say I hope your vet visit went well today. x x
28 Jul, 2009
Thank you Wagger and Pottygardener for your kind thoughts for Conker, Truffle and Crocus. xxx
The morning didn't go as planned because Conker's white blood cell count was surprisingly low. Full report above....
28 Jul, 2009
Hope all went well for you Conker today.
28 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Clarice...
Conker wasn't able to have chemo today...
....I've put more detail in the heavy print in the top part of my blog...
28 Jul, 2009
Had to come and check on how Conker was doing, sorry to see the white blood cell count was down and unable to have chemo today. Keep on doing what you're doing for that beautiful dog, I'm sure your love and care helps immensely.
Take care, Gillian
28 Jul, 2009
So sorry to hear that Conker was unable to have his chemo today. How disappointed and upset you must be after a week of such apparent well being.. Don't be too disheartened next week may better news, it's so hard when our beloved pets are very ill.........
28 Jul, 2009
Have read your report TT, how strange that Conkers behaviour doesn't match up with a low white cell count. Have you been given any reason for this? It would be natural to assume that he was in good form. x
28 Jul, 2009
Hi Gillian, Lily and Pottygardener ~
Thanks for keeping me positive. I'm just very tired right now... will soon bounce back...
Soon after returning from the vet clinic, I rushed around mowing my lawns because rain is forecast... I've probably done too much in one day after the long morning out...
The vet clinic did the blood test from Conker's neck, so Conker has a large area of neck hair shaved and a definite mark where the needle was used. The neck method is apparently more accurate than the leg, but his leg has also been shaved again, so I wonder if they did two tests to make sure....
As long as Conker seems reasonably healthy I'll try to not worry too much... xxx
28 Jul, 2009
Rest as much as you can TT, difficult with young Truffle I know! I am sure he helps to keep your spirits up!
Hope you get a reasonable nights sleep...x
28 Jul, 2009
hi terra didnt realise more had been written on this blog, as you said conker is lively and seems well which is great, even though blood count seems low, this happens with us humans to and not always as bad as what it seems, so fingers crossed next time may be a differant story, love and hugs.. sandra xxx
28 Jul, 2009
So sorry you had another disappointing result today, TT, but hope Conker's improved health continues and that it is reflected in the blood test next week. Also hope that you manage to rest yourself before next week and recharge your batteries too. Thinking of you all.
28 Jul, 2009
Go by your instincts TT,,,if Conker seems be it . That is all that he feels ! Hope you all have a restful week.x
28 Jul, 2009
His health is all about the way he FEELS! My doctor once said the more they look for things the more they'll find. As long as he's happy and having fun with his brother, that's all that matter right now...he's a love. You just enjoy him, and take care of yourself!
Micky the cat just had a little surgery to sew up a fluid filled cyst that burst after 3 years - i wa so stressed about it, I was thinking that dont' know how YOU do it!
But no matter, We're still sending lots of love your way...
28 Jul, 2009
As others have said, it's how he feels that really matters and wanting to play seems to indicate that he is feeling ok. I'll keep everything crossed for you for next week and in the meantime enjoy Conker's apparent good health.
Love to you, Conker, Truffle and Crocus.
29 Jul, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~
Thank you. Yes, Truffle has woken me 6.30 am every morning since he was a tiny pup. He hears my next door neighbours waking up their chickens and decides he would like to be having breakfast, too ! But, I did sleep well, thanks, which helps all of us, whatever our problems...
Hello San ~
Many thanks for finding this blog again... Lots of members have asked me to update the blog each week as a way to keep up with Conker's progress, so our latest news is always the paragraphs in heavy print in the blog above ...
In some ways the low wbc count is a good thing because it shows the chemo is working, but it is a constant balancing act so that Conker's wbc doesn't drop to a critical level...
Three times recently, the journeys to the clinic have resulted in low wbc counts, which adds anything up to an extra £125 to the bill each time, because we have to return some days later for another attempt... but it's good to know the vet clinic is monitoring Conker so closely.
Hello Gee ~
Thanks for checking up on Conker... His newly shaved areas look healthy this morning, so that's good. I try to bounce back as quickly as possible after each visit...:o)
Hi BB/Jane ~
Thank you. Yes, my instincts tell me that Conker is okay ~ he just needs more days to recover from the chemo he received at the vet clinic last week...
Hello Poetgardener ~
I hope little Micky is fit again now. Understandable that you worried about him so much... The vet clinic which Conker attends is specifically for pets which need specialist treatment that cannot be offered at local veterinary practices.
At the vet clinic I often have many hours of waiting. I walk Truffle around the car park and we like looking at the little garden. I see cats and dogs with their owners... lots of pets have injured limbs, and many are cancer cases... there are distraught, caring people of all ages, doing their very best for their pets... The garden area, though tiny, has a wooden bench, and pretty roses, so a nice little place...
I'm lucky in that my friend does the driving to the clinic... my car only knows its way to the local supermarket.. Lol.....and our journey is only about an hour... Some owners arrive with their pets, having driven hundreds of miles...
Hi Toto ~
Conker is sleeping now, but he does seem quite well.. First thing this morning he invited Truffle for a tug rope game, and Conker ended up dragging the now large puppy across the carpet ~ Lol....
just like John Sergeant performing his Strictly Come Dancing, Paso Doble .. pulling Kristina Rihanoff along the ballroom floor. :o)
Thanks everyone for your support. Conker's treatment would be a much more lonely experience for me without my GoY friends. xxx
29 Jul, 2009
What an image of Conker as John Sargeant - LOL. He really does sound in good form despite the 'blood' results and that is the most important thing, how he feels in himself. It must encourage you to see him playful again.
29 Jul, 2009
Conker has more chance than I would of winning a TV dance competition...Lol. He would remember the steps :o)
I've just received a surprise phone call from one of the top men at the vet clinic. There has been a discussion between the clinic vets ~ about Conker having had surprisingly low white blood cell counts on three different occasions.
They've asked permission to do further tests on his blood sample, because there is a possible reason for it ~ a gene mutation, common in herding breeds such as Shelties and Collies.. I probably won't know the result till next week...
29 Jul, 2009
I've lost you TT - what does this mean - is it good or bad news news ? My instincts are telling me that it is good, on account of Conker being so perky -
29 Jul, 2009
Hi Terry60 ~ Thanks for asking...
I'll explain in more detail if the blood test comes back positive, but basically, if it is proved that Conker has the gene mutation, the type of chemo used needs to be selected carefully to suit his condition.
Conker receiving the incorrect chemo would be damaging to his brain and nervous system... so it's good that the clinic vets are doing these tests...
29 Jul, 2009
Gosh TT, it could have turned out so very very wrong - - - thank goodness they had that discussion and still have some of Conker's blood to do those tests -
You keep calm TT during this week and remember that as long as Conker has the strength to drag Truffle across the carpet, you know that all will be well ....
29 Jul, 2009
The clinic vet we usually see is on holiday this week, but he actually called back into work for quick visit today, and made time to discuss Conker with a colleague, so I feel very grateful....
I've just been reading on the internet about an owner's story of her dog in USA fighting cancer... she describes the experience as a roller coaster of emotions.... I know what she means....
Truffle is hoping for a score of ten for his paso doble Lol.
29 Jul, 2009
Twelve out of ten I reckon !!
29 Jul, 2009
He certainly puts a lot of artistic impression into his dancing... :o)
29 Jul, 2009
I used to put a lot of artistic impression into my dancig too TT, just before I was ejected from the dance hall by the bouncers. I do hope that Conker is better than me.
29 Jul, 2009
Hi Toto ~
What a pity nobody appreciated your disco dancing... :o(
Truffle is volunteering to partner you in this year's dance craze for all Smooth Fox Terriers..
...the Smooth Fox Trot...Lol. :o)
29 Jul, 2009
My Puccini doggie and I will be saying our prayers
that Conker's test come back with good results!
We continue to wish Conker a complete speedy
recovery soon!
30 Jul, 2009
We'd all love to watch that, Terra. I'm sure Truffle would be able to lead Toto.
30 Jul, 2009
Hi Wagger ~
Truffle is ready for rehearsals any time. Lol...
Delonix and Puccini ~
Thanks for your prayers and good wishes for Conker...
Let's hope Conker is in remission for a long while...
30 Jul, 2009
Hi TT, just catching up with things internet, so sorry to hear that Conker has had this set back, hopefully things will be clearer next week, but if he is happy and playful, just enjoy him for the moment xx
30 Jul, 2009
Hello Jean ~
Yours is good advice... thank you...we are making the most of every day... xxx
30 Jul, 2009
One of the frustrations of being off-line since Tuesday is that I wanted to find out how Conker got on...only to hear that you are also frustrated!
I'm glad to hear that the vets are 'on the ball' as they say, though! That must make you have real confidence in their judgement and Conker's treatment. :-)
30 Jul, 2009
Hi Spritz...
Thanks for checking up on Conker. I noticed you hadn't been on GoY. I hope your internet access is okay now...
Yes, it is good that the clinic vets are "on the ball"... in fact to the extent that this morning the postman has already delivered my bill for this special external blood test... :o(
...think of a number and multiply by ten... Lol.... but, yes, they are the top vets in the UK., so money well spent....
.... I'll do everything I can to give Conker lots more quality life.... :o)
30 Jul, 2009
Hope all is well with the test TT..goodness.. ..there is so much to be have good vets..glad for that!
Turffle needs to be careful if Toto pairs up with him..he could get stompled...
love and xoxoxo...~Cat
30 Jul, 2009
Hi Cat ~
How are you ? :o)
I probably won't know the results of the extra blood test till we are back at the vet clinic next Tuesday...
... I do trust these clinic vets.... they are specialists...
Truffle has been practising his Smooth Fox Trot today, ready for Toto to partner him. Lol. xxx
30 Jul, 2009
Please inform Truffle that I would be delighted to partner him. Please, also tell him he can get Toetector boots in most boot shops now.
30 Jul, 2009
Hello Toto....
Please can I get quantity discount on TWO pairs of Toetector boots ?
... these will be essential equipment for our Smooth Fox Trot...
love, Truffle. xxx
30 Jul, 2009
Hi TT - just checking in to find out Conker's progress. Sorry he couldn't have his treatment last time, but if he is willing to play, then at least he must feel good, which is the main thing. Hugs and ear rubs for your both....well, you don't get an ear rub TT....unless you want one of course LOL
30 Jul, 2009
Hi Sid ~
Thanks for calling in on the blog to check on Conker...
amazing that he is so lively with a low white blood cell count, but he is doing well outwardly, so let's hope next Tuesday brings lots more answers and he can continue with chemo...
Ear rubs and hugs, please, for Conker, Truffle..... and Crocus the budgie.Lol.
30 Jul, 2009
Possibly can get a discount on mutiple purchases TT. Can't wait to trip the light fantastic or even the heavy and not so fantastic with Truffle.
30 Jul, 2009
All loving thoughts and wishes to Conker TT hoping things on the inside will soon prove to be as well as he looks.....beautiful boy. XX
30 Jul, 2009
Hi Toto ~ Truffle is in training, so get ready.... :o)
Hello Janey ~
What a lovely special thought and comment.
... thank you.... xxx
30 Jul, 2009
Terra, I have caught up now on Conker and am so pleased that the Vets are testing for his blood count, they really are great aren't they? He is so gorgeoous, everyone of us loves him, well, all of you! T and P coming over for you all. Big hugs
31 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Pam, for catching up on Conker's treatment...
I guess I won't know about the blood test till Tuesday, but Conker seems okay in himself today... xxx
31 Jul, 2009
Ok TT - hugs and ear rubs all round......hmm - now I'm wondering how do I give an ear rub to a budgie?! lol
31 Jul, 2009
Hi Sid ~
Budgies are related to dinosaurs... so if you know where to find dinosaurs' ears, you're on to a winner.....
..... Crocus is watching the Flintstones right now. Lol.
31 Jul, 2009
I will closely examine the next dinosaur I run into. Birtie likes watching TV too.....programs about birds and fish seem to be favourites!! She loved that last series about the wildlife of the Caribean - lots of fish you see ;-)
31 Jul, 2009
Bertie has exquisite taste ;o)
I now know how the dinosaurs were wiped out...
... have you seen the hail stones on my latest pic.? !! Lol.
31 Jul, 2009
She has - I enjoyed that series too ;-)
Will go look at the hailstones.......
31 Jul, 2009
I've added an update in the blog above on Conker's vet clinic visit today...
4 Aug, 2009
So pleased that Conker was able to have his treatment today and is continuing to show that he does not feel unwell. I suppose they will have to switch him to another chemo if the blood test result confirms their theory. Such a worrying time for you but Conker continues to defy them and is clearly enjoying life.
4 Aug, 2009
Hello Lily ~
Yes, Conker seems fine, thanks, but it is a worry about the choices of chemo...
The clinic vets are being very careful, and are hoping they don't need to switch to Conker having a lot of another type of chemo because it is more damaging to the heart....
From my conversations with the vet today, it seems Conker's condition is proving to be an unusual case, and quite intriguing for the vets to treat...
4 Aug, 2009
Oh dear it's such a balancing act with the drugs isn't. It's bad enough Conker being so ill without complications with the treatment too. I do feel for you with all this worry... I suppose from a vets point of view its's challenging and that is how they increase their knowledge.
Two years ago my daughter's cat had a mystery virus which attacked all his organs and he was not expected to live but he pulled through, amazing the experts, and was soon bouncing around on his 3 legs again. Still has to have a horrendously expensive kidney tablet and an asthma inhaler twice a day though. Thank God for pet insurance. Although I think you don't have any? Anyway that's a vets job - fishing around in the dark , trial and error much of the time, if only animals could speak......
4 Aug, 2009
Wise comments, Lily ~
No I don't have pet insurance.
This morning I said to my friend that I'm sure future patients at the vet clinic will benefit from knowledge the vets gain while treating Conker....
4 Aug, 2009
Glad to hear that Conker is enjoying himself with his fun days! He looks like a really adorable dog! Hope that you don't have to change his chemo.
Boli has been on tablets for heart condition for several years & has consistently done well in her twice yearly check ups. She due for another in a few weeks time. She has lost the use of one of her hind legs & the muscles have shrunk she is also losing weight, though it's not very visible. When we pick her up we notice the difference though! This next check up may well be her last as she is over 15 years old now & we can't expect her to live much longer.
It will be a sad day when she dies as she was born at home in Spain & we brought her, & her brothers & sisters, with us on returning to the UK 8 years ago. It will be sadder still because we have had dogs for nearly 20 years now! We have decided we won't be getting any other dog or pet after Boli dies.
4 Aug, 2009
Hi TT, your vets are amazing, and are really doing everything they can for Conker, aren't they? Hope the test results are back soon and the treatment can be sorted out. I am so glad he is enjoying time in the garden and outings. Fingers crossed, tails wagging, and feathers fluffing for a good outcome :)
4 Aug, 2009
Glad Conker is still enjoying himself and remaining perky. Pleased to hear that he was able to have his treatment today.
Let's hope you don't have to change his treatment, and that the low counts are "one of those things". Tails still spinning here. x
4 Aug, 2009
Glad to hear that Conker seems to be doing ok and that he is going to have a nice day out with you.
4 Aug, 2009
Glad to read that your vet clinic is "on the ball", Tt! here's to many outings, and fun days. Hip, Hip, Hooray! :-)
5 Aug, 2009
Sorry to hear you may be facing a hard time soon Balcony. It's sad that our pets are only with us for such a relativelyshort time, they leave such a gap in our liives. We just have to do our best for them and enjoy them while we can.
5 Aug, 2009
Hi Balcony. You're looking after Boli really well. I hope when she has her check-up, the vets are able to help with her quality of life.
When we lose a pet it does seem like the end of an era, doesn't it, because we associate them with when we were younger.
Fifteen years is a good age for a dog !
Hello Gee, Pottygardener, Toto and David ~
Thank you for the finger-crossing, tail-wagging and feather waving ! Looks like it worked because I had a phone call yesterday evening from the vet, and I'm adding a Wednesday update paragraph to my blog.
Thanks everyone for your good wishes. :o)
5 Aug, 2009
Oh that is good news, Terra, what a relief for you not having to change the treatment and worry about the side effects especially as Conker seems to be doing so well on the current treatment - and you now know why his white cell count was taking so long to recover. Gosh, they are so skilled at that clinic, it must be an enormous support to you knowing the care he is under.
5 Aug, 2009
Great news TT, must be such a relief for you to have that resolved so quickly.
5 Aug, 2009
Hi Wagger ~
Yes, this is wonderful news, because changing Conker's chemo would have been a worry... I'm paying LOTS of money for this treatment, but it is well worth the expense... Conker is receiving skilled treatment from some of the most experienced vets in Britain...
5 Aug, 2009
Brilliant news, TT. So glad it was all sorted out and that treatment can continue as before. Chloe is sat in the chair with me 'reading' the screen and she is pleased too :)
5 Aug, 2009
Hello Chloe, you canny canine silver surfer... :o)
5 Aug, 2009
Good news TT!
Hugs for Conker and lots of love to you all¬
5 Aug, 2009
Hi Arlene ~
Yes, one less thing to worry about....
love & hugs. xxx
5 Aug, 2009
Glad to hear it's all good news.....wonderful.
5 Aug, 2009
Good to hear that's all sorted out, hope things continue to go well x
5 Aug, 2009
Thank you, Phil and Gillian...
I feel that Conker is back on track with his chemo treatment now :o) x
5 Aug, 2009
hi terra thanx for your msg, and ive read update and so happy for you and conker, what good news, hope he continues to be healthy and happy, love sandra xx
5 Aug, 2009
Thank you Sandra....
