the story of my garden
By andrea_g6
hi everyone, im really new to gardening, only really since last year i have took an interest in it, i live in a close and share a large back garden with alot of grass with 5 other families, whom nobody cut so it was like a jungle most of the year, long story short, i had a wee girl and wanted some nice outside space we could enjoy so i bought her a wee house with some pots with bulbs in them, snakeshead and muscari
lovely artwork in the background.
so that was the begining, all summer veronica played in her house and i got bored just sitting, the house was only big enough for 1 wee person, so i started pottering, weeding, cutting, digging, and discovered i loved gardening, and ma man loved it too, ma boy allan had played in the garden when it was a jungle and it was right up a wee boys street, he found frogs, newts and all sorts, ma garden is very boggy and waterlogged so june lastyear i had 2 large travel chests and a few pots and a handfull of sunflower seeds and a few other bits n pieces
after the sunflowers were over i used the chest to sow salad crops, which failed, i never looked after them properly, and soon found out vegetable gardening wasnt for me, strawberries i love growing but thats it
i then decided to stop ma allan and his friends tormenting the frogs and putting them into various containers with stones and grass and worms and wanting to keep them as pets, id build a pond for them to live in…….the frogs, not the kids, and they could watch them and see them without upseting them, so i dug a hole!!! a very small one ha ha
a muddy puddle for a mucky pup
these are all the pictures over time of the pond, right up to tonight, im a garden recycler and made this out of reclaimed things, the only thing i had to buy was liner and a few wee plants
i took this picture tonight
with wild brambles growing behind it on the shoddy council fence.
so thats the story of my pond, its a lovely wee area.
over time i have dug out a border against a fence i have runs along the whole of the garden which is a public pathway into the local woodland, pah i wish, dumping ground and dog messing path, its beautiful woodland but has been neglected and not looked after over the years, the fence is that metal mesh and i have no privacy from anybody walking by, every tom dick n harry, so no bikini sunbathing for me in the hot weather, i planted comtesse de bouchard clematis and passionflower which died off but the clematis ggrew well, i now have 8 clematis planted along that fence along with honeysuckle and jasmine and a climbing rose, they are all very new plants so no privacyas yet but hopefully within 2 years, or am i racing ahead of myself??
i have since added a semi circular willow bed,made by my wonderful man, can i add none of this would have been possible without his strong back and wanting to make me happy xxxx i have sciatica, bummer eh x
rockery pictures, was a herb rockery, but has been turned into the secret corner, with ferns, iris, ivy, petunias, lupin,clematis, sage and tyme, and of course wild starwberrries and wild brambles for a wee snack while you sit and ponder, veronicas favourite corner x
this is the start of my first raised bed for growing potatoes, as i said im not a veg grower so scott ma partner is in charge of all that, hes a chef so loves the whole fresh produce, i love it too just eating it though. we had a lovely crop of charlotte potatoes which were lovely, i dont have a picture but im sure you all know what potatoes look like
the potatoes got dug up and the raised beds moved and i now have a big border, scott has moved all his veg to one side of the garden and has tomatoes trying to grow, he has garlic, all sorts of herbs, i grew wee amsterdam carrots, we even have mango trees ha ha, he is convinced they will grow to produce fruit, but we have qbout 4 shoots growing so we shall see, raspberry bushes, oh god i dont know he has that much its hard to keep up with, date palms, fig trees olive trees, his crop of purple sprouting broccoli is doing well though the wee caterpillars love it
i could go on and on and on for hours telling you all about ma garden, its very new and ungrown, but to me its my special place and in the words of jamiroquai
“this corner of the earth is like me in many ways, i could sit for hours here and watch the emerals feathers sway, on the face of it, when the sunlight comes for free, i know this corner of the earth it smiles at me”.
its my little corner of my earth and here are just a few things im rather proud of in my wee space, thanks for reading my blog x
31 Aug, 2012
Previous post: what is this creepie
Next post: wee spots of colour and a few new things
Andrea I thoroughly enjoyed your blog. I can hear your enthusiasm in your story.
Kids do really enjoy an outdoor space and what a huge difference you have made.
Like you veggie growing is not my thing but is sounds like just the thing to keep you OH occupied and interested in the garden.
It won't be long before those climbers provide some privacy.
Thanks for sharing and welcome to GOY.
what a beautiful daughter you have :)
31 Aug, 2012
You have done so well BRILLIANT and keep it up
31 Aug, 2012
aaww thanks scottish x
31 Aug, 2012
Welcome from me too. I enjoyed it too well done you have achieved so much already and you must be pleased with how well its going. I love those chests they make great planters.
31 Aug, 2012
its a shame, the chests were my OH mothers they didnt fit in the loft after we got a new hatch put on so the only place they could go was the garden, they have since disintegrated and broke up but they done a good job while i used them, thanks everyone for all your lovely commentsxx
31 Aug, 2012
Enjoyed your blog & the pics. In two or three years, your garden is going to look lovely & you will enjoy the privacythoseclimbers will give you over the coming years.
31 Aug, 2012
Great blog, love the muddy puddle, all the fun and all the changes!
31 Aug, 2012
Welcome from me too,Andrea..and love the story of your just proves what you can do if you have the enthusiasm..and the help of your family..your little girl is adorable..and clearly loves being out there,exploring and learning..:o)
1 Sep, 2012
A lovely blog! What a difference you've made to a once-scruffy piece of land. Well done you! I hope your clematis grow well to provide the privacy you need. :o)
1 Sep, 2012
I think your garden is wonderful :o) It's something you've created from nothing, and it's nice that you're proud of it.
Your little girl seems to be enjoying it too :o)
1 Sep, 2012
What a lovely blog really enjoyed it:-), you've done so well and sure it'll just keep getting better and better as things mature, a big welcome fr me too :-)
1 Sep, 2012
Well done Andrea, you have made a great project there. I too would enjoy covering that back fence with climbers as I do with my trellises. Keep us updated with its progress : )
1 Sep, 2012
I love what you've done so far with your garden Andrea :o)) That's a really sweet photo of your daughter with those daisies in her hair. Liking your lilies too!
1 Sep, 2012
Think your garden looks good love your pond infact like it all, love the photos of your little girl.
1 Sep, 2012
mucky pup is great too!!!
does your chef husband have some nice recipes for all those lovely things you are growing?
1 Sep, 2012
great blog. well done on all your hard work.
1 Sep, 2012
It was lovely seeing your ideas and enthusiasm develop as you went along - what a good thing you took photos at every stage! Looking forward to seeing that mesh fence covered with flowers before too long! If you want some annuals to grow on it in the meantime you could try canary creeper next year - only grows one year but does grow very fast. Your little girl is gorgeous!
1 Sep, 2012
thankyou everyone for all your lovely comments, it means alot, cheers ill hopefully beable to keep you updated on the progress of it all, just got a groovy new phone with an awesome camera so im snap happy x
4 Sep, 2012
Hello Andrea, belated welcome to goy from me, I enjoyed reading about your garden and seeing your little girl outside also pleased with her area, you have worked hard making your space and enjoying yourself whilst doing the work, thats the best bit otherwise it just becomes another chore, enjoy snapping away, it makes for a good diary as the seasons go by and helps you decide what to grow where and when as you have a record of what will/ won`t succeed also what you like in certain parts....
3 Oct, 2012
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lovely blog Andrea, you've done wonders there it looks really nice :-)
31 Aug, 2012