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Yes, I love Swanage. It’s a charming town. I particularly love seeing the tail end of the Isle of Wight.


It’s not looking good at all. Maybe no rain in January. We’ve had a lot of Santa Ana winds, luckily not as horrible, tragic as the Los Angeles area that’s caused all the extremely catastrophic fires over the last four days. We dodged a bullet here, the 65 to 75 mph (104 to 120 kph) winds forecasted never materialized. Thank God!
The Los Angeles area experienced winds to 100 mph (161 kph), causing insane, major firestorms. 😞

On photo - Croton Mammy


Hope you all enjoy!


Beautiful leaf colours.


Thanks Julia.


Lovely photo of you both and hope you will soon get well. x


Thank you both. This is a cutting, the 'main' one is bigger but hasn't got flowers. I think they flower when it's cold but the 'main' one is in the house, whereas the cuttings are in the greenhouse.


Yes of course ... I did see a tower of stones with holes in the centre ... but they were all held in place by a central pole!


They need rocks to stand on Shirley, the shingle would not support them for very long.


Interesting succulent. Looks like a good addition to your collection Hywel.


Smashing photo of you both ... get well soon Karen. :o)x


A, I just mentioned Swanage on another of your photos. It's a place Michael and I like very much.


Ha ha Karen, my glass is always half full, if you see what I mean! That's a ridiculous thing for me to say, as I'm teetotal ... :o))


Oh no, poor you. Do you have a diagnosis for the cough at all, or is it a lingering one from before Christmas. I hope you managed to have a half decent time while Callum was here. Did you visit Corfe Castle?
We have been there twice over the years, once when there was a re-enactment of a Viking battle, it was hilarious and again when we went by steam train from Swanage.


Thank you x

On photo - Last night


Yes Shirley. It was a sparkling day, and the first little walk since I went to Corfe with Callum. I’ve been so unwell. I was unwell the whole time he was here. Still coughing all the time after 2 weeks of it.


:) thanks Shirley! I love the reassurance! X


Hywel, this is rather attractive.


Very attractive, even with a light dusting of snow.

On photo - Last night


That's so pretty.


Fabulous blue sky too.


Karen, on 8th January 2024 we had snow ... how strange that it snowed yesterday. It didn't lay yesterday and was raining later. In fact, the last really bad snowfall in the South was in 2010 so don't fret! :o))


I'm another who loves Dianthus ... you have a lovely collection of them.


Thanks, I find it really attractive.


Julia, I think they're simply decorative, all created by one man apparently.

Klahanie, I too thought the clouds were interesting and unusual.

Hywel, I've only ever seen the 'towers' of stones, as I call them, in photos, never in real life.


Thanks Bernie. Yes, we are very lucky with the views here!


Goodness! What a stunning view. Obviously a little cooler up on the hill.


Thankyou Feverfew and Balcony for your encouraging comments - yes I cant wait to get gardening again - priority now is to protect the plants left in the greenhouse from frost - I am using several layers of fleece - and am reluctantly putting my heater on when the frost is severe - Take care - jane


Thank you both. She was special.


Thorneyside, that top left one is also my favourite. It's got a strange name - Minifamous Double Plumtastic!! That's a mouthful.

I'm doing my best to keep these beauties going through a harsh summer and so far, they're doing well.

Looking forward to seeing yours grow and flourish.


Smell amazing too.


Wow! you have some little beauties there, especially the first one, top left. I saved seed from mine last year and I'll be getting ready to plant late February early March. Can't wait to be free of these freezing temperatures and get planting.


it is on the preset record. :))


I should’ve inserted more information on this shrub. It’s a pretty incredible plant!

It’s native to west tropical Africa. It needs very acidic soil in partial shade. It produces the miracle berry that is used a lot for cancer patients. The miraculin in the fruit makes sour foods very sweet for an hour or two.

Balcony, I planted this miracle fruit shrub under the mango tree so it would be patially shaded. It seems to be growing very well in this spot.


This year is the first time I've taken cuttings, and so far I've had luck with them which is great.


Thankfully Stan, none of our neighbours have cats, nor do we. That's a great thing, given we live in a rural suburb and we see a lot of bird life here.


One of my favs too :)


Sometimes I've seen them placed one on top of the other like a tower, from large at the bottom to small at the top, they can look pretty :)


Yes I'm looking forward to that, thanks for the reminder :)


I know it’s called Copperleaf in Southern Florida.

Do you take cuttings from your Acalphya? I just started taking cuttings recently even though I’ve had my original plant for about 20 years.



It has aerial roots by the bottom of the tree. It’s very common for it to have a lot more aerial roots.


Shirley tulip,

This is the common branch structure for panadanus.


What a fantastic thing to see. No cats? I used to get all kinds (but nothing like you!)of birds until the neighbor got two cats.


Lovely indeed.
If I would live close by there that could be me. I loved to do 'stuff' like this when I was younger.
Interesting cloud formation there too.


Bushbernie, They are my favourite flowers too. Love their smell as well. You got great variety of them.


We had one of these trees in one of our places in Mexico. What I found fascinating about it was its root system.
Many roots came out of the trunk way above the ground.
The leaves on the lower part of Delonix picture are probably of another palm


How lovely..
I wonder if they have any meaning or just decorative.


My cousin came over to see me and had lived in Spain for 22 years and was telling me about the weather.
I suppose we all think if we go abroad it will be good weather!

On blog - Happy Christmas


Stan, there's no argument from me. Fruit from your own tree is hands down better than anything from a supermarket.


Thanks Delonix. I'm not sure what the green and gold variety is called now. It's been growing here for over 30 years now, so I doubt it had a variety name back then when it was either purchased or struck by the previous owners.