Conker seems to be coping okay since yesterday's chemo tablets... just a bit sleepy....:o) xxx
5 Aug, 2009
aww thats understandable terra, i just got back at lunchtime from taking my brother to have lump removed, it was a lymph node, so they will let him know outcome, but seems its come from his first skin cancer removal, his doctor said it was nothing but was wrong, stupid man, so now its alot bigger and, well we will have to pray its not gone anywhere else,
5 Aug, 2009
Hugs and prayers for your brother, Sandra....
He has you as a loving sister, and that will help him...
How soon will he get a result of the tests ?
5 Aug, 2009
thanx terra they set him an appointment for 6 weeks but will get in touch if any probs with his results, which i would say within 2 weeks , maybe less, he didnt ask, think he was a bit in shock and wouldnt let me, so fingers crossed
5 Aug, 2009
Fingers crossed xxx
5 Aug, 2009
Pleased all's going well for Conker. xx
5 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Clarice...
I hope you and Smokey are keeping well. xxx
5 Aug, 2009
Although I won't pretend to understand exactly what is going on, it sounds like good news and good news is what we want to hear.
5 Aug, 2009
Sorry if I've confused you, Toto....Lol.
In short, the result of the blood test on Conker's genes means he can continue with the chemo treatment and it should have no adverse effects on his brain or nervous system.
So, yes... good news.
5 Aug, 2009
Glad to hear you latest news, sounds as though all is going well at the moment x
5 Aug, 2009
Thank you Jean...
The plan is for weekly treatments to continue through to the end of October. x
6 Aug, 2009
Terra, just escaped from the bedroom, finished at last and glad to hear the news that Conker can continue his cheo till October, a bit more good news for you. Hugs and love...........Pam
6 Aug, 2009
Hi Pam ~
Wow, I expected you to be locked in that bedroom, working away till Christmas ! Well done on escaping so promptly ! :o)
Thanks, yes, good news that the chemo can continue as planned... xxx
6 Aug, 2009
Pleased to hear the latest news TT. Now that things don't have to be changed I hope you feel more 'in control' and therefore positive...which is a good thing for both you and Conker. x
6 Aug, 2009
Hi Pottygardener...
You're right. I do feel more positive... and it helps, seeing Conker looking so well.
I hope through autumn, the treatments progress as planned x
6 Aug, 2009
so glad to hear the latest news TT. And I'm glad to hear Conker is doing well enough to have a few outings. I hope you are staying strong too and have a few fun outings for yourself. xx
6 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Gilli ~
Yes, Conker is well enough to go out more now and enjoy himself. . We have some outings planned for August and September. xxx
6 Aug, 2009
Good news indeed Terra! Especially now he is once again enjoying life and you have outings to look forward to, everyone needs something to look forward to. Still wagging in the Midlands and the search for my daughters new rescue dog is under way, hope it doesn't have a docked tail:-))
6 Aug, 2009
Catching up again Terra,I`m like Conkers bloodcount on this blog and got in a right old tiswas but I now realise he is still on track bless him, keeping them on their toes as well as you.Pleased to hear he has the strength to pull Truffle along now, thats got to be a good sign surely . Nice to hear you have plans for outings that will be good for all of you,might not always comment Terra but always thinking of you and still sending prayers and hugs for you all and special wags from my boys...
6 Aug, 2009
Hi Bornagain ~
We've had a week of non-stop rain - gardens are absolutely soaking ! ....but I'm definitely going to enjoy some summer outings with Conker and Truffle before the autumn arrives...
Yes, please report back here about your daughter's rescue dog, especially when you put a photo on GoY. A dog with a tail would be good for wagging, but we do have Boxers on this blog, wiggling their backsides !
Hello Lincslass ~
Yes, the chemo for Conker is quite complicated... it is on a cycle of five weeks, repeating continuously for about 6 months ~ different chemotherapy each week, because treating with a variety of chemo produces the best results.... I've learnt a lot about the treatment...very fast ! Conker is doing well so far...
Thanks for the wags from your boys x
7 Aug, 2009
Some good news, then, thank goodness! :-)
7 Aug, 2009
Yes, thanks, Spritz....
I hope Henry is well... :o)
7 Aug, 2009
Another week passes and it will soon be time for your next visit to the vets. Good luck for tomorrow.
10 Aug, 2009
Hi Toto... how are you ?
Yes, chemo day comes around fast...
...thanks for remembering.... thoughtful of you, and much appreciated....
Conker and Truffle enjoyed a lovely day out yesterday. :o)
10 Aug, 2009
HI TT thinking of you and hope all goes well tomorrow, so good luck from myself and Smokey.
10 Aug, 2009
best wishes for tomorrow~esp from Dex who has a huge tail!
10 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Clarice, Smokey, Arlene, Harvey, Merlin and Dex...
I can't believe it's almost time for vet clinic day again...
10 Aug, 2009
Time flies Terra especially going from appointment to appointment as you are doing at moment, hope all goes well tomorrow..........
10 Aug, 2009
Nearly Tuesday again.....all the best. I'll make sure Suki, Patch and Rosie are wagging tomorrow.
10 Aug, 2009
good luck for tomoz terra and conker :o))
10 Aug, 2009
Thank you Lincslass, Phil and Sandra...
I'm hoping the blood count will be okay.
Fingers crossed...
Please keep wagging Suki, Patch and Rosie.....
and Angelina.... and Malik and Morgan.... :o)
10 Aug, 2009
Best wishes for tomorrow from Rosie and Meg, wag wag wag wag ad infinitum :-))
10 Aug, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
Many thanks to Rosie and Meg... :o)
Tomorrow's plans will be a blood test and injection of chemo... all being well....
10 Aug, 2009
Fingers crossed for todays blood count. It sounds as if you had an enjoyable weekend, here's to a good week too.
11 Aug, 2009
Hope all goes well today
11 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Wagger and Jean...
Conker has received more treatment.
As usual, I've written an update in heavy print in the top part of my blog.
11 Aug, 2009
Brilliant result, TT, I am so pleased for you and Conker. You must be very relieved. He is a little champion, isn't he, to be taking all the treatment so well and so patiently. Glad you and Truffle have somewhere pleasant to walk and good luck with the next rose cuttings.
11 Aug, 2009
~my commiserations to the lady with the wolf hound~we have all been down that road,haven't we TT ~where the local vet tries everything without being able to confirm a diagnosis and you wind up paying hundreds and none the wiser!
I am glad you are in such good hands now!
11 Aug, 2009
Hi Gee ~
It was such a long wait today....and in the past that has meant low white blood cell count, so I was surprised and relieved when I was told the tests were okay and chemo could go ahead....
Yes, Truffle walks with me, and helps me choose which might be the best part of the rose bushes for future cuttings...:o)
11 Aug, 2009
Glad to hear it's good news again this week. Take it easy and enjoy your garden. Well done Conker, Truffle and of course you TT. x
11 Aug, 2009
Hi Arlene ~
Sorry, my replies are not in sequence...
Yes, the owner of the Wolfhound said the treatment from her own vet had been detrimental to the dog... sound familiar ?
When I was comforting the owner, I reminded her she was leaving her dog with some of the best specialist vets in Britain....
11 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Phil ~
Truffle is currently prancing around with a toy, wondering why Conker is too sleepy to play.....
... but yes, it is good news, and we've been enjoying my gardens this afternoon :o)
11 Aug, 2009
Had to check in and see how Conker was doing. Glad he seems to be dealing with the treatments ok.
11 Aug, 2009
Hi Gillian ~
Thanks for checking in on Conker. Yes, thanks, chemo going according to plan this week ! I hope all is well with you... house, garden, plans etc. :o)
11 Aug, 2009
hi terra glad all went ok and how kind of you to comfort someone with a sick doggy to, poor woman, insurence companys make me so angry, take your money but find some excuse not to pay, grrr, also glad you got another rose cutting, so good luck on that one, pop it in rooting gel, or have you tried that, anyway glad conker was ok with treatment, big hug conker :o) xx
11 Aug, 2009
Good to hear that things are progressing in the right direction for Conker. May he continue to improve as time goes on.
11 Aug, 2009
So glad it's good news again Tt, hopefully Conker's treatment is now going to continue smoothly and you can relax a little.
11 Aug, 2009
Pleased it's been a positive day TT....good to hear Conker now bounces back quite quickly following treatment. x
11 Aug, 2009
So glad for you both that Conker has been able to have his chemo today & that his white blood cell count was alright.
Very noble of you to comfort the poor woman with the wolfhound! :)
11 Aug, 2009
Good news again today, I'm so pleased. Am away on holiday from Thursday, so will not be able to check up on you all, but promise to 'wag' my a*s on the beach in Lanzarote lol
11 Aug, 2009
So pleased with your good news :-)) lets hope the poor wolf hound recovers from whatever is wrong with him. Some extra wags on their way :-))
11 Aug, 2009
I very much appreciate your interest in Conker's progress ~
Sandra, Toto, Lily, Pottygardener, Balcony, Jean and Bornagain....
Thanks for all the wags.. even in Lanzarote..Lol....
Balcony I hope Boli is okay, and yes, let's hope the young Wolfhound recovers
12 Aug, 2009
Whiskers twitched and tails swayed incessantly from this side of the Alps - in between "cat"naps, that is - so you see TT, they DO work !!!
A big hug to all of you for the good news from Giorgio, Lupa, June, Rosie and OF COURSE Sleepy xxxxx (oh, and me too ...xx)
12 Aug, 2009
Hi Terry60 ~
Wow, you have those Italian felines well organised :o)
Thanks to Giorgio, Lupa, June, Rosie and Sleepy...
... and you xxx
12 Aug, 2009
I'm so pleased to hear that Conker is continuing to make good progress Terra, it is so good to hear that he bounces back so quickly now. Lovely of you to give that Lady a hug, it does wonders when you are lost in misery. Hug from me and wags for Conker from Toddy..........:o)
12 Aug, 2009
Hi Pam and Toddy ~
Yes, Conker is responding well thanks.
All the pets at the vet clinic are extreme cases, which have been referred by their local vets, so there are a lot of anxious owners of dogs and cats each time we visit....
Next week Conker has the heart scan and the stronger chemo...
Thanks for your encouragement.
Hugs and wags from us. xxx
12 Aug, 2009
It's bad enough for you - so goodness knows how the others feel! I do hope that you will find out how the Irish
Wolfhound is - Conker's doing so well there, I'm sure you were able to reassure his owner. Well done you!
12 Aug, 2009
Hi, Tt, sorry being late catching up, but good to read that Conker's treatment continues to go well. Can't think of anything to relate the red bandage to. We put glass waste into red sharps bins. :-). That's dreadful news for the lady with the wolfhound, isn't it?
14 Aug, 2009
Yes, I felt sorry for the wolfhound and owners....
Whereas Conker attends the clinic every week, most pets don't have such regular visits... so I don't see them again...
But when I'm waiting at the clinic for Conker, I notice many dogs with movement difficulties ... limping, or very weak on their legs... ranging from road accidents to neurology problems...cats are usually in carry-crates, so their symptoms are not so obvious.
Conker's leg bandage was bright red .. the same colour as the first prize rosette he won at a recent charity dog show... but more about that another time. :o)
14 Aug, 2009
Thinking about you Conker
double woofs and treble are so brave...
lots of little bones..Percyxx
14 Aug, 2009
Hi Percy.. I hope you're well ~
Thanks for your woofs and wags.
The vet's magic medicine is giving me precious extra months of fun :o) Conker. xxx
14 Aug, 2009
Hi TT. Me again. Lots of love and good wishes for Conker and you for Tuesday and lots of love to Truffle and Crocus.
16 Aug, 2009
Will be thinking of you too on Tuesday.Glad to hear Conker is again doing what he so obviously enjoys best and wowing the crowds ! xx
16 Aug, 2009
~hope you had a good day and you are not all totally tired out! more rosettes?
16 Aug, 2009
Hi Toto, BB, Jane and Arlene ~
Thanks for your good wishes. Tomorrow Conker will have another blood test, and then, all being well, probably the vets will shave his side again to give him a heart test, before the different chemo which is given to him on week four of the cycle of treatments...
But Conker did have a wonderful day yesterday. We're all cream-crackered this morning. Lol.... An enjoyable dog show in the sunshine. Conker won First Prize in Best Six Legs Class, receiving a red rosette, and lovely trophy, already engraved ..... says "Show Those Legs ~ Best Six Legs 2009 "... lol. ...
...Conker and I were dressed as tennis players and he has his own little tennis racket which he holds....:o)
Thank you for wishing us well for the clinic visit... xxx
17 Aug, 2009
~Brilliant!~glad you all had such a good time doing what you do best!Any photos?
Best wishes for everything to go well for Conker tomorrow!
xxx Arlene
17 Aug, 2009
~ Thanks, Arlene ~
Not sure yet if my friend's photos are of any use.. Lol......
Yes, fingers crossed for tomorrow ! xxx
17 Aug, 2009
So glad you both had a good day yesterday, and Conker myself and Smokey send our love for tomorrow, good luck.
17 Aug, 2009
well done conker you so deserve your first prize,, glad you all had fun, a well earned break all round :o)) x
17 Aug, 2009
So glad to hear you had such a good day yesterday, well done Conker and good luck for tomorrow.
17 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Clarice, Smokey, Sandra and Angelina and Lily ~
Yes, Conker really enjoyed his day out, which will make it easier for all of us to cope with his treatments at the vet clinic tomorrow. xxx,
17 Aug, 2009
good luck for tomoz Terra :o)
17 Aug, 2009
Would love to see Conker playing tennis - who does he impersonate? Hope it's not Mcenroe - he can not be serious! Must be Bates and Durie - Wimbledon '87, mixed doubles.
Hope all goes well tomorrow and that Conker's heart test is good, he deserves things to go well as do you. Love and hugs xxx
17 Aug, 2009
Hi Wagger ~
Last year at the shows, Conker with his tennis racket was Rafael Nadal. Lol.
Yes, let's hope tomorrow's treatments go smoothly for Conker. Love & hugs. xxx
17 Aug, 2009
Congratulations on your win Conker, whose legs were the best? :-) and looking forward to seeing the new show pics if they turn out ok. Will be thinking of you tomorrow with fingers crossed Rosie and Meg send millions of wags X
17 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain ~
Conker's four legs were the best.... :o).
... but I did help by wearing white socks which have banana motifs.... under my white tennis shoes... such attention to detail. Lol.
Thanks for your finger-crossing, and wagging from Rosie and Meg.... I hope to have a good report on Conker tomorrow evening... xxx
17 Aug, 2009
Terra,thats brilliant to hear and I bet you were dancing on air, extra hugs all round yesterday and hopefully some lovely photographs to look forward too, hope all goes well
17 Aug, 2009
Hi Lincslass ~
Thanks for your good wishes. Maybe in a few weeks I'll put some dog show photos together to make a blog. :o) xxx
17 Aug, 2009
Who were you, Toto?
18 Aug, 2009
Well done, guys, at the show on Sunday!
Fingers crossed here for you, today. X :-)
18 Aug, 2009
Well done on Sunday, that must have made you both feel better! Was Truffle watching so he 'learns the ropes'?
Wags and spins going on here today for you....x
18 Aug, 2009
So glad to hear that you have been to a show...Yay! and congrats to Conker too!
I am keeping you all in my thoughts today..hope all goes well..
love..hugs..scritches, tail
18 Aug, 2009
Conker is a champ in every way!
18 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Wagger, David, Pottygardener, Cat and Weeds ~
I've just written a report on today's vet clinic visit....
Truffle will be going to another charity dog show with Conker this weekend.... if there's a class for Most Mischievous Puppy, Truffle stands a good chance of first prize. Lol.
18 Aug, 2009
awww hope truffle wins a prize, he certainly deserves to little monkey lol another lovely day out for conker to :o)
18 Aug, 2009
Hi.. TT..Conker and Truffle..
I am so pleased to hear the good news! It is so good that he can get by with fewer dosages!
I love the idea of Conker and Truffle going to the charity events...that is so good!
I am so sorry to hear about the wolfhound and their broken hearts...they did all they least they have that and they found they were blessed..
Many happy wishes for lots of happy tail wagging days..
18 Aug, 2009
Hi Sandra ~
I might enter Truffle in the class called "Friendliest Dog"... ....but I won't dare put him in the class which follows that one....
....." Fastest Sausage Eater" .... Lol....
18 Aug, 2009
Thank you, Cat ~
We'll hope that Conker's white blood count is back up by next Monday for more chemo...
...yes, the Wolfhound owners could have done no more for their dog.... Thanks for the wags and wishes. xxx
18 Aug, 2009
lol Terra bet he would love that one, but think you would be up all night with his belly ache , so stick to friendliest, play it safe :o))
18 Aug, 2009
Not sure what you mean Wagger.
Good news again TT. I hope it continues.
18 Aug, 2009
Lol. Sandra.... we'd prefer Friendliest Dog, and we're also going to avoid another class called Musical Chairs. :o).
Yes, good news, Toto, but I hope the clinic can get the chemo amounts right now, because each low blood count test - with no chemo given - adds to the huge vet bills !
...thanks for keeping track of Conker's progress xxx
18 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the explanation on Conkers low counts..I had wondered why (I am naturally curious!).....makes sense and good news too that he doesn't need bigger doses.
Have a good weekend at the shows TT......x
18 Aug, 2009
Well, that's good news today, in spite of the 'no treatment'. They seem to be very good at explanations, Tt!
I am so sorry that Bracken died - very, very young. his owners must be devastated!
I know which GOY dog would win the eating sausages competition! His name begins with 'H'
18 Aug, 2009
Nor do I, Toto - losing it, I think.
