By terratoonie
This blog takes over from my Blog #14 where I give details of TV shows on the main channels. If you wish to see the updates over coming weeks, please add a comment below and you’ll notice automatically when I’ve added new shows, because this blog heading will appear on your GoY Homepage under :
Things you have commented on.
Here’s my lilac arch with clematis from my home page pics to get you in the mood :o)
Two programmes scheduled for each of the following weekdays ~
Monday 20 July, Tuesday 21st July, Wednesday 22nd July,
Thursday 23rd July and Friday 24th July ~ BBC 2 TV
11.30 pm ~ 12 noon Castle in the Country
12 noon ~ 12.30 pm. Open Gardens.
Thursday 23rd July. ~ BBC 2 TV ~
7.30 pm ~ 8.00 pm. RHS Show Tatton Park.2009.
Friday 24th July ~ BBC 2 TV ~
8.30 pm ~ 9.00 pm. RHS Show Tatton Park.2009.
18 Jul, 2009
Previous post: CUTTINGS ROOTING IN RAINWATER New pictures included ~ Jan.2010. :o)
Next post: An opportunity to see Noseypotter's leopard and elephant. Blog # 22.
Thanks Tt I have put those in my V+ box recordings so I don't miss them, we are going to try to get to the Tatton show this year as it is only 'up the road' from us .... fingers crossed we can make it this year.
18 Jul, 2009
I'll do my best to keep you up to date with the shows, but please put a comment any week if you think I've missed telling you about some programmes...
Bob ~ I hope you get to the Tatton show. Please try to take some unusual photos, like Arlene's recent wonderful pics of the wooden bears on sale. Thanks. :o)
Ian ~ I guess I find time to watch TV because I multi-task ~ all at the same time I comment on GoY, watch TV, eat my lunch, talk to my pets, look at the wild birds out of the window, ....... Lol.
18 Jul, 2009
Oh well done TT but you know us blokes are useless at that kind of thing LOL
18 Jul, 2009
Lol. :o)
18 Jul, 2009
Well it true.....I struggle to walk and chew gum at the same time..............
18 Jul, 2009
I,m always in the mood Terra,..can also multi-task Ian,(its in the genes), lol........
18 Jul, 2009
cheers TT will set them on my harddrive recorder,:o)
18 Jul, 2009
Nice to hear from you ~
multi-tasking, in-the-mood Lincslass ~
and technical genius San :o)
18 Jul, 2009
lol TT, havent done it yet heehe,
18 Jul, 2009
Thanks for the reminders, TT, I will set up the recorder as I'm usually out and about around midday and always at bowls on a Friday evening! We could certainly give lessons on multi-tasking, couldn't we?
18 Jul, 2009
Great blog Tt will certainly watch for them and enjoy.Thanks for keeping us all up to date!!.Agree with the Multi-tasking we really are good at that girls aren`t we!!:~))))
18 Jul, 2009
Keep on multi-tasking girls...
Mobee ~ grooming Peppi ~ while patting Balboa ~ while tying up the jasmine......Lol.
Gee ~ getting ready for bowls ~ while baking ~ while fixing fencing...Lol.
18 Jul, 2009
Good one Tt cant type for laughing!!! Lol.................Whilst havin wee glass of wine(Multi-tasking purpose only)Lol
18 Jul, 2009
I always miss them but catch up with the BBCi player online.
18 Jul, 2009
That's a good way to make sure you don't miss the gardening programmes, Usernut... helpful idea :o)
18 Jul, 2009
Useful Blog, TT
18 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Tog :o)
18 Jul, 2009
Lincslass these genes your waring don't you find them a bit uncomfortable to do gardening in?
18 Jul, 2009
Lol.No way Ian,when I,m gardening I,m oblivious to comfort,long as I,m decently covered its a genes(jeans) free zone...............
18 Jul, 2009
Thanks TT, i was going to go to Tatton this year, but got family coming over that week, so will have to watch on TV.
18 Jul, 2009
Hi Clarice...
Nice to have family visit, and you can watch a bit of Tatton on TV as well. :o)
18 Jul, 2009
Thanks TT you're a little star - will watch out for your next comment - I always miss these show Cheers xx
18 Jul, 2009
Glad to be of help, Angie :o) xxx
18 Jul, 2009
Great idea there, TT. I remember when I first started posting on GoY reading about your TV gardening programmes reminder!
The photo above is stunning! :)
I wonder how my wife does it - multitasking? She sews, watches TV, writes emails & still be able to talk to her mum or sister or our daughter on the phone!!! :O
18 Jul, 2009
Apparently Balcony, its all about what type of clothing your waring? Doesn't make sense to me but then I'm only a bloke apparently :~))
(see Lincslass's comment, its up there somewhere)
18 Jul, 2009
Hi Balcony...
Your wife sounds like an expert multi-tasker ! Lol...
The blossom pic, above, is on my GoY photos, taken in spring this year...
I'm glad you like it :o)
18 Jul, 2009
Even when I put my jeans on I still can't manage to do more than 2 things at a time! Must be the type of genes! Lol!
18 Jul, 2009
The only time Carol seems to multi task is when she's telling me off for leaving my shoes in the front room,
telling me off for leaving the car in a state, and
telling me off for not listening while she's telling me off !!! :~))
18 Jul, 2009
18 Jul, 2009
Its no wonder us blokes go deaf :~)))
18 Jul, 2009
Can you get compensation for domestic injuries? (as opposed to industrial ones)
18 Jul, 2009
Doh! I'll have to bring my lunch break forward. Thanks for the info Terra. I'm watching Louis XIV while doing this - he seems as fond of dressing up as Conker.
18 Jul, 2009
Hello Wagger...
Good bit of multi-tasking going on there...
Yes, my dogs won't object to lunch at 11.50 a.m. instead of noon.. Lol.
... and Conker would enjoy costume drama... :o)
18 Jul, 2009
He'd look beautiful in brocade, lol.
18 Jul, 2009
You're right. Lol. :o)
18 Jul, 2009
Okay you girls, I can multi-task, I am very good at breathing whilst walking and talking and thinking and I can even read a book all at the same time and it cannot be in my jeans 'coz I never wear 'em! and before you say anything TT I wear trousers instead because my wife say's I can :o)))
19 Jul, 2009
Hi Bob ~
It never occurred to me that you would do gardening without wearing your trousers... or your pyjamas for early morning garden photography...:o)
... and it's good to know that you can multi-task so impressively ~ by wearing trousers.......... and at the same time listening to your wife's valuable advice :o)
19 Jul, 2009
Bob, do you think your wife can have a word with mine?
I'm the boss in my house.........when Carol is out with Holly :~((
19 Jul, 2009
Incidentally, on the subject of TV shows, looks like Carol Klein is in the Friday Open Gardens programme, helping gardeners in Somerset and Cornwall.
Whoopee... I like Carol...:o)
19 Jul, 2009
I've got her book :~))
19 Jul, 2009
Good one, Ian :o)
19 Jul, 2009
Its about her vegetable beds :~))
19 Jul, 2009
That sounds very useful....:o)
19 Jul, 2009
Thanks Terra, I always forget when I am multi-tasking.........wondering which birds' turn it is to come out for cuddles and by the time I have settee and chairs covered against 'waste' materials, LOL, I forget which programme I wanted to see in the first place. Your list is very helpful..............:o)
19 Jul, 2009
Never read it TT Lol :~))
19 Jul, 2009
~what's this Friday Open Gardens?will have to check whether we get it on BBC Wales~
19 Jul, 2009
Hello Arlene...
The Open Gardens is on every lunchtime this week...
See top of page, which also has details of the times for Tatton Park....... I hope you get the TV programmes in Wales, too...
Hi Pam...
I'm glad the blog will be useful for you and your feathered viewers..Lol. :o)
19 Jul, 2009
~thanks TT ~we don't always as Hywel will tell you!
19 Jul, 2009
Lets hope they don't clash with the other halves cookery programs (OR SOAPS) lol
20 Jul, 2009
Hi Delboy ~
Looks like you might be recording your TV choices...
Tatton clashes with Eastenders on Thursday evening and coincides with Coronation Street on Friday evening.... :o)
... and Castle in the Country is on at the same time as Desperate Housewives ... Lol.... but the Castle programmes feature cookery, as well as garden themes...
so your better half might like to watch Rachel Allen making gooseberry cakes, and maybe handsome chefs such as James Martin waltzing around the kitchens :o)
20 Jul, 2009
Castle in the Country will have to be recovered, day time TV am at work. Desperate Housewives, lol love that program, never miss it :-)
20 Jul, 2009
I am well aware that ladies can multitask but can any one tell me why a women talking on her mobile phone can't walk in a straight line?
20 Jul, 2009
~that's because we are naturally curvy~
20 Jul, 2009
Ahhh shoot I will have to miss Tatton park show AGAIN as I will be away but still I can set the recorder and watch it when I get back :o))
20 Jul, 2009
Nice one Andrew, He shoots, He scores............Its one of the all time mysterys of .......all time :~))
20 Jul, 2009
I don't know if i could pick up any shows in the states but I would like to try
24 Jul, 2009
Hi Lovegreen ~
I'm not sure whether, over in the States, you are able to view any of the British TV garden theme shows, but at least by commenting here, you'll see updates.
So thanks for visiting this blog, and I hope you're enjoying GoY. :o)
24 Jul, 2009
I LOVEGOY I just found it browsing about 1 month ago and can't get enough. I'm even checking my homepage during work,hope the boss doesnt catch me, but I think I can get BBC over here at least I can try I just love gardening shows!
24 Jul, 2009
Hi again Lovegreen...
... or maybe you should be called LOVEGOY...Lol...
I can imagine you having a sneaky look in your GoY inbox during working hours. Lol.
I hope you're able to find some BBC shows to watch. :o)
24 Jul, 2009
thanks tarra love the new nickname and I think I'm gonna add you to my favs if you dont mind I like your sense of humor as I read through the blogs and question and answer. Now I'm on lunch break so who cares if I get Caught, on my time now cheers
24 Jul, 2009
Go to
and you can watch them on your computer.
24 Jul, 2009
Hi again Lovegoygreen. Lol.
I'm guessing you saw my question about Pittosporum with the chubby pigeon pic. Lol.
Enjoy your lunchbreak on GoY. :o)
Thanks, Wagger, for the link...
24 Jul, 2009
You're very welcome, Terra. Hope you're well this lovely, wet, thundery, rainy day.
24 Jul, 2009
Hi Wagger ~
Storms knocked out my house electricity which damaged my phone system. Finally got it working again... :o)
Your sedum is in its own little pot in my kitchen, so is safe from the thunder and hail. How are you ?
24 Jul, 2009
Creaking and groaning in this humidity, lol. Still enjoy myself taking cuttings and potting on when it's raining. I hope you weren't out of action for too long - the trouble when that happens with electricity is that you don't know if it's just your house or a local power cut. In the second 'big storm' of the last century a tree took out the power supply to 22 houses including this one and we were without power for six days. Here endeth the history lesson.
24 Jul, 2009
You're right, Wagger ~ I ended up checking with neighbours, and their phones were okay, as was my internet connection. The problem turned out to be that the electricity coming back on had damaged my answerphone and put my phones out of action...:o(
24 Jul, 2009
What a pain in the proverbial.
24 Jul, 2009
ok home now and yes the chubby pigeon is the tale that made me take an interest I laughed quite hard and had to share it with hubby
24 Jul, 2009
Sunday 26th July 2009. BBC 1.
11 am - 12 noon. Country Tracks.
