Mid-December flowers
I saw on the news it is a little chilly in the UK. Today it was only in the low 60’s (F) for me. The flowers are still trying. I had a late Acidanthera open:
Of course, the daylilies haven’t given up:
And with the short days comes the Bird of Paradise:
The dahlia imperialis is still going strong with mostly double flowers, but there are some singles:
In the fruit section, there is a nice pomegranate ready to pick, and the loquat is setting fruit.
The new gladiolus seeds have been germinating. It has been warmer than average, so they were delayed. Now I am getting new sprouts almost every day. Only 2 weeks to go before I start the new daylily seeds.
11 Dec, 2017
Previous post: Warm re-blooms
Next post: My woods
Seems chilly to me, Wylie! :D
Interesting differences in climate between us, though. The daylilies here aren't even trying, my neighbor's Gladioli are just sending up the first spikes, Acidanthera are about three weeks from sending up their spikes, and cool-season annual blooms are too numerous to count. Pomegranates are also long done, and the loquats bloomed two months ago.
12 Dec, 2017
Nice to see something in flower Wylie. Everything hiding from the cold here.
12 Dec, 2017
Oh, so envious Wylie. It's the damp, which usually accompanies the cold in the UK, which is so awful. Gets into old bones!
12 Dec, 2017
That Dahlia is a stunning colour and us sitting here in the UK with frost and snow can only imagine Bird of Paradise flowers! Best of luck with the seeds.
12 Dec, 2017
Thanks! It finally stopped raining every day and the fields around me are really green. It feels like winter is still a long ways off. A red leaf hibiscus that I started from seed back in the spring has put out buds. This is also the time of year the bamboo grows. I have only the clumping type, and it is putting up shoots that are 4" across. How tall it gets depends on the wind, which keeps breaking off the tops of the new growth.
12 Dec, 2017
Every time I see Loquat trees I think of Nerja in Spain where I first saw them. Wonderful! But oh dear...low 60s is our mid-summer! It makes me wonder how I manage to have flowers at all! But then each plant has its right environment. :)
13 Dec, 2017
Yep! Pansies cook in the summer, here, but love the winter chill. There's a whole other group of flowers that revel in our 44º C + summers.
13 Dec, 2017
It very rarely gets over 80°F here in the summer. I live on the north side of the Serra de Santa Barbara which is 3300 feet tall and occasionally gets some snow, yet it rarely gets below 50°F at the lower levels where I am. People don't plant cabbage or collard greens until the end of summer. It's the dry 2-3 months in the summer that let me grow a lot of the South African bulbs.
14 Dec, 2017
Yes nice to see some flowers ... the weather is pants here
15 Dec, 2017
What beautiful blooms - I especially like your Bird of Paradise - I saw one in bloom in Crete just outside Chania close to the coast - last year - highlight of my holiday a long with the Swallow Tail butterflies
15 Dec, 2017
I need to get out and mow the lawn, again. Nettles are also starting to come up. A warmer climate isn't all flowers, but I would rather mow the grass now than in the summer, Fortunately, the grass stalls in July & August because of the lack of rain.
The Bird of Paradise is one of those common plants everyone has around here, along with Agapanthus and Hydrangeas.
16 Dec, 2017
Will you be making nettle tea Wylie
16 Dec, 2017
Fantastic photos Wylie... thanks for sharing.
17 Dec, 2017
I will be trying to pull the nettles out before they set seed for next year.
I also had the first jonquil blooms!
18 Dec, 2017
Butterflys love nettles Wylie they lay their eggs on them shame you could nt have an off set piece to have the nettles for butterflys. Great I shall await you picture of your Jonquil in bloom.
18 Dec, 2017
How do exotics like Crotons or Plumeria do? Mango trees I know must thrive in the Azores. How about banana's? Mine fruited..but eh,not all that sweet last year. They skipped this year.
22 Mar, 2018
Bananas do well, but they tend to be smaller. Plumeria do grow here, but they need super sheltered spots or the wind will kill them. I haven't seen any Crotons or mangos. Loquats do really well.
23 Mar, 2018
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You have some beauties there Wylie lovely to see such colours while we are covered in snow
11 Dec, 2017