The hardest thing ive had to write.......
By hollyeves
Sadly last sunday evening , my dear little soulmate, Ella, had a bad fit of somekind and sadly never recovered…. i couldnt beleive she had gone… She was almost 16…..
i have tried to carry on as usual… but as those of you know who’ve lost a pet….its so so hard….. ive been trying to keep occupied to take my mind of things… even sky has been quiet.. but today he seems more his old self…..
for Ella
I miss her bark
I miss her paws
I miss our walk
along the shores..
I miss her cuddles
I miss her smell
I miss her so much i cant tell,
But i hope shes running
up in heaven above
So goodbye My darling Ella
With all my Love……………… xxxxxx
6 Feb, 2011
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Thank you Cinderella....
6 Feb, 2011
Oh Holly I am so sorry, thats just very very sad, keep your chin up, we are all here for you if you need to talk. xxx
6 Feb, 2011
Thank you Yorkshire... its been very hard for my son and myself.....
6 Feb, 2011
Oh Holly, poor you, so sorry to hear your sad, sad news. I've been there several times ..... she was so cute. Thinking of you. x
6 Feb, 2011
Very sorry to read this, Holly, she was such a good companion for you. My thoughts are with you and your son at this very sad time. x
6 Feb, 2011
So sorry to hear your sad news Holly its the most horrible time but I hope time will heal a little and you will cheerish your memories of your Ella and the poem was lovely. Keep smiling and dont forget she will always be with you and we are all here if you need a chat :)
6 Feb, 2011
Oh :o( I'm so sorry Holly. You must have had a shock. I'm no good at thinking of what to say in sad situations, but my thoughts are with you. I always loved seeing photos of Ella.
She will always be in your heart, but I think maybe Scotty missed her and she has gone to keep him company.
It will take a while but I hope you'll gradually accept it and be able to remember her fondly.
6 Feb, 2011
Oh that is very sad Holly, so sorry, I didn't realize she was that old. R.I.P. Ella. xx
6 Feb, 2011
I am so sorry to hear you and your son have lost your lovely Ella.You have written a lovely verse about her,and it made me sad,as my little Yorky was 16 too,although it was a long time ago,but the words are all so true.My thoughts are with you,and you have the comfort of knowing she had a long and happy life with you..Take care Holly.x
6 Feb, 2011
So, so sorry to hear your sad news, Holly. My thoughts and prayers will be with you - I understand, like many others, just how you are feeling. Take care.
6 Feb, 2011
So sorry to hear this Holly, take care.
6 Feb, 2011
So sorry to hear of your loss.
My last cat, Emmy, my best wee pal, was put to sleep four years ago after he started suffering horrendous fits. It's such a horrible thing to watch your pet go through. Emmy was only 4 years old and it turned out he was suffering from a brain tumour. I still shed a tear even four years on. The best thing I did was to get another kitten, took 2 years but it really does help heal the pain and the hole left behind. A house isn't a home without a pet and I never got used to coming home and not having him behind the door waiting for me with a miaow and a cuddle.
You've had a lovely long time with Ella, it was just her time, RIP.
Take care.
6 Feb, 2011
So sorry to hear your sad news. Such a lovely picture of your Ella.
6 Feb, 2011
Sorry to hear your sad news Holly hope you think of all the happy memories she bought you and your family lovely verse.
6 Feb, 2011
So sorry Holly, I had tears in my eyes as I read your sad news.
This is a very painful time but maybe you will take comfort to think she will be waiting for you on the other side of Rainbow Bridge.
God bless.
6 Feb, 2011
Ah such sad news Holly, she looks such a sweetie. She may be gone and but she was greatly loved and will always have her own special place in your heart x
6 Feb, 2011
i bet she had the best 16yrs with you and was realy happy,,thinking of you and your loss,christine(and penny my yorkie)xx
6 Feb, 2011
Oh Holly - such sad news. Henry and I send you lots of love. I'm thinking of you. xxx
6 Feb, 2011
So sorry to hear your sad news Holly my thought,s are with you take care xx
6 Feb, 2011
So sorry to hear your sad news, Holly. :-(( I can sympathise with you as we lost the last of our 7 little dogs about 2 years ago. She was about 15 years old & had been born in our home in Spain. We brought her, & 4 others back from Spain when we moved back to the UK 9 years ago. In the space of a couple of years we lost all 5. :-(( So I know how you feel & the companionship a dog gives, or any other pet for that matter. The house seems so empty & sort of dead now without any pets. But we can't bring ourselves to get any more now as we are no longer as young as we once were.
6 Feb, 2011
I am so sorry, & your poem brought tears to my eyes. I still cry over pets who've been gone for years....we used to have a Bouvier, Max, who had to be put down because he had such bad arthritis and was in a lot of pain. I still have his collar and his tags, it's hung on the bathroom door of every place I've ever lived in, and he died over 20 years ago. Every time I talk about him I start crying.
I know this sounds crazy, but Ella is still with you - I really believe that. After Snowflake died I heard his meow and saw him out of the corner of my eye for 2 weeks. He finally left when I was ready to let him go. When my friend Alison's dog, Shasta, died at the age of 14, she brought the body to the vet to be cremated. It took a couple of weeks to get the ashes back from the vet. During that time she saw and heard Shasta everywhere in the house. As soon as she stepped in the front door after picking up the ashes, a plume of black smoke sort of whooshed through the house and disappeared. Alison never saw Shasta again after that. She thinks Shasta was waiting for her ashes to be returned.
6 Feb, 2011
So very sorry Holly, I know how you must be feeling, Ella had a lifetime full of love and care with you, take comfort in that thought.
Lovely poem and photo, tugs at the heartstrings,my thoughts are with you and your son.....XX.
6 Feb, 2011
very sorry to hear about Ella Holly; i know she would have had a lovely life with you and you will have lots of memories; it is one of the saddest things when your loved pet goes. remember the good things about her ~ she had the best time with you.
6 Feb, 2011
Oh you poor soul, your poem brought tears to my eyes. I can cry just thinking about when any of our three dogs may die. Dogs are such soul mates bless them.
7 Feb, 2011
Thank you everyone for all your kind thoughts and lovely comments.....Its going to take me a long time to get used to being without her.........
7 Feb, 2011
Oh Holly.....I'm so sorry to hear about Ella, what a terrible shock for you. It is a year nearly since we said goodbye to Finn, it's such a heartbreaking time....much love to you, lots of hugs XX
7 Feb, 2011
I'm sorry to learn your news, Holly. A good and faithful companion is a tough loss. Thinking of you.
8 Feb, 2011
Thanks janey... we lost Scotty, Ellas brother last May... the house is so quiet to come home to... although Sky the budgie is always chatting....
Thank you Whistonlass...
8 Feb, 2011
Im so very sorry to hear your sad news Holly, Im in tears, I know just how you must be feeling Ella was a lovely little dog its like losing your soul mate, she had a wonderful life with you Holly so try to remember how much happiness she brought you and cheshrish the memories xxx
10 Feb, 2011
Ahh thanks for your kind thoughts pp.... its like losing one of the family..... but im feeling a bit better now.. though i miss her so much....
11 Feb, 2011
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Oh Holly I am so so sad for you, they are such company aren't they. I have never had a dog, but both my daughters have one and I know how attached you get. My best wishes to you, thinking of you my dear. Stay strong,
6 Feb, 2011