7.00 pm - 8.00 pm. Countryfile.
Both of the above include weather forecast for the week in the UK.
Monday 27th, Tuesday 28th, Wednesday 29th , Thursday 30th, Friday 31st. July ~
BBC 2. 11.30 am. - 12 noon. Castle in the Country.
BBC 2. 12 noon. - 12.30 pm. Open Gardens.
Friday 31st July.2009. BBC 2.
7.00 pm - 8.00 p.m.. (First shown on BBC 4)
Mud, Sweat and Tractors : the story of agriculture.
8.00 pm - 9.00 pm. Gardeners' World...
Water lilies, exotic plants, climbing plants, oriental vegetable seeds, and Carol Klein with dahlias.
25 Jul, 2009
I'm catching up a bit late but YES with certain cable packages you can get BBC here in the US...I know we pay about a million dollars a month for cable and DSL so I know I get BBC. We definitely don't have as many gardening shows here in the States, but then again, you never hear the phrase "US Garden" like you do "English Garden", do you?! Though, with that said, we have some spectacular gardens here as well. (don't want to put down my brethren!) Just not nearly as many gardening shows!
26 Jul, 2009
I'm really enjoying Open Gardens (watching it as I type :D) Thanks for this blog Terra :)
28 Jul, 2009
Hi Emma ~
I'm pleased you find this blog useful...
.. the Open Gardens shows are fascinating, aren't they :o)
28 Jul, 2009
Do you think all the gardens they let into the scheme are up to standard? Of the gardens they accepted on the previous series there were defiinitely a couple I would have been a bit miffed to have travelled and paid to see. I know the money all goes to charity but there should be consistent high standards or the whole scheme could lose credulity. Now, if they were all like Spritzhenry's and Andrew's I wouldn't have a problem.
28 Jul, 2009
I missed today's show. Thought I had set up the recorder correctly for while I was at the vet clinic, but it didn't record.... but from previous days, some gardens are lovely, but some are neither original nor with very much content.
28 Jul, 2009
Hi Wagger, some of the gardens are lovely but many that get accepted I just can't see the appeal of. I'm looking forward to todays jungle theme garden :)
29 Jul, 2009
I'm glad I'm not alone in this opinion. Thought it was 'grumpy old woman' syndrome again.
29 Jul, 2009
Emma or Wagger (or ~
Which gardens did I miss yesterday ?
29 Jul, 2009
Terra, you can watch the ones you've missed on BBC iPlayer :D enjoy!
I wasn't keen on the jungle garden today but the cottage garden was lovely.
29 Jul, 2009
Thanks, Emma.....
I'd forgotten I could do that...
My mind has been all over the place today after the vet's phone call...
Yes, I agree that the cottage garden was pretty.
Interesting how the steep slope looked with the new planting.
29 Jul, 2009
I missed yesterday so will have to play catch-up on I-player too.
30 Jul, 2009
Useful that we can catch up via I-player :o)
30 Jul, 2009
I thought the 'Pot' garden was lovely today, not enough colour in the other garden for me but I did like the arches and the moon gate :)
30 Jul, 2009
Amazing that the owner of the "pot" garden had been gardening for only a few years.... :o)
30 Jul, 2009
Just had a quick count, I've only got 12 pots lol. Got a way to go before I catch her up :D
30 Jul, 2009
Lol. Emma ~
I wonder how many pots you'll have in your garden this time next year.:o)
30 Jul, 2009
Sunday 2nd August.2009.
BBC 1.
11.00 am - 12 noon Country Tracks.
8.00 pm - 9.00 pm Countryfile.
Includes weather for the week ahead.
Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th, Thursday 5th, Friday 6th Aug.09.
Open Gardens. 1.00 pm - 1.30 pm.
Friday. 7th August. 09. BBC 2.
8.00 pm - 9 pm. Gardeners' World....
RHS Harlow Carr... plants chosen to survive the Yorkshire winter.
Carol Klein adds blue sea hollies to the planting scheme.
Enjoy :o)
1 Aug, 2009
Thanks Terra :)
1 Aug, 2009
Oh well,
looks like I'm too late to benefit from this one Tt, but will see up dates hopefully. So much easier than TV Times (I can never find my glasses to read it)
Don't have much time for 'telly' these days or GOY. But found a couple of hours for the latter yesterday and today!
Poor old devil, aren't I?
When I do grab a squint at Gardener's World, these days, I must say I find it hard to get used to Toby Buckland and Alys's presenting style. Nothing stays the same does it? Bring back Titch or Monty , I say!
2 Aug, 2009
Hi Paul ~
As with you, I watch very little TV, but I make time for the occasional gardening show. I wonder if the different look of Gardeners' World is caused the presenters themselves, or by the producers directing the action in a specific way, and then editing the footage to result in a certain style ..
2 Aug, 2009
I'm sure it is! Everyone thinks they have to change things and be modern and 'funky', I think the current word is!
Mind you , i hve to say, and I know I won't make many freinds saying this but........well I'll say it anyway.
I can't watch when Carol Klien is on as she makes me cringe and embarrasses me as she's so ridiculously over the top about everything. Nothing is good with her, it's all 'wonderful and amazing'. Perhaps, I'm too used to Percy Thrower and Geoff Hamilton but I just can't watch Carol!
Bring back Christine Walkden and her neighbour Reg and the dog. They are real gardening people! I loved those two series! Real people and real gardens and real village shows etc!
Well, that's got that off my chest!
2 Aug, 2009
Yes, I agree. I don't wish to see Gardeners' World become too funky with its presentation...
...but I think Carol Klein is wonderful... an expert plantswoman.... and her enthusiasm is infectious for many people of all ages.
Let a camera follow her around the plant marquees at any show and I'll be watching. But BBC ... PLEASE let Carol go around on her own... recently they had her accompanied by another person.... and it didn't work....:o(
2 Aug, 2009
Yes, each to their own. It wouldn't do for us all to like the same! I suppose i just like presenters who get down to 'brass tacks' without prettying it up! I don't really get to hear Carol's knowledge because I just have to turn off when she's on!
2 Aug, 2009
Well Paul you have one friend in me! I too have to turn the TV to mute when Carol Klein's on, I cannot stand either her manner or her voice and I thoroughly agree with all your comments. I always thought I was in a minority of one in this and have never dared voice these opinions before for fear of reprisals! Don't get me started on Monty Don either..........
Good blog TT, not sure how I came to miss out on it
2 Aug, 2009
Oooh, I'm finding this fascinating ~
the fact that we all have different likes and dislikes when it comes to gardening presenters. I wonder if there was one in the past of whom everyone approved... Geoff Hamilton ? :o)
2 Aug, 2009
You couldn't disa pprove of him, I don't think. See we've started something now Lily. We could start a BBC Carol Klien revolt. I'd be good at that as Julie says I can be quite revolting!!!
2 Aug, 2009
Yes TT I think we all liked Geoff Hamilton. I was a little 'anti' when Alan Titchmarsh took over but he soon won me over with his natural enthusiasm and easy ways. To me he was a presenter who could reach all levels of gardener. I had not seen much of Monty Don before he took over but he soon alienated me with his self righteous 'this is how you do it if you're a good gardener' attitude plus all those fruit and veggies....yawn! Still we all like different people and want diffferent things from our gardening programmes the same as our gardens are all as different as we are. No doubt there is someone somewhere who DIDN'T like Geoff Hamilton??
2 Aug, 2009
I wonder if anyone else will join us Paul! No I'm afraid I didn't like him either, perhaps I'm turning into a grumpy old woman but there's still plenty to make me laugh on GoY so there's hope for me yet! I would hate to disagree with Julie and say you're not revolting but wives usually know best about everything don't they! LOL
2 Aug, 2009
I suppose so. She's been married to me for 29 years(to the day 2nd August) so she knows pretty well all there is to know about me! And yes , I did remember!
2 Aug, 2009
Happy anniversary, Paul and Julie :o)
I like the new avatar......
will those tomatoes eventually ripen and change to an all-red tomatoes pic? Lol.
2 Aug, 2009
Happy anniversary from me too.
You didn't have that avatar an hour ago, did you?
2 Aug, 2009
Lol. Lily..
Those green tomatoes are ripening by the minute :o)
2 Aug, 2009
Watch this space(as they say ) Tt.
2 Aug, 2009
No, Lily I changed it as I was bored as no comments to read. It seems Tt has stopped looking at my blogs and pictures! Nudge Nudge. Do you think she'll get the hint lily?????
2 Aug, 2009
Okay, I'll go take a look ...never mind my desk here piled high with papers... :o)
2 Aug, 2009
Well Paul, since you mention it, I don't recall seeing any comments from either of you on mine either! Nudge Nudge
2 Aug, 2009
I too do not like the current production of Gardeners World - not a fan of Carole Klein either but do feel it was pure ageism that she didn't get the main presenting role, Everything on TV now seems to be aimed at ' yoof' - another example being the ousting of Arlene Phillips from 'Strictly' to be replaced by a singer! and have you seen that new series on mondays, 'Bang goes the Theory'? Bring back 'Tomorrows World' - PLEASE!
Grump for today over, lol.
2 Aug, 2009
The problems with Gardeners World are more with the production than with the presenters... I think all the current bunch of TV gardening gurus are okay... but the style and content of the shows need to be considered more carefully.
Wagger ~ Moira Stewart is another "older" presenter who is, sadly, no longer so evident on TV :o(
2 Aug, 2009
Selena Scott - having taken Channel 5 to court I don't think anybody will touch her now. Apparantly the 'silverbacks',as one BBC1 executive calls the older males are not safe either. It's about time the over 55's formed themselves into a group to fight our corner as they've done in the US. Joah Bakewell is doing her best but she needs far more backing.
3 Aug, 2009
I agree TT, regardless of presenters the programme is not what it used to be. I must admit to not having watched it regularly for a very long time but whenever I do it does not seem to have improved. I don't watch much TV but from what I do see, I'm not missing much - all silly camera angles and loud background music.
3 Aug, 2009
Nudge received Lily. Will have a look! Not been on much until last day or 2. Thats my excuse!!!
3 Aug, 2009
Looks like Tt was right about the Tomatoes on my profile pic/avatar. They've turned red. 'THAT'S MAGIC!!!' as another Paul used to say!
6 Aug, 2009
What will the next tomatoes avatar be, Paul ?
Tomatoes with bites taken out ?
Tomatoes all picked leaving just the stalks ?
Scarecrow eating tomatoes?
6 Aug, 2009
Not black ones with the blight, I hope!
6 Aug, 2009
LOL !!
6 Aug, 2009
This evening's Gardners' World was by far the best show of recent times. Well done, BBC :o)
7 Aug, 2009
Didn't see it. Julie watched Corrie then I came in to watch GW between Corries and Graeme was watching Eastenders(no taste , my son) I'll be glad when he moves out again. I'm sorry to say I'm not joking. Anyone got a spare room for a messy, noisy comedian!!!
7 Aug, 2009
Hi Paul ~
Can you watch the show on BBC i player ?
7 Aug, 2009
Yes, might do so over weekend if don't go out. Julie and I were planning a trip toi Kew Gardens tomorrow but there is no service on the district line so our plans are scuppered. Might go mto Wisley instead but I was hoping to avoid driving as I've got to take Graeme to Weymouth and back on Sunday for a gig and will be out of the house over 12 hours. He's got a gig in Selsey, West Sussex tomorrow and is going by train then I'll pick him up in Chichester Sunday afternoon to go to Weymouth. He'll wear me out befroe lomg. I'll have a look on Iplayer/BBC. Do you know how long they are available after initial broadcast Tt ??
