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Thanks Meadowland and Janey. These are reliable annuals for me and I love that they self-seed when planted in the ground. This is the first year I've actually planted them in a garden bed and I'm eager to see how they go throughout the coming year.
On photo - Wishbone Flower / Torenia fournieri
Ir was a cockatiel with a white face .
Sorry, he was with us 27 years not 29. He would be 29 this year.
He was a whistler, he knew quite a few songs.His favourite song was "Jingle bells". People could not believe how perfect it sounded. He knew a several words too.
He was amazing little birdie.
People without pets underestimate the ability of these little creatures.
I did write about his death here on GOY:
On blog - My Lottie
Thank you Karen and Shirley_tulip .
I cannot believe that I missed it flowering.
On photo - A big surprise
What sort of bird lives 29 years?
On blog - My Lottie
Welcome to GoY Flobye.
I wasn't able to separate mine . Not really sure what to suggest. A mate suggested trying to slide a section up/down as that worked on her style of bin. But it didn't for me.
On question - I'm selling my compost bin i...
Wow, that's a beauty BB, could be a type of bracket fungi? I have a tree stump in the garden and all round the base are orange coloured bracket fungi. But it is very cold, 2° and wet here...
On photo - Strange fungi has popped up afte...
Wow, fantastic! I remember seeing these in a park in Sydney when I visited my boy.
On photo - Garden Visitor - female Red-tail...
They are really lovely, what a collection BB! I have one that's surprisingly lasted a few years up here in the north east..:)
On photo - Dianthus - varieties blooming no...
Stunning, the bottom one is so vivid!
On photo - Calibrachoa varieties blooming n...
It is lovely!
On photo - Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleedi...
Ooh, beautiful! I once tried to grow these, but they didn't. Not the right climate.
On photo - Hymenocallis littoralis or Spide...
These are gorgeous BB, they remind me of a houseplant we used to have over here. Velvet trumpets and leaves, a Gloxinia. They were large flowers though.
On photo - Wishbone Flower / Torenia fournieri
I agree with Julia, it's a smashing photo, lovely serene colours..:)
On photo - Bit of mist around today but lot...
Love them Linda, they're really elegant. We used to keep geese years ago, gorgeous massive eggs!
On photo - P1140481
Really pretty!
On photo - Nandina Firepower.
I've really enjoyed seeing your pics over the last year Karen. You've really worked hard and the result is a stunning courtyard garden. It's a joy to see...
On blog - My New Garden - First Year
Thank you so much Klahanie for your kind words.
That's amazing you had your little bird all that time! How lovely, but also upsetting to lose him 😞
What type of bird was he?
On blog - My Lottie
Haha, Shirley! I've some Shirley poppy seeds to grow later..:)
Sheila, lots to peruse for the spring .🌼
I've made a list of annuals I'm going to hopefully grow in spring too..:)
On photo - I love these two.
Yes they have a lovely perfume.
On photo - Hymenocallis littoralis or Spide...
Can't grow them up here in the north of Queensland, but they seem to do well in the south-east corner.
On photo - Sepals and flowers of a Hydrange...
It's a fabulous place.
On photo - Corner of the Spectacle Garden a...
I love the Ponytail Palms, the Beaucarnea recurvatas, as well.
On photo - Succulent Showcase (from my rece...
You've prompted me to start looking for Cane Begonias and the Conga Impatiens online now.
On photo - Cane Begonia Flowers
That's exactly why I am beginning to love them so much. They tolerate our long dry and they can get through a monsoonal wet season. Exactly what's needed here.
On photo - Alocasia ‘Regal Shield’
Gorgeous! I like that they bloom all year, but they only live around 5 to 6 years here in San Diego. I like the pink and red varieties, also!
On photo - Pentas lanceolata
The flowers are very fragrant, too.
On photo - Hymenocallis littoralis or Spide...
I really like tumeric flowers. I have a large one, also.
On photo - Curcuma australasica or Cape Yor...
Wow! So beautiful!
On photo - Tacca integrifolia - White Bat P...
One of my favorite Clerodendrum.
On photo - Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleedi...
Very pretty!
On photo - Sepals and flowers of a Hydrange...
Beautiful garden! The crotons and tree ferns look awesome, too!
On photo - Corner of the Spectacle Garden a...
Very beautiful pic! I love the Kentia and Sentry palms, too!
On photo - Succulent Showcase (from my rece...
The canes do die after a while, but constantly produce more.
I used to go to Antonelli Bros Begonia Garden nursery in famous Santa Cruz in central California. They had begonias that were almost 30 ft (10 m) tall. I never knew they could grow so tall. This is where I discovered Congo Impatiens back in the early 90’s. They had three varieties. They had a pink variety and a yellow variety, which I absolutely cannot find anywhere, not even on the internet.
On photo - Cane Begonia Flowers
They typically grow fast and look good all the time. Most Alocasia species are pretty drought tolerant even though in summer they love water.
On photo - Alocasia ‘Regal Shield’
I've had an account on Flickr for many years now - in fact I have 3! Plus 1 group I made up a few years ago. I was admin & mod for quite a few years on Flickr! This is the oldest of the 2 I'm actually using though I can't upload any more photos to it as I passed the 1,000 limit some years ago. I can still use the account but mostly for admin purposes. This is the 2nd account & the newest & which I only use for uploading photos as I keep it below the 1,000 photos limit.
The original one I haven't accessed for years so I don't know if it works any longer.
A couple of weeks ago I tried to make a 4th account but Yahoo won't let me open another account unless I can give them a different mobile number. I don't have any more mobiles I can add!
On blog - Hippeastrums
On photo - Birdbath
I took a photo earlier today but I haven't downloaded it to the computer. When I do I'll upload it to my photos page.
On photo - P1140471
Yes Shirley. I know I will have to clean it regularly. Thank you. X
On photo - Birdbath
This one is Obsession.
On photo - Nandina
Lovely comment Feverfew. Thank you. I have had a few things knocked back by the cold. Luckily the courtyard is quite sheltered and I’m hoping most will recover.
On blog - My New Garden - First Year
Absolutely lovely. You seem to have been very clever with your colour combinations. I like the border with the purple Salvias, the bed with the bird bath & the Euphorbias & the yellow Cosmos together. Look forward to any future photos. I hope everything survives the winter frosts for you. I’ve had a few nice Euphorbias in the past & they just succumbed to cold weather, so I’m stuck with E characias,
Good job I like it!
On blog - My New Garden - First Year
Yes, Thank You. It looks a fabulous place. Nice to see the sun & flowers etc. & to remember that summer will come here too, one day! A cheering blog for us here in UK.
On blog - A Mid-Summer Wander Through The ...
I have Nandina 'Fire Power' which is looking very colourful right now.
On photo - Nandina
Lovely together. Karen, be aware that some birds drop bread or other food in flight ... I'm forever cleaning my dish out ... messy birds1
On photo - Birdbath
I would describe it as simply beautiful, well done!
On photo - Gladiolus
Klahanie, I would be thrilled to find these. Well done!
On photo - A big surprise
Janey, I couldn't possibly say on here! :o))
Sheila, I do think Rachel, along with the fabulous illustrations by her daughter, has written a lovely book.
On photo - I love these two.
They aren’t a.l Rose. I had some before that were green all year. I liked them, but Nandinas don’t do well in Eastern Scotland.
On photo - Nandina
Thank you both! I can’t wait to see it this summer either!
On blog - My New Garden - First Year
Janey, they do love warm climates and full sun.
On photo - Hymenocallis littoralis or Spide...