My Garden, September 2010
By annella
These are a few pictures of how my garden is looking at the minute, the weather has been awful as I’ve finished work most days for the last two weeks but yesterday evening was pleasant so I could go out with my camera. Please come for a quick stroll around.
The slope and steps
The bottom garden
Looking down
Looking up
The top side garden
The corner by the garage
The back patio
9 Sep, 2010
Previous post: Somewhere Under The Rainbow
Next post: My Front Garden, September 2010
Thanks TT, I seem to get tounge tied while I'm doing blogs, never can think what to say :-))
9 Sep, 2010
Your photos say it for you ...
... beautiful gardens ! :o)
9 Sep, 2010
Well done Annella, it looks really lovely, nice pics
9 Sep, 2010
Thanks Cinders :-))
9 Sep, 2010
9 Sep, 2010
Cheers Lulu :-))
9 Sep, 2010
Your garden is beautiful....and it has a great layout, Annella. You must spend hours keeping it looking so nice, despite having had so much rain recently.
9 Sep, 2010
The weather has been against me lately Whistonlass, Wet weekends and wet after work. I've been cutting the grass when I can but not much else. I had big plans for some of my borders so hopefuly September will stay mild and dry up a bit. Glad you like it :-))))
9 Sep, 2010
Absolutely beautiful, Annella, what a gorgeous garden, especially this late in the season...I loved the journey around your garden, great photos, great company my friend...this is going straight into my Favs.... :~)))x
9 Sep, 2010
Oh thank you Flori :-)) x
9 Sep, 2010
It is well deserved Annella, this garden is a credit to the work you have put into it, if mine looked half as good, I would be chuffed! lol!
9 Sep, 2010
Looks fabulous Annella. Nice green lawn and still plenty of colour. I couldn't see a weed in sight.
9 Sep, 2010
Looking good Annella :) xx
9 Sep, 2010
Thank you Linda, the slope is very weedy but too wet to get to them at the mo.
Hello Bluespruce! How are you? :-))
9 Sep, 2010
Beautiful! It shows the dedication and hard work that goes into it's upkeep. Thankyou for the visit and the company.I am doing my best not to be envious of such a lovely sized plot lol
9 Sep, 2010
Don't be envious Grannysue it can be a pain to keep up with it. I work on one 'room' at a time bit like in the house :-))))
9 Sep, 2010
They say your garden is an extension of your house Annella, at the mo mine looks like the spare room with all the junk in it !! LOL. Yours is a delight and soooo neat and tidy.
9 Sep, 2010
LOL Grandmage & thank you :-)))))))
9 Sep, 2010
9 Sep, 2010
Oh wow! This is sheer perfection. You must be very very pleased with the results of your hard work. It definitely looks like a prize garden Annella.
9 Sep, 2010
That's nice thank you Mad :-))))
9 Sep, 2010
beautiful. It looks like you have quite a few different levels, you have made it very interesting- a credit to you.
9 Sep, 2010
Lots of levels Kfunsters, thank you :-))
9 Sep, 2010
Lovely garden Annella and thank you for sharing it with us ......
9 Sep, 2010
Thank you for looking Stripes :-))
9 Sep, 2010
The 11th picture going up what is it please ??
9 Sep, 2010
It's a Sedum in one of the little pots, but don't know it's name. It was given by a friend a long time ago :-)))))
9 Sep, 2010
lovely garden Annella...great photos
9 Sep, 2010
Thanks Elsiemay :-))
9 Sep, 2010
This is so lovely, makes me wish I wish I wasn't so lazy. You obviously have an 'eye' for design and everything is so green and lush. A treat to look:-))
9 Sep, 2010
Hi Annella, I'm fine, hope you are also ok ?.. :) x
9 Sep, 2010
Why thank you Ba, design doesn't really come in to it, the garden is awkward with slopes and a lot of shade so it's more down to what will grow. Plants are constantly on the move to find them better homes and the ones that do well get to stay and are multiplied. There are no big sunny borders or many flat areas come to think of it, I would love to plan my planting like you have but it never works that way here. :-))))))
9 Sep, 2010
I am Blue thank you :-))
9 Sep, 2010
Really lovely photos Ann. The garden is absolutely beautiful. what about that deep pink rose as well....stunning! The area at the garage is one of my favourite bits...similar feel to my japanese corner as you said recently. That eleagnus is really getting me interested in getting one and I never used to like them at all. it looks so healthy and bright! Your garden has inspired most of my planting this year Ann and got me looking after the lawn better! Thanks :))
9 Sep, 2010
Your garden is lovely Ann, in spite of the weather. It looks well cared for :o)
9 Sep, 2010
Thank you Mr very dashing man of mystery who a lot of stars look like, Hywel :-))
9 Sep, 2010
And thank you Karen, what a compliment from someone who has a garden to die for :-))))))))) You can be my friend forever and ever........
9 Sep, 2010
Really stunning Annella, a garden to be proud of.
9 Sep, 2010
Thank you Stroller :-))
9 Sep, 2010
Karen, the tall plant in pic 4 of the topside garden next to the conservatory window is your Korean Beauty which has flower buds now!!
9 Sep, 2010
Yes!! Mine has buds on it too, and so does my mum's!
9 Sep, 2010
beautiful garden annella
9 Sep, 2010
Thanks Daylily :-))
9 Sep, 2010
I enjoyed the stroll around, your garden is lovely Annella.......
9 Sep, 2010
Thanks Linclass, I hope to be going round the front garden tomoz if you want to join me :-))))))
9 Sep, 2010
What...korean beauty?? you teases:-)
10 Sep, 2010
It's a clematis that Karen sent me, it came all the way from Scotland in a plastic milk bottle Ba :-))))
10 Sep, 2010
Look forward to seeing it in flower Annella, but being impatient, I'll google it:-)
11 Sep, 2010
Looks lovely, it says it flowers 3 months from sowing, can that be right? :-)
11 Sep, 2010
Erm, well, not in Scotland! I sowed the seed in spring and it has buds on it now, so that's still good going?
11 Sep, 2010
Mine has buds on it Ba :-))))
11 Sep, 2010
Fabulous garden in exactly the style I love
11 Sep, 2010
that is a really lovely garden, how many hours a week does it take to get it so immaculate?
12 Sep, 2010
Thank you Anchorman & Stickitoffee, I spend as much time in the garden as possible but it all depends on work and the weather :-)))
13 Sep, 2010
wonderfull annella, you must be working every day to keep it so pretty, really lovely ;o))
13 Sep, 2010
a lovely garde you have there and that view down the steps is great. it all is .
13 Sep, 2010
Thank you Sandra and Cristina :-))))))
14 Sep, 2010
I just love your back garden ... and it's great to get to see some photos of it again. So much great planting ... how lucky you are to have this beautiful garden ... and of course well done on all your hard work! My favourite part has to be the slope ... but it is all terrific.
17 Oct, 2010
Thank you Bernieh :-)))
18 Oct, 2010
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26 Sep, 2010
Well done Annella ~ lovely gardens :o)))
9 Sep, 2010