7 Aug, 2009
I think the BBC Open Garden shows are available on i player for about a week. Maybe GW will be the same...
Wow, you drive a lot of miles on behalf of Show Biz ! Lol.
You might also like to look at my latest blog... wonderful sculptures by Noseypotter are going to be on view to the public for one day only when a garden is opened this Sunday in Norfolk, in aid of Kidney research. :o)
7 Aug, 2009
Will go see!
Yes, lot's of miles.It's taking it's toll. Already been to 5 gis in last 7 days as well as doing my own job!
But he failed his 5th driving test a week or so ago so I'll be doing it for a while yet!
7 Aug, 2009
When he is an older, less messy comedian, he'll look back and be extremely grateful for your help. xxx
Try not to get over-tired. That's happened to me a bit over the past couple of weeks... Takes a while to bounce back from exhaustion ! :o)
7 Aug, 2009
tell me about it . As the modern phrase goes!
7 Aug, 2009
:o) Good night ...
7 Aug, 2009
Good night Tt.
7 Aug, 2009
Good morning Paul and everyone ~
Here are the TV shows for this week...
I'm including Countrywise - Thursday. I usually omit this because I wasn't sure if it is a regional or national show....but would be interested to know if members see this in other parts of Britain, please...
Sunday 9th Aug. 2009 ~
Country Tracks.. BBC 1
11.00 am - 12 noon.
Countryfile.. BBC 1
7.00 pm - 8.00 pm.
Monday 10th Aug. and Tuesday 11th Aug.
and Wednesday 12th Aug. 09. BBC 2.
12.45 pm. - 1.15 pm. Castle in the Country.
1.15 pm - 1.45 pm. Open Gardens.
Thursday. 13th Aug. and Friday 14th Aug.09. BBC 2.
1.15 pm - 1.45 pm. Open Gardens.
Thursday 13th Aug. 09. ITV 1.
7.30 pm - 8.00 pm. Countrywise...
Paul Heiney visits Birmingham to celebrate National Allotments Week...
Friday 14th Aug. 09. BBC 2.
7.00pm - 8.00 pm.
Mud, Sweat and Tractors....The story of Agriculture.
8.00 pm - 9.00 pm.
Gardeners' World...
Best plants for drought conditions (my garden has just had a complete week of continuous heavy rain !) and planting the roof of a bike shed...
9.00 pm - 10.30 pm.
Grow You Own. Film. Comedy about giving allotments to refugees in Liverpool.
Enjoy :o)
8 Aug, 2009
Thanks for the info TT. I always forget to watch daytime programmes and have never got to grips with the video! Next Fridays GW sounds a bit odd - drought conditions? and didn't they plant up a shed roof a few weeks ago? I also enjoyed last night's (apostrophe??) edition and found most of it of interest. Despite what I've read elsewhere I thought all the presenters interact very naturally and find Toby Buckland very personable. Maybe things are looking up.
8 Aug, 2009
Yes, Lily. I agree. Things appear to be looking up for Gardeners' World... Last night Toby seemed more settled and confident, and the content of the show was interesting and useful...
The Open Gardens shows are quite fascinating.... a peek into other people's gardens...and their problems with certain areas which have to be improved before they qualify to go in the Yellow Book. :o)
8 Aug, 2009
Presumably the tomatoes are now eaten Paul. Did they taste as good as they look? I hope your son realises how lucky he is to have such a dedicated Dad although at that age they just take it all for granted. What a disappointment that he failed his driving test but although you're glad when they do, you then worry about them being inexperienced out on the roads alone! It doesn't sound like you have had much time to do your own garden lately!
8 Aug, 2009
Lily ~ I reckon Paul's avatar will change to a photo of just little green stalks and stems, with all the tomatoes eaten. Lol. :o)
8 Aug, 2009
Yes Tt I Have watched and enjoyed previous series of Open Gardens and must try to remember it's on as I am usually sitting down at that time of day. I find private gardens so much more interesting than large stately home type gardens and hope to see Andrewr's garden tomorrow along with another nearby as both are only about 5 miles away. Tomorrow is a bit of a busy day with family but hopefully I can escape for a couple of hours. It looks like he will have a good day weatherwise although we had some prolonged heavy rain the night before last which may have spoilt some things, it has in mine.
8 Aug, 2009
Lol. He's bound to think up something amusing like that!
8 Aug, 2009
Oh, how lovely to be not far from Andrewr's garden.
Lots of GoY members are frustrated to not be near enough to see either that garden, or the one on my latest blog which is open tomorrow, featuring the leopard, elephant and other work by GoY member Noseypotter....
...and we all await with interest Paul's next avatar pic. Lol....
8 Aug, 2009
The way Julie keeps picking them and not all of them reaching the kitchen(she scoffs them) I might have nothing left to photograph!
8 Aug, 2009
I think I've seen that Open Gardens programme with Carol Klien. Altkough I don't generally like her style, I liked that series.She wasn't too over the top. I think it's the one you're referring to where she helps people get into the yellow book open gardens scheme. It used to be on at lunchtimes in the winter when I had very little work so I cold watch it!
8 Aug, 2009
TT, as far as I can tell GoY members are a bit thin on the ground round here although they don't always say where they are. What part of the country do you live in? That elephant by NP is brilliant. It would rather overpower my small garden though!
Yes Paul I agree but do seem to remember not liking the over dramatic suspense but that seems to be pretty much everywhere on TV so has to be tolerated.
8 Aug, 2009
Intyerested to see the film' Grow your own ' is to be screened. We were going to go to cinema to see it but never got round to it. It must have been a box office flop because it was only oput a couple of years ago,I think and now on TV already! I shall have to remember to watch or record!
8 Aug, 2009
You're right Paul... the movie was released in 2007, so it is a recent film....
8 Aug, 2009
I shall look forward to that!!! I'll get in some Popcorn(well maybe not!)
8 Aug, 2009
Popcorn, Paul ?
.... could be good for your new avatar pic :o)
8 Aug, 2009
No, I'd spill it all down the side of the chair! Perhaps I'll have a slice of toast and jam instead!!!!!
We''ll wait and see on Thursday!
8 Aug, 2009
...or even on Friday. Lol. :o)
8 Aug, 2009
Oh, ok! BBC????
8 Aug, 2009
BBC 2....
... As under my heading above for Friday 14th.Lol.
8 Aug, 2009
Hello GoY friends ... are TV dates and times for the week ahead ~
Sunday 16th August. 2009 ~
11.00 am - 12 noon ~ BBC 1 ~
Country Tracks.
7.00 pm - 8.00 pm ~ BBC 1 ~
Now it gets complicated !!!
Monday. 17th August. 2009 ~ BBC 2 ~
11.30 am - 12 noon. Castle in the Country.
12 noon - 12.30 pm. Open Gardens.
Tuesday 18th August. 2009. BBC 2 ~ and ~
Thursday 20th August . 2009. BBC 2.
11.45 am - 12.15 pm. Castle in the Country.
12.15 pm - 12.45 pm Open Gardens.
Wednesday 19th August. 2009. BBC 2 ~
12 noon - 12.30 pm. Open Gardens.
Thursday 20th August. 2009. ITV 1.
7.30 pm - 8.00 pm. Countywise...
South London lavender harvest.
Friday. 21st August. 2009.
11.30 am. - 12 noon. Castle in the Country.
8.30 pm. - 9.00 pm. Gardeners' World.
Enjoy !!! :o)
15 Aug, 2009
Gardeners World has been postponed because of the Live World Championship Athletics running late...
The show will now be on Sunday 23rd August 2009 ~
BBC 2 at 5.35 pm.
21 Aug, 2009
Good, I'll watch it then. I just turned over to BBC 2 and saw that the athletics was still on.
Hopefully, there won't be any controversy over gender etc in GW as there is in the athletics. Although they may get their female and male flowers mixed up on their Pumpkins, Cucumbers etc, I suppose!
21 Aug, 2009
.... and whereas the athletics was delayed because of rain, Toby has to continue working on his "dry" garden during any downpours... Lol.
21 Aug, 2009
Yes, what awashout that was last week. I'm afraid I lost interest part way through, what with all the contrived conversations and people walking past just at the exact moment one presenter said something. How convenient so they could answer. They'll be putting canned laughter in next!!!!
21 Aug, 2009
Perhaps that's why I fell asleep very early on last week Paul. Sounds like I didn't miss much. Good the week before though, I only fell asleep just before the end then! lol
22 Aug, 2009
I enjoyed last week's Gardeners' World ! That's two consecutive weeks I've liked the show....:o)
22 Aug, 2009
It must be difficult to please us all every week with the content but I agree things are definitely improving generally. I suppose everything has to evolve, remember how it was when Percy Thrower and Arthur Billitt(?) presenter it in black and white from Clacks Farm? Or aren't you that old TT? lol
22 Aug, 2009
Sorry, I don't remember back to Percy Thrower... Lol.
Here are the shows for the coming week ~
Sunday 23rd August 2009 ~
BBC 1 11 am. - 12 noon. Country Tracks.
BBC 1 7 pm. - 8 pm. Countryfile.
Gardeners' World ~ postponed from last Friday ~
BBC 2 5.35 pm.
...and, for those who would like to watch someone else do the digging. Lol. Channel 4. 7.05 pm - 8 pm ~
a new series of Time Team. :o)
Monday 24th August 2009 ~
BBC 2 7.00 pm - 7.30 pm.
A Garden in Snowdonia - A year in the life of Bodnant Gardens in North Wales.
Tuesday 25th August. 2009 ~
ITV 3 11.55 am - 1 pm ~
Agatha Christie's Garden - Murder and Mystery in Devon.
ITV 3 4.10 pm - 5.15 pm.
Great Garden Detectives with Chris Beardshaw.
Wednesday 26th August. 2009 ~
BBC 2. 7.50 pm - 8.00 pm.
A Wild Day in Heligan...wildlife in Cornwall...
ITV 3 12 noon - 1.00 pm and 4.10 - 5.15 pm.
Great Garden Detectives.
Thursday 27th August. 2009 ~
ITV 3. 11.30 am - 12.35 pm. and 3.40 pm - 4.45 pm .
Great Garden Detectives.
Friday 28th August. 2009 ~
BBC 2 Gardeners' World ~
Toby Buckland's completed coastal garden,
and Joe Swift building a seat inspired by sea-washed pebbles.
ITV 3 12.05 pm - 1.05 pm and 4.15 pm - 5.15 pm.
Great Garden Detectives.
Enjoy :o)
22 Aug, 2009
Neither do I in any detail really, just remember my Dad watching it and seen clips of it more recently. Very wooden. I think he used to wear a shirt and tie, don't think it was a suit, maybe just a jacket. (and trousers of course!) I'm trying to pretend I'm not THAT old now!! lol
22 Aug, 2009
Have you seen any of the ITV3 shows before, which I've listed above....the Agatha Christie programme, and Garden Detectives.... any good ?
22 Aug, 2009
No I haven't seen either of them. I don't watch much TV at all, even less since I got hopelessly addicted to GOY! I might watch a bit more if I could get control of the remote (lol) but I'm not generally interested in it these days.
22 Aug, 2009
I watch more TV in winter than in summer.
I'm lucky to have total control of the remote. Lol.
22 Aug, 2009
One of the perks of living alone then? Seems to me there's plenty of others what and when you like, be as tidy or untidy as you like, do what and when you like. It all sounds very appealing but of course there must be disadvantages. The grass is always greener etc......
