St Dwynwen's day
By hywel
St Dwynwen is the Welsh patron saint of friendship and love :o)
and the 25th of January is St Dwynwen’s day.
It is celebrated here in Wales, aswell as St Valentine’s day – so we have twice the fun lol
Since I have so many friends on GoY, I’d like to wish you all a happy St Dwynwen’s day
:D X
- 25 Jan, 2011
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Thank you Shirley :o)
I'm going to plant my bulbs in the rain :o)
25 Jan, 2011
Thanks, Hywel...
Happy St Dwynwen's day ...
... "May all your potatoes be heart-shaped"
xxx ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ xxx
25 Jan, 2011
Thank you TT :o) x
25 Jan, 2011
How Apt. good thunking
25 Jan, 2011
A Happy St Dwynwen's Day to you to Hywel and what a beautiful bulb which one is it its lovely hope you got lots of cards
25 Jan, 2011
It's potato lol
I had no cards and I gave none either lol
25 Jan, 2011
Thanks both :o)
25 Jan, 2011
Have a very happy day Hywel! I want to be in the garden today but can't be as we have guests tonight and the house is in a bit of a mess!! We are going out to a really good pub where they are having a Burns night celebration with a Scottish piper!
25 Jan, 2011
Hywel, thanks!
And Happy Dwynwen's Day to you too! :)
Today we have All Student's Day (Tatjana's Day) here. Everyone, who was and is a student, selebrates this day with his friends.
Lo-o-o-ovely potato :) xxxxxx
25 Jan, 2011
Thank you Lulu Have a lovely evening :o) x
I was going to plant my bulbs but it's very cold so I'm going to have a haircut instead lol
Thank you Uma Enjoy the selebrations :o) x
25 Jan, 2011
St. Dwynen's Day is a perfect time to wish you happiness, Hywel and to be thankful for love and friendship which really makes our heart sing.
Too bad about the bulb planting....if you're getting a haircut you'll feel the cold....wrap up well! :)
25 Jan, 2011
what an occasion to celebrate the day off from work, lol. I planted some bulbs today already in a pot (very, very late planting for tulips have to admit, but hey -better late than never;)
just moved to Wales recently - so thanks for little lesson ;-)
and of course have a nice day:-)
P.S. lovely shapes, lol
25 Jan, 2011
Happy St Dwynen's Day to you too Hywel, Mwah! x
New style haircut or the usual?
25 Jan, 2011
Thanks Hywel, you have a great day too.
25 Jan, 2011
thanks hywel, happy st dwynens day to you too and happy burns night to the scottish contingent
25 Jan, 2011
Happy St.Dwynwens Day Hywel. Perhaps tomorrow will be brighter. :o))
25 Jan, 2011
Thanks Hywel, you have a happy day as well, weatherwise its good here but can`t go in the garden as busy painting, another job I dislike but needs must, mind you its better to get it sorted inside before the garden really needs me, lol.......
25 Jan, 2011
happy St.Dwynwen`s day...hope the weather is better for you soon
25 Jan, 2011
Thanks everybody for all your good wishes :o) x
Whistonlass I didn't have the haircut. The barber was closed lol
Kasy Welcome to Wales :o) I hope you enjoyed your day off .
Dido it was going to be a trim lol just to tidy up the awful haircut I had in an other place last week, but the barber was closed lol X :o)
Sue I hope you got your painting done. It's nice to get those jobs out of the way so that you can consentrate on the garden without them being on your mind.
Pam, Elsiemay - It has been raining all day. I was going to plant my bulbs in the rain but decided not to do it - blame the arthritis making it impossible for me to bend lol
Hope it's better tomorrow for us all !
25 Jan, 2011
Happy St Dwynwen's day, hope you've had a nice day.
25 Jan, 2011
Thank you Carol :o)
25 Jan, 2011
Hywel, this had brought a great big smile to my face! Happy Dwynwen's Day!!
25 Jan, 2011
Happy St Dwynwen's day Hywel! Hope your hair's not too short...ear....ear...Lol!
