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Lovely to see your Hellebores, Rose! :)
On photo - First Hellebore to flower!
It's been a rather cloudy day today & we have had a little rain this evening. But it's very cold with only a couple of degrees above freezing all day.
On blog - Early February colour
Rose, I always thought mirrors on garden walls and/or fences would confuse the birds! Well done for taking it down. Are they nesting in a box in your garden?
On photo - The blue tit is fighting its own...
Ironically, he wore a woolly hat!
On photo - Frosty morning.
Klahanie, I showed this to my daughter and she's thrilled with it!
Please just call me Shirley ... no need for formality ... :o))
On photo - It is cold.
I am glad that you enjoyed the video Thorneyside
On blog - Snow in February.
Thanks Shirley_tulip X
On photo - It is cold.
That is going too far!!
On photo - Frosty morning.
Raining here, bitterly cold, no snow ... yet! Stay safe and warm ... :o) x
On blog - Early February colour
I actually saw a Postman wearing shorts ... madness!
On photo - Frosty morning.
Oh no ... please don't send it further East!
On photo - Erysimum ‘Winter Orchid’
Amazing video Klahanie especially Bailey. Thanks for the link.
On blog - Snow in February.
Thank you both. I was lucky. The GC had taken delivery in the morning, so I got three like this. And there was lots to choose from. I was so pleased to find this unusual colour.
On photo - Helleborus orientalis ‘Credale S...
Thanks Shirley. It’s snowing here now!
On photo - Erysimum ‘Winter Orchid’
Me too!...3 degrees today...we did venture out but even wrapped up well we were eager to come home.
On photo - Frosty morning.
That's good to hear Shirley! Thank you Rose.
On photo - Long handled trowel.
That's interesting Rose..but it does make sense.
On photo - The blue tit is fighting its own...
Not much sign of anything waking up in my garden except for some Hellebores in the front garden.
Very cold here still and morning frost.
So.. sensible plants staying underground keeping warm!
On blog - Early February colour
Great present Julia!
On photo - Long handled trowel.
Just perfect!
On photo - Helleborus orientalis ‘Credale S...
Karen, this is gorgeous and a cracking shot too.
On photo - Helleborus orientalis ‘Credale S...
Great photo!
On photo - Erysimum ‘Winter Orchid’
Wonderful tool. I use my long handled fork quite often now, saves bending too much!
On photo - Long handled trowel.
Brilliant idea and a great photo too!
On photo - It is cold.
Sheila, neither am I really, but we'll muddle through ... :o))
On photo - Cedar trees ...
Thanks everyone ... this morning is bloomin' cold at just 4 degrees and it's raining ... :o((
On blog - Early February colour
Raining, cold at 4 degrees this morning. I would like to cut out February and March, just go to April please ... :o)
On photo - Frosty morning.
That was very efficient ... not sure workmen down here would be so good!
On blog - wont be sorry to see the back of...
That looks like what we call a money plant Stan. Brings good luck if you give the leaves a rub they say. Your Strelitzia looking good as well.
On photo - Gollum Jade plant.
A great Christmas gift. Very useful.
On photo - Long handled trowel.
That's great, FF! I seem to remember you posted a similar picture last year! What a good idea to hide the flower stems you had! :)
I have 1 Amaryllis with a bud a few inches tall, it won't be more than 3 or 4 weeks before it opens! The other 9 or 10 have not shown any signs of buds just yet. But then it's early days as I didn't start them off until a week ago!
On photo - Hippeastrum
Thanks for the note and instructions Karen.
I love to hear another gardeners info and experiences.
On photo - Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn...
The climate where one lives makes a great difference to what one can grow in one's garden!
On photo - Aloe
Thanks, Andy, but it won't be again till the middle of July onwards!
On photo - Front Garden Plants
That was good of them! :)
On blog - wont be sorry to see the back of...
Thank you for watching the video Julia and Karen.
I also hope it will not last long Hywel. Fingers crossed.
On blog - Snow in February.
Thank you Bushbernie and Karen for your comments.
Lots of our neighbours and fends build a special compounds on their land for growing some vegetables and flowers. The walls around them have to be higher than 6 feet because deer can surprisingly jump over 6 feet easily. I was little disappointed when we moved here 22 years ago but over the time I grew up to be a nature lover. Although, I still manage to grow a variety of nice plants.
On photo - From a trail camera
Thank you SBG. The sunshine was so welcome today!
On blog - Little additions at the Front
I'm sorry you've had snow and I hope it won't last long, and that the wildlife won't be affected too much.
On blog - Snow in February.
Thank you Julia and Bushbernie for your nice comments.
On photo - It is cold.
The Aloes usually bloom during the winter, along with several bromeliads. I also noticed the first bud on the Strelitzia nicolai. My poinsettia is still in flower.
On photo - Aloe
i like your alterations Karen.
some lovely plants in there.
On blog - Little additions at the Front
Surely you feeding them with all that energy will help them get through. I hope it’s a short cold snap. X Thank you for that lovely video link. X
On blog - Snow in February.
Thank you Balcony, yes there are lots of Snowdrops in the hedgerows now :)
On blog - A sunny day to start February
Thank you bernie :)
On photo - Salisbury cathedral
What a lovely gift every year!
On photo - Hippeastrum
Aww, what a lovely idea. That's a wonderful shot.
On photo - It is cold.
So sorry to hear about the loss of your sister Sheila. Condolences to you and the family. That is quite a magnificent shot of Salisbury Cathedral.
On photo - Salisbury cathedral
My son buys me one each Christmas. I always stand them behind the Maranta to hide the stem!
On photo - Hippeastrum
Ha ha!!!
On photo - Frosty morning.