22 Aug, 2009
I seem to remember Chris Beardshaw watching/working with a team resurrecting an old garden - using archeology techniques to find old flower beds, finding old black and white photos etc.
I do like Time Team, though I do think they've done Roman Villas to death.
22 Aug, 2009
As long as Phil is in Time Team I'll watch it.... he can dig up as many Roman Villas as he likes... Lol.
The Chris Beardshaw programme sounds interesting...
22 Aug, 2009
Has Open Gardens finished now?
25 Aug, 2009
Hi Emma ~
Yes, Open Gardens has finished for the moment, but the programmes are repeated from time to time, so if any more are scheduled in the future, I'll add them to this blog.
25 Aug, 2009
Watched the first Great Garden Detectives today as it was about the Ashridge Estate which is not far from me - over 5000 acres so would take more than one visit - more like 10 for me, lol.
25 Aug, 2009
Lol. I wasn't able to see today's show... maybe I'll watch the programme tomorrow...
25 Aug, 2009
I watched a couple of programmes on the BBC iPlayer this afternoon. The first one was on a cottage that was taken over by a lady writer of cookery books. The other was on a big estate in north Wales,near Snowdonia that was also visited by Prince Charles last year.
I found both programmes very interesting.
25 Aug, 2009
Thanks Terra, I look forward to it returning. I enjoyed watching it :)
25 Aug, 2009
Yes, the Open Gardens shows are fascinating...
I saw the Prince Charles programme... that was interesting, too. :o)
25 Aug, 2009
Today I was able to see the second half of a Great Garden Detectives programme....
...Chris Beardshaw in Portmeiron, North Wales...
very interesting. :o)
28 Aug, 2009
Chris Beardshaw today was at Oxford Botanic Garden and was the best one I've seen so far.
28 Aug, 2009
Was the Oxford show the first half of the programme I mentioned above about North Wales ?
28 Aug, 2009
No, Terra - this was on at 12.05 until 13.05. Was there another one which I missed?
28 Aug, 2009
Yes, 4.15 pm - 5.15 pm ( I saw only the second half)... is listed in my weekly bulletin above.... Lol.
28 Aug, 2009
I'm jumping backwards and forwards between your blogs - my head is spinning, lol. I was out this afternoon so missed that one. Hoping to get a digital recorder soon but still doing my homework on the different devices.
28 Aug, 2009
Lol. We could get confused here...
Conker did watch the Portmeiron programme with me, so there's a bit of interchange for you between the blogs. :o)
Are the hour shows always on a single garden ?... because I felt that the Portmeiron part was only the second half, and perhaps another garden was featured in the first part...
28 Aug, 2009
Normally one garden I think but I've missed some so couldn't be sure.
28 Aug, 2009
Seems we are not very organised with our viewing...
I write this blog with the times, but I still manage to miss a lot of shows... Lol.
28 Aug, 2009
With digital as well as terrestrial there are just too many to choose from - best just to switch off sometimes and log on to GOY........or even do a bit of gardening, lol.
28 Aug, 2009
Sometimes I choose programmes which my budgie, Crocus, enjoys....
... he is currently into The Flintstones, so I might leave that on for him while I do gardening. Lol.
28 Aug, 2009
That is just so cute - he'll be calling you Wilma next!
28 Aug, 2009
Lol. Wagger... Here are the TV programmes for next week.... sadly, no Flintstones for my budgie.... how will I explain that ??? ...I should have recorded some ... :o(
Sunday 30th August 2009 ~
11 am - 12 noon. Country Tracks
7.00 pm - 8.00 pm. Countryfile
8.00 pm - 9 pm. Who Killed the Honey Bee ?.....
... decline in the bee population.
Monday 31st August. 2009 ~
7.00 pm - 7. 30 pm A Garden in Snowdonia...
...includes the famous Laburnum Arch.
4.00 pm - 6 pm.
Rosemary and Thyme
2 hour feature length edition.
Tuesday 1st September 2009 ~
Look Emma ! :o) 1.00 pm - 1.30 pm.Open Gardens
Wednesday... go out in your garden... no TV shows Lol !
Thursday 3rd. September 2009 ~
Look Emma ! :o) 1.00 pm - 1.30 pm. Open Gardens
Friday 4th September 2009 ~
BBC 2 7.00 pm - 7.10 pm
Look Pam ! :o) The Great British Parakeet Invasion...
....High numbers living in the South East of England.
BBC 2 8.30 pm - 9.00 pm.
Gardeners' World. includes DJ Sara Cox.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday ~
ITV 1. 4.00 pm - 5 pm. Rosemary and Thyme.
For those who enjoy watching a good argument, this weekend on BBC 2, there are two programmes entitled Live Rowing. Lol. :o) Enjoy.
29 Aug, 2009
Woohoo! Thanks Terra, I'm looking forward to watching it in a couple of hours :)
1 Sep, 2009
I watched Open Gardens today....
... lovely views from the Devon garden ! :o)
1 Sep, 2009
TT - tha'ts just up the river from where I grew up
1 Sep, 2009
Lucky you..... what a fab. place to spend your childhood !
Do you have photos of the countryside there ?
...maybe enough to make a blog during the winter when you have more time ? I love pics of hillsides etc...
2 Sep, 2009
Yes you are very lucky Andrew :) I love the seaside, Cornwall is just heaven on earth for me! Unfortunately living right in the middle of the country I don't get there as often as I would like to :(
2 Sep, 2009
Sunday 6th Sept. 09
BBC 1. 11.00 am - 12 noon. Country Tracks
BBC 1. 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm. Countryfile.
Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday, Friday.
7,8,9,10 and 11 th Sept.09. ITV 1. 4pm - 5 pm.
Rosemary and Thyme.
Friday 11th Sept. 09.
BBC 2. 7.00 pm - 7.10 pm.
The Coral Gardener... horticultural techniques to save the threatened coastal reef off the coast of Fiji.
BBC 2. 8.30 pm - 9.00 pm.
Toby collects seeds, Carol examines the Japanese Anemone and Joe designs a seating area.
Enjoy :o)
6 Sep, 2009
Brilliant idea! Thank you!
6 Sep, 2009
Glad you like this blog, Madperth :o)
6 Sep, 2009
I do! I'll need to sort out my recording schedule!!
6 Sep, 2009
Some of the BBC broadcasts, you can catch later on the i player..
6 Sep, 2009
Once I find it, yes!! Havent seen the telly since I joined this thing!!
6 Sep, 2009
You can always download it from the the BBC & see it on your computer: Last episode of Gardener' World:
7 Sep, 2009
Thanks, Balcony, for that link :o)
7 Sep, 2009
Me neither Marie, no loss though generally speaking!
7 Sep, 2009
Friday 18th September.2009 ~
BBC2.... 8.30 pm ~ 9.00 pm
Gardeners' World.
Toby plants daffodil bulbs,
Alys prepares plants to flower in time for Christmas table decorations.....
..... OR..... 8.30 pm. BBC 1. Strictly Come Dancing...Lol.
...enjoy.. :o)
15 Sep, 2009
Monday 21st September.2009 ~
7.00 pm - 7.30 pm. BBC 2
A Garden in Snowdonia.... Bodnant.
Friday 25th September. 2009 ~
8.30 pm - 9.00 pm. BBC 2
Gardeners' World...
Prairie border at Greenacre.
Trentham Gardens in Staffordshire.
RHS advice on alliums
Carol Klein discusses asters.
Enjoy :o)
21 Sep, 2009
Monday. 28th Sept. 09 ~
7.00 pm - 7.30 pm. BBC 2
A Garden in Snowdonia. Bodnant.
Thursday. 1st Oct. 09 ~
7.30 pm - 8.00 pm. ITV 1
Countrywise... includes Scilly Isles flower industry.
Friday. 2nd Oct. 09. ~
8.30 pm - 9.00 pm. BBC 2
Gardeners' World.
9.00 pm - 10 pm. BBC 2 Autumnwatch 2009.
10.00 pm - 10.30 pm. BBC 2 Autumnwatch Unsprung.
enjoy :o)
28 Sep, 2009
Sunday 4th October 2009 ~
BBC 1. 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm.
Countryfile...includes a report on wind farms..
Thursday. 8th October 2009 ~
ITV 1. 7.30 pm - 8.00 pm.
Countrywise.. includes apple harvest and cider making.... and ancient trees in Sherwood Forest.
Friday. 9th October. 2009 ~
BBC 2. 8.30 pm - 9.00 pm.
Gardeners' World.
.. nuts, berries and autumn bedding.
BBC 2. 9.00 pm - 10 pm.
10.00 pm. - 10.30 pm.
Autumnwatch.. Unsprung.
Enjoy :o)
4 Oct, 2009
~Autumnwatch and unsprung were repeated on Saturday which was good as I had missed it on Friday!
4 Oct, 2009
Thanks, Arlene...
I forgot to mention those repeats... :o)
4 Oct, 2009
Sunday 11th October 2009 ~
11.00 am. - 12 noon. Country Tracks.
7.00 pm - 8.00 pm. Countryfile....
organic food; guerrilla gardening and tree diseases.
Monday 12th October. 2009 ~
9.00 pm - 10.00 pm.
Life. New series with David Attenborough.
Thursday 15th October.2009 ~
ITV 1.
7.30 pm - 8.00 pm.
Fossil hunting, swan rescue and steam ploughing.
Friday 16th October.2009 ~
8.30 pm - 9.00 pm.
Gardeners' World.
Preparations to help plants survive the winter.
Enjoy :o)
10 Oct, 2009
will watch david attenborough new show :o)) if i can stay awake, baz will tape just incase lol
12 Oct, 2009
No laughing, San!
12 Oct, 2009
Only just found this blog!!
12 Oct, 2009
Will Gardener's World be doing a programme on helping Gardener's survive the winter Tt???? I think I might need some advice on that. I usually manage to find something part time to keep a few pennies rolling in but don't know if I'll have any luck this year . Things are tough out there!!!
12 Oct, 2009
I usually update this blog every Saturday morning... sometimes Sunday.... with the programmes on the main TV channels...
If anyone thinks I've missed a show of interest to gardeners... any time.. please add it as a comment... thanks...
Paul ~ you could write a blog on how gardeners could survive the winter... maybe take a job as a driving test examiner.. ?... and give a pass with honours to all comedians...:o)
12 Oct, 2009
You must be joking......joking, get it??
I have considered a career in modelling!!!!!!!!!!! Perhaps welly boots or something!!!!
12 Oct, 2009
heheeh wagger it does hurt a bit :o(
12 Oct, 2009
Paul ~ You could model wellies for RHS Hyde Hall... but they might hang you on the wall like their planted footwear....
No giggling Sandra.... in the interests of your convalescence, I'd better avoid posting comedy shows on this blog.. I guess not many gardening shows are intentionally amusing... or are they ?
12 Oct, 2009
lol Terra its just a inside giggle if you know what i mean, going to set the recorder for program now :o) x
12 Oct, 2009
Okay, Sandra... small giggles are permitted :o)
12 Oct, 2009
thanx Terra :o)
12 Oct, 2009
The first programme of David Attenborough's "Life" series, shown yesterday evening on BBC1, is repeated this evening at 8 pm on BBC 4. Enjoy :o)
13 Oct, 2009
Terra your an absolute star :-) how do you keep up with everything :-)
16 Oct, 2009
Hi Blah13...