25 Jan, 2011
Better late than never,Hywel,but my laptop playing up,and very hit and miss whether I am able to see anything.!!.Maybe St Dwynwen brought me luck..for tonight anyway..:o),you sound as though you had a nice day,except for the haircut..Lol
25 Jan, 2011
Karen I'm pleased I brought you a smile :o))) x
Thank you Janey :o) x
Last week I had the worst haircut in my life lol, so I thought I'd have it cut again in a different place, to tidy it up. It would mean it has to be very short for now, However the barber was closed so it still looks awful
:o( lol
25 Jan, 2011
Happy St Dwynwen's Hywel :0)
25 Jan, 2011
Thanks Sandra. I hope your laptop behaves . It's annoying isn't it. The barber was shut so I didn't have the haircut lol
Thanks Mavis !
25 Jan, 2011
Hope you have a good day! Love the spud.
25 Jan, 2011
Happy St Dwynwen's Day Hywel, Just love the heart-shaped tater!
25 Jan, 2011
Happy St Dwynwen's Day Hywel i hope you had a lovely day..great spud ..:o))
25 Jan, 2011
Thanks everyone :o)
Beryl found the potato in a bag she bought from Tesco lol, and I borrowed it for my blog :o)
25 Jan, 2011
I'm a bit late but we have been out and about enjoying the mild Spring day we have had. I hope you and Beryl had a lovely St Dwynwens Day Hywel.
25 Jan, 2011
Thank you, we did. I'm glad to hear you had a mild day. I hope you enjoyed it :o)
26 Jan, 2011
Yes we did. Results to be shown at some time in the future. Sixpence has just been reminding me that mild Spring like weather is often followed by more of what we have had over the past 2 months. Snow which has turned to ice is still piled up in car parks to a height of 5'. I saw 'Smile' potato seed on sale yesterday and they made me smile. When I saw your heart shaped potato I wondered how soon it will be before we will be able to buy 'Hearty' as a variety.Thanks for the smiles anyway.
26 Jan, 2011
It's supposed to get colder over the next few days according to the forecast :o( I hope it doesn't get as cold as before. I much preffer mild rain. Cold weather makes me feel depressed, even if it's sunny :o(
26 Jan, 2011
As usual, I am lagging behind! Hope you had a good day, Hywel, in spite of the missed hair cut. Still drizzling here so no hopes of any gardening :(
26 Jan, 2011
That makes 2 of us then Gee lol I find difficulty keeping up very often :o)
I don't mind drizzle. We had a dry day but I had to take Beryl for an appointment, and then shopping (Blodyn had run out of biscuits lol) so no gardening. Nor today either. Life gets in the way sometimes doesn't it :o( lol
27 Jan, 2011
was about to go out to garden but it's trying to snow brrrr! Milliepuss also ran out of food this moring (naghty me) so I gave her some cheese and legged it to the garage for catfood!
27 Jan, 2011
snow ! :o( oh no more please. I had enough ast time . I hope didn't have too much .
27 Jan, 2011
Please keep any snow down in Glos. Sorry for not being sympathetic but like Hywel I have had enough of the white stuff to last me a lifetime. I hope if it does lie that it goes away quickly.
27 Jan, 2011
nope, about 5 mins and then it went away and I just had to go out to the garden!
27 Jan, 2011
That's good then :o)
28 Jan, 2011
Hope you had a good day
28 Jan, 2011
Yes thank you :o)
28 Jan, 2011
ooh it's minus 2 right now, late fri eve, no hope for help with pond tomorrow, oh dear and Millie will need a hot water bottle! Poor puss.
28 Jan, 2011
I hope for your sake it stays away. Do you have a 'piggy' HWbottle for Millie. Lucky pussycat.
29 Jan, 2011
Thanks Hywel what a lovely thought and I hope you had a lovely day.
29 Jan, 2011
Yes we did thanks :o)
29 Jan, 2011
Scotsgran, I lost the fluffy cover so it gets wrapped in a towel and Millie is as happy as a cat in a rabbit hutch can be!!