Good explanation from the specialist vet, must really set your mind at rest. Look forward to hearing about the latest trophy next week. The winner of the sausage competition is odds on to be a Lab whether named H..... or not.
18 Aug, 2009
Completely and utterly sewn up... Stomachs on legs, Labs are! lol
18 Aug, 2009
Many Thanks for the update, Tt. It all continues to be +ve, from the sound of the explanations given you. I agree that any pup becoming owned by the late Bracken's (lovely name) "parents" will have a great life. You also seem to be doing well in the way of cuttings. You deserve a great many more, on account of the outlay for Conker's treatment, and, just for being a fab Mum to him and Truffle.
Have a rest these next few days, and, Good Luck for the contest. We'll all be wagging, etc., for you! - X
18 Aug, 2009
Terra I am so pleased that Conker is feeling so well. I am so glad the Vet the explained the low blood count to you, sounds much more positive and as you say, he is enjoying his Charity Shows. Todd is wagging his hardest and the feathers are flapping wings for him, love and hugs to you all
19 Aug, 2009
Conker, congratulations on winning your red 1st prize rosette, I can see that you have lovely legs! (shouldn't say that seeing as I am a male too!!) I am pleased that you are feeling better and enjoying your shows. . Please tell your Mom that I am really upset about the lovely Wolfhound and how kind she was to his Mom and Dad. Big wags coming over to you......
19 Aug, 2009
Hi David... must admit I've taken more cuttings from the little garden at the clinic, because those from a few weeks ago didn't grow well... so I'm having another try... I even have some in water, so I can report about those on my other blog about cuttings in rainwater !
Thanks for the good wishes from everyone..... Spritz, Pottygardener, Wagger, Toto, Sandra... The clinic vets are trying to get the chemo levels correct for Conker... which would rule out extra journeys for us, and extra tests for Conker..... and extra expense for me ! but it is good news that a lower dose of chemo seems more suitable for him....
At the next dog show, I'll do my best to see which breeds win the Fastest Sausage Eater class.... looks like it could be an exclusive line-up of Labradors ! :o)
And finally ~ is there an extra theme going on along this thread between Wagger and Toto ??? A secret code ? Lol. :o)
19 Aug, 2009
Thanks to everyone for keeping up the wagging for Conker...
Because of the number of occasions when Conker's blood result meant chemo could not be given, the weekly treatments could now stretch into November...
Thank you to Pam, Toddy and feathered friends.... xxx
19 Aug, 2009
A mixed result this week then, but overall a positive one for Conker if he can have lower doses of chemo. He still seems very lively even though his blood count is low so he proves the saying "you can't keep a good dog down"! This must help to keep your spirits up, it's so heartbreaking to nurse an animal who seems to have given up. Well done in giving support to Bracken's Mum, I'm sure you were a great comfort to her at such an awful time.
19 Aug, 2009
Not that I know of, Terra. I think I confused him as much as myself, lol. Don't know what I was saying to who!
19 Aug, 2009
Lol. Wagger...
I think we all have days like that ! :o)
Hello Lily ~ Thanks for checking on Conker ~
Yes, even on the low white blood cell count, Conker still seems to have enthusiasm and energy which is good, isn't it... I hope Bracken's owners are able to have another dog in the not too distant future...
19 Aug, 2009
HI TT~nice to hear that the explanation is more positive than negative.Sorry to hear about Bracken ~it must be awful to lose a dog so young after you have tried everything!
19 Aug, 2009
Good to hear the news on Conker, TT. It seems that it is good for him to have a relatively low white blood count. Hope they can now stabilize his chemo sessions.
We have to take Boli to the vets next week for her six monthly check up. She has a heart condition but it is stable & has been so for the last several years. I'm very much afraid that this will be her last check up as I can't see her possibly living another six months. She can hardly walk now & even when she pees she falls down into the puddle before she can finish. I've had to rescue her several times lately. But then she is over 15 years old & was born in our place in Spain. She has now spent almost half her life here in the UK.
19 Aug, 2009
Hello Balcony ~
Boli has done so well to reach 15 years old... that's three times the age of Conker !
With Boli's heart condition, you've done well to keep her happy and active over recent years, but, yes, they all come to an age where there's a limit to how much we can help them. A very international dog, with early years in Spain and then an equal length of time back in the UK...
Yes, I'm hoping the clinic vets can now calculate exactly how much chemo to give Conker, which will combat the cancer, but not pull his white blood cell count too low...
Thanks for your thoughts on this. xxx
19 Aug, 2009
Hello Arlene ~
Yes, I've been thinking about Bracken and his owners quite a lot today... it will take them a while to adjust...
Conker seems a bit tired, but it was a long hot trip to the vet clinic yesterday, and this afternoon is very warm...
I hope Harvey and Merlin are well. xxx
19 Aug, 2009
So sorry to hear about Bracken TT......but very pleased to see Conker is managing to return to his must be thrilled....:o)
19 Aug, 2009
Hi Janey ~
Thinking of Bracken makes me grateful that during Conker's first five years, he was totally fit...
Yes, being back at the shows means Conker is doing what he loves best....and all being well, he'll be enjoying another tricks competition this weekend. :o)
19 Aug, 2009
So sad to hear about Bracken, but lovely to hear your selfish head gardener is dragging you off to yet another show ;-) My daughter is picking up her little rescue dog on monday and I'm going with her:-) She's said to be a jack russell cross but has a lot of whippet in her I think. She's will be called Ruby, she was a stray so we know nothing of her background though she seems great with children. lets hope shes ok with cats. One more tail to wag for Conker! :-))
20 Aug, 2009
Hi Bornagain ~
That's so exciting that your daughter is to collect Ruby on Monday (isn't the song called Ruby Tuesday ? Lol)
Jack Russell crossed with Whippet sounds an ideal mix.... the liveliness of a terrier but the steadiness of a Whippet..
Please put a comment on this thread when you've uploaded a pic of Ruby onto GoY. xxx
20 Aug, 2009
Will do Tt, I think I'm as excited as my daughter. It was funny that the kennel she was in was the same kennel Rosie was in, and when we went to reserve her at reception, having already decided on her name, there was the song, Ruby, playing quietly in the background... it seemed like an omen! :-)
20 Aug, 2009
Sounds like this is meant to be, doesn't it, for little Ruby to come into your family.... and, as you say, an extra tail wagging for Conker... :o)
20 Aug, 2009
Hello TT. Sad news about Bracken, but great to hear Conker is doing the shows and in general. It is the quality of life that's important. Suki's lump is getting bigger, but she eats, drinks, plays and generally seems to be enjoying her life. Though it's more in the slow lane now!
I'll get them wagging for next Tuesday....are you still going weekly? x
20 Aug, 2009
Hello Phil ~
Yes, it is the quality of life which is important. Sorry to hear Suki's lump is growing larger, but good to know she still has a good appetite and enjoys playing.... despite at a slower pace ! Please give us updates on this thread of how Suki is doing. We're interested as to how she gets on. Thank you. :o)
Conker's next appointment is on Monday. It is the week in the cycle of treatments when the stronger chemo is due, provided his white blood cell count is okay.
To recover from this stronger chemo, dogs are given an extra rest week, so he'll need at least a fortnight after that, before another clinic visit... so wags for Monday please. xxx
20 Aug, 2009
Hi TT - I'm sorry I've rather lost track of things on GoY these past few weeks due to you-know-what, so I didn't know about Bracken. It's very sad and must be distressing for his owners. How lucky they were to meet you at the vet's. I'm sure you gave them some great support at a time when they needed it.
I'm glad to hear Conker is still doing well with the treatment. Everyone is wagging here in Carmarthenshire for him.
Have you seen my blog about the Pembrokeshire show where I've put photos of Carreg Longhorn cattle - well they live on a farm about 5 miles from here and they will all be wagging their tails for Conker on Monday :o)
Blodyn is wagging too but she is also vigorously scratching the furniture. I don't mind as long as it helps :o)
21 Aug, 2009
Hello Hywel ~
It's understandable you weren't in touch for a while...
I hope you're feeling more settled now...
Currently, while Conker is well enough, we are busy enjoying some charity dog shows before the season ends... so I might lose track with GoY just a little over the next few weeks, but I'll try to catch up with blogs and pics in any spare moment...
Great to know that the Pembrokeshire Cattle and Carmarthenshire folk are all wagging for Conker...
.... and thanks to beautiful Blodyn for helping in every way she can..
21 Aug, 2009
I've just written an update about Conker, and his vet clinic visit today. Thanks to everyone who is following his story...
24 Aug, 2009
~here's hoping the antibiotics will see it off~time for all of you to have an early night!
24 Aug, 2009
i do hope the meds work for conker Terra and its just infection,bless him he must be so tired and you to,in my prayers Terra :o)) x
24 Aug, 2009
Glad to hear Conker was able to have his chemo today but sorry to hear about the swelling on his cheek. Fingers crossed the antibiotics do the trick. Lily x
24 Aug, 2009
Oh dear, ! TT - It's one thing after another isn't it.
It's just not right. I don't care - it just isn't.
I hope like everyone else that it's only an infection.
You know we're all here for you TT, and wagging away :o)
Have an early night now. Hopefully the improvement of recent weeks will continue. Stay positive :o)
24 Aug, 2009
Thanks everyone.... as usual your wonderful comments help me to remain positive...
We are all totally cream-crackered... even Truffle !
hoping for an early night... xxx
24 Aug, 2009
god bless Terra, sleep well all of you, an early night works wonders xx
24 Aug, 2009
Sorry to hear about the swelling in Conker's cheek. I really hope it's no more than an infection that the antibiotics will cure it & that a biopsy won't be necessary.
Hope you get to recover a little from the anxiety of waiting & wondering how he is doing.
24 Aug, 2009
Poor you, It's like a rollercoaster ride isn't it. Perhaps with his white cells being so low, he is prone to infections. Let's hope that is all that's wrong and you will all be sticking to your show timetable and better days. We fetched Ruby today, she's very sweet and hasn't killed Sally the cat yet so fingers crossed. She's wagging madly, so pleased to be out of kennels and into a forever home. Her wags may just swing the balance :-) stay strong X
24 Aug, 2009
I have only just caught up with the latest news on Conkers progress andf like all of the others I hope and pray that the swelling is just a passing infection and that the antibiotics soon clear it up. I hadn't realised that he was going to the vets today or I would have wished you the best of everything. I'm sure that the news will be positive and that Conker will soon pick up again.
Love to you all.
24 Aug, 2009
So sorry to hear about Conker, i just dont believe this year it just heartache after heartache, like everyone says lets hope its just an infection, Smokey is still waging his tail for Conker, and i've got the fish to jion in as there is 4 extra tails to wag, keep your chin up thinking of you Carol xx
24 Aug, 2009
Hello TT.....fingers crossed that Conkers swelling is infection. Highly likely given his low immune system. Hope you sleep well, Echinacea would help boost your immune system to keep you healthy through these times.... :o)
24 Aug, 2009
Oh dear, what an anxious week this will be for you - keeping busy with your dogs and lovely garden will help stop the time dragging too much. Keeping fingers crossed and 'tail' wagging that it is just an infection. We're all with you every step of the way, Terra. xxx
25 Aug, 2009
Why, oh why should this happen?? I just don't get it TT. I was sure he was listening to me
25 Aug, 2009
Let's hope he was listening, Terry....
... it could yet be an infection rather than return of the cancer to Conker's face...
Conker is not very enthusiastic about food today, probably because he is full of strong chemo and antibiotics. As long as he eats small amounts, I'll not worry too much...
Hi Balcony..... thanks..... and I hope Boli is perky this week... Bornagain.... I hope Ruby is settling in well....she sounds lovely... :o)
Thanks, Toto, Clarice, Smokey, Flip and Flop, Ebb and Flo, Pottygardener and Wagger.... please keep everything wagging at top speed this week and pray that Conker's face swelling diminishes...
25 Aug, 2009 there is swelling there...any other symptoms like he had before? If not then ? That would be good I would you all..this is so is he otherwise?
Try to stay in the moment and not let your mind run off too's hugs and tail wags..~Cat
25 Aug, 2009
Hi Cat ~
Conker is very sleepy from all the chemo and antibiotics, and has little appetite, but these are early days, and lets hope is he looking better by the end of the week.
25 Aug, 2009
Hello TT. Nothing to say that hasn't been said....wagging, praying, everything crossed, that it's just an infection. x
25 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Phil ~
Unfortunately Conker isn't reacting very well to the antibiotics... they are upsetting him tum.... I told the clinic vet this might happen, but was advised to try Conker on them... I'll keep trying.... :o( x
25 Aug, 2009
Sorry to hear this latest development .All tails swishing as usual.Do persevere with the antibiotics...usually take a few days to "kick in " Love from all......
25 Aug, 2009
Thanks BB/Jane ~
I'm giving Conker lots of natural probiotic yogurt with the antibiotics, to try to stop his digestive system protesting too much...
25 Aug, 2009
Good idea ! Have you tried him with scrambled egg? Our vet recommended that for our dogs whenever they had upset tums !
25 Aug, 2009
Can't say anymore than the others have already said. I just wish him well.
25 Aug, 2009
I'll keep the egg idea in mind... thanks...
Hi Toto ~
Thank you... it's sad seeing Conker less healthy again, because generally he has been responding so well to chemo... x
25 Aug, 2009
Its not surprising he has an upset tum with all that treatment bless him,extra wags coming his way Terra.,Malik is worse I,m afraid so he has to be put under anasthaetic tomorrow for x,rays and biopsy on his leg......
25 Aug, 2009
Hi Lincslass ~
So sorry to hear that Malik's injury is worse. I'll be thinking of him having the anaesthetic, xray and biopsy. Please report back on this thread if possible to let us all know how he gets on. Thanks. He is a brave boy. xxx
26 Aug, 2009
Benny has gone out in sympathy with Conker and developed a lump on his face. However, it is an abscess as a result of a broken tooth....the big one right at the back of their mouth...ouch. It is being taken out on Friday morning, he is currently on antibiotics too. He still eats and chews with no difficulty despite all this, I hope he is as OK after the extraction.....not the bravest of breeds! :o)
Hope Conkers tummy is settling down, antibiotics can do that, Benny has experienced the same at times. We have been given a different type this time.
26 Aug, 2009
~chicken breast is a favourite for my boys~sorry to hear about Malik!best wishes for him too!
26 Aug, 2009
Oh, poor Benny.... please let us know on this thread how he gets on at the vets. I asked my clinic vet if Conker's cheek swelling could be a tooth abscess, but he said no....
It's good to hear that Benny is still eating... I've been giving Conker lots of natural probiotic yogurt and that has helped him tolerate the antibiotics, and his appetite has improved....but no sign yet of the swollen cheek subsiding....
Conker, Truffle and Crocus budgie will all be wagging for Benny on Friday. xxx
26 Aug, 2009
Thank you TT...I will keep you posted. Interesting about the yoghurt, I didn't know that.
Fingers crossed and tails wagging for Conker too....x..x
26 Aug, 2009
Teddy is on my knee at the mo TT and we're sending Conker and you all our love and hugs and positive thinking. XX
26 Aug, 2009
Hi Pg ~
Yes, the natural probiotic yogurt also works well on humans with digestion problems, because it acts naturally on the enzymes in the stomach...
Thanks, Janey and Teddy ~
I like your latest avatar pic. xxx
26 Aug, 2009
Hiya Terra,I,m writing this with difficulty,Malik is laying on my feet bless him,a very subdued Malik,its not good news I,m afraid my poor lad is very poorly they think he has a cancer in his leg,we have to wait for test results to see how bad but have seen the x,rays and its not good,obviously you know exactly how we are feeling.....
26 Aug, 2009
The kids and I have just added 3 chocolate Orandas to our aquarium, so there are even more (fan)tails waving and wagging for you from here, in the hope that it is just an abscess, and will respond to the treatment.
Lots of love from us here, as well as crossed fingers, etc!
26 Aug, 2009 sorry for this developement with your Dear Malik..perhaps..there will be something they can do..xx's and my heart ~Cat
26 Aug, 2009 glad that Conker is eating hard to know what could cause that swelling..there are so many to you all...and wags...lots and lots of wags..~Cat
26 Aug, 2009
Poor Conker, I 'm sorry to hear he is feeling so poorly with all the drugs his body is having to deal with. Lets hope they are doing some good underneath all that and he will be perking up soon. It's not surprising he has little appetite, poor boy. x
Lincslass, what worrying news for you about Malik, I do hope there is something they can do for him.
Thinking of you both x
27 Aug, 2009
Hi LL ~
Yes, I know exactly how you are feeling....
Poor Malik. I hope you get the test results soon and the diagnosis is not too worrying.... Message me any time if you think my experiences with Conker's vet clinic treatment can be of help to you.
Hello David ~
Yes, I'm still hoping that Conker's swollen cheek is infection.
He is struggling with the antibiotics. They make him lose his appetite and feel queasy. Thanks to James and Eilidh for training your three new chocolate fish to wag so well. :o)
Hi Cat and Lily ~ Conker doesn't want to eat today.... he has licked some yogurt off my fingers, but is really not interested. I know it is the antibiotics having this effect, because it happened the previous time he had to take them back in April. I shall try to keep him on the complete course but that means about another week of tablets :o(
27 Aug, 2009
Hi Terra, are they given orally? would they have the same effect if injected? Sorry he's still feeling poorly but who knows... they're like children, one minute very ill and the next ...back to their old selves. Next week you could be talking about your show boy again X
27 Aug, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
The antibiotic tablets are called Synulox and other of my dog-owner friends have had the same problem of their dogs not coping well with the tablets... so giving them with yogurt etc to try to aid digestion....
They are large pink tablets and I have to give half twice a day, and I break that half into quarters, but it is still much more difficult persuading Conker to swallow these, than giving him the chemo tablets !