Sometimes I don't keep up.... and the shows don't get posted till Sunday morning.Lol. :o)
16 Oct, 2009
Ahem....have just twigged how to get regular updates...good on ya TT....:))
16 Oct, 2009
I'll put some more shows on this thread tomorrow :o)
16 Oct, 2009
Ta muchly....:))
16 Oct, 2009
Great idea TT thanks for any prompts mind is like a sieve these days - everything good runs right through...LOL
I love my Beechgrove Garden prog - but it is finished this year sadly!! As for "LIFE" it is a MUST for any that missed it last week...great stuff!
17 Oct, 2009
TV shows on the main channels ~
Saturday 17th Oct. 09 ~
BBC2 7.30 pm- 8.30 pm.
repeat of Life... David Attenborough.
ITV 3. 8.00 pm - 9.00 pm.
Rosemary and Thyme.
Sunday. 18th Oct. 09.
BBC1 11.00 am -12 noon.
Country Tracks. Caledonian Canal.
BBC 1. 7.10 pm - 8.10 pm.
Countryfile. Includes impressive leaf displays and
weather for the week ahead.
Sunday. 18th Oct. 09.
BBC 1. 9 pm - 10 pm.Life. David Attenborough.
Tuesday 20th Oct. 09.
BBC 2. 7.00 pm - 7.30 pm
Wainwright Walks.
Wednesday. 21st Oct. 09.
BBC 2. 7.00 pm - 7.30 pm.
Railway Walks.
Thursday. 22nd Oct. 09.
ITV 1. 7.30 pm - 8.00 pm
Medlar and quince at an Essex jam factory.
Organic farming in Wiltshire.
Friday. 23rd Oct. 09.
8.30 p.m. - 9.00 pm.
Gardeners' World.
Toby plants tulips.
Joe and Alys advise how to keep gardens looking good over winter.... Last in the series... :o(
BBC 2. 9.00 pm - 10.00 pm. Autumnwatch.
includes wading birds.
BBC 2. 10.00 pm. - 10.30 pm. Autumnwatch Unsprung.
I hope you enjoy the shows.
If I have missed any, please add them below.
I'm very pleased to see new readers on this thread...
...more members very welcome...
...tell your friends. ! :o)
17 Oct, 2009
I shall watchCountrywise on Thursday if I think about it as I wonder if the jam factory is Wilkins in Tiptree! I eat their jam (and ketchups) as they are gluten free and the jams are high in fruit.
Thanks Tt. Hope Conker is coping well with his treatment!
17 Oct, 2009
Hi Paul...
Yes, I wondered if the company could be Wilkin...
Conker is a bit better today thanks...
Yesterday I put a new update on his Waggy Tails blog :o)
17 Oct, 2009
Yes, I have just seen it prior to coming on this one!¬
17 Oct, 2009
Thanks for checking up on Conker. :o)
17 Oct, 2009
Must try and remember to watch Country Tracks tomorrow, sounds interesting...Very useful to have these progs listed all together. Thanks TT :))
17 Oct, 2009
I'm pleased you like the lists, AA :o)
Sometimes I almost include non-garden/wildlife shows which I like... sort of by mistake...Lol.
17 Oct, 2009
Did anybody find anything of interest on GW last night? I think I may have missed some of it, I was yawning so much! Did enjoy the whales on Autumnwatch though and the visit to St Tiggiwinkles which is quite nearby. Thought there was more useful gardening there than on GW.
17 Oct, 2009
Hi Wagger.... did you enjoy last night's Gardeners' World any more than the previous week ?
I'm disappointed I missed the St. Tiggywinkles report....
... a worthwhile charity...
... In the past I've organised dog shows in aid of St. Tiggywinkles...
Here are shows for the coming week ....
Saturday 24th October. BBC 2 ~
7.30 pm - 8.30 pm. Autumnwatch (repeat)
8.30 pm - 9.30 pm. History of Balmoral.
Sunday 25th October. BBC 1 ~
11.00 am. - 12 noon. Country Tracks. Report from Kent.
6.00 pm - 7.00 pm David Attenborough. Life (repeat)
7.00 pm - 8.00 pm. Countryfile. Report from Lancashire.
Wednesday. 28th October. BBC 2. ~
7.00 pm - 8.00 pm. Coast. Report from Blackpool. (repeat)
Thursday. 29th October. ITV 1.~
7.30 pm. - 8.00 pm.
Countrywise. Report from Worcestershire.
Friday. 30th October. BBC 2. ~
8.30 - 9.30 pm. Autumnwatch 2009.
9.30 pm. - 10.00 pm. Autumnwatch Unsprung.
10.00 pm - 10.30 pm. Gardeners' World.
Update on Carol Klein's gardening class.
GoY members Four Seasons Garden
to be featured on Gardeners' World...
I'll give you reminders... :o)
24 Oct, 2009
Hi TT... Re the final GW prog last night - The bit about the amazing number of Rowan species had me (and my family - currently visiting from Canada) enthralled.....I knew there were a few - but 44 -wow!! And for once I totally agreed with the winner of the gardener of the year!!!
24 Oct, 2009
Good morning Terra.....Nope. Autumn Watch Unsprung was last night's favourite with the talking Starling. The Pilot Whales on the main programme were sensational too.
Putting GW on at 10pm next week means I'll be up the wooden hill to bedfordshire for an early night. :-))
24 Oct, 2009
...and it willl mean setting the flamin' recorder for me!! I do think that is mean of the Beeb.
Don't forget to change you clocks tonight extra hour in bye-byes...zzzz!!
24 Oct, 2009
I've received the following message from Marie and Tony about the forthcoming documentary on their garden.
"We found out last night that it is definitely programmed in for 10pm on Friday, 13 November on Gardeners' World BBC2.
It should be available via for a while afterwards."
I'll remind everyone again nearer the time. :o)
24 Oct, 2009
GREAT...duly noted on the calendar TT..something definitely worth recording too !!
24 Oct, 2009
Yes. The BBC have made lots of visits to Four Seasons, to film work at different times of year... so should be VERY interesting. :o)
24 Oct, 2009
thats great, ive put it on my callender Terra :o)
24 Oct, 2009
Hi Sandra...
Did you notice that the Wednesday repeat of Coast includes Blackpool... or have you seen that programme already ?
24 Oct, 2009
yes i did see that Terra, surprising blackpool does turn up quite alot on tv these days
24 Oct, 2009
..yes, even on Strictly Come Dancing...Lol.
24 Oct, 2009
Information from Marie and Tony about the forthcoming documentary on their garden.
This programme has now been rescheduled for early 2010.
28 Oct, 2009
oh no, i was so looking forward to this Terra, did it say why?
28 Oct, 2009
Hi Sandra...
Just because of programme rescheduling....
..but seems the new show might have more footage, so possibly an improved version of the original format...
28 Oct, 2009
ok thanx Terra i will keep an eye out for date ;o))
28 Oct, 2009
I'll put the date on here as soon as I find out :o)
28 Oct, 2009
;o) thankyou
28 Oct, 2009
Thanks for that TT :))
I've just read about the fabulous "Four Seasons" was featured in the November issue of "Garden Answers".
It's very,very inspiring....really looking forward to seeing it on TV :)
28 Oct, 2009
Hello Di....
Yes, I had heard the garden was in Garden Answers... wonderful...
The BBC cameramen spent hours filming all kinds of activity at the Four Seasons deserves an hour long special... let's hope that's what we'll get ! :o)
28 Oct, 2009
Let's hope so TT :))
28 Oct, 2009
Please note this is a summary of programmes I submit voluntarily. At this time of year, on the main channels, there are very few shows devoted exclusively to gardening, but some of those below may have content about nature, wildlife and agriculture of interest to GoY members. Regions may differ....
Saturday 31st October 2009 ~
BBC 2 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm. Autumnwatch repeat.
Wildlife in a London graveyard.
Sunday lst Nov. 2009 ~
BBC 1 10.00 am - 11 am...Country Tracks.
Ben Fogle travels through North Wales.
includes weather for the week ahead.
BBC 1. 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm. Countryfile.
Includes weather for the week ahead.
Monday. 2nd Nov. 2009 ~
BBC 1. 9.00 pm - 10 pm. Life. David Attenborough.
The challenges facing fish..
repeated 8 pm on BBC 4 on Tuesday 3rd. Nov.09.
Thursday. 5th Nov. 2009 ~
ITV 1. 7.30 pm - 8.00 pm. Countrywise.
Alpacas in Somerset.
Friday. 6th Nov. 2009 ~
BBC 2. 8.30 pm - 9.30 pm.. Autumnwatch.
The Lake District.
BBC 2. 9.30 - 10.00 pm. Autumnwatch Unsprung.
BBC 2. Gardeners' World.
Joe Swift revisits a garden in Birmingham.
If you find I've missed any shows, please add them to the thread below. Thanks. :o)
31 Oct, 2009
Its a shame the Four Seasons slot has been put back.....was looking forward to it. I enjoyed the piece in Garden Answers too....
7 Nov, 2009
Yes, a pity the Four Seasons show is postponed... but looks like it might have more content and longer time in its new slot next year... and maybe a bigger audience... being at a time when gardeners are indoors more...?
I'll put details on this thread as soon as I have more information...:o)
7 Nov, 2009
Shows for coming week :
Regions may differ...
Saturday 7th Nov. 09.
BBC2 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm. Autumnwatch repeat.
ITV3. 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm. Rosemary and Thyme.
Sunday. 8th Nov. 09.
BBC 1. 10.25 am. - 12.15 pm.
Remembrance Sunday... The Cenotaph.
BBC 1. 6.00 pm - 7.00 pm
Life... Fish...David Attenborough. Repeat.
BBC 1. 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm.
Countryfile ...Lavenham, Suffolk..
plus Weather for the Week Ahead.
Monday. 9th. Nov. 09.
BBC 1. 9.00 pm - 10 pm.
Life... Birds.. David Attenborough.
Tuesday. 10th Nov. 09.
BBC 2. Coast .. Normandy...
includes feature on bats in World War Two bunkers.Repeat.
Wednesday. 11th Nov. 09.
Channel. 4. 8.00 pm - 9.00 pm.
Country House rescue. Revisiting Cothay Manor in Somerset.
Friday. 13th Nov. 09.
BBC 2. 8.30 - 9.30 pm. Autumnwatch. Wildlife in Pembrokeshire.
9.30 pm - 10.00. pm. Autumnwatch Unsprung.
If you find any other shows, please add them to the thread below.
Please note these include nature programmes etc.
These programmes are NOT exclusively gardening shows.....
7 Nov, 2009
Not sure this the right place TT but just watched James Mays Plasticine flower garden under his toy story series.Believe it still available on BBC i player under J in alphabetical listing.
Anarchic wonderful kinda Noseypotter meets Chelsea ..brilliant.
I would just like to add that the crazy lady in it called Jane is not Mrs Bonkers.
Although she possesses all the right qualifications .
8 Nov, 2009
Hi BB....
You are always welcome on my blogs, whatever the subject..Lol.
Saw the Toy Stories show last week, but missed this....
Sounds like "Wallace and Gromit meets Grows on You" ...
Must try to catch it on BBCi player...
Thanks for reassuring me about Mrs. Bonkers...
...............or did she write the above comment in an endeavour to create an alibi ? :o)
8 Nov, 2009
Well spotted TT they make a cameo appearance even has Chelsea Pensioners making plasticine poppies which they loved .. really heart warming .
He he no had to write that disclaimer as at one point he calls Jane bonkers ...
8 Nov, 2009
I'll try to watch that on BBCi player, BB...
This evening... ITV.1. - 9 pm. John Sergeant on the Tourist Trail...
apparently includes a visit to RHS Wisley in Surrey...
... not sure how much of the show is filmed there....
