How much longer are you going to be ?
By bloomer
This is what this majestic Sparrowhawk seemed to be asking,,when I saw it on my neighbours fence this week..
We have never seen one here before,so Russell went to get his camera,as it has a much better zoom than mine..we half expected it to fly away..but no,it just sat there for at least 10 minutes….and as he gingerly moved closer outside,he was able to get a few pics..
“This isn’t my best side "
“but this one is "
The goldfinches on the feeders were oblivious to it, but we were keeping a look out from inside..
So glad it had a happy ending,in my garden, anyway..:o)
11 Apr, 2013
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Thanks S.lad..I think it went unseen,because the shed was in the way..but the Hawk could see them ! He was perched at a higher level ! We were a bit nervous about it.I must say.. especially as it took the Finches about a month before they came to the niger seeds..we didn't want to lose them.. :o(.
11 Apr, 2013
Wow amazing really, they are a lovely looking hawk though a bit like the kestrel arnt they.
11 Apr, 2013
Do you think it is a Kestrel S.Lad ? I wasn't sure,so googled Sparrowhawk,and it seemed similar...
11 Apr, 2013
Fabulous pics Bloomer, it's always exciting to see these rare, if not very welcome, visitors. I'm glad he's in your garden, not mine though lol:-)
11 Apr, 2013
fantastic photo's Bloomer, or should I say well done Russell.
11 Apr, 2013
No it looks like a sparrow-hawk bloomer kestrel is smaller and has a small red breast mark, It's just they look very similar..
11 Apr, 2013
Great photos there, Russell - so pleased the Finches were left alone too - :o)
11 Apr, 2013
I think that they will go for small birds but usually go for small mammals so I don't tend to dissuade him
11 Apr, 2013
Great photos!
11 Apr, 2013
Lovely pics there Bloomer and Russell, lucky Goldfinches weren't on the menu for him :o)
11 Apr, 2013
Great photos, I've never seen a sparrowhawk close up, they are very impressive birds. Glad the goldfinches escaped being lunch!
11 Apr, 2013
Thanks was I really,he was about 20 yards away on my neighbours fence,sadly,she didn't see it,but I showed her the pics :o)
I'll tell him Yorkshire..thanks..It was too good to miss :o)
Cheers S.lad..I thought a Kestrel was smaller,but not being up on birds of prey much,it's good to know i got the right one :o)
Thanks was I.We have Greenfinches who come to the niger seeds as well,and Bluetits on the other feeders..they were lucky, it might have just had it's breakfast ! Lol
Thanks Pam..when I was checking it out on Google.I saw a video of one plucking a Bluetit from a feeder..horrible to see,but it's nature..
Thank you Dirtyred..pleased you enjoyed them...
Thank you Neena..I would have hated it to have got at's taken long enough for the finches to find that feeder..not had any before I bought the niger seed..glad I did,it's lovely to watch them :o)
Me neither, was a real pleasure..beautiful markings too....thank you ...
11 Apr, 2013
Smashing photo's Sandra, he looks as though he is wearing a stripey t/shirt and certainly has those beady eyes on something. I've never seen one except in pics., glad he didn't get a goldfinch for dinner...
11 Apr, 2013
Thanks Sue..I think the beady eyes were on OH..invading his space,and waiting for him to go about if looks could kill ! Lol.
11 Apr, 2013
I have a female sparrowhawk regularly in the garden. this is a lovely bird and wonderful photos.
11 Apr, 2013
You are lucky Bloomer to have such beauties in your garden, altho the Sparrowhawk looks a bit awesome...., Well done Russell! :-)
11 Apr, 2013
Great photos B. so unusual to see a S.hawk land and sit on the fence, they usually fly by with a bird in their beaks and fast too! We have had some goldfinches pinching the tops of japanese anenome for their nests, I'm so glad I dont clear my garden and make it neat because all this nesting material comes in handy!