I may phone the clinic for advice this afternoon....
27 Aug, 2009
TT...Synulox is what caused upset in Benny... this time he is on Clavaseptin. So far no upset tums, they are a smaller tablet and supposed to be palatable! Ha ha, no chance!
I crush them between 2 spoons and add to a small amount of pilchards in tomato sauce. Works a treat!
27 Aug, 2009
Thanks so much, Pottygardener ~
Conker's upset tum has been even worse today, so I left a message about an hour ago for the clinic vet to phone me.
The vet often makes his phone calls about 6.30pm so it could be quite a wait... I'll mention Clavaseptin and see if the vet will let Conker try those. Thanks. I've been feeling rather helpless this morning, but it is good to know those different tablets suit Benny. xxx
27 Aug, 2009
Lets hope he calls you BEFORE he starts afternoon surgery....given the situation he should really...
We were squeezed in before afternoon surgery yesterday as all appointments were taken! x x
27 Aug, 2009
Terra, apparently there is a synulox suspension which vets inject, it is given sub cut so you could do it yourself if necessary. Perhaps this does not cause the same problems, I don't know , but worth the question X
27 Aug, 2009
Thanks.... I'll ask which antibiotic the vet thinks is best for Conker while on chemo.... xxx
27 Aug, 2009
I waited about 9 hours by the phone all yesterday afternoon and evening but no call from the clinic vet... Overnight Conker was being sick about every two hours and I kept changing his little blanket. He is such a clean boy that he made no mess at all on his big bed cushion...
Finally this morning the vet phoned, but he was in a hurry before rushing to a meeting. He wants Conker to complete the antibiotic course so will be phoning my local vet this afternoon to prescribe a different antibiotic for Conker that I can collect this evening. I really hope Conker doesn't react badly to the new drug because it will be Bank Holiday with vets providing only emergency service.
28 Aug, 2009
Oh Terra, what an awful time for you both. I'm so annoyed at the vet, he knows how ill Conker is and that you wouldn't bother him if it wasn't urgent. I don't know what else to say except I'm thinking of you both X
28 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain...
Conker can't even keep water down... brings it back a while later... don't know what to give him... :o(
28 Aug, 2009
In the past, when I've had poorly dogs, my vet said to only give one teaspoon per hour at the most, as they loose more liquid by vomiting. It's the awful feeling of helplessness isn't it. Is he very dehydrated? perhaps you could you get your vet to see him today just in case? X
28 Aug, 2009
So sorry to hear about lack of vet contact TT....very bad as he knows Conker is very poorly. Don't know what to say except keep on at them, you're paying the bill! They must be able to advise on his vomiting before he de-hydrates.
Hope you are seeing some improvement in him now....x x
28 Aug, 2009
Oh poor Conker and poor you TT. I know how helpless you feel to be caring for such a sick pet. Are you, as I suspect, on your own with him? Such a terrible worry, I do hope they can make his treatment less distressing quickly. Lily x
28 Aug, 2009
Thanks for all your support and advice. I'm lucky in that a friend will collect the antibiotics from my local vet...
Conker has not been sick this afternoon, and has swallowed some water and the tiniest piece of arrowroot biscuit, so that is good news...
The big question is ....
Will the new antibiotics suit Conker's digestion ?
...he is due to start those tomorrow, provided the vets do as promised and the tablets are ready to collect soon... xxx
28 Aug, 2009
We are all thinking about you - it must be so distressing for you and Conker. I hope you can ride this out until after the Bank Holiday then you can see a vet, or contact the specialists at the clinic.
Are you getting any sleep? You have to take care of yourself as well, Tt. X
28 Aug, 2009
Terra I really feel for you, my daughter and I haven`t left the house all day because we are awaiting Maliks results and its now 4.30pm ,trouble is with it being Bank Holiday weekend if we dont hear today we know we have a long wait until Tues. Malik is on antibiotics and painkillers ,luckily the ones he has twice a day he takes easily,the pink one has to go in his food because he wont take it, then its a case of standing guard to make sure the monkey does not spit it out.....
28 Aug, 2009
Hi Barbara ~ Thanks...
I was up with Conker most of last night... he seems a little better today so maybe we'll both get some sleep tonight !
Hello LL ~ 5.45 pm here...
If Malik is taking a pink antibiotic, I'm guessing it is the Synulox to which Conker is reacting badly ? ... not easy to get your dog to swallow those, but thankfully it sounds like Malik's digestive system is coping okay.
Yes, when Conker's illness became really serious back in May, this included TWO Bank Holiday weekends, and I found this most frustrating with trying to get vet treatment etc.
I so hope you get results and don't need to wait till Tuesday. Please, if you get any news of Malik, mention it on this thread, and I have everything crossed that the results will be GOOD NEWS. xxx
I'm about to phone my local vet to try to find out the latest on Conker's new antibiotics....
28 Aug, 2009
Well, I've just phoned my local vet, and it seems the clinic vet has not contacted them as promised to order Conker's new antibiotics. My local vet is open tomorrow morning, so I'll have to hope an answerphone message is left later this evening, allowing me to collect the tablets tomorrow. It seems odd that a message has not been phoned through, when the clinic vet was most insistent that Conker should complete the whole course of antibiotics.....
Fingers crossed for tomorrow....
28 Aug, 2009
~seems like they are overstretched this weekend TT because of the bank holiday?~I do hope they can sort it for you~ if as you say it is important to keep going with the antibiotics then they should make sure you can!
Lincslass~we always use a pestle and mortar to powder the pills and add on the top of their food~definitely less traumatic to give!
28 Aug, 2009
Sorry to hear this TT.....have PM'd you and included an update on Benny too!
Lincslass~ I crush tablets between 2 spoons and mix with a small amount of pilchards in tomato sauce, being a fairly strong smell it disguises them well!
28 Aug, 2009
Hi Arlene ~
The vet clinic has got busier and busier over the past few weeks... I was told that more and more dogs are attending for chemotheraphy....:o(
... and I guess staff holidays might mean extra work for others....
Hello Pottygardener ~
I'll go over to my messages.. Looking forward to learning how Benny is now :o)
28 Aug, 2009
Oh Terra, I am so sorry to hear of Conker's latest trouble. Poor Lad and you too. Antibotics can cause such a lot of tummy upsets, sometimes worse than what they have wrong with them. I pray that this is only an infection which is bad enough, he is so low with all of this chemo, his system is finding it hard to cope with extra medication. Love and hugs for you.
28 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Pam ~
I'm hoping for a better night for Conker and for myself...
.. and maybe tomorrow Conker will have found his appetite again. :o) xxx
28 Aug, 2009
Oh Terra, what an awful time you're having, so sad for poor Conker - he's so brave. I do so hope you both have a better night tonight and that you can sort out this medication problem with your vet tomorrow morning.
28 Aug, 2009
Keep well and endure TT. So sorry to hear of Conkers setback but as they say, it is always darkest before the dawn. I pray that Conker will pick up and that he will revert to his old self. I realise that it is so very difficult but whatever you do, don't give up on him and take care of yourself.
28 Aug, 2009
Thanks Wagger and Toto ~
Your comments are always very special to me...
... Conker just ate half a biscuit !!!
..... good sign.. :o) xxx
28 Aug, 2009
Oh that's good - I hope he can keep this down.
28 Aug, 2009
.... Truffle will be getting chubby because this week he has volunteered ~ nobly ~ to gobble down any meals which Conker has not wished to eat.... :o)
28 Aug, 2009
Just got back from my hols, and catching up with poor Conker. Am so sorry to hear he is poorly again, and hope he improves soon, it is so hard for both of you, you must be exhausted both mentally and physically x
28 Aug, 2009
Good to hear Conker has managed to eat, however little, its a positive step Terra!
Lots of Wags from Smudge!!!
And wiggles from Iggle Piggle (my hedgehog)
And prayers from me.
28 Aug, 2009
Hi Jean, Madperth, Smudgeperth, Iggle Piggleperth and everyone...
I'm pleased to say that Conker seems quite a bit better today... having left off the Synulox tablets for two days....
However, he now has to start on a course of different antibiotics ~ Ceporex ~ sounds like mushrooms ! Lol ~
Conker has 42 of these tablets to be taken over the next seven days... so fingers crossed he does not react badly to them...
The saga of my stress and anxiety in my efforts to obtain these tablets, which has taken two days to achieve, would require a blog of its own...
...suffice to say I don't like being the client-in-the-middle with a sick dog, paying out thousands of pounds, when the vet clinic insist they have sent a fax... but my local vet denied for 2 days having received any instructions to issue the tablets...... turns out my local vets don't read their faxes very promptly, even when they know a communication from the vet clinic is missing ...
Thanks again to everyone who is following Conker's progress.... he thinks he is feeling better... he was playing tug toy games with Truffle this morning... :o)
29 Aug, 2009
So glad he's up for a bit of tug of war this morning tt, he must be feeling a bit better. That is such a dreadful way to treat both a sick animal and a very worried owner. I know each case is only one of many to them and they are no doubt busy but every animal's needs deserve to be given prompt attention. So frustrating to be piggy in the middle, going round and round in circles. Do hope these new tablets suit Conker, you both deserve a respite from all this awful stress. Hope you both have a peaceful weekend Lily x
29 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Lily ~
Conker has just eaten his first proper meal for several days... so I plan to start the tablets at tea time... fingers crossed his system can accept them..
Yes, both the vet clinic and local vets were very busy, but for the money they charge, they could afford to pay extra staff to cope with the ever-increasing number of clients...
Enjoy your weekend... I'm hoping to find the energy to mow my lawns ! x
29 Aug, 2009
Oh wow, he's playing games as well as eating:-)))
29 Aug, 2009
Yes, a good sign, ...Conker isn't yet playing with sufficient energy for Truffle's approval...
...but there are very few of us in this world who would have enough get-up-and-go to suit Truffle's requirements. Lol. :o)
29 Aug, 2009
Hi TT so pleased Conker is abit better today, playing always seems to be a sign and eating too, hope you and Conker have a good night, thinking of you all,tails still wagging up here in Blackpool. x
29 Aug, 2009
Hi Clarice...
Conker says thanks to Smokey, Flip, Flop, Ebb and Flo for their wagging...
I'm so hoping Conker can cope with the new tablets... all 42 of them ! :o) x
29 Aug, 2009
So are we all, Terra. The weather looks good for the next couple of days so there's no rush for the lawn - have a good rest first. Can't you channel Truffle's energy into a little light mowing?
29 Aug, 2009
I wish I'd read your advice sooner, Wagger. I mowed my lawns and then had to come back indoors... I'm out of energy...!
When Truffle is older he hopes to inherit the larger toy mower which I photographed for GoY with Bonsai the Welsh Terrier, receiving it for his last birthday...
.... then, with Truffle mowing in stripes up and down, I can retire from lawn duties....Lol.
29 Aug, 2009
So pleased to hear of Conkers improvement today, eating and playing....wonderful!
Shame on the vets though.....
Wags and spins here for Conker to tolerate the new antibiotics and to continue improving. x x
29 Aug, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~
How is Benny today ?
Thanks for the wags and spins...
Conker had 3 tablets with probiotic yogurt a couple of hours ago... only 39 left to take..... xxx
29 Aug, 2009
I'm so glad to hear Conker's a little better today! May he continue to improve by the minute!!
Fingers crossed for the tabs to help this time! Poor puppy, he deserves a break!
Wags & wiggles from Smudge & Iggle Piggle, Hugs & kisses & prayers from me!
29 Aug, 2009
Wow, Madperth.... if wiggling hedgehogs can cure Conker then you're certainly doing your very best for him up there in Scotland.... .thanks also to you and Smudge...
let's hope these new tablets work as intended. xxx :o)
29 Aug, 2009
fingers toes arms legs & eyes crossed!!
Its not easy typing like this!!!!
29 Aug, 2009
Benny is absolutely fine, thank you for asking. I am amazed as they are not a brave breed. He had 2 big back teeth removed yesterday. His mouth must be sore but he doesn't complain at all. I am soaking his dry food in warm water and he eats with no difficulty. The bruising on his face has gone down as well.
He is now to be known as 'Brave Benny'!!
29 Aug, 2009
"Brave Benny" or "Benny the Brave" ~
It's wonderful that he is bouncing back so well from his visit to the dentist...:o)
Madperth that's totally impressive...
... but please don't dislocate anything ! Lol.
29 Aug, 2009
LOL! I'm about to pm you, please check in a few minutes!
29 Aug, 2009
I'm am just trying to catch up on everything but it's proving an impossible task! So sorry to hear of the further problems both you and Conker are experiencing but glad your latest report sounds more encouraging. Chloe and Poppy send their love (and wags!) to you all.
29 Aug, 2009
All the very best to you and Conker with the change in his medication. I do hope his system accepts it well and that he continues to improve.
31 Aug, 2009
Hope the change in Conker's medication is working and not upsetting him.
Just spent time in the garden after my hols, everything seems to have gone mad while I was away, so clearing up, and starting to clear some old stuff out in preparation for winter (yuk!).
31 Aug, 2009
Thanks, Madperth, Gee, Toto and Jeanh ~
I'm pleased to say that Conker is doing better on the new antibiotics. They are giving him less adverse side effects, and in fact we enjoyed a sunny day at a charity dog show yesterday... Today, Conker is exhausted but happy :o)
I'm still not sure what's going on with Conker's face-swelling. I'm going to delay phoning the clinic vet for a couple of days, because the new antibiotics haven't yet had much of a chance to be beneficial, and I want to be able to give a more definite report to the vet.
I'll post any updates here. xxx
1 Sep, 2009
Here's hoping!! Hugs to Conker! xxxx
1 Sep, 2009
Great news Tt:-) Is it possible that the other antibiotics didn't do anything as he kept vomiting them up?
1 Sep, 2009
Good question, Bornagain...
I think Conker did absorb some of the Synulox. Today his cheek looks more swollen again, but I am continuing with the Ceporex.
The cheek seemed to swell up overnight, which makes me wonder if, following the chemo, that part of his face is now weak, and fluid gathers there. This is pure guesswork on my part. Conker finishes the Ceporex on Saturday, so I'll see how he is at that time...
This afternoon he enjoyed a quick chew on a nylon bone toy, so is not in any pain...
Thanks, Madperth...
here's hoping the swelling is nothing sinister. x
1 Sep, 2009
From your lips (or fingers)...............
Here's hoping! Indy did an extra- special healing meditation last night & a couple of us joined him (at a distance) & of course you & Conker were there in a sense too!
Sounds barmy, I know, but...............
1 Sep, 2009
I still think about you & Conker even though I've not written anything here in a few days, TT. Hope the new antibiotics help him. Good to hear that he has felt strong enough to play with Truffles & his toys. :)
Boli gave me a fright yesterday morning. She was agitated most of the morning & making little sounds that made me think she might be in pain. I gave her a 1/4 of an aspirin but it seemed to take much longer in relieving her pain than other times. After a few hours she settled down but didn't seem very well all day. Her breathing was very shallow & fast most of the time till she eventually laid down.
Today she seems to be better but she is hardly eating at all & she is hardly moving at all today.
1 Sep, 2009
Hi Balcony ~
That's a worry about Boli. I hope she perks up soon.
Can you think back to what she had to eat prior to being in pain ? It might be that as she gets older, there's something you should exclude from her diet which gives her tum ache.
Try giving her natural probiotic yogurt which she can lick off your fingers. That should help her digestion... Please let us all know how she is tomorrow...
Thanks for asking about Conker... these different antibiotics seem to be suiting him better. x
1 Sep, 2009
:~))) So glad Conker's feeling ok today
Sorry Boli's unwell Balcony! :~((
1 Sep, 2009
Hi TT,
I'm glad to hear the swelling on Conker's face went down ( eventhough it's back now ) If it went down once it can go down again. I hope the new antibiotics help.
It's nice to hear you were both able to go to a charity show over the week end aswell.
Love and lots of hugs from Hywel and Blodyn
1 Sep, 2009
What a very good point Hywel, that if the swelling went down once, it can do so again... That thought had occurred to me also.... a very sensible, optimistic and positive way of looking at things.. Thank you :o)
I hope Blodyn is well... I plan to write a separate blog some time soon about the charity dog shows.... my friend took some photos of Conker at the shows, which I hope to see this week.. xxxxx
1 Sep, 2009
Hi Madperth ~
thanks for following Conker's progress. xxx
1 Sep, 2009
Like you TT, I just want him happy and well.
1 Sep, 2009
I second that emulsion!
1 Sep, 2009
Thanks to both... :o)
Conker has just swallowed 3 more antibiotics... that is 21 tablets down, 21 tablets to go ! Lol...
..he had the tablets in yogurt, not emulsion... Lol.
1 Sep, 2009
I look forward to your new blog TT, and to seeing some more photos of Conker.
Blodyn is ok thank you for asking. She has gone out now. It's stopped raining for a while and I think she was fed up with being unable to go out.
Take care of yourself aswell TT
1 Sep, 2009
LOL!! Halfway there! Hopefully they'll start to "kick in" now!
1 Sep, 2009
I do hope Conker's swelling goes down again and for good. He is such a good patient, bless him. I have to give Chloe just one tablet daily and it's a job to make sure she takes it - she is very adept at spitting it out just when I think it's gone! Your charity day sounds fun. We are going to Paws in the Park next Saturday, a big dog show at Paddock Wood in Kent, with all sorts of doggy events. Fingers crossed again that Conker's new antibiotics are successful.
1 Sep, 2009
Yes, Madperth ~ half way through the course... let's hope the tablets do their work...