10 Nov, 2009
And what a great programme it was although not much of Wisley shown!
I think John Sergeant is a superb presenter. A real gentleman but with a cheeky grin!!!!
Funny, I don't know if it's just me but I can see a lot of similarities between him and Martin Clunes and can imagine M.C. being similar in looks and carachter in a few years time!
11 Nov, 2009
John's voice and appearance make me feel like I am watching Joe Brand's twin brother...Lol.
No, not a lot of Wisley....
11 Nov, 2009
~ did you see the one last night where James May and helpers built a Meccano swing bridge over the Mersey which he walked over? That's worth watching too!
I don't think I could bear to watch anything with John Sargeant in it, unfortunately with out thinking of his terrible Paso Doble!
11 Nov, 2009
Fortunately Arlene, I didn't see him murder Pasa Doble or any other dance or I may have thought differently of him. He has got a very nice voice though even if he has 2 left feet! And he did the decent thing I beleive in stepping down from Strictly!
11 Nov, 2009
A little late with the TV times this week, following a stressful day yesterday...
As I write.... Country Tracks is on BBC 1.....
11.00 am. - 12 noon.
Then.... also on Sunday 15th Nov. 2009 ~
BBC1... 6.00 pm - 7.00 pm...
Countryfile.... includes weather for the week ahead.
Monday. 16th Nov. 2009 ~
BBC 1... 9.00 pm - 10.00 pm. David Attenborough.
Life. Insects.
Friday. 20th Nov. 2009 ~
BBC 2... 8.30 pm - 9.30 pm. Autumnwatch.
Last in series... repeated on Saturday 21st. Nov.09.
15 Nov, 2009
Has anybody been watching the updated series of 3 progs. by Ruth Watson called "Country House Revisited" on Channel 4. This series is a follow up to the original "Country House Rescue" which was aired last year.
She re-visited Cothay Manor in Somerset this past Wed....and it had some lovely gardens...sadly not nearly enough detail of them included - but it made fascinating viewing. She is off to Surrey on the 18th to Albury Park...hopefully there will be worthwhile shots of their great gardens there too
15 Nov, 2009
Thanks for adding that Alz.
I've noticed those Country House programmes listed in the TV book, but wasn't sure if they included reports on the gardens as well as the houses... worth a look..... definitely...
15 Nov, 2009
Sadly TT not really enough on the gardens for any good info - just nice to look at and the rescue packages that Ruth Watson implements to save the various estates are always worth a-watching as it would be sinful for these wonderful old manors and mansions to wither away. Albury Park is a Grade 2 listed Tudor mansion in about 65 acres - including a Grade l lasted garden...hope we get to see it !!!
15 Nov, 2009
Yes, it would be very wrong for these large old homes and their gardens to deteriorate to a point of no return. On my Like You/Love You blog, Aleyna from Brazil mentioned recently how old homes in her area are being torn down, and the beautiful shrubs in their gardens are lost for ever...
15 Nov, 2009
What a sin......all in the name of progress....backwards. ..well I think so.
15 Nov, 2009
Yes, I saw the follow up programme of Ruth Watson's. Also saw the first programme about this garden. Fascinating. And interesting to see how the lady of the house warmed (slowly) to Ruth's ideas. Great programme. The other programmes in the series aren't about gardens Tt, but interesting all the same!
15 Nov, 2009
This week ~
Saturday 21st November.2009 ~
BBC2 4.00 pm - 5.00 pm.
Autumnwatch. repeat. Last in series.
ITV3 8.00 pm - 9.00 pm. Rosemary and Thyme.
Sunday 22nd November.2009 ~
BBC 1. 11 am - 12 noon.
Country Tracks.. Norfolk Coast. and
weather for the week ahead.
BBC 1. 6pm - 7 pm.
David Attenborough. Life. Insects. repeat.
BBC 1. 7 pm - 8 pm.
Isles of Scilly...flower picking.
Why burning trees can be beneficial to the environment.
... and weather for the week ahead.
Monday. 23rd. November.2009.
BBC 1. 9 pm- 10 pm.
Life David Attenborough.
Tuesday 24th November. 2009.
BBC 4. Life...includes star nosed moles... repeat.
Friday 27th November. 2009.
BBC 2. - 9 pm.
Gardeners' World Special.
Carol Klein explores how women throughout history have defied convention to follow their passion for gardening.. featuring interviews with Beth Chatto, and Pam Schwerdt who died earlier this year.
Enjoy your viewing. :o)
21 Nov, 2009
Hi TT, I seem to have lost the plot on this one. As in I haven't had any reminders of late? I think I've just rectified that though. Lol
23 Nov, 2009
Hi Ian....
Sometimes I wonder whether this blog is required...Lol...
... but pleased to know you've found it again.
At this time of year, on the main TV channels, not so many garden shows, but I'll keep searching. :o)
23 Nov, 2009
I watched Countryfile this evening on the BBC iPlayer. The Isles of Scilly have such lovely weather it makes you want to move there! LOL!
23 Nov, 2009
Yes, Balcony...
...these weeks of cold, wet and windy weather, make the Isles of Scilly sound very tempting ! :o)
24 Nov, 2009
Lilac arch - what a brilliant idea ! I've never, ever seen Lilac trained over an arch. Have you seen one somewhere or was it an inspired idea of your own. Are there any photos ? My apologies if I've missed them - will look through your photos again (which is a pleasure anyway).
I'll be watching Friday night, Carol is my kind of gardener.
25 Nov, 2009
Found this blog (after some searching) and can now keep up to date - thanks for all the hard work you do.
BBC TV is about the only source of garden progs here. Can't get Sky anymore and the Spanish don't seem terribly interested in Gardening.
As I mentioned in your other blog BBC I Player and also the ITV one arn't available here - think they pick up on the IP address.
Thanks for your efforts again. look forward to watching Friday evening.
Chris xx
26 Nov, 2009
Hi Muddywalters ~
Pleased you like my lilac pic. It is currently on page one of my photos... 6th May.2009. You ask was it my own idea to grow the lilac up the archway... yes.. and it worked out even better than I had hoped !
Hello Chris ~
Thanks for hunting out this blog. I had no idea which British TV programmes can be seen abroad in countries such as Spain, Italy and France...
Let's hope we all enjoy Carol's programme. :o)
26 Nov, 2009
Well, I very much enjoyed Carol Klein's show last evening...
Here are programmes for the coming week :
Saturday. 28th Nov. 2009 ~
ITV3. 7.55 pm - 9 pm.
Rosemary and Thyme.
Sunday 29th Nov. 2009 ~
BBC 1. 11 am. - 12. noon.
Country Tracks...Yorkshire Dales.
and Weather for the Week Ahead.
Channel FIVE.
2.30 pm - 4.30 pm
Movie...The Secret Garden.[1993]
BBC 1. 6 pm - 7 pm.
Life. David Attenborough.
Star-nosed moles and whales.
BBC 1. 7 pm - 8 pm.
Countryfile. Bournemouth...
artificial surf reef... and
Weather for the Week Ahead.
Monday. 30th Oct.09 ~
BBC 1. Life. David Attenborough.
9.00 pm - 10.00 pm.
Marine invertebrates and their seascape.
Tuesday 1st December. 09 ~
BBC 4. 7.30 pm - 8.00 pm
Talking Landscapes.. The Fens.
Channel 4. 8 pm - 9 pm.
Country House Rescue.
Scotland... Black Clauchrie..Galloway.
Friday 4th December. 09 ~
BBC 2. 8.00 pm - 9.00 pm.
*****Gardeners' World Special*****
Sandi Toksvig docudrama...
founding of the Royal Horticultural Society in 1804....
Seven modern day experts ponder on the future of gardening...
I hope you enjoy your viewing choices...
I plan to run this blog through to the end of this year, and then see if GoY members would like me continue with a new TV shows blog in 2010. If there is sufficient interest I'm happy to make a new blog starting 2nd January....:o)
28 Nov, 2009
Not a great Carol Klein fan but thoroughly enjoyed her interesting programme last night. I for one appreciate this reminder on here, Terra.
28 Nov, 2009
Thanks, Wagger...
Yes, maybe you'll become a Carol Klein fan...Lol.
This Friday.....Sandi Toksvig ....
For 2010 TV shows, I have a list of two readers already...
... Wagger and Terratoonie..Lol.
28 Nov, 2009
Make that three please ! Many times friends who are fellow gardeners have asked 'did I see that gardening programme the other night ?', but I had missed it. I don't watch an awful lot of tv, but never miss Gardeners World, Autumn/Springwatch, the Chelsea Flower Show coverage or some wildlife programmes. So if this was a regular feature, I needn't miss anything again !
28 Nov, 2009
Ah, hello.. Muddywalters...!
Now we are the TV threesome for 2010......Lol...
I usually update this blog on a Saturday, or Sunday at the latest...
.. and I look out for all the shows you've mentioned... :o)
28 Nov, 2009
I'm still here TT. ;~))
28 Nov, 2009
Hi Digs... now we're a quartet of viewers.. ;o)
28 Nov, 2009
Here you two - what's all this winking at each other? Does Carol know about this?
28 Nov, 2009
Lol Wagger. ;~)) (just so you don't feel left out!)
28 Nov, 2009
Oooooooooo, naughty, naughty. I like it!!! LOL
28 Nov, 2009
Lol :~))
28 Nov, 2009
Hi TT...very much appreciate the TV can I book in for your reminders please.
I actually enjoyed Carol's prog - which I viewed today (having recorded it!)
She has obviously mellowed a bit and TG her hair is back to a normal coloured haystack.....LOL. She is still OTT- but her subject matter was of course all in all a very worth while prog..
28 Nov, 2009
I've got one of Carol's books on veg growing and she does give a lot of detail in an easy (for me) to understand format. She makes gardening sound seemples!
28 Nov, 2009
Now we are the Fearless Five....
Terratoonie, Wagger, Muddywalters, Ian and Alz.
Let's hope Carol makes lots more interesting TV shows for us in 2010
;o) ;o) ;o)
29 Nov, 2009
Onwards, the Fearless Five. Hip, Hip - yes I need two new ones please.
29 Nov, 2009
Hip Hip ? yes that can be classified as Horticultural... need to filter that..Lol.
Must say I enjoyed Country Tracks this morning, with the lovely Yorkshire countryside... and visit to the James Herriot museum. Did any of the other 80% of our Fearless Five see that programme ? :o)
29 Nov, 2009
~I saw that TT~very nice!` been watching that and Countryfile for the last few weeks~incidentally Top gear is also back on, and though Jeremy Clarkson is the least environmentally aware person on the planet it's usually good for a laugh!
29 Nov, 2009
Ah....Arlene !
Now we are the Special Six..... :o)
29 Nov, 2009
Well if Top Gear is back on then I for one will be up'ing my TV consumption by 50%. Lol
29 Nov, 2009
~ you can catch up with tonights episode on Wednesday I think~
29 Nov, 2009
Thanks Arlene, I might try and see if it's on BBC iplayer!
29 Nov, 2009
Hi Ian.... You've no time to Watch Top Gear...
..need to get that Kawasaki fixed ! :o)
Hello Arlene...Yes, I try to catch Country Tracks and Countryfile whenever I can, and that Yorkshire programme was my favourite so far...:o) Did you see the harvest of the mistletoe on Countryfile yesterday evening ? Fascinating how is grows....
30 Nov, 2009
Always watch Tracks and File - not keen on Julia Bradbury though. What a shame Adam's farm testing positive for TB - AGAIN!
30 Nov, 2009
Yes, sad for Adam....
