AT LAST, IT'S......
By Gee19
Since I put this blog together the weather has changed – heavy rain with thunder storms over the last couple of days but it’s still very warm :)
27 Jul, 2013
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Wonderful colour there Gee and the insects all busy, how lovely to have bees in the garden too, I bet everything is enjoying the refreshing rain right now. Great blog.
27 Jul, 2013
Great blog Gee, really made me smile :)
27 Jul, 2013
Great blog Gee, love the pink Geum, and the butterflies.
27 Jul, 2013
Lots going on in your garden Gee, lovely flowers, insects living it up! two friendly and happy tortoise and the precious rain to freshen everything up!
27 Jul, 2013
I enjoyed seeing your flowers. you have some lovely ones ...
Nice to see the tortoises tucking in to their food :o)
We've had some rain here too, and the temp is more bearable now.
28 Jul, 2013
Lovely pics Gee... we dont seem to have so many butterflies around these days.....
Had thunderstorm and rain last night, but we needed it, was much to hot.....:))))
28 Jul, 2013
The yellow flowers (not sure what they are!) seem to attract the butterflies more than anything else in the garden. Much fresher this morning after the storm and no sun yet. Thanks you, all, for your comments :)
28 Jul, 2013
Beautiful flowers and wildlife Gee. We had the rain last night too but the garden will appreciate it, although the annual baskets are looking very bedraggled. I've got a bees' nest, under my shed.
28 Jul, 2013
That's where mine is too, Jaykaty - they seem very friendly and don't have far to go to forage :)
28 Jul, 2013
Super blog, Gee! Beautiful flowers and lots of colour. We have also had lots of rain again last night, but the garden was thankful for it and all the water butts are once again full to the brim :)
28 Jul, 2013
A perfect blog to make you smile!
I feel just as you do about the joys of summer and am hoping that most of the much needed rain will fall during the night!!
Your plants and tortoises are all looking great and I so enjoyed this.
28 Jul, 2013
Beautiful plants and insects and great blog Gee!
28 Jul, 2013
Lots of lovely plants and pretty colours Gee. The butterflies are wonderful. I sat out under a brolly about 5 hours today just reading and looking, eating and drinking and chatting. Lots of butterflie here today, mostly on Bonariensis. There were 2 very playful foxes on nextdoor's lawn this morning for about an hour. Digging up worms at the foot of their huge magnolia. Nice holes they make!
28 Jul, 2013
Great blog Gee you have some lovely flowers no wonder the bees made a home with you and butterflies visit in numbers, nice to see your tortoises enjoying a strawberry tea in the sunshine :o)
28 Jul, 2013
lovely blog, great plants
28 Jul, 2013
Great blog Gee lovely pictures I love butterflies, we have so many bees in our garden this year but no sign of nest anywhere. I thought bees were supposed to be on the decline but have never had as many as this year.
29 Jul, 2013
Thank you all for your kind comments. Glad you are all enjoying the summer too.
Dorjac, that sounds like a perfect way to spend a Sunday - I would love to see the foxes :)
Neellan, the tortoises are very fussy. I bought Tesco value strawberries and they turned their noses up (they were rather less sweet than the better ones!) so now I buy the best and we share :)
29 Jul, 2013
Lovely blog Gee - there seem to be masses of Bees around the Lavender in my front garden and I've seen lots flying up into the tubular flowers of the Penstemons ... I am pleased the really hot weather has changed to cooler days now ... can't take the heat like I used to ... must be an age thing! I wonder if your yellow daisy like plant is a Doronicum (Leopard's bane)?
29 Jul, 2013
Clever Tortoise ;o)
29 Jul, 2013
It has rained very heavily this morning. Thank goodness Gee, as it is free water on the garden! The foxes were doing frantic circuits in our garden at 5.30am. I crossed my fingers for the Penstemons in full bloom as they hurdled over the border and dashed madly behind the shrubs. Such fun they were having. Saw a squirrel this morning too and the baby magpies were clacking away in the Hawthorn. Goldfinches on the seeds as well.
30 Jul, 2013
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Thank you such a lovely blog.
27 Jul, 2013