Hi Gee ~
Conker's cheek is still swollen this morning, but his first thought was to find a toy to play, so he is not in pain. Yes, I certainly have to make sure Conker has swallowed any tablets... can't risk Truffle eating antibiotics or chemo pills from the floor !
Here's a link for the Paws in the Park dog show schedule. Conker would be there if we lived nearer. Maybe you'll take some photos, please...
2 Sep, 2009
Sorry I've not kept in touch recently but I have been thinking about and praying for you and Conker.
2 Sep, 2009
Hi Terry60 ~
Thank you. I realise you've had a busy time and I appreciate your keeping up with Conker's blog to find out how his cancer treatment is progressing. xxx
2 Sep, 2009
I'm so glad to hear that is he feeling a bit brighter again, such joy to hear that he wanted to play with a toy. Love and hugs...........
2 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Pam ~
Conker completes the antibiotics tablets course next Saturday morning.
He tries to join in and play... sometimes young Truffle is a bit too energetic and strong for him ! Lol.
2 Sep, 2009
Pleased Conker is feeling abit better, and the antibiotics that he finishes on saterday are doing some good for him, looking forward to seeing some new photos of Conker, sending you all are best wishes to you both, give Truffles a pat for me and say hello to him aswell.
2 Sep, 2009
Hi Clarice and Smokey ~
Thanks. Such a relief that Conker's digestive system is accepting the new antibiotics and clever of Conker to feel well enough on Monday to enjoy the sunny dog show. Yes, there are more photos in the pipeline ~
and Truffle says Hi :o)
2 Sep, 2009
My computer is dragging its feet when I try to open this huge blog these days. So I'll pop in on you to check on Conker on one of your other blogs or pix. Glad he's handling his meds so well.
3 Sep, 2009
Hi Weeds...
Sorry to hear your computer is dragging its feet...
I'm pleased to report that Conker is speedy on his feet today... but I'm still not sure what's going on with the swelling on his cheek...
3 Sep, 2009
Hi Terra, so pleased he is feeling well and that you could attend another show. I haven't forgotten you know, the promised picture of your the tennis socks.... best six don't pretend the photos didn't turn out well enough ;-))
3 Sep, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
My friend is bringing me some photos today from Monday's dog show... not the tennis, but I think there is one where I am in my shorts with Conker winning.... so I'll report back later on that. Lol... :o)
3 Sep, 2009
Hi TT. Do you go to the vets again next Tuesday or do you have to wait until the results of the biopsy are known. Is Conker still improving with his new medication?
Love to you, Conker, Truffle and Crocus.
5 Sep, 2009
Thanks for asking, Toto ~
Conker's next vet clinic appointment is this coming Wednesday. He will undergo the usual blood tests, and if the white cell count is high enough, the clinic vets will give him more chemotherapy... I had hoped for a Monday or Tuesday appointment, but the vet clinic now has so many dogs on chemo that it is difficult to get an appointment ! I think the vet sometimes manages to fit Conker in between other time-slots because he is such a well-behaved little Sheltie !
The second course of antibiotics has been more acceptable for Conker's digestive system and this morning he nobly swallowed the final three of the forty-two tablets !
Because of the delay caused by the first unsuitable antibiotics, it will be on Wednesday that the clinic vet will examine Conker's swollen cheek and decide if Conker needs to return to the clinic on another day to have anaesthetic and biopsy to check if the cancer is returning.
Conker's swollen cheek, below his left eye, is quite close to the original cancer site, but I'm still hoping the problem is an infection and not cancer. Fingers crossed...
It is very difficult to judge how much the antibiotics have reduced the swelling... Fortunately Conker is not is any pain...
I can tell that by the way he plays toys with Truffle ! Lol.
Meanwhile.. today is sunny and Conker will be enjoying more quality time at another charity dog show. :o)
Love & hugs. TT, Conker, Truffle and Crocus. xxx
5 Sep, 2009
Good for you Tt, happy times are precious and not to be spoiled by 'what if ' Good luck at the show:-)) Wags from Rosie, Meg.... and Ruby :-) x
5 Sep, 2009
Have a lovely day with your boys - I wonder if you are dressing up today and if so, as what?
5 Sep, 2009
Hope you had an enjoyable and successful day at the show TT... PHOTO'S PLEASE!....Good to hear that Conker is still playing toys... :o) x x
5 Sep, 2009
glad all is well at the moment Terra, and so glad conker is ok with his meds, good luck with his next visit to vets and hopefully can have his treatment, bet hes enjoying his time at the dogshow, anyother prize i hope :o)) love and hugs sandra x
5 Sep, 2009
Thanks for the wags, Bornagain... must have worked because Conker won best trick class again.... he did his Supernanny routine, and enjoyed himself very much.
We walked around the stalls... The was a stall selling plants exclusively to attract moths, bees, butterflies etc. I have photos of this and others, so will make a blog about the dog shows soon... am tempted to put on a single photo from last week's show where Conker won Best Trick and Best in Show.... Lol.
Hi Wagger... yes, we did dress up again...last Monday we were a Tarzan and Jane theme with Conker as the elephant.... this week all three of us were Hawaiian girls with straw skirts... most of the audience look at my friend because he wears a coconut shell bra. Lol. Conker has his own flower garlands and straw skirt. ... we were very brave because there was an icy wind ! Lol.
Hello Pottygardener... Thanks, it was fun to see Conker having such a great time... I'll put on GoY a photo from last week where we won BIS... I'll do it this weekend. Lol.
5 Sep, 2009
Hi Sandra....
Sorry, missed your comment earlier...
yes, I am concerned for Conker's Wednesday visit... don't know what the vet will decide about the swollen cheek...
Today Conker won rosettes and bags of dog food.... Truffle thinks the idea of charity dog shows is that Conker works hard to win food so that Truffle has lots of dinners to enjoy. Lol.
5 Sep, 2009
lol bless little truffle, just thinking of his tummy, bless, what was the prize for today? what catogory?
5 Sep, 2009
Well done again, folks! It's always good to read about your fun days out. :-)
5 Sep, 2009
Thanks, David and Sandra ~
Truffle was a bit too lively to win anything today...Lol.... but he did win some prizes at other recent shows..
Conker won a red rosette and bag of Arden Grange dog food for Best Trick, and then yet more Arden Grange dog food for Fancy Dress competition. :o)
5 Sep, 2009
Brilliant TT well done!
5 Sep, 2009
Thanks Arlene ~
My dogs are happy but exhausted now... me too... :o)
5 Sep, 2009
awww good boy conker, your a hero, big hug and kiss x
5 Sep, 2009
Good to know you've had a good day, Terra! Long may they continue! Wags & wiggles from Smudge & IP!
5 Sep, 2009
Thanks Madperth, Smudge and IP ~
Yes, another fun show....
... could have made good use of the SFT badges today....
Truffle says he would have won his class if we'd had those. Lol...
5 Sep, 2009
Tell Truffle I'm working on it!
5 Sep, 2009
Truffle would say "thank you" but he has already gone to bed..... to dream of winning lots and lots and lots of bags of dog food.. just like his friend Conker did at the show today. Lol.
5 Sep, 2009
LOL!! Worn out with all that running around?? So am I tonight!
5 Sep, 2009
Your hawaaian turn sounds absolutely priceless - do you all hula? Look forward to the blog when you have time, you certainly know how to fill your days with fun when you can.
5 Sep, 2009
Pity they cant be video blogs! But you can put videos on MY site!!!!!!!!!
5 Sep, 2009
Sorry, no videos, but yes we do all hula, and my friend's coconut halves stay in place. Lol.
Good night x :o)
5 Sep, 2009
Thats great news TT....good ole Conker, and Truffle of course.......I can just see Conker trotting along, head held high with his bag of doggy biscs and Truffle having bitten a hole in the bottom, snuffling along behind, hoovering them up.....Lol!
5 Sep, 2009
Lol Janey...
...that's exactly what Truffle would do. :o) xxx
5 Sep, 2009
Well done Conker, what a boy! and of course well done Tt. looking forward to the pics:-)
5 Sep, 2009
Goodnight Terra!!
5 Sep, 2009
Photo of me with Conker winning his Best in Show rosette, from having performed his gardening tricks, is now on GoY...
I'll make a blog about the dog shows, with photos, in a few weeks from now... :o)
6 Sep, 2009
seen it already Terra, its great and cant wait to see your blog when its finished :o) x
6 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Sandra. x
6 Sep, 2009
I've removed the photo... think I can find a more suitable one.
6 Sep, 2009
Glad you had another winning weekend TT....missed the photo, you were too quick in removing it!... :o)
6 Sep, 2009
I missed it too! :~((
6 Sep, 2009
Yes, Pottygardener, Conker really enjoyed the dog show :o)
Sorry about the photo....
I'll endeavour to find a different pic.
6 Sep, 2009
We missed it too ! Came up on page that you had added a pic and spent ages looking for it !! Lol ! Good luck for Wednesday ! xx
6 Sep, 2009
Hi BB/Jane..
Apologies about the photo...
Thanks for your kind thoughts for Wednesday. xxx
6 Sep, 2009
I've managed to put the same photo back on GoY with some extra words of explanation underneath.. :o)
7 Sep, 2009
Okey dokey!
8 Sep, 2009
Well done Conker, and good luck for tomorrow, we are all thinking of you, lots of hugs and kisses aswell, besides tails wagging.
8 Sep, 2009
good luck for tomorrow, Meg was spayed testerday and is on the road to recovery so is only wagging feebly, but rosy & Ruby will make up for that:-)
8 Sep, 2009
Well done from me too Conker. Hope it all goes as well tomorrow too. x
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks Lily.Clarice and Smokey, Bornagain, Rosy and Ruby...
... and little Meg, wagging as well as you can can right now. :o) x
8 Sep, 2009
Great to know how successful Conker has been, bless him, he certainly deserves it after all he is going through so patiently. I'm off to seek out your photo now but all the best for tomorrow. God bless.
8 Sep, 2009
Good wishes for tomorrow TT, hope it is good news for you...xx
8 Sep, 2009
thinking of you for tomoz Terra and Conker, hugs all round x
8 Sep, 2009
Thank you, Gee, Pottygardener and Sandra ~
I've been gardening... chop, chop, chopping, cut, cut, cutting... I always get over-keen with the secateurs when I'm anxious about Conker...
I'll hope to put a report on this blog later tomorrow, about Conker's vet clinic visit.
8 Sep, 2009
I do hope the vet visit goes well - good blood count and a positive diagnosis on Conker's swollen cheek. Will wait anxiously for your report.
8 Sep, 2009
Hi Wagger....
Thanks for your good wishes...
Had such a good time recently at the dog shows, that it is down to earth with a bump being back at the clinic tomorrow.... fingers crossed for good results. x
8 Sep, 2009
Yet again I send my love and good wishes to you and Conker and hope tomorrow brings good news.
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Toto, for always remembering. :o) xxx
8 Sep, 2009
Your more than welcome TT.Like you, I just wish him well.
8 Sep, 2009
Fingers crossed... :o)
8 Sep, 2009
And lots more besides.
8 Sep, 2009
Lol. :o)
8 Sep, 2009
Just catching up. Hope all goes well tomorrrow x
8 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Jean :o) x
8 Sep, 2009
I've just updated the top part of my blog with the detail of Conker's vet clinic visit today...
.... and it is GOOD NEWS :o)
9 Sep, 2009
YAY!!!!! :~))))))))0
So pleased!! You must be really chuffed!!!
Hugs all round!!
9 Sep, 2009
Fantastic news, TT, HIP, HIP, HURRAH!! I should imagine that's a huge weight off your shoulders. Give Conker a gentle cuddle from me (and don't leave Truffle out, he can have one too). Such good news. Have a restful evening and a very good night.
9 Sep, 2009
Yay, and Hurrah !
Thanks Marie and Gee.... :o)
I need some sleep but otherwise all very relieved here...
and I've just added a bit to the blog about one of the vet clinic receptionists remembering Conker performing at a charity dog show last year !
9 Sep, 2009
~some really good news~all this feel good factor when he wins is doing him good!~Well done Conker ~hugs all round!
9 Sep, 2009
So good to have some good news this week on both counts. What a relief for you.......sleep well all of you :o)) x
9 Sep, 2009
So good to have some good news this week on both counts. What a relief for you.......sleep well all of you :o)) x
9 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Arlene and Lily....
we are sleeeeeepy but happy :o)
9 Sep, 2009
So pleased it all went so well for you today - and some good weather ahead so you can all relax in your lovely garden.(if there's any left after the attack of the phantom secateurs, lol).
9 Sep, 2009
Hi Wagger :o)
The weather was so nice today that, even though I was exhausted, I felt obliged to go out in my gardens and attack even more shrubs with snipping and clipping...
... the hebes and choisya are looking rather bald...Lol.
9 Sep, 2009
Oh poor plants! Is nothing safe?
9 Sep, 2009
Lol. My lawns are all mown short and I attacked my Clematis armandii the other day.. but I have my eye on an overgrown box hedge....
... feel a bit of topiary coming on....
It's budgie-cage-cleaning morning tomorrow, but Crocus moults his own feathers so no need for any trimming there. :o)
9 Sep, 2009
I can just see Crocus trimmed in a spiral.
9 Sep, 2009
Wonderful, wonderful news TT.
9 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Terry60 ~
we're cream-crackered but contented here this evening :o)
Wagger ~
Recently, Crocus moulted his longest tail feather, so the spiral might look more like a bad plumage day..Lol.
9 Sep, 2009
Like the others I'm pleased for you & Conker on the good news you had today! :)
9 Sep, 2009
Thank you, Balcony....
...please tell me.... how is lovely Boli today ?
9 Sep, 2009
Great news TT I am so pleased for you and Conker I have been thinking about you all day ,first stop tonight was to check and see how things had gone for Conker today ,it will be a nice restfull sleep for you tonight...X
9 Sep, 2009
There you go Conker is famous,Terra I,m so happy for you and so relieved I could dance on air for you and Conker, I,ve been thinking about you all day and forced myself not to look earlier.Its been lovely here for a few days now so I,ve been outside as well ,indoors is a bit neglected at the moment,lol. Hugs and Treats all round at your house.......
9 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Janette and Sue ~
Gardening is great therapy, I find, when I'm either worried, anxious or maybe a bit depressed... and the lovely weather recently has made it even more pleasant to be outside...
Sue...don't worry about indoors being neglected.. work on that water feature and remember the well known saying ~
The vet clinic receptionist remembered Conker being at one of the dog shows where he won with a performance of his Supernanny routine...
another unmown venue where Conker tried valiantly to push his toy pram through the long grass...Lol.
9 Sep, 2009
Fantastic news TT.
9 Sep, 2009
Thanks Toto... good night, sleep well.. xxx
9 Sep, 2009
Pleased to hear your good news TT....hope you all sleep well tonight. Ready for the topiary tomorrow! ;o)
9 Sep, 2009
Fantastic news TT ... give Conker a nice big cuddle from me , and one for Truffle to , Isn't it nice that Conker was remembered from over a year ago ,it shows how he stayed in peoples memories ..:o)
Sleep well tonight ..
Love and hugs xx
9 Sep, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~ How is Benny ?
Slept well, thanks, until Truffle decided it was morning. Lol.
Topiary might be on hold... I have a blistered finger from too much clipping and snipping..!
10 Sep, 2009
Hello Amy ~
Cuddles passed to Conker and Truffle... and I blew a kiss to Crocus..Lol.
Yes, I was delighted that the receptionist remembered Conker's trick performance from so many months ago :o)
love & hugs. xxx
10 Sep, 2009
What great news Tt! fame and fortune as well! Oh well...perhaps not the fortune eh? We're all so pleased there's a wagging whirlwind on the way:-))))
10 Sep, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
Yes, thanks.
Conker's chemo appointment turned out successfully... a small fortune is what I have to pay each time..Lol.. but Conker is worth every penny :o)
Thanks for the wagging whirlwind... it's obviously working well. x
10 Sep, 2009
Benny is fine thank you. He is unable to manage his favourite chewy now ~ pigs ears ~ as he's lost his 2 biggest chewing teeth. So we are trying other things for his daily munch!
The bill was as painful to me as the extraction for him....having asked how much before hand and then being presented with a bill £70 more than that I was not amused. There was no question over it being done, but I should have been told that I had been quoted before VAT, that they now charge for the post op check, just how expensive the drugs were....all of these plus VAT too. Total? £195!!!
10 Sep, 2009
I'm very pleased to hear that Benny is perky again... even though chewing is not quite so easy as before...
Yes, the vet bills are usually more than the original quote... you can imagine, I've become well experienced with veterinary pricing over the past 6 months of Conker's illness..
The weekly chemotherapy visits are generally about £150 each time, but that shoots up much higher when, for instance, he had a heart scan before the stronger chemo could be given.
And more expensive still on the occasions when Conker requires anaesthetic and inspection of his cancerous areas...
However, I do feel that at the vet clinic, I'm paying for some of the best possible treatment in the UK...
It's great, isn't it, Pg, that Benny and Conker are doing well... :o)
10 Sep, 2009
Thank goodness for such good news, must have been all that tail waging, and the love you gave him,( well plus the treatment), TT its funny when your pets are ill we all find the money dont we. Oh TT i'm so so pleased for him.
10 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Clarice...
I reckon Smokey must have been wagging very fast, don't you ? Lol...
Yes, we find the money for our animals somehow...
Today Conker is rather sleepy from the chemo, but otherwise okay. xxx
10 Sep, 2009
It is TT, although we have less to cope with than you and Conker do. But Benny being 12 years of age I was concerned about this op. Their ability to cope and carry on never ceases to amaze me. I saw a Weimaraner on Monday with it's leg plated and pinned through, and he was walking along without a care, like it wasn't there. Looking at it made me go ooooh.......!