I quite like Julia on the railway walks etc.
30 Nov, 2009
Watched 'Wainwright Walks', Railway Walks' and Wainwright Coast to Coast' - once - because of the beautiful countryside, but why do they have to repeat them all again so soon?
30 Nov, 2009
I guess the repeats are because those programmes are better than a lot of other shows on TV...:o(
Only frustration I have with those shows is that Julia has longer legs than most of us, and so makes the walking and climbing look a bit too easy..Lol.
30 Nov, 2009
~ I like her on the Railway walks too, also Wainwright's walks in the Lakes ~ felt really sorry for Adam ! He has some gorgeous animals having to be put down and seems to not be getting full market value~ amazing Mistletoe harvest,not seen anything like that!
30 Nov, 2009
Yes... and interesting comments about the male and female mistletoe plants..
30 Nov, 2009
This is for the SECRET SEVEN mentioned above, and any other GoY members interested in keeping up to date with TV listings :o)
TV programmes for coming week...
Saturday 5th Dec. 09.
ITV3 8 PM - 9 PM. ITV 3. Rosemary and Thyme.
Sunday 6th Dec. 09.
BBC 1. 11 am - 12 noon. Country Tracks.
BBC 1. 7 pm - 8 pm. Countryfile...
an investigation into Wildlife Crime...
and James Wong gathers mistletoe in Tenbury Wells.
Monday. 7th Dec. 09.
BBC 1. 9 pm - 10.00 pm. LIFE
David Attenborough. Strategies used by plants that allow them to grow even where there is no sunlight, water or nutrients...Featuring the Venus Fly Trap.
repeated.... Tuesday 8th Dec. 09.
BBC 4. 8 pm - 9 pm.
Friday 11th Dec. 09
BBC 2. 9 pm - 10 pm
Victorian Farm Christmas.
Enjoy :o)
5 Dec, 2009
Name added :o)
5 Dec, 2009
.... and noted :o)
5 Dec, 2009
How often do you put reminders TT ? - so that I look them up
5 Dec, 2009
Hello Hywel....
I usually put programmes for the week ahead here on Saturday or Sunday mornings....
In the summer, when I might have a busy time with dog shows, that could stretch to Monday morning, but it wouldn't usually be that late..Lol.
I hope the TV shows will be scheduled the same times for you and Arlene in Wales... and for Alz in Scotland.
I plan to start a new TV blog for 2010.
Including you..and me... we currently have 8 names interested.... making us the "Enigmatic Eight"..Lol. :o)
5 Dec, 2009
Thanks TT. As long as I know what programmes are on I can check their times. We usually get the same main chanel programmes. We also get ones that are only shown on BBC 1 Wales, and BBC 2 Wales. I don't think you can see those in England. ( there are sometimes gardening ones and others e.g. there's a series of family history programmes that show celebrities and their Welsh roots. Last week it was John Prescot - very interesting )
5 Dec, 2009
Hywel ~ That Welsh series does sound fascinating :o)
Some weeks ago there were programmes on ITV on Thursdays at 7.30 pm called Countrywise...Paul Heiney...I used to include those in my blog listings here, but I wasn't sure if they could be seen in other regions...
5 Dec, 2009
Thankyou TT. If you're a SKY viewer (I'm not anymore) you can watch all BBC regional programmes. I had a spell of illness some time ago and used to watch The Beechgrove Garden from Scotland, a bloke called Medwyn from Wales and programmes from Dublin and Northern Ireland on SKY. They took some searching out, but time wasn't an issue for me then.
5 Dec, 2009
That's interesting Muddywalters, thank you. I have only the basic TV channels, so the information about Sky is useful.... I hope you are fully fit again now, and planning lots of energetic tasks to tackle in your garden next springtime ;o)
5 Dec, 2009
Unfortunately will never be fully fit, but try telling that to my brain !! I have lots of plans and love being in the garden, I just have to realise my limitations and pace myself. Roll on spring I say, but untill then GOY will keep me going ! :~)
5 Dec, 2009
Sounds like you are doing well, Muddywalters...
I've just this moment carried 7 boxes of Christmas items from my attic....
I guess I'll slow down some time....Lol...:o)
5 Dec, 2009
I have just canceled (as of Jan 4th) my sub with SKY+ too but going FREESAT instead - thus - no more monthly fees ..yippee!! And virtually the same progs and free HD too....although that is still to be proven..LOL...I await the arrival of my TV Guru to sort things out in due course.
Your TV guide is a great prompt and each Sunday now I check that I have all your good ideas that I like the sound of - programmed into my hard drive recorder. Then - when time permits - I can see them when I fancy. Keep up the good work this rate I could just about stop getting my Radio Times too..:>>))))
5 Dec, 2009
Hello Alz...
I get the free channels, so no fees...:o)
Sometimes on this blog, I'm tempted to include shows which are NOT garden/wildlife.... Lol.
I'm sure one time I'm going to accidentally mention Cranford, or Celebrity Eggheads.Lol.
5 Dec, 2009
Hi TT...I do find the Freeview a bit limiting...and used to enjoy the Nat Geographic on SKY + but it has become so repetitive - I got fed up. I also use "live-pause" a lot when the phone rings and would miss that hugely. Now however Freesat has got that too so that clinched my move...I was fed up paying hundreds a year just for Documentaries and News progs...and a few odds and I never do films or sport.
You can pop in any Eggheads and Cranfords you like - I'd hate to miss either!!!
I DO like the BBC period dramas - they do them very well usually.
5 Dec, 2009
Okay...anything Jane Austen or similar might get slipped in...Lol.
5 Dec, 2009
Yes please!! LOL Cx
5 Dec, 2009
Muddywalters - would 'that bloke from Wales' be Medwyn Williams? 10 times gold medal winner at Chelsea? Lol.
New Time Team's would be good too Terra. Lots of mud in that.
5 Dec, 2009
Hi Wagger...
I've not noticed any new Time Teams yet..
Channel 4 has Tony Robinson starting a new series 9pm. Monday 7th Dec.....
....Man on Earth...4 part series about history of climate change...
Also on Ch.4...Kirstie Allsopp's Homemade Christmas.....
I wonder if, half way through decorating the Christmas tree, she will knock down a few partition walls...Lol.
5 Dec, 2009
Yes Wagger, that's him. A minefull of knowledge and bursting with energy. Made me tired just watching him !
5 Dec, 2009
I was watching Gardeners World on BBC iPlayer last night. The history of the foundation of the RHS!
5 Dec, 2009
Yes, I saw that yesterday, with commentary by Sandi Toksvig.....
I would have liked a bit more time showing the seed bank...
5 Dec, 2009
I agree was a bit too fragmented for my liking - they could have made progs about each man as well!!
5 Dec, 2009
when is kirties home made xmas Terra i knew it was coming but when is it plez?
5 Dec, 2009
Hi Sandra ~
Kirstie's Homemade Christmas...
Channel 4...
Tuesday 8th December ~ 8pm - 9 pm.
Cake-making, Glass-blowing....
Wednesday 9th December ~ 8 pm - 9 pm.
Teddy bears, Christmas stockings..
Thursday 10th December ~ 8 pm - 9 pm.
Glitter on Mince pies, Chocolate Truffles...
...I already have a Truffle...Lol.
5 Dec, 2009
lol thanx Terra, yes i would sooner have your truffle any day ;o))
5 Dec, 2009
TV shows for this week ...
Nothing in the way of gardening shows, but I'll mention those which include plants, countryside etc.
Saturday 12th December.2009.
ITV3 8 PM - 9PM Rosemary and Thyme.
Sunday 13th December.2009.
BBC 1. 11 am - 12 noon. Country Tracks.
BBC 1. 5.30 pm - 6.30 pm.
Repeat of a very good programme...
to allow them to grow where there is no sunlight, water or nutrients.
Includes the Cat's Claw Creeper and Venus Flytrap.
Repeated yet again.on BBC 1. Friday 18th 12.30.a.m...
that's just after midnight.. really early Friday morning...
Monday 14th December. 2009.
BBC 1. 9 pm - 10 pm. Life. Primates.
Repeated Tuesday BBC 4. 8 pm.
Wednesday 15th December.
ITV 3. My favourite episode of Poirot...
"Dumb Witness"... set around Lake Windermere...
and starring a Wire Haired Fox Terrier :o)
Thursday 17th December.
BBC 1. 8 pm - 9 pm
Countryfile at Christmas.
12 Dec, 2009
Quite agree TT....that Life prog on plants was definitely one of the best I have ever seen.....the time-lapse photography was sensational.
The Venus Flytrap would give you nightmares - almost made you feel sorry for the flies etc!
That and Delia's down to earth approach to Xmas cooking have been the highlights this past week!!!
12 Dec, 2009
Glad you enjoyed that episode of "Life", Alz.
Great photography !
Here are the TV shows for the coming week ~
Saturday 19th December 2009 ~
BBC2. 2.30 pm. - 3.30 pm.
Grow Your Own Drugs for Christmas
James Wong shows how traditional plants can be useful in making natural remedies.
Sunday 20th December 2009 ~
BBC 1. 11 pm - 12 noon.
Country Tracks. Ben Fogle in Scotland's Cairngorm mountain range.
BBC 1. 7 pm - 8 pm
Countryfile at Christmas - repeat.
BBC 1. - 10.30 pm.
Monday 21st December 2009 ~
ITV 1. 8 pm - 8.30 pm. Countryfile.
Includes Rachel de Thame reporting on a garden in the grounds of Alnwick Castle.
Tuesday 22nd December 2009 ~
BBC 2. James May's Toy Stories.
5pm - 6 pm.
Plasticine Garden at the Chelsea Flower Show.
repeat... but recommended !
If you get bored with TV, maybe try the crossword on my latest blog. :o) Lol.
19 Dec, 2009
I watched the Cat's Claw Creeper and Venus Flytrap repeat on the TV & my granddaughter, who's not even 3 years old yet, watched it with fascination as well! As you can imagine the snapping Venus Flytraps attracted her attention perhaps more than much of the rest of the programme!
In fact the "How it was made" minutes at the end were as interesting as the programme in itself! I could have watched that part of the programme even it had been an hour long!!! LOL!
19 Dec, 2009
Hi Balcony...
Sounds like your granddaughter will very soon be helping you to grow Fuchsias.. LOL.
That's good you both enjoyed the Life Plants show so much.
I haven't yet seen the James May programme with the plasticine flowers, but I hear it is very good. :o)
19 Dec, 2009
Wagger has kindly pointed out to me some programmes I failed to include from More 4...
December 2009 ~
Monday 21st, Tuesday 22nd, Wednesday 23rd, Thursday 24th and Friday 25th ~
7.00pm - 8.00pm. each evening, including Christmas Day...
The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures.
Professor Sue Hartley, only the fourth woman to do so, gives the lectures.
Evolution of plants and animals.. enjoy :o)
19 Dec, 2009
Sounds great TT, I will have to record them and watch them during the night though!
By the way, I have just PM'ed you!
19 Dec, 2009
Hi Ian... I've just replied with a p.m. :o)
19 Dec, 2009
Hope you all watched and enjoyed James Wong's fantastic prog on Wed 16th (still available on BBCiPlayer) on "Grow Your Own Drugs For Christmas"
What a fund of information and delicious easy recipes from our own gardens.
He is such an enthusiast too....makes it sound like fun as well as being so informative.
19 Dec, 2009
Hi Alz... James Wong's programme was repeated this afternoon on BBC2.