30 Jan, 2011
Our last two cats were both 20+ when they died. Both loved my husbands old woolies to curl up in. Or his latest ones if he took them off in the garden and laid them down somewhere. Is Millie getting on a bit or is she just of the opinion that she was born to be pampered. Lucky pussy cat anyway.
30 Jan, 2011
We think she is about 5. She slept on my coat when I took it off to see to the pond, I was freezing because she was so happy I didn't want to move her!
30 Jan, 2011
What big softies we are when it comes to the animals in our lives.
30 Jan, 2011
We are indeed. Just trying to work out a new diet for our dogs and cat! I feel they should eat proper food, like meat instead of kibble, so it's off to the butcher tomorrow for scraps!
31 Jan, 2011
When we went on holiday our 90 year old neighbour looked after the cats. I fed them at her house for a fortnight before so they knew she would be there for them. When I came home she said she did not think we would get them back as she loved having them and they loved it in her house with its roasting open fire. Her lap was particularly appealing too. I had given her enough cat food to last the weeks we were away and I said I would continue to provide food and if they needed anything she was to let me know. They visited us every day and made a great fuss of us but returned next door when they felt like it. Shortly after I discovered the big tom, Avenger, seemed to be going blind with white skin over his eyes. I took him to the vet and when I told him the story he chuckled and said they were only to have dried food as it was better for them. She had been feeding 'real food' which was too high in protein and that had caused the problem. An injection helped fix it and it did clear up with the new strict diet. So please do not be too kind.
31 Jan, 2011
Hmmm, interesting Scotsgran. I am in two minds about whats best, is it natural for dogs to eat dried food instead of meat (not so concerned about our cat who likes tinned wet food. We have friends who run a meat company, they have 3 lurchers who eat just a small amount of fresh meat everyday, like heart and old beef, I may have a chat to them, see what they think too. There is also the idea of a biscuit mix with a little fresh meat and a juicy bone per week, which they must eat outside (too cold!)
31 Jan, 2011
We had a Samoyed who loved to sun himself in the front garden of the bungalow where we lived before we moved here. The butcher delivered every day from a list handed in on a Saturday. I got a marrow bone at least once a week to make soup. It was missing on one occasion and I phoned to ask what had happened to it. I did put it in was the reply. It turned out that his father who did the deliveries thought the bone was for the dog and had given it to him as a bribe to let him get to the front door. He came back with my bone and the dog was most annoyed that I took his away and put it in the bin. We never gave him raw bones but he got them after I had made the soup stock. If I opened a tin of salmon he was right there waiting to get the skin and juices poured over some dry food. The thing with dried food is to make sure they always have plenty of water available to them.
31 Jan, 2011
True about the water! Love the marrow bone story, very funny! Never thought about making a soup with a marrow bone, it must make a wonderful stock. Last night I made a chicken stock, we left it outside too keep cool overnight and it's still minus two, oh dear!
31 Jan, 2011
Are you turning green . Saving money on the electricity for a fridge Lol. I have not had a marrow bone for years. Well not since the F&M scare.The butchers just stopped selling bones. Now they are selling them again flank of mutton and mutton shanks cost an arm and a leg since all those fine dining restauranteurs discovered real food. Boiling beef on the bone used to be a pittance now it costs a fortune. Marrow bone was used as a basis for Scotch Broth. You boiled the bone and a bit of brisket to make the stock. The brisket was finished off in the oven to make it roast beef. As well as veg for the soup big chunks of veg were cooked in the soup to serve with the meat. The cooking was done on a coal fired cooker. I still cook on one, an Esse Fairy made in 1946. It has four ovens and cooks everything beautifully. It heats the kitchen and rooms above as well as hot water. Who said we rural folks are backward?
31 Jan, 2011
Sounds fab scotsgran.The fridge is full!! And the freezer!
But I had to do something with the chicken carcass!
31 Jan, 2011
31 Jan, 2011
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Ha ha, Hywel, love the heart shapes! Have a very happy day in the garden. : o )
25 Jan, 2011