10 Sep, 2009
Great. Smokey must be passing his look over to Conker. Give him a big hug for me, oh dont leave Truffle's out give him one as
10 Sep, 2009
Pg ~ I understand your concern for Benny having the operation.... Anaesthetics for older animals always have their risks...
At the vet clinic each week I see dogs and cats which are very unwell. They've been referred to the clinic because their condition cannot be treated by a local vet.
I'm getting to recognise the cancer cases... I know which parts of the body are shaved etc... The clinic also deals with neurology, which means quite a lot of doggie patients are wobbly on their legs, needing treatment...
In the waiting room yesterday, along with Conker were two other dogs, ~ a very well-behaved trio ~ the others being a pretty Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and a lovely elderly Chocolate Labrador Retriever. The dogs seem to cope with their ailments better than we might !
10 Sep, 2009
Clarice, you are doing wonderfully in looking after Smokey..
please remind me how old he is...
I think you are very observant in that you know exactly when Smokey needs medication...
Truffle and Conker say thanks for the hugs and Crocus the budgie very bravely offers to have a hug with Smokey. Lol.
10 Sep, 2009
Great News TT I'm so pleased to hear Conker is doing so well all the Dahlias are nodding for him x
10 Sep, 2009
So pleased about your latest visit, it's good to hear everything is going well at the moment Conker is one tough cookie err I mean doggie x
10 Sep, 2009
great newsTerra and so glad conker is doing well with treatment and his cheek isnt to do with cancer, hope you both sleep well tonight, love and hugs xx
10 Sep, 2009
Hi Sue... please thank the Dahlias on Conker's behalf...Lol.
10 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Jean..
Conker seems quite well after the chemo... a bit sleepy, but good appetite... even for tough cookies..Lol.x
10 Sep, 2009
Thank you Sandra...
yes, we really do need to sleep tonight... I think the stressful week has finally caught up with me, but good news about Conker isn't it :o) ....
love & hugs. xxx
10 Sep, 2009
Did you get some sleep last night, or were you too "wired"??
Rest well, the news was good & you can relax a bit!
10 Sep, 2009
Good advice, Marie...
You are so right... I was over-tired from recent didn't sleep as well as intended... hoping I'll be more relaxed from now on ... :o)
How are you ?
10 Sep, 2009
I'm fine, ta! Still trying to sort loads out, but it'll get there!
I'm a bit worried about this course tho!I spent half of today sat on the floor building a tower out of newspaper,straws & paperclips!!!
There's a university education for you!!!
10 Sep, 2009
I told you the university had accidentally put you on the wrong course...'ll qualify with honours....
... as an architect... Lol.
Good night x
10 Sep, 2009
That would do me!! I LIKE architecture!
Goodnight, & sweet dreams!
Love & hugs , wags & wiggles! xxxxxx
10 Sep, 2009
it sure is Terra :o))
11 Sep, 2009
I hope you catch up with your sleep now Sandra x
11 Sep, 2009
Just to let you know I've but a Ruby blog on Terra, as you can see she has a lovely big tail to wag for Conker:-)
13 Sep, 2009
Sorry late to this update Terra....glad to hear its an infection and nothing worse....ooh that doesnt sound right but you know what I mean ! xx
13 Sep, 2009
Hi Bornagain...
Thanks for telling me about the Ruby blog... what a cutie she is... and yes, a lovely long tail.... please ask her to wag for Conker on
Hi BB/Jane ~
Thanks, yes Conker's face swelling doesn't seem to want to subside all the way back down, but is a lot better and is not giving him any pain. xxx
13 Sep, 2009
Will do Tt, she was chosen for the size of her tail:-)
13 Sep, 2009
Glad to hear things are going well for you and little Conker.
Little Conker must be one of the most thought of canines on the go!
God bless him. Give him and Truffle kisses from my girls.
14 Sep, 2009
Wags and spins going on here for Conkers visit tomorrow....x.x.
15 Sep, 2009
Good luck for tomorrow Conker xxx.
15 Sep, 2009
Wags & wiggles here too!
15 Sep, 2009
15 Sep, 2009
thinking of you xxx
15 Sep, 2009
Thanks Bornagain, NNurse, Pottyg, Clarice, Mperth, Janey and Sandra...and all those who've sent Conker private messages of good luck... Your thoughts, wags and kind wishes are appreciated very much. xxx
Conker is groomed and ready.... in fact I gave him a bath and massage on Monday in special Tea-Tree shampoo, so his coat is clean and shiny.... to impress his Vet Nurse friends at the clinic. Lol.
I'll put an update on this blog later today...
16 Sep, 2009
Great news on that swelling, Tt! Our thoughts here are with you for today. Looking forward to your update. Love to you all from us here. - X
16 Sep, 2009
Thanks, David . xxx
16 Sep, 2009
Hope today goes well for you. Love xxx
16 Sep, 2009
Best of luck and a million wags x
16 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Wagger and Bornagain... xxx
Conker's treatment went well ...
I've been trying to update this blog with today's report but with the new GoY category system, it won't let me. I'll put another comment when GoY allows me to do this.
16 Sep, 2009
Ajay has fixed the technical problem and I've now updated my blog. ..... thanks Ajay.... :o)
16 Sep, 2009
Great news again TT, I suppose the chemo dose will tire him for a while this week but knowing Conker, he'll soon bounce back. Glad to hear the swelling has almost gone.
16 Sep, 2009
Thanks Lily2 ~
Yes, you're right... the chemo usually kicks in the following day, and Truffle doesn't understand why his friend is too tired to play, but Conker soon becomes perky again :o)
16 Sep, 2009
hi Terra im so glad all went well for conker and the blood count, and his cheek seems good, all in all good news, and bless truffle whats he like lol, but im sure they all think he`s adorable, so you can sleep well tonight another succesful week, love and hugs to you all xx sandra and angelina
16 Sep, 2009
Hi Sandra ~
How is Angelina ? I think it is next week you go back to the vet ?
Yes, a good report for Conker from the vet clinic.
We are all very tired now... even Truffle :o)
love & hugs. xxx
16 Sep, 2009
Such good news, Terra - but what is young Truffle like? He will probably pretend to be 'Top Dog' after his win - and Conker, bless him will probably let him whilst obviously knowing better. Do they each have a rosette collection?
Hope you get your strength back soon as I'm sure it won't take five minutes for Truffle to bounce back.
16 Sep, 2009
Hi Wagger... thanks for catching up on Conker's news...
Conker still has points over Truffle because at the weekend, he won trophies for first place in Trick Class on both days, and his Saturday prizes included a huge sack of dog food.
On the Sunday the puppy trophy was a big circular plaque.. Truffle wants to know why Conker wins the food, but Truffle only gets the plate on which to eat it...Lol.
Yes, I do have a collection of lovely rosettes and awards....
My Welsh Terrier, Bonsai, won some super trophies, etc, which all bring back wonderful memories. :o)
16 Sep, 2009
Pleased all went well again today Terra,it must be tiring for all of you having the travelling and long wait whilst Conker has his treatment but as you say well worth it for our little man. It really amuses me to hear of Truffles antics and he`s obviously worked out the best way to the top..Lol........
16 Sep, 2009
Great news Terra, and it looks like you've got another boy destined for the limelight:-)))
16 Sep, 2009
next tuesday she goes back Terra hope its good news to, hers eyes are clear at the moment which is good just see if the swelling as gone to :o) im so happy for conker doing so well x
16 Sep, 2009
Hi Lincslass ~
Yes, for some reason, I'm extra tired after the vet clinic visit today, but it's good news about Conker, so that's the main thing.... :o)
16 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain ~
Truffle is becoming quite a character :o)
16 Sep, 2009
Hello Sandra ~
that's promising news about Angelina...
fingers crossed for her vet visit next
16 Sep, 2009
cheers Terra xx
16 Sep, 2009
So pleased everything went well for Conker today, what a relief for you. I can just imagine Truffle causing chaos, bless him. I bet Conker gets some cuddles too while he's being treated.
16 Sep, 2009
Hi Gee....
Thanks for checking on Conker... How is Chloe ?
Love that recent pic of her... I put it on my favs. :o)
Yes, it doesn't occur to Truffle that anyone might not be totally delighted to see him..Lol.
Conker does enjoy lot of cuddles at the clinic... the vet nurses say he is very well-behaved, despite being naturally very wary of strangers...:o)
16 Sep, 2009
Great news TT, another hurdle over.
Great for you too Sandra. Angelina appears to be going in the right direction too.
16 Sep, 2009
Hello Toto....
Yours is the 900th comment on this blog, and fitting that it is from you, because you are so very supportive for Conker and Angelina. Thank you. xxx
16 Sep, 2009
Great news about the swelling TT, and that you were able to give him his tablets.Another good day for you both.
Good ol' Truffle, you can always depend on a carefree puppy to raise a laugh.... :o))
16 Sep, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~
thanks for looking in on Conker's blog...
I hope Benny is well xxx
Yes, treatment going according to plan...
the rota of various chemotherapies is due to last until some time in November....
Carefree is a good word to describe Truffle. Lol. :o)
16 Sep, 2009
Truffle had better watch out. If he keeps knocking off folks' lapel badges, he might just feel the sharp end of a needle! Then, you'd better be ready with the camera, for Conker, I'm sure, would have the biggest grin on his face!!! Am so glad about that swelling. :-)) XXX
16 Sep, 2009
Hi David ~
Conker grinned when he read your comment...Lol.
Yes, it is good news that the clinic vet now seems unworried about the face swelling...:o) xxx
16 Sep, 2009
Benny absolutely fine, thank you for asking.x
16 Sep, 2009
Fabulous news, Terra!
BUT it sounds like you need to start taking care of YOU!!!
Try to get some r&r!
16 Sep, 2009
Tt, Truffle sounds like a real character.
He may be giving us all a sign- that status does not matter, only the kindness of the heart. Glad to hear that all is all well as can be with Conker.
take care.
17 Sep, 2009
I'm glad to hear Conker is still doing well. Are you going to any more shows ?
Well done to Truffle :o) I'll have a look at the photo in a minuite.
17 Sep, 2009
Good to know Benny is perky, Pg :o) x
Thanks Marie...I'm working on r & r.
Hi NN ~ What a lovely thought... status does not mattter, only the kindness of the heart.... :o) x
Hello Hywel ~ Yes, hoping to attend just a few more charity dog shows before the outdoor season ends around the start of October... Conker had a good night after the chemo. :o)
17 Sep, 2009
For a minuite I thought you had a new photo but then I realised what you meant was a comment under the last one. .. lol
17 Sep, 2009
Sorry, Hywel ~
I've just reworded that sentence in my blog above, as I realised it looked like I had put another photo. Lol.
17 Sep, 2009
lol ... It's my fault for being so daft TT, and also it was 5.30 in the morning so I was probably half asleep anyway :D
17 Sep, 2009
Lol Hywel... does Blodyn wake up at that early hour ? :o)
17 Sep, 2009
Yes if she knows I'm awake she'll want something to eat. I put some biscuits for her but she won't eat them unless I give them a shake in the dish. I think she can smell them better then, and so she'll eat them.
She likes to have a wander about the house in the night. I don't let her out until the dawn has broken. We've had lovely weather lately. I hope it's nice with you too :o)
17 Sep, 2009
Weather seems to be sunny in the West and cloudy in the East.... think I should find a house in those lovely Welsh hillsides... I really like your recent hills pic. x
17 Sep, 2009
Yes come and live near here - It would be nice. I can just imagine you in a cottage on the hillside with your dogs and Crocus. :o)
I have a little blog about the hills to put on soon. It's only simple but lots of photos. There's one of me too but I may take it out incase it spoils the blog.. lol
17 Sep, 2009
You must include the photo of you, Hywel ! I was brave enough to upload the pic of my shorts alongside Conker...Lol.
That's good you have more hill photos in the pipeline...
...look out...
T.C.T & C could be tempted to head west :o)
17 Sep, 2009
17 Sep, 2009
So glad to hear that Conker's white blood cell count was in good order, TT. It's good to know that the swelling on his cheek has subsided & that the vet doesn't think it's on any worry.
It's so gratifying when our pets/kids recover from their illnesses & we see them running around as before & enjoying life!
19 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Balcony....
Yes it is wonderful to see Conker enjoying life again.
His cheek has only a slight swelling now...:o)
19 Sep, 2009
Great news all round, Terra!
I'm going to say it again (ad nauseum, probably)
19 Sep, 2009
Madperth.... you are right as usual...Lol.
Good night xxx
19 Sep, 2009
Goodnight, sweet dreams! Hugs, wags & wiggles (& thats just me!)
19 Sep, 2009
Hi TT.
I seem to lose track of which day you are due to take beautiful Conker to the vet clinic as sometimes it is Tuesdays and sometimes Wednesdays. Whichever day it is this week, please rest assured thathe is in my thoughts and I hope that everything goes well for him.
Lots of love to you, Conker, Truffel and Crocus.
21 Sep, 2009
Hi Toto ~
Thanks for the good wishes. Conker has been enjoying himself at the charity dog shows in aid of Guide Dogs for the Blind etc.
He is due to visit the vet clinic this Wednesday. There has been one worrying set back today, in that overnight, between going to bed and waking the next morning, for no apparent reason the left side of his face became more swollen than ever before. I'm hoping tomorrow the swollen side will have gone down again, and if not, that it will not require treatment before Wednesday.
The swollen face doesn't seem to be hurting him but does look very wrong indeed...
We all send love back to you.. T,C,T & C xxxxxxx
21 Sep, 2009
Oh I hope the swelling goes down again. It did go down so it could again. Worrying that it keeps coming back though. I'll be keeping an eye out for your report this week TT
Love, Hugs and Wags, Hywel and Beryl and Blodyn xxxx
21 Sep, 2009
Can you give him anything for inflamation? or put ice on often with chemo..the tissues in the body become quite tender and easily upset..have they checked his know chemo is very hard on the teeth..could be an abcess. Hugs and tail
21 Sep, 2009
Best wishes for today, Terra! I hope the swelling proves to be nothing too bad, probably IS an abcess! Poor puppy! Hugs wags & wiggles! The prayer flags are blowing good style here too!
22 Sep, 2009
Thanks Hywel, Cat and Marie ~
Please keep the flags flying and the tails wagging...
Conker's cheek has about the same amount of swelling today...His face has lost its shape on the left side :o(
The vet looked at his teeth a couple of weeks ago and said there was no evidence of abscess...
I wonder if fluid gathers in the areas where chemo has removed cancer.... I'm only guessing...
Conker's appointment at the vet clinic is tomorrow. xxx
22 Sep, 2009
So sorry to hear the swelling is back again, could it be that the course of antibiotics didn't quite see it off or is he still on them? Will be thinking of you both tomorrow......x
22 Sep, 2009
Hello Lily ~
Thanks for checking up on Conker. He finished the antibiotics.... but you could be right. Last week the clinic vet said there was a chance that cheek area still had a bit of infection....x
22 Sep, 2009
Fingers crossed and tails a-wagging for tomorrow x
22 Sep, 2009
Same here! xxx
22 Sep, 2009
Thanks Bornagain and Madperth ~
All wagging very welcome for tomorrow. xxx
22 Sep, 2009
Wags and spins going on here for tomorrow TT & Conker... :o) x x
22 Sep, 2009
Thankyou Pottygardener and Benny ~
I bet the autumn leaves will be blowing around in the vet clinic car-park.....something for Truffle to chase....:o)
22 Sep, 2009
Best Wishes for tomorrow, folks, and hope that this swelling goes down again, of its own accord. 3 new fish in the tank ("Chocolate" Orandas, lol!) now adding their tail and fin wags along with the others. - X
22 Sep, 2009
Thanks, David....
Welcome to the three wagging
22 Sep, 2009
Best wishes for tomorrow, thinking of you all the time, lots of love and hugs from me and Smokey xx
22 Sep, 2009
~best wishes from me too~hoping that the swelling on Conker's face is nothing to worry about!xx
22 Sep, 2009
Thank you, Clarice and Smokey...
Vet clinic day seems to come around
23 Sep, 2009
Hi Arlene ~
Thanks. Today I hope to have the opportunity to consult the clinic vet about Conker's swollen cheek... There will probably be a lot of waiting while Conker is treated... xxx
23 Sep, 2009
Even Misty's wagging along side me - hope all goes well today and that the vet can find the reason for Conker's cheek. xxx
23 Sep, 2009
Just waiting to see how the news goes today, I pray that it is good news for you all. Hugs and wags from us.
23 Sep, 2009
Thanks Wagger and Misty; Pam and Toddy,
We are back from the vet clinic.
Conker's cheek swelling remains a mystery...
... full story above... xxx
23 Sep, 2009
so glad everything went well for conkers chemo today Terra, the swollen cheek is a mistery isnt it and hope its nothing to worry about, by what you say he`s so full of life and enjoying the competions this summer, so its all a good sign, hope you get some rest to Terra while the boys are sleeping fast,lots of cuddles for conker and truffle,, wouldnt want him to feel left out :o) x
23 Sep, 2009
Hi Sandra and Angelina ~
Yes, Conker is enjoying life, and each time I visit the vet clinic I'm able to report that Conker has had fun at yet another charity dog show, which is what the vet clinic aims for... ie. quality of life...let the dogs go out and enjoy themselves for as long as is possible before the cancer returns...
Truffle says thanks for remembering him with the cuddles.:o)
23 Sep, 2009
:o) x
23 Sep, 2009
Glad to hear Conker is ok.........i think you may be going 4 a record TT as there are 948 comments on here......took ages to get to bottom of the page going to start a new blog after 1000..........
23 Sep, 2009
Hi Holly...