Yes, lots of useful info.... his enthusiasm is infectious :o)
19 Dec, 2009
...and again at 12.30am tomorrow night Monday morning ...there is a signed repeat - certainly for Scotland...not so sure about the rest of the UK.
19 Dec, 2009
Thanks for that info. Alz.
According to my listings for the UK, we have Room 101 at 12.30 am on BBC2, i.e. early Monday.. :o)
19 Dec, 2009
Thanks for the info TT. Much appreciated. Hoping Santa puts Rachel de Thame in my Christmas stocking ! :~))
19 Dec, 2009
Hi Muddywalters...
You'll only get Rachel in your stocking if you've been good ALL year...Lol. ;o)
19 Dec, 2009
Here are some shows mostly with garden/wildlife themes...
...on the main channels for the coming week..
Boxing Day.
Saturday 26th Dec.09.
BBC 1. 10.30 am - 11.55 am.
Paulie. Parrot movie.
Blue crowned conure.
BBC1. 4.40 pm - 6.00 pm
Wallace and Gromit...The Curse of the Were-Rabbit.
Vegetables in danger....Lol.
Sunday 27th Dec. 09.
BBC 1. 9.00 pm - 10.30 pm.
Cranford. Part 2 of 2.
BBC 4. 10.30 pm - 11.00 pm
Cranford...Under the Bonnet.
Monday 28th Dec. 09.
ITV1. 8 pm- 8.30 pm.
Countrywise. Lake District.
BBC 1. 9pm - 10.30 pm.
The Day of the Triffids. Part One.
New version of the drama about the dangerous Triffid plants..!
Tuesday 29th Dec. 09.
BBC 1. 9pm - 10.30 pm.
The Day of the Triffids. Conclusion.
Wednesday 30th Dec. 09.
BBC 2. Springwatch Christmas Special.2009.
6.30 pm - 8.00 pm.
ITV 1. 8pm -
Countrywise. One Hour special about Yorks & Lancs.
New Year's Day. Friday. 1st. Jan.2010.
ITV 1. 8 pm - 8.30 pm.
Suffolk and John Constable.
East Anglia and the Fens.
26 Dec, 2009
Crikey - scraping the barrel here Terra. :-)))
They don't care about us gardeners getting withdrawal symptoms do they?
26 Dec, 2009
Hi Wagger..
Triffids... pasticine carrots in danger... more Triffids..
I did my best :o(
Have you tried my latest quiz blog...?
... Below the Snow ?
26 Dec, 2009
~I think they expect all gardeners to be out today~ there is a bit of sunshine out there!
26 Dec, 2009
No hope of gardening up here - we are bright and sunny but sub-zero and icebound and lethal underfoot. Best place is in front of the TV with some good DVDs ...LOL
The only good thing to be said about snow covered gardens is they all look so neat and tidy!
26 Dec, 2009
Not yet, Terra - saving it for when my brain feels stronger, lol. It's atrophied with lack of use over the last couple of days and needs shaking up!
26 Dec, 2009
It seems there is a great variety of weather across the country.... ..from sunny to snowy...
Hi Wagger... I've just put another blog on GoY which requires less thinking... and then when your brain is more alert, you can maybe go back to my three quiz and puzzle blogs ...Lol.
26 Dec, 2009
I have tried to follow moongrowers advice and not put the telly on...quite successfully. However, I do feel that it would be good to have a sneaky-peek now and again...strictly rationed of course :o) Is there anything coming up TT ?
3 Feb, 2010
Yeah, (the revamped) Gardeners World can't be far away now can it ? :-)
3 Feb, 2010
Hi Treeman and Muddwalters...
Lately there has been very little about gardening on the main TV channels ... apart from the drama series repeats of Rosemary and Thyme !. Lol.
So I've been busy writing about some other things, such as my blog of 23rd Jan. "HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY GoY"...
... and gardens open to the public... my blog of 29th Jan. "UBC BOTANICAL GARDEN" blog of 31st Jan. "GOY MEMBERS' GARDENS OPEN FOR CHARITY" and my blog of 2nd Feb. "The CONIFER KING".
But some Gardeners World specials are due very soon... see this from the end of my 31st Jan blog about the Open Gardens, where I wrote about FourSeasonsGarden.....
PLEASE NOTE: The TV programme on “Four Seasons” garden throughout the year has been rescheduled and is likely to be broadcast as a half-hour BBC2 television Gardeners’ World “Special” at 8.30pm Wednesday 17th February 2010. It should also be available via the Internet, but only in the UK, for a few days afterwards on
If this programme definitely goes ahead, I'll be putting reminders on GoY.
I hope this gives you an update on everything. :o)
4 Feb, 2010
Hi TT....I too was wondering what was happening on the gardening TV prog. front!
I have been enjoying the Ch.4 series "My Dream Farm" about couples who have quit the rat race to take up The Good Life down in the country...with the delightful Monty Don...a welcome return after his enforced absence.
The of the 6 is aired tonight at 8pm ....well in Scotland at least!!
I'll have to set the recorder though as the new Shetland Diaries with the inimitable Simon King is on BBC2 - also at 8pm!!
So - we may not be able to get out into the garden yet - well at least we can't up here in the NE of Scotland - too much of that dratted white stuff hanging around and -4C overnight ....but we can still get our "fix" of the great outdoors on the box!!!
4 Feb, 2010
Hello Alz...
Glad to know you are enjoying My Dream Farm....
... lots of people missed Monty Don being on the TV.
Yes, I noticed Shetland Diaries is on TV this evening...
...8 pm.BBC2.
I suggested to my Shetland Sheepdog he might like to watch that. Lol.
I hope up in Scotland you get better weather soon !
4 Feb, 2010
Please note ~
The date of FourSeasonsGarden half-hour special on BBC TV has been rescheduled for mid-February. I will confirm the date a little nearer the time....
Please note, listings in TV books could be wrong.. might still give 17th Feb. as the broadcast date.
4 Feb, 2010
Hello TT, I know it's not gardening, but did you see Simon Kings Shetland Diaries last night ? Simply stunning wildlife filming - I can't wait to see the rest of the series. :-))
5 Feb, 2010
Hi. Muddy... yes I saw the Shetland programme.... very good photography... I wish a lot of these BBC series would have quieter background music, but otherwise very interesting. :o)
5 Feb, 2010
“Four Seasons” – BBC2 Gardeners’ World Special
Rescheduled due to the Olympics to:
BBC2 – Sunday 14 February
11:30am – 12:00 noon
[ confirmed ] and
BBC HD – Thursday 18 February 6:30pm – 7:00pm
[ to be confirmed ]
Radio Times:
“Toby Buckland introduces a special programme following a year in the lives of passionate gardeners Tony and Marie Newton. Seventeen years ago the couple began transforming their traditional suburban garden in Walsall, West Midlands into a stunning Yellow Book garden. Tony hated weeding but loved building things. Marie loved plants. Together they began an incredible journey to create their dream outdoor space.”
“Gardeners’ World spent a year with Tony and Marie to discover why they are so passionate about their garden and to reveal the lengths to which they will go to achieve their perfect garden.”
12 Feb, 2010
That'll certainly knock spots off even more repeats on Country Tracks. Look forward to it!!!!
12 Feb, 2010
A St. Valentine's Day special ;o)
12 Feb, 2010
A real treat indeed....and already earmarked in the Radio Times this evening as I set my box of tricks for the week ahead!!
12 Feb, 2010
Could you start this as a new blog and call it part two. It takes about an hour just to walk to the bottom of the list to see what's new :o) Thanks
16 Feb, 2010
Hello Treeman...
If there is sufficient interest, I'll start a new blog soon for TV shows of interest to gardeners.... maybe in March. :o)
On my recent blog about the NGS gardens, the comments include discussion about how to get to the base of the page quickly.... do you have a key on the right of your keyboard called PgDn or End ?
16 Feb, 2010
Ha ha, Blimey TT, you learn something new every day. That 'End' key (at the dusty end of my keyboard) works a treat ! Oh !, and the 'Home' key for going up again ! Thanks very much :-))
17 Feb, 2010
Hi Muddy..........
I will be sending you my invoice for keyboard instruction.
LOL.LOL.LOL.... :o) x
17 Feb, 2010
TT, I'm on a 'Computing for Luddites' course at the moment, but we haven't reached that end of the keyboard yet ! I'm still waiting for the bell to ring and the carriage to return :-))
17 Feb, 2010 :-))
17 Feb, 2010
Hi again Muddy...
Lesson Two will be how to NOT put a repeat of your comments on my blogs..LOL LOL LOL..
followed by a lesson in how to dust the Pausebreak key. :o)
17 Feb, 2010
Comment from Terratoonie....
.....currently being held captive by the Flower Pot People....
....a surprisingly stress-free environment....
The information below has been taken from the internet, so I can't guarantee its accuracy...
Television shows I list in this blog are mentioned with the intention to be of help to GoY members ....
Tomorrow, Sunday 21st Feb. 2010.
11:30 am...on BBC Two
(except Northern Ireland (Analogue), Wales (Analogue)
In 2009 Gardeners' World left its Warwickshire home to move to a brand new garden. Greenacre was the programme's first inner city garden and for presenter Toby Buckland that meant the challenge of creating a stunning garden from a former playing field.
Twelve months on and Toby's garden is taking shape. With new projects planned for 2010 it's time for Toby to reflect on the incredible journey the garden has made.
Toby looks back at his favourite moments during Greenacre's first year - from the creation of a stunning twilight border to tips on encouraging wildlife and the first successes of the vegetable gardens.
Enjoy :o)
20 Feb, 2010
Didn't enjoy watching it first time round so don't think I will watch a 'repeat', 'rehash' or whatever you want to call it. Bring back Titch!!!!!!!
20 Feb, 2010
Thanks for the info Terra, are your 'stress free' whereabouts secret because you don't want to be found or are they making you say that so that we won't try to find you? Must we keep on eating chocolate??
20 Feb, 2010
I'm pleased you appreciate the info...
Yes, please keep on eating the chocolate..... the Cadbury Pirate Parrots are on their way to the rescue me..... if the FPP will let me upload the photo.....the FPP deleted it this morning... :o(
21 Feb, 2010
My Cadbury Parrot photo has been on GoY a couple of days now, and I'm pleased to say the Pirate Parrots rescued me from the Flower Pot People :o)
22 Feb, 2010
just found this one Tt (followed your directions :) whats the pause -break key do ? Please...
22 Feb, 2010
Hi Pam...
I think the Pause/Break key can sometimes pause scrolling down, but as far as I am aware it is a key which was used a lot more in the earlier days of computers and not really used much these days... Others may be able to add more to my comment.. I don't use that Pause/Break key.
22 Feb, 2010
oh good there is enough to remember! many thanks Tt :)
22 Feb, 2010
******* New series of Gardeners' World *******
BBC 2. 8.30 pm - 9.00 pm.
Toby Buckland starts the gardening year by getting to work on the vegetable garden, while Carol Klein explores the relationships between plant families....
4 Mar, 2010
Goody...Carol Klein:-))
4 Mar, 2010
Thanks TT. So it's finger's crossed and hold your breath time then ? :-))
5 Mar, 2010
Hi Bornagain and Muddy...
Yes, I get the impression Gardeners' World will be more "back to basics" this year....
good that Carol is involved in the new shows...
5 Mar, 2010
Just made a note to watch tomorrow on the BBC iPlayer.
5 Mar, 2010
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- My wonderful friend Arlene
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- A few of my favourite things
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Lovely blog TT and the blossom's nice as well.
I don't have time to watch TV, I'm always on GoY HeHe :~))
18 Jul, 2009