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Ha ha!

On photo - Frosty morning.


Opposite here ... blue sky and sun is shining.

On photo - Frosty morning.


Wow,just watched the YouTube film ,so interesting to hear your neighbour talk about the birds.Klahanie...such variations of Hummingbirds.

On blog - Snow in February.


Lovely early Spring blog...the Hellibores especially Shirley.
Those mini slugs are so illusive.They seem to make a bee line for Pansies here.


Thank you both.It has a compact style of growing.

On photo - Red edged Hebe.


Thanks Shirley...looking out this am there is thick fog!

On photo - Frosty morning.


Thanks Shirley 🙂.

On photo - Salisbury cathedral


Thanks Shirley, I’ll try that. I did Save and Preview but didn’t see the next instruction … I’m not good at responding to change!

On photo - Cedar trees ...



Thank you, but I’m sure your garden is very colorful and bright, also. 😎

On photo - Front Garden Plants


Lovely for this time of the year. Or ground is covered with snow.


How very sweet!

On photo - It is cold.


great seeing flowers isn't it.


well you have nothing to lose in trying cuttings. have there been any cones? if yes you may be able to get seed from them and have 'child of' your fir.
you will info in this article.


and they finished yesterday, washed all my windows and facia as a thanks for the drinks etc.
just waiting for the scaffolders to take it all down.


Wonderful to see the new growth & flowers in your garden, Shirley! :)


Thanks for the views over the Welsh countryside near you, Hywel! Lots of Snowdrops! :)


A lovely plant, Wylie! :)

On photo - Aloe


Our balcony looks very drab alongside your colourful garden,Andy!

On photo - Front Garden Plants


I second that ... :o)

On photo - Pseudowintera.


Lovely photo, we had a ground frost yesterday morning and again today, brrr!

On photo - Frosty morning.


That's a pretty shrub, I like the effect of the different leaf shades :)

On photo - Pseudowintera.


That's good, Lindak! :)


Ooh, this is gorgeous!

On photo - Red edged Hebe.


Sheila, those trees are enormous!

After writing the text in a blog you then need to click on Save and Preview, then look to the far left of the page and it should say Add Photos. I hope that helps.

On photo - Cedar trees ...


Thanks for the info Wylie! as we are coming up to the spring equinox & there is no sign of any buds forming I doubt very much it will flower now. :(


Smashing photo Sheila, love the blue sky. I send you my condolences.

On photo - Salisbury cathedral


Sheila, I bought this after a visit to Nymans gardens where the scent of the large Daphnes is wonderful.


Thanks Sheila ... others are opening up now ... a delight to see some colour in early February.

On photo - Hellebore


I'm sorry about that Klahanie, hopefully it won't last long ...


Very pretty.

On photo - Red edged Hebe.


It must be quite a challenge having to share your gardens with loads of wildlife! I don’t think I would like it! I’m far too plant-focused! :)

On photo - From a trail camera


So nice. I found I enjoyed mine more when I pruned it into a multi-stemmed effect. I removed all of the new shoots from ground level to maintain an open shape. If you don’t, they will form a dense thicket. Just leave a few of the new shoots at the top for continued flowering as the old wood loses its productivity in time. Definitely one to be carefully shaped.


Very pretty one Shirley 🙂.

On photo - Hellebore


I’m sure the scent is a joy.
Daphnes are quite slow sometimes aren’t they? Mine now has a few flowers - first time in five years!


The Raphis multifida most likely was in way too alkaline soil. It was always very chlorotic looking. I use horticulture sulfur in all my plants now. It makes a huge difference in pretty much all my plants.

I think the R. multifida was purchased at Jungle Music Palms many years ago. It’s the largest Palm Nursery in the U. S.


We are not perfect. I get that neglect that usually kicks in big with our long dry summers.
R. multifida is near super rare to find. UC Berkeley has a short row of them. I doubt very much that what they propagate even makes it to the sales. Snapped up by members pre sales or employees/volunteers. Great looking plants


They sound like a good bunch of workmen.


It does add an architectural element to the garden.



Very beautiful! I know Laelia species and varieties grow very well in the SF Bay Area.


Thank you Julia, very much.

On photo - Cedar trees ...


Thank you Klahanie :)

On photo - Salisbury cathedral


Unfortunately we had more snow during the nigh Hywel.
Everything around is under the snow. It actually looks beautiful from inside but it is freezing right now (-2 at the moment) but I have plenty of plants to look after inside.
Freezing is foretasted for the whole week. I do not like that!


Magnificent. building and a beautiful sky.
Sorry to hear about your sister Sheila.

On photo - Salisbury cathedral


So sorry to hear the sad news of your sister's death Sheila..a fall after the loss of her husband must have been too much for her.
Salisbury cathedral looks magnificent.

On photo - Cedar trees ...


Salisbury cathedral, where I was walking with OH a few days ago, before going to Poole to see the family at my sister's funeral.

On photo - Salisbury cathedral


Tried to write a blog, but couldn't add photos! So these two were taken on Sunday (in Salisbury obviously). We had driven south for the funeral of my sister, who was 85. We had seen her a few weeks ago, looking frail, but not realy ill, and then she had another fall. She wasn't really happy since losing her husband the previous year, so it wasn't sad, but a quiet, dignified funeral.
It was lovely to catch up with my nephew and his family, and my brother, Paul, with his wife.

On photo - Cedar trees ...


we've found that a cuppa and a biscuit pays off, the way they tidy up is spectacular. Its not their fault, the boss has several jobs on the go and moves the workforce around.
they hope they will finish today if not then tomorrow.


Feed, feed ,feed and then feed some more.


Thank you all :)

On blog - A vegetable blog


Thank you all for your comments,
I hope the snow has cleared now Klahanie.