For Scotsgran re: Powerpoint
By Gee19
Scotsgran mentioned that she would like to know how to put the slides from a Powerpoint presentation into Goy so I’ve done a little blog to explain it.
14 Dec, 2012
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I often wondered how to do this. I remembered you commented a long while back about doing your pics in Powerpoint - I did experiment but failed!
Thanks for this I can try again :)
14 Dec, 2012
Thankyou Gee, I too have tried and couldn`t fathom out how it worked, now I can follow your instructions, much appreciated....
14 Dec, 2012
Thank you Gee. That is the kind of Christmas present I like. I like Powerpoint and now I will be able to do this (I hope). Gone in my favourites so i can refer back to it easily. I'm off to have a go.
15 Dec, 2012
Gone to my favs as well Gill , it's always good to have a copy as a reminder , I was very grateful for all the help you gave me in powerpoint xx
15 Dec, 2012
I'm having a lot of fun with this Gee. Nothing suitable for publication as yet though.
15 Dec, 2012
So pleased it has helped :) I used PP a lot when I worked for an Infection Control Team, for leaflets, posters, presentations, etc. and found it very user friendly.
15 Dec, 2012
I do find it easy to use but had never thought of looking at different ways of saving presentations. I really struggled to learn how to use PP because the tutor thought I could cope with doing the European Computer Driving Licence. It has 7 elements all to be completed within 3 years to earn the qualification. Because i joined a class which were on the PP element I was expected to do that too. At the time I could barely use a computer and had to learn how to open, save and close files. It was a nightmare but too good an opportunity to miss. I'm so glad I stuck with it. The other students came and went because most were teachers or young engineers who needed the various elements to help them in their work. They were very supportive of a retired lady who was obviously not computer literate. So thank you again for adding to my ever growing fund of knowledge.
15 Dec, 2012
I did it. I'm very chuffed that my first attempt has turned out so well. Thank you Gee.
16 Dec, 2012
Just visited your blog, Scotsgran. Glad it turned out so well. I had just 6 weeks word processing (Perfect Word) training before I secured a job at the hospital. Luckily I could do shorthand so, after a year or so, was offered a job as secretary to one of the Consultants, a lovely man. I turned it down as I wasn't confident of the WP skills (then system had changed to Word Perfect!). Fortunately the consultant wouldn't take no for an answer and said he would help me whenever I got stuck. He was true to his word and I got on like a house on fire. I stayed in the job 17 years until I retired :)
16 Dec, 2012
I'm sure he wanted somebody with a head on her shoulders who would be an asset to him. I'm pleased it turned out so well for you.
16 Dec, 2012
I see I'm not alone in putting this in my faves! thanks Gee, I've never used PowerPoint for blogs, but seems I've been missing out ...
I've been typing in Word, then pasting into GoY, having to stop to upload each pic in its right place, which means searching for it and making sure it is the right pic, then adding the next bit of text, then the next pic and so on.
I'm definitely going to practice this!
17 Dec, 2012
This just might get me organised , Gee , thank you .
18 Dec, 2012
silly question: you start "once you have your photos in PowerPoint" - how do you get them there? is it "insert", find photo and ok? not used PP very much at all, and it probably shows
18 Dec, 2012
That's right, Fran, click Insert, then click Picture which will take you to where you store your photos. Click on the one you want and you're there. Just experiment with all the options and have fun :)
18 Dec, 2012
durrr! thanks love, will do
19 Dec, 2012
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Hi Gee.
Kind of you to put this information on GoY :o)
14 Dec, 2012