11 Apr, 2013
Thanks Sbg..such a regal looking bird,aren't they? It was a real treat to see it,and to manage to take photo's..a one off,I think ..
We were very lucky Val..I bet it could almost hypnotise you with those eyes ..:o)
I couldn't see it clearly with having poor eyesight,G.mage,that's why I had to get OH..I was amazed it hadn't flown away by the time he got his camera,let alone being able to get nearer to it..otherwise you would have had the washing line on the pic as well ! Lol...We put a pile of moss from the lawn out for the birds too..every little helps :o)
11 Apr, 2013
Brilliant photos Sandra ! I'm amazed the gold finches didn't fly off ! We had either a Kestrel or Sparrow Hawk once sat on the arch and while we were watching it, it swooped down and grabbed a green finch off the feeder. Then to our dismay, it went back to the arch and sat there eating it ! That really upset us both ! I know all birds have to eat, but did he have to do it in front of us !
11 Apr, 2013
Magpies are as bad!
A little sparrow hit his head on the window, before I could get out the magpie had got him. :0(
11 Apr, 2013
Amazing Bloomer - added this to favs!!!
11 Apr, 2013
great pics Sandra. i just love their eyes...soo piercing.
11 Apr, 2013
Thanks Rose,and how distressing to see that,..I would have hated to see it..but as you say,they have to eat too..I was upset for days last year,when baby blackbirds were just about ready to fledge in the tree opposite our kitchen window,and the local cat got them all,and dragged them out of the nest..I hate nature sometimes :o(
We have Magpies too,Pam..real thugs aren't they? In fact they seem to always fly back to a big conifer up the road,and I know the goldfinches have always nested there..I am so glad to see them arrive to the feeder
every morning..
Thank you Paul..very kind of you..It's nice to see the unexpected for a change,but hope it was just a one off ,although it was so beautiful..:o)
Thanks Sandra..I loved the eyes wonder they never miss much !
11 Apr, 2013
believe this is the female one - males are redder and smaller, do look very nice birds
11 Apr, 2013
Well captured pictures! Obviously not quite hungry enough to make the effort. The one visiting my garden a while back left with a rather large starling!
11 Apr, 2013
Great Pictures of a very handsome bird sandra, I think I told you that last year we had one that swooped down on the regular Woodpigeon I ran out and he flew off, but not before he had bitten the head off poor Woodie, seems so cruel but it is only nature!
11 Apr, 2013
We had one in our garden here in Glasgow. I did see it catch a small bird......not nice! It is a beautiful bird tho'.
11 Apr, 2013
B & all, If any of you have a tumble drier you can put the fluff that you clean out of the drier in the garden and the birds love that for their nests too.:)
11 Apr, 2013
Thanks for that,'s great to get info on here..I didn't know which it was..I have been referring to it as 'it' :o)
Thanks seems no species are safe from them..I shall be watching with bated breath now..!
Thanks Carole,and I do remember,..poor Woodie...seems lots of you have experienced sad moments..but as you say,they have to eat too..just not nice to see it :o(
Thank you Linda..their table manners leave a lot to be desired,don't they? Lol..I don't think they will ever get on "Come dine with me" ! :o)
I've heard that, a little duvet for them :o)
12 Apr, 2013
great pics sandra, iv only seen one once here and it swooped down and grabbed a starling so fast, glad you had no casualtys :o)) lovely looking birds though.
12 Apr, 2013
:)) 10 tog. B. Lol
12 Apr, 2013
thanks glad it didn't get any of mine..maybe it would have,if we hadn't been at the door watching it probably got fed up of waiting :o)
I was hoping it might be a summer weight duvet,G.mage ! We can live in hope :o)
12 Apr, 2013
But it is cold B. !!
12 Apr, 2013
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Great pics Bloomer, amazing how the goldfinches don't react to the hawk isn't it. I haven't seen one for a while now.
11 Apr, 2013