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Thank you. It certainly is different to what we got when we moved in.


Thank you Bernie x

On blog - Anniversary


I felt the same way about my old house and garden after we moved here. I missed so many things about them both but it was exciting moving somewhere that was a completely different environment.

You've already worked wonders with your new back garden.

On blog - Anniversary


You've done quite a bit of work out there and I'm sure you'll be rewarded as it matures into something lovely.


To be honest Rose, I removed a few that just weren’t working, and that gave me an opportunity to do better. The shrubby salvias and some of the Penstemons are out. Replaced with more Astrantias, hellebores etc. I found a lovely plant which is a cross between a hollyhock and a shrubby mallow. I can’t wait to see those! There are still a few gaps, but I think I’ll have a better idea by June. The wet heavy clay is a big challenge!

On blog - Anniversary


It's amazing how your garden has come together in just a year Karen. And you are still squeezing more plants in!
I am pleased I am not the only one! lol

On blog - Anniversary


Thanks Lindak


Well done Klahanie. My two little trees are three years old. I prune them to keep them small enough to bring in for the winter. I don't think I'll ever get the fruit though.....

On photo - Avocado


Beautiful little bird and the thrush family always sing beautifully. Good photo...

On photo - The Varied Thrush


What a lovely lot of flowers there Rose.


We have a small local nurseries that we visit and their plants always look healthy and well looked after. I shall be paying them a visit in a couple of month's time.


I've just sorted out my pots outside and shall be on the lookout for a few different plants to put in them.


Most Ficus species grow extremely fast in the ground. Many outgrow their speces very quickly.



On photo - Avocado


Little cutie!

On photo - The Varied Thrush


Thank you. Its been a very mild winter with rain also.

On photo - Gollum Jade plant.


That's quite a big tree & it has grown very fast in a short time!


The smaller offshoots do take a few years to bulk up enough so as to flower, FF. You did well in feeding it last summer so just keep up the good work & it will reward you with new flowers & you will have a new bulb! :)

I have at least 2 pots full of smaller bulbs that I must pot up individually this spring. The trouble is that's putting me back on the route to over a 100 bulbs that I had a few years ago! :D :D :D

On photo - Hippeastrum


Hi Linda. Yes! But not from this variety. They root very well though and it’s a good way of replacing tired plants. From now on though I think I will just let the nurseries do all the work. They need our support and I just don’t have space for growing cuttings on.


Sounds exciting Linda! I just ordered some new plants on line from a local nursery. We have to keep looking forwards.


The word 'varied' is intriguing.

On photo - The Varied Thrush


The snow looks beautiful. I love it, that is until it goes all slushy & dirty. None here yet this winter! Hope your little birds will be ok.

On blog - Snow in February.


Great photo of the cathedral Sheila. Sorry to hear you have lost your sister.

On photo - Salisbury cathedral


I must have missed this Shirley...that was good of you industriously cleaning the tubes.

On blog - RSPB Warning.


Callie, thanks so much for looking in. I have found that GoY is not letting me delete photos and/or plants from my Garden page. It's not worth me worrying over though!

It was lovely to see some colour outside but far too cold to be out there today, brrr!


I agree Rose ... it really is very worrying.


I like your blog Shirley, the site won't let me, but I do x


Julia, this is exactly what I was saying to Rose on here yesterday. I cleaned out all three of our seed tube feeders yesterday and always change the water in the bowls. Good housekeeping for the birds!

Rose, that's precisely why I've never had a flat table for the birds. Today we seem to have many Chaffinches ... :o)

On blog - RSPB Warning.


Nor me Rose! You are quite right.

On blog - RSPB Warning.



On photo - It is cold.


Thanks for the link B.B. I will check it out.

On blog - Snow in February.


I never had those Julia as bigger birds would take advantage of it and the little ones wouldn't get a look in.

On blog - RSPB Warning.


That must have been funny B.B.


That's awful Shirley.


Thanks B.B. First sign of spring? Well hopefully!


I’ve also started off the one I had last year, but I think it will be a long time before it flowers ( if it does)! It is a quite small bulb, last years. I did feed it though in the summer.

On photo - Hippeastrum


It mizzled here most of the day yesterday and it still looks very damp looking out of the window today. That is a lovely wallflower. Have you ever taken cuttings when the plant gets big enough? I usually have a go at a few in the summer and they usually take root o.k.


The Hellebore looks lovely Karen. I've been clearing spaces in the garden for some new plants.


They are fabulous plants and grow well here, although mine suffered a bit of sunburn a few weeks ago!


The Sunbirds here often sit in front of our window panes and have a great old chat with themselves. I've even had one sit on the rear view mirror on my car door and have a face-off with its reflection.


The Gollum Jade plant covered in flowers is quite lovely. As Thorneyside has already said, your Strelitzia is looking fabulous too.

On photo - Gollum Jade plant.


So bright and sunny!


I am happy that your daughter liked it Shirley :-)

On photo - It is cold.


David, that sounds just the same down here. I'm beginning to hate this cold weather ... :o(


Rose, fingers crossed they choose your garden once more. Today I cleaned the bird feeders as there is a worry over Avian Flu, mainly for poultry, but possibly affecting the wild birds. How sad that would be ... :o(

I just looked at areas where Avian Flu (Bird Flu) is at the moment and it has been found in N. Yorkshire, Mid and South Norfolk, East Riding of Yorkshire, Skegness in Lincs. Some birds have been humanely culled so it's quite a big problem.


Lovely colours…..we don’t want any snow here….. thank you…




I will probably put the mirror back up when the babies have fledged Julia.


They have been investigating Shirley and hoping they will. They did last year and was lovely to see the babies in the garden.


Thanks Balcony.