Thanks. Conker is working his way through these vet clinic visits, and coping well with the chemotherapy. ... I hope your two elderly doggie friends are well ?
Yes, this blog is getting long, so maybe a good idea of yours to start a new one when this reaches 1,000 comments. :o)
23 Sep, 2009
Scotty and Ella are both fine.............i think you will need a new Blog LOL...... my arm is hurting from scrolling
Hope Conker continues to make good progress........thinking of you both.....
23 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Holly ~
It's good to know that Scotty and Ella are doing well :o)
.. and just look at your strong finger muscles from all that scrolling down...! Lol. :o)
23 Sep, 2009
Ive just had to do it all again ..LOL........only i used the page down button..........wizzed through all the comments at high why didnt i think of that before..........
23 Sep, 2009
So pleased that Conkers chemo has gone ahead as planned this time, TT. That's a bonus. Very strange about the swelling but hope that it will not mean another trip back to the vet for you. Fingers crossed as usual. Take care of yourself too. God bless.
23 Sep, 2009
Glad you are back safe and sound Terra and that all is OK with Conker for him to have his chemo again, poor little lad. I'm pleased that you met some of my city mates LOL. We're not a bad lot are we Sue? What a long way for them to travel there and back in a day, just shows what esteem they hold your Vets in. Bet you are tired, take care.
Love and Hugs
23 Sep, 2009
So good to hear that things are looking a bit better with swelling and chemo and all. You are all doing so well..
my love and xxxx's and tail wags from here. ~Cat
23 Sep, 2009
Well done, Holly....
good idea, using the "page down" key... Lol.
23 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Gee...
Yes that swelling is strange... has the vets baffled...
let's just hope it is nothing unpleasant... xxx
Hi Pam ~
There are some fabulous folk up there in Birmingham... not sure if Sue is following this blog..... but she is lovely anyway.. Lol. xxx
Hello Cat ~
Your computer usually explodes on these long blogs... or have you found a way to combat that ? Lol.
Thanks for your positive thinking and American wagging :o)...
.. I'm proud of Conker for coping so well with all the months of treatment...... xxx
23 Sep, 2009
Try not to fret about Conker's cheek too much, Terra - if you do wake up one morning and it's swollen at least you know you should get a definitive answer very soon. After the initial op for removal of the mass it must have left a large void and it must be so easy for the least thing to cause fluid to accumulate at the site. Carry on taking it one day at a time and enjoying your boys in every way you can.
23 Sep, 2009
Thank you, Wagger...
That is very sensible advice... though I'm going to be anxious each morning till I've had that first peek at Conker's sweet little face ...
The clinic vet said something about possibly saliva collecting and also mentioned tear ducts near the eye... ... but he was only guessing... The swelling is baffling, but at least is doesn't seem to be the cancer coming back.... I just don't like the thought of Conker being handed over for yet another anaesthetic ~ unless absolutely necessary....
We are still attending the charity dog shows.... determined to cram in those last few before autumn sets in... Conker enjoys those so much. He had fun at a show last Saturday doing special tests ~ run by an Obedience trainer, and he achieved 100% and was given a certificate on which she wrote MOST INTELLIGENT. :o)
Then on the Sunday he won the trick class with his Supernanny routine, and also first place in the Fancy Dress...Lol.
I restrict his class entries to one or two per show because I don't want to overdo it. Some people enter about ten classes with their dogs !
Yesterday I was emailed some proofs of lovely photos of Conker's tricks. These are pics I acquire by purchasing, but they are super photographs. I can then make a blog for GoY showing Conker's tricks, and the full size prints of the pictures will be wonderful for me to keep as souvenirs.... :o) xxx
23 Sep, 2009
Isn't it amazing how animals just carry on as normal when ill? Conker is just getting on with it and STILL winning which just shows what a special dog he is. You must be so proud of him and will treasure those photos always. I can understand your feelings about another anaesthetic, he's been through so much already. Let's hope it resolves itself without that having to happen. Good news on the chemo front.
We will all look forward to seeing your Conker blog x
23 Sep, 2009
Hello Lily ~
Thanks for checking up on Conker :o)
Yes, this afternoon Conker even tried to join in games with Truffle, despite having had chemo only a few hours earier !!... :o)
Yes, let's hope a biopsy isn't required.... I'll probably make the dog shows blog in November, when outdoor competitions have stopped till next Springtime...x
23 Sep, 2009
Lovely to know that Conker is bearing up well to all his treatment. I'm also glad to hear that Truffle is being as mischievous as possible as that should keep you on your toes.
Lots of love to you all and of course that includes Crocus.
23 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Toto ~
Conker is alseep now...
..all four feet pointing to the ceiling..Lol.
Truffle is pretending to be asleep...
...and Crocus is awake and chirping :o)
Love & hugs. xxx
23 Sep, 2009
I'm glad Conker's blood count was all right TT. As for the swelling - I know it's worrying but at least you know that if it gets worse again it will be seen to a s a p.
23 Sep, 2009
Sorry to hear you have still more to worry about with dear Conker. At least you know you can contact the vets IMMEDIATELY if there is a problem one morning, and hopefully get some answers. Try not to worry too much, although that is easier said than done! xx
23 Sep, 2009
It's good to hear that Conker is getting on so well with his chemo treatment. I so glad for you that he is still going strong in spite of the treatment.
I'm looking forward to seeing your blog on the dog shows in November with more photos of your dogs! :-)
Unfortunately the last of the dogs we brought over with us from Spain 8 years ago has finally died. :-( Her name was Boli. She had been on medication & 6 monthly check ups at the vets for about 5 years now. My wife was very upset even though we had been expecting it for some time.
23 Sep, 2009
Thanks Hywel and Jean ~
What I didn't think to ask the vet clinic is whether I phone if Conker's face is swollen on a Saturday morning or Sunday morning.... I feel Conker's examination would have to wait until a weekday !
...but I'll try not to worry... at least the vets seem to have sorted out the right amount of weekly chemo so that Conker's white blood counts are okay :o)
23 Sep, 2009
Hello Balcony ~
I've been following your news of beautiful Boli, and was extremely sad to learn of her death this morning. She lived to a remarkable age... you and your wife obviously looked after her very well indeed....
In November, I'll get working on that dog shows blog ...... and, yes, it is good that Conker is coping well with his cancer treatment. xxx
23 Sep, 2009
Pleased to read your good report today TT....Waggers comment about a void and fluid collecting makes sense...lets hope so, a? Good to know the clinic will see you promptly should it flare up again.
Four feet pointing to the ceiling sounds like my up-side down Benny! But only on the sofa ~ for support!
Look forward to the blog on your shows...x x
23 Sep, 2009
Hi Terra!
I know you're in bed now, but just wanted to say I'm really glad Conker's Chemo went ok!
As for the possible biopsy, maybe they can do a needle biopsy, & he wouldnt need an anaesthetic for that!
Parrot time! Look after yourself!
Wags wiggles, flags & hugs from Perth! & Smudge says Eeeewww! (Well thats what it sounded like!)
23 Sep, 2009
Hi Pottygardener ~
Yes, I'd been thinking along the same lines as Wagger about fluid gathering... Conker seems okay this morning :o)
Your Benny knows the best places to sleep. lol. xxx
Hello Madperth ~
Thanks for posting while I was sleeping :o)
I always wondered what sounds Scottish cats make...
Conker, having Shetland origins, would be able to communicate with Smudge. Lol.
24 Sep, 2009
LOL! She's not your average cat! Makes wierd noises & seems to 'talk' hedgehog!
She went out in the garden last night & was making some odd sounds, & in walked IP! He/she now comes when I whistle too, & came right up to me last night, THEN curled up!! But he uncurled as soon as I put his food down!
24 Sep, 2009
So pleased for you Terra, tails a-wagging furiously in the midlands. At last the vets have realised that Conker is a VIP and must be treated accordingly! :-) Hopefully you won't need to, but it's reassuring to know that you will be seen immediately if needed. You are exactly the owner such a special little dog deserves:-)
24 Sep, 2009
Hello TT. Glad everything went well this week.....what day is next weeks visit? Patch and Rosie need to know! x
24 Sep, 2009
Hi Madperth ~
We know what Smudge is trying to say...
...she took one look at your new avatar photo, and said, "Mum, you look a lot younger today ! " :o)
24 Sep, 2009
Hello Bornagain ~
Thanks for the tail wagging... and fingers crossed that Conker's face doesn't need any emergency treatment ! :o)
24 Sep, 2009
Special message to Patch and Rosie from Conker ~
Woof woof...
Next week my vet clinic visit is on Wednesday..
woof woof....:o) xxx
24 Sep, 2009
LOL! Very good Terra! Did you get any rest last night?
24 Sep, 2009
Mp what's happened to you? you've regressed! :-)
24 Sep, 2009
I was in the attic, & I found a very interesting portrait of me.......... LOL!
24 Sep, 2009
Hi Madperth "The Younger" ~
Yes thanks, I did get some rest, but I came downstairs to let Conker out in the garden halfway through the night, and gave him a drink, because he is less likely to get urinary infections while on chemo if his body is "flushed through" regularly..... I'm sure he would have slept the complete night if I hadn't disturbed him, but I was thinking of his health....:o)
24 Sep, 2009
Of course you were! I'll let you off with that one!!
24 Sep, 2009
All the very best to you all for Wednesday TT.
27 Sep, 2009
Its been a while since I checked in for an update on conker, I hope all is still as well as can be!
Keep your chin up TT and give Conker a big love from us here!
Hopeing the swellling is just a minor irritation on the road to recovery for him!
28 Sep, 2009
Hi Toto ~
Thanks for your good wishes...
Conker's chemotherapy due this Wednesday is the strong one, which should mean Conker is allowed the scheduled extra rest week afterwards to allow his white blood cell count to recover.
28 Sep, 2009
Hello Indy ~
Thanks for your kind thoughts for Conker... his face is still a bit swollen on the left side, but not as much as a couple of weeks ago, so fingers crossed he is doing quite well...
28 Sep, 2009
Lots of wagging from Rosie and Meg and of course Ruby for your special little dogs wednesday visit and I'm getting cramp from all this finger crossing x :-)
28 Sep, 2009
Hi Bornagain ~
Thanks for the wagging from Rosie, Meg and Ruby...
Keep those fingers warm on these chilly autumn mornings !
Conker is getting ready for his next vet clinic visit... the chemo days seem to come around very quickly !
29 Sep, 2009
Wags & wiggles from Smudge Iggle Piggle (& his new girlfriend Hetty!) and hugs from me!
Good luck for tomorrow!
29 Sep, 2009
Thank you, Madperth and Smudge...
also Hetty and Iggle Piggle.... known as HIP for short. :o)
29 Sep, 2009
All the usual spins and wags going on here for you tomorrow! Hope that it is a day of positive results. x x x
29 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Pottygardener ~
Yes, could be a long day tomorrow with the strong chemo due, but hopefully all will go well. xxx
29 Sep, 2009
Hope all goes well tomorrow for the vet visit, TT. Fingers crossed here and tails a-wagging :)
29 Sep, 2009
Thank you, Gee....
Please keep wagging and crossing :o)
29 Sep, 2009
Hope everything goes well at the clinic Terra,,........
29 Sep, 2009
All the very best tomorrow Conker!
29 Sep, 2009
Thanks Lincslass and Indy ~
Not sure if Conker will need a heart scan before today's treatment because it is the stronger chemo this week....
30 Sep, 2009
The 1,000 th comment on this blog.....
Conker and I would like to say THANK YOU SO MUCH
to everyone on GoY who is kindly following Conker's chemotherapy and cancer treatments.
After today's clinic visit, I'll put a report on the main body of my blog above, so this thread will run a little bit longer.
But I realise it is getting lengthy for scrolling down, so over the next few days, I'll try to start a new blog to continue Conker's story. He is due to receive about another 6 weeks of chemotherapy, and we would be grateful to those who can continue to wag into winter...:o)
30 Sep, 2009
I'm back from the vet clinic.
There's an update in the blog above...
I'm waiting anxiously for results of tests carried out this morning on Conker's swollen face... I'll add more to the top part of the blog when I have more news...
30 Sep, 2009
I've now spoken on the phone to the clinic vet ...
details in the blog above...
30 Sep, 2009
What excellent news, Terra - you must be SO relieved. I would say have a good nights sleep but I know you'll be up making sure Conker has a drink but I'm sure the sleep you do have will be more relaxed. Love to your boys and hugs to
30 Sep, 2009
Good news , excellent for you both, well done Conker, keep fighting mate!!!
30 Sep, 2009
Terra I`ve read your update and really pleased that once again Conker was able to have his treatment, he is a wonder isn`t he bless him, the time is going so fast Terra, I cant believe he only has 6 wks of chemo left, that cheek is certainly a mystery but Conker doesn`t seem to let it bother him does he. We still have lots of tails wagging here and will continue so......Have a good rest Terra and hugs for your boys and a little chirrup to Crocus.XX Sue.
30 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Wagger, Indy and Sue ~
Conker is more tired than ever before, too weary to eat his supper...but we have no outings planned for the next ten days so he can have lots of sleep to get his strength back...
Thanks for all your good wishes and wagging... we're going to try to relax for a few days... Crocus has moulted enough this week to make feather beds for all of us...Lol.
30 Sep, 2009
what a releaf with conkers cheek Terra, im so happy for you and conker, extra chemo so thats good to,, how many sessions in all does he have to go
hugs for all xx
30 Sep, 2009
So pleased Conker could have the chemo this week and what good news about the swelling. Glad you didn't have to wait too long for the result but I bet it seemed ages. Hope you and Conker both bounce back over the next 10 days (although I'm sure Truffle will do enough bouncing for the two of you!). God bless, take care.
30 Sep, 2009
Wonderful news about the swelling TT, and good that Conker could carry on with his chemo treatment. Rest for you both now, well, as much as Truffle will allow! :o)
30 Sep, 2009
Thank you Sandra, Gee and Pottygardener ~
Yes, we all just need some rest now....
....except Truffle..Lol.x
30 Sep, 2009
GREAT NEWS about your beloved Conker. So pleased the swelling is not cancerous, it must be a agreat relief. He now has a good rest till the next round of treatment. I hope you both relax and make the most of this time. XXX
30 Sep, 2009
Hi Jean... Thanks for checking on Conker...
Yes, this is good news and I've just realised I haven't answered Sandra's question about how many sessions of chemo left...
It should be 16 weeks of chemo in all...
Conker's weekly sessions began at the start of June, but because of the several occasions when it was postponed due the low white blood cell counts, his chemo won't finish till early November, followed by check-ups every 2 months.
30 Sep, 2009
What a relief to find that the swelling is not cancerous even though it remains a mystery and such good news that Conker was able to continue with his treatment. I'm so pleased for you both. x
30 Sep, 2009
Hello Lily ~
Yes, good news that the test on the swelling revealed no cancer... Thanks for looking in on Conker's
30 Sep, 2009
Fantastic news, Terra!! :~))))))))))))))))))
30 Sep, 2009
Hi TT. What good news about the swelling on Conker's face. At least that's not so much of a worry now. I'm glad to hear the chemotherapy could go ahead aswell.
I hope you're all safely in the land of nod now because it's only 6 am. Good wishes from me and Beryl , and lots of waggs and purrrrrs from Blodyn. xxxxxxx :o)
1 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Madperth and Hywel ~
I woke up Conker at 3 a.m. to check on him.... but was back to sleep by 6 a.m ...then awake again at 6.30 a.m. for Truffle who likes to get up early..Lol.
Yes, relieved that more treatment was completed yesterday. I'm hoping that Conker will get his appetite back as the week progresses.
Thanks to Beryl for the wagging, you for the purring and Blodyn for the good wishes...
.. or have I got those muddled up ? Lol. xxxxxxxxx:o)
1 Oct, 2009
No I think you've got it the right way round TT... lol :D
1 Oct, 2009
Lol. :o) xxx
1 Oct, 2009
So pleased Terra, perhaps you ought to think about bottling all this wagging, it certainly seems very potent. Maybe you could make enough to pay for all his treatment! ;-)) big x for the brave boy x
1 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain...the wagging is working, isn't it...
Yes, it was a hefty bill yesterday. The operation on the cheek, in addition to the chemo, made a total of over £400.... Conker certainly had plenty of "bottle" to cope with all the needles !
He's taking it easy today :o) x
1 Oct, 2009
~it's good to know that his cheek isn't cancerous~ could it be an allergic reaction?
~he is such a good patient too!~Hope you are all having a much needed rest while Conker dreams about winning red rosettes!
1 Oct, 2009
Good comment, Arlene...
I wondered if allergy is the cause. It will be interesting to see if the lump subsides over winter when less pollen is around... Conker still has his manuka honey every evening (thank you xxx) and I'm sure this helps him...
Last weekend, Conker enjoyed winning first prize red rosettes in the tricks class on both Saturday and Sunday ... but I didn't enter him in any other classes as I didn't wish to tire him... those might be the last shows of the season, and Conker is definitely resting this weekend. :o)
1 Oct, 2009
More good news, that's excellent, you must be so relieved about the mystery lump. You now have 10 days to rest and relax, make the most of it X
1 Oct, 2009
Hi Jean ~
Yes, Conker needs to relax and so do I !
I hope over the coming days his appetite will improve as the chemo works its way through his system..
...Thanks for checking up on
1 Oct, 2009
Hello TT. Glad everything went well at the clinic. Good news about the swelling too. Wonder what it is? Take it easy and enjoy your weekend. x
2 Oct, 2009
Hi Phil ~
Yes, thanks... all went to plan at the vet clinic.
The cheek swelling is still a mystery..
Conker hasn't been too well yesterday and today....a bit worrying... not wanting to eat... I'm hoping he just needs a bit more time to get over Wednesday's chemo and face treatment.... x
2 Oct, 2009
I suspect his lack of appetite is a reaction to his chemotherapy after all it is a big thing for him to put up with. I do hope his appetite returns soon and he's back on the dog shows rostrums, sporting his well deserved rosettes.
Lots of love and hugs to you all.
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks Toto....
really need a bit of encouragement right now.... made my Wellies blog yesterday mostly to keep me occupied while watching over Conker...
Conker's face swelling has gone down quite a lot, so that is good, but there's a great contrast to this time last week when Conker had a good appetite and was keen to go out..
Conker isn't interested in food or in playing....
..This morning, Truffle has offered Conker a variety of toys out of the doggie toy boxes, hoping to find one which will interest Conker, but no luck...
Let's hope Conker will perk up as the chemo works its way through his body... If not I'll have to phone the vet clinic on Monday for advice...
love and hugs, T,C,T & C xxx
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks for the update TT. Don't forget to keep us informed of his progress. We're all here for him.
3 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Toto...
Ironic that Conker's face swelling is looking quite a lot smaller......but he won't eat or drink..... has diarrhoea...
I think it could be the strong chemo disrupting his digestive system...
3 Oct, 2009
Youre probably right TT chemo is a nasty business at the best of times, He's bright and a fighter though and will hopefully pull himself round in due course, thinking and praying for you all!
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks so much Indy....
... extra thoughts and prayers this weekend, please...
I'm giving Conker water with glucose...should be easily digestible.... x
3 Oct, 2009
You both have my thoughts and prayers too tt. If Conker was well enough to receive the treatment this week then it seems very likely it must be the strong chemo that is affecting him like this. I know that with human chemo the side effects can get worse as treatment continues, after all the chemo was stronger this time......try not to worry too much. Poor Truffle must be very confused about his playmate's lack of interest in toys, I do hope for all of you that Conker improves over the weekend. xxx
3 Oct, 2009
I do hope Conker's appetite for food (and play) improves soon, TT. Very worrying for you when I hoped you would have a more relaxed weekend. My prayers and thoughts are added to those from every else. Take care, God bless.
3 Oct, 2009
Hope Conker is alittle bit better today, and his feeding abit make sure you look after yourself aswell, lots of love from myself and Smokey,xx
3 Oct, 2009
Thank you Lily, Gee, Clarice and Smokey ~
Conker was doing quite well on the chemo, so this is a set back... I'm worried...
I'll keep him on water and glucose for a while, as that's about all his body will accept... xxx
3 Oct, 2009
Thinking of you Terra, probably just another little set back but so worrying for you, still wagging in the Midlands x
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Bornagain...
please keep up the Midlands wagging :o)
Conker has not been this ill since back in April before the chemo started.. He has not eaten for several days. I've been tipping water into his mouth with a teaspoon..
He is slightly more alert today... he lapped up a small drink this morning... fingers crossed he'll start to feel better... I really don't want to have to phone the clinic tomorrow and take him back there, on what should be the "rest week" away from there for all of us... we are all exhausted...
4 Oct, 2009
Hi. Sorry to hear Conker is so poorly. I seem to remember you saying this bout of chemo was the strongest yet, so perhaps it has really knocked his whole system. But as you say he has been taking a little water, and had drink himself today, hopefully he is recovering from this strong drug. Keep your chin up! xxx
4 Oct, 2009
Hi Jean...
Unfortunately Conker is not even keeping fluids down this morning so it seems I will be making a phone call to the vet clinic early tomorrow...
Conker was ill during April and May and then started the chemo on 8th June. He has missed some weeks because the blood tests showed his white count was too low.The chemo is given on a five week cycle:
Weeks 1 and 3 are injections of vincristine at the clinic.
Week 2 is when I give him prednisolone tablets at home.
Week 4 is the doxorubicin injection at the clinic.
Week 5 is the rest week because doxorubicin is strong.
So Conker has had the strong injection twice before with no problems. Next week's "rest" should be the end of the third five week cycle of treatments, leaving one cycle to go, lasting into November.
I'm so tired... I really thought he was coping well with the treatment. Even his face swelling has gone down a lot...
This is the most depressed I've been since the chemo commenced....
4 Oct, 2009
Wagging and praying away here!! cmon Conker!!!
4 Oct, 2009
Thank you
4 Oct, 2009
Yes, c'mon Conker! You're a big strong boy, you can beat this chemo stuff!
My thoughts are there with you TT, keep strong, he's a fighter. Just may-be needs a bit more time to re-coup after the latest treatment. x x
4 Oct, 2009
Thank you Pottygardener....
Let's hope the vets can prescribe some medicine to settle Conker's digestion... :o) xxx
4 Oct, 2009
Just logged on to see how Conker was doing today and was sad to know he is still not recovering as well as previously. Please try and think positive, TT, (easier said than done, I know especially after all you and Conker have gone through). Get on to the vet asap in the morning and hopefully he will be able to reassure you and it won't mean another trip. Thinking of you. God bless.
4 Oct, 2009
Hi Gee...
Thanks for thinking of Conker... I can't settle to anything today...just keep watching over Conker...
I'm hoping tomorrow the vet clinic will fax my local vet with a prescription so that I don't have to travel to the clinic....
Conker needs to be with me at the moment, and not left with strangers. This is his "rest week" coming up and we both very much need a break from the weekly journeys......
I hope he doesn't need to be admitted to the vet clinic for treatment...
4 Oct, 2009
Terra you must feel awful at the moment, I know the chemo can cause all sorts of problems and it's probably a cumulative effect. My friend had to have drugs to allow her to keep down fluids and solids while she was on chemo and other drugs for mouth ulcers etc. She lost so much weight which she happily put back on once chemo was finished. He has done so well so far and your vet may have something to help him so try not to despair. If good wishes were medicine your brave head gardener wouldn't suffer a days discomfort, he must be the most cared for dog on this site, he is special to all of us. Look after yourself x
4 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Bornagain for saying such lovely things about Conker... made me smile and cry....
Yes, I think, as with your friend, Conker needs some medicine to allow him to digest food and drink...
He still has a cold, wet nose, and although very short on energy, is alert and looking around... xxx
4 Oct, 2009
I'm so sorry to hear that Conker has taken a turn for the worse but don't despair as they say it is always darkest before the dawn. All your friends on GOY are rooting for him and for you.
Lots of love and hugs to you all.
4 Oct, 2009
Hello Toto...
Thanks for your helpful words...
Good news this evening is that Conker has voluntarily lapped up two drinks of watered-down skimmed milk... and so far kept it inside him.....
fingers crossed this is a sign that he is improving...:o) x
love from T, C, T & C xxx
4 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear that bit of news, TT, fingers crossed here too.
4 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Gee.. xxx
4 Oct, 2009
There see didn't I tell you! Things are looking up again.
4 Oct, 2009
Oh, Terra - I've just caught up on yesterday and todays updates, you must have been so distressed. Bornagain and Toto have put my thoughts into words better than I could. I do hope Conker has now turned a corner and that tomorrow morning finds you both a litlle
4 Oct, 2009
You are right, Toto....
you keep me positive as always...
.. thank you..:o)
Hello Wagger...
thank you... it's been a stressful weekend, worrying about Conker, but, thankfully, he does seem a bit better this evening... xxx
4 Oct, 2009
Terra I`m so sorry, Conker has been doing so well ,I`m way behind and only just read how poorly he is,you did mention he was taking a bit longer perking up. As you say he`s taken a drink heres hoping its onwards and upwards tomorrow ,...sending hugs Terra .xx
4 Oct, 2009
So glad to hear Conker has improved a little and I do hope he is feeling even perkier this morning TT. What a relief it will be if you don't have to do any stressful vet trips this week. Wishing you all a peaceful week of rest and gentle recovery. x
5 Oct, 2009
Hi Lincslass and Lily ~
Thanks for looking in on Conker... He had a good night... no vomiting, and this morning ate a few pieces of kibble biscuit and lapped up a drink of water...
...small beginnings, but I hope the start of a return to good appetite....
He is reasonably perky, so I won't phone the vet clinic at this stage.... I can call the vets any time today if I'm concerned....
... A stretch of days away from vets is going to be beneficial to Conker in so many ways, that I won't make that journey with him this week unless really required...
Since Conker's illness all through April and May, and then his chemotherapy starting in June, we've been unable to take advantage of any opportunities for "rest weeks"...
... the first "rest week" Conker had to go back to the vet clinic for the investigative operation to check if the chemo was working, and then the second chance for a "rest week" was when Conker was reacting badly to antibiotics... therefore.... no break since April...
....... we so need a rest week now....
... yes, gentle recovery... what a wonderful
5 Oct, 2009
Thats good Terra, we know how tummy upsets make us feel weak,its bound to feel the same with Conker and his stronger dosage of chemo obviously is taking a bit longer for his system to adjust. The rest will be good not only for him but you as well ,fingers xx he has stopped vomiting and is soon asking for his dinner and not giving it to Truffle,lol. Poor Truffle he`ll wonder whats hit him !!!
5 Oct, 2009
So relieved to hear Conker is perkier today, he's such a fighter bless him. x
5 Oct, 2009
Very relieved to read that Terra. I do hope his appetite returns quickly with no more worries and that you can all relax into your 'rest week' (as much as Truffle will allow).
5 Oct, 2009
So pleased to hear Conker has improved a little overnight. I hope this continues and you can both have a week's break from the vet, and a good rest x
5 Oct, 2009
Tails wagging furiously here Tt x
5 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Lincslass, Lily, Wagger, Jean and Bornagain...
Conker's digestion seems to be improving slowly...:o)
5 Oct, 2009
~glad to hear that~hope that this improvement continues and that he can take more food as his rest week progresses~it's a lovely day here so maybe a few minutes outside in the sun before the rain heads in from the west~!
5 Oct, 2009
Hurrah, that's much better news. So glad to hear it, TT. Fingers crossed etc that Conker will continue to improve. God bless.
5 Oct, 2009
Thanks Arlene & Gee...
Cloudy here...Conker is resting.... not eating a lot...but starting to drink more water which is a good sign ..rehydrating...
... any volunteers to borrow Truffle for a few days, please ? LOL .... I can hardly keep my eyes open here..... but Truffle says let's play squeaky toy...LOL.
Please may I hibernate with the tortoises ? Lol.
5 Oct, 2009
Great to hear that Conker is continuing to improve.
Lots of love.
5 Oct, 2009
Pleased to hear that Conker has perked up a little today....wanting fluids and keeping them down is a good sign... :o)
He just needed a bit longer this time before bouncing back.
Wags, spins, fingers and paws crossed here for him..x x
5 Oct, 2009
Hi Toto and Pottygardener ~
Thanks for checking up on Conker...
He has done well with drinking today.... hoping his interest in foods will improve over coming days...
All wags and other positive energy gratefully received. :o)
love, T,C, T & C xxx
5 Oct, 2009
Good to hear Conker is perking up a bit. Hugs to you all x
5 Oct, 2009
Hello Sue...
Yes, thanks. Conker is a bit better today...
love & hugs. xxx
5 Oct, 2009
Well pleased he's perking up a bit, poor love ,it 's not an easy thing to have to go through, still wagging etc have no fear we'll stop TT and you try to rest as well love, dream dreams of him bright ,happy and well, he will be soon enough I'm sure. xxx
5 Oct, 2009
If you want to hibernate, TT, I will have to find another, bigger box :) I bet you get some offers for Truffle and I bet you wouldn't part with him?
5 Oct, 2009
I was thinking of helping out by relieving TT of Truffle but there are two problems.
1/. TT wouldn't let him go
2/. If I managed to get him TT wouldn't get him back.
6 Oct, 2009
Hi Indy... your positive thinking is working well.... many thanks.... Conker seems much better this morning... he ate a few kibbles and lapped up some drinks... and he's WAGGING well :o)
So if I could now just enjoy some time off... a few months of hibernation in a huge cosy box with Gee's tortoises... we'll all set for springtime...
...and no worries about Truffle because he's spending the winter with Toto.... order in a good supply of bonios and squeaky toys, Toto, and everything will be hunky-dory......
Truffle is packing his suitcase as I type... dish, pillow, string toy, four bedsocks....
and, not forgetting Crocus the budgie...... he's planning a migration to warmer climes.... flying away from the chilly British winter to enjoy a warm summer in Australia with Bernieh... that sounds like bliss....:o)
6 Oct, 2009
So pleased Conker as picked up a bit today, keep thinking of him Smokey and the fish are still waging their tails for him, and send their love to him, give him a big hug from me, and one for Truffle's.
6 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Carol.... and I hope you are feeling better, and that Smokey is well..
Conker is drinking more today, so is rehydrating quickly... and starting to eat solids...
fingers crossed...
Truffle sends hugs to you from himself and from
6 Oct, 2009
Thanks TT i'm fine now, so pleased Conker is feeling alot better today and hope he keeps it up, we always feel better when we start eating again, so he must be feeling better himself, lots of love from us all xx
6 Oct, 2009
That's good to know, Carol...
I'm planning to start another blog for Conker, but he was so ill over past few days, it didn't seem the right time..
..he'll have a new blog soon...:o)
6 Oct, 2009
So pleased to hear that there's been even further improvement for Conker. Also pleased to know you're going to start another blog soon as I am worried about my new laptop wearing out :)
Take care, TT, love to you all.
6 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Gee..
...yes, I must start a new blog before our computers explode... lol... I took a couple of photos this afternoon, so it is in the pipeline...
Conker is looking better...he has decided that his route to convalescence is to refuse all usual foods, but eat my breakfast cereal... Co-op malt crunchies..
.... as long as he gets better, he is welcome to munch his way through every crunch... :o) xxx
6 Oct, 2009
Chloe's appetite is not brilliant, TT, unless sausages are on the menu and they have to be good quality sausages :) Conker and Chloe would get on well, I think :)
6 Oct, 2009
I love your attitude Terra and you are so right he deserves and is certainly entitled to eat anything as long as he improves. I think Morgan is disappointed with us at the moment because he is still on his special food and tablets and its nearly a week since he had any biscuits or treats,he is looking a lot better now though thank goodness.........
6 Oct, 2009
Lovely news Tt, he obviously just takes a few days to get over his chemo and as he's such a clever little boy, you may never get him back on dog food:-))) all still wagging furiously here:-)))
6 Oct, 2009
Yes, I think Chloe and Conker would enjoy going out to a canine restaurant together and being REALLY FUSSY over the menu and food orders... lol.... lots of cereals and sausages...
Poor Morgan, missing out on treats, but for his own good, and it's wonderful to know he is looking so much better... When he is back to full health, he'll make up for any lost time by eating double helpings of doggie biscuits..Lol.
Thanks for the waggings, Bornagain.... you are wonderful... and you are also right in that Conker now thinks Malt Crunchies are made especially for Shelties..:o)
6 Oct, 2009
A little message here that I have started a new blog for Conker.... I will be publishing it on GoY shortly.
Thanks for all your messages on this blog, and I hope that scrolling down on the new blog will be easier..:o) xxx
6 Oct, 2009
Hi Terra! Just wanted you to know that even though I couldn't get online, the wags, wiggles & prayers have been going strong in Perth!
8 Oct, 2009
Hello Madperth...
I'd noticed you'd not been on GoY and thought you were extra busy with uni studies and grooming Smudge.....:o)
Conker is unwell again today after seeming so fit and having fun yesterday... so thank you for the wags, wiggles and prayers... much needed and
8 Oct, 2009
Between Uni, work & bank foul-ups its been a hectic week! But I have time off after tomorrow, so hopefully will get caught up! It taken me 2 hours just to get thru the comments!!
I'm so sorry Conker's not feeling good today. I told Smudge to wag, but she's waving her paw instead! Contrary midden!
8 Oct, 2009
Well well, I have not been on for a couple of days and you have a new blog with 90 comments already!! So much scrolling again!
I am sorry to hear that he is a little poorly again, hope he has picked up a little. His body is dealing with a lot at the moment, bless the little chap, they both look utterly adorable in the photo's. It is wonderful how Truffle comforts him, they just 'know' don't they?
Take care of yourself TT, and thank you for the PM about the wellie picture!
x x
8 Oct, 2009
Oh dear, I thought I was commenting on your new blog!! Don't know how this happened!! :o( I must be tired! x
8 Oct, 2009
Thank you, Pottygardener...
Your kind comments are received gratefully, whichever of Conker's blogs you choose for your reply. :o)
Conker is very sleepy this evening. I hope the new tablets give him some appetite because I don't wish to have to make an extra journey to the vet clinic on Monday. Poor Conker sees enough vets with his weekly chemo treatments. His tablets last till Sunday.
Let's hope he perks up soon. Love to Benny. xxx
8 Oct, 2009
Please see Conker's new blog ... number 25... started on 6th October, 2009.
This continues Conker's story... Thank you.
13 Oct, 2009
TT, Just catching up after being immersed in WORK...but as yo know I do come back to check on Conker...and will check out the new blog tomorrow. But, I am cereal Addict so I understand Conker's way of eating! (I love anything that has vanilla crunch in it. :-) ) And you are right, he deserves whatever he wants at this stage of the game!
Every on is wagging on this side of the pond!
Much love...
PG, Odie, Popie, Micky & Roo Roo, Too....
18 Oct, 2009
Hello Poetgardener ~ How are you ?
Thanks for checking on Conker. You've obviously been very busy with your work...
Yes, please check out Conker's new blog when you have time.
Photos on there of Conker with his favourite Malt Crunchies... :o)
Love and best wishes to Odie, Popie, Micky and Roo Roo....
18 Oct, 2009
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continued well wishes and prayers for conker.
20